Saturday, June 8, 2013

Relief For Colitis, IBS and Crohn's Disease

There are many people who are suffering needlessly with inflammatory diseases of the bowel. Medical doctors treat the problems of inflammation in the intestines with drugs which only cover symptoms, doing nothing to heal the condition. This information comes from many years of working with herbal remedies and from my own experience with irritable bowel and diverticulitis.

Two of my siblings have been hospitalized with acute inflammatory bowel diseases. Had they known what to do they could have saved themselves thousands of dollars while eliminating the pain within minutes. I know how painful an inflammatory condition of the large intestine can be and have been successful every single time in eliminating the pain within less than a half hour of time. This treatment works well for all inflamed conditions of the bowel; Diverticulitis, Crohn's, IBS, and Colitis.

The herbs of choice are what are known as mucilaginous. They act as a 'mucilage' in that when mixed with water the herb becomes slippery, cooling and healing to the digestive tract. One of the herbs even has the word slippery in it. That would be Slippery Elm. Slippery Elm is the inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree and during the 1st and 2nd World Wars when food and medicines were scarce the bark of the Slippery Elm tree was used as a porridge for babies and children because it is highly nutritious and has a pleasant, sweet taste. Often it was added to oatmeal because it was high in vitamins.

The other mucilage that soothes the intestines is Marshmallow. Marshmallow root is another nutritious herb that is cooling and soothing to inflamed tissues.

Both herbs may be taken singly or in a combination known as Intestinal Soothe and Build which also contains Bugleweed, plantain and rosehips to help tone the tissues. Chamomile is in along with the other herbs in this combination to act as a nervine and an anti-inflammatory.

Infection is suspected if the pain is intense and may be assuaged by taking one or two capsules of Golden Seal powder. Known as "nature's anti-biotic", true Golden Seal is a rich gold color in a clear capsule. Since it is in high demand and there is only moderate supply, the price is usually about $20-$30 for 100 capsules. Don't be fooled by producers who try to sell you a cheap Golden Seal. If it is 'cheap' it is not Golden Seal. Never use Golden Seal if you are hypoglycemic because it will lower your blood sugar even more.

Limiting your intake of sugar, dairy, and peanuts in any form, especially peanut butter which is highly acidic, is another recommendation for a healthy digestive tract. If you want to eat something that is nutritious and more alkaline in nature, then try Almond butter. The almond is the only alkaline nut and much better for the bowel than peanut butter.

If diarrhea is keeping you at home, then make sure you always have plenty of Hydrated Bentonite around. Just one capful in water will stop those rapid trips to the bathroom in minutes.

Taking the herbs suggested in this article may be just the ticket to getting you back to a pain-free, more active life.

References: The Ultimate Healing System by Dr. Donald LePore
Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss

The Medicinal Properties Of The Red Clover For Detox Purposes

Cleansing your body begins on the cellular level which may be stimulated through the use of Red Clover for detox purposes. The body is introduced to many harmful substances through the environment and also through some foods that are consumed. Artificial additives are commonly applied to many foods during processing which is actually unhealthy for our bodies on the cellular level. Your body needs ample amounts of antioxidants to flush out harmful substance which cause cellular damage and deterioration. When this occurs the body is able to heal itself thoroughly inside and out which actually reduces the signs of aging throughout the body.

How Red Clover for detox techniques works in your body

Free radicals are substances that attack cells and cause degeneration, interruption in biological processes and more. Using Red Clover for detox methods truly works well to cleanse your body because of its natural constituents. This alternative health supplement is full of natural vitamins, minerals, and key ingredients which provide the body the energy it needs to perform anti-oxidizing functions. It combines forces with the kidney and liver to expel harmful substances from the body to promote cellular cleansing that is needed for total body health.

Health benefits associated with Red Clover for detox purposes

The anti-inflammatory and sedative effects brought on by this key ingredient can dissolve symptoms of degenerative or chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis, nephritis, bronchitis and many more. All organ systems benefit from cleansing effects of Red Clover for detox goals. The effects of this ingredient target muscles that may become impaired due to cellular damage and weakness, such as when the digestive system is not able to work optimally. The medicinal use of this natural alternative health supplement allows nutrients to be absorbed and dispersed throughout the body to promote cellular strength and proliferation.

Clinical observations associated with Red Clover for detox methods

Clinical studies performed on the efficacy of this ingredient prove that it boosts energy levels in the body through different physiological mechanisms. When the immune system is optimized, this allows all organ systems to work optimally which reduces interruption in biochemical reactions. Using the Red Clover for detox enhancement is essential because it also has antispasmodic properties which alleviate cramps and indigestion when digesting foods. This key ingredient is a safe and effective remedy to many imbalances and illnesses while not causing adverse reactions throughout the body.

Our tips on getting the most from Red Clover for detox techniques

There are many ingredients that can be found in detoxifying solutions, however, only those that contain high amounts of organic constituents will assist proper cleansing of your whole body. When the immune system and digestive system are optimized the body can then expel wastes at a faster speed which allows for cellular rejuvenation to take place. The therapeutic use of healing Red Clover for detox results in the enhancement of total body health and endurance beginning on the cellular level. When you use this substance, you will be sure to meet your health and anti-aging goals with ease.

Colitis - Up To 2,000,000 Americans Have It


Colitis (also called ulcerative colitis) is an acute or chronic inflammation of the membrane lining the colon (your large intestine or bowels) producing sores, called ulcers, in the top layers of the lining of the large intestine. It can be identified using flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. In both of these tests, a flexible tube is inserted in the rectum, and specific areas of the colon are evaluated. Colitis may be acute (lasting only a few days) or chronic (lasting weeks or even many months) and may result in bleeding, ulceration, perforation (a hole in the colon). It is best managed when its cause has been determine and specific treatment can be applied.


Symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal bloating, increased intestinal gas, and bloody stools and can return in up to 20% of people with this disorder, thus requiring treatment with antibiotics to be repeated. Colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn disease (also called Crohn's disease). The two most common symptoms are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. About half of the people diagnosed with the disease have mild symptoms. It is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. The stress of living with colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms. Some people have remissions, periods when the symptoms go away, that last for months or even years. Occasionally, symptoms are severe enough that a person must be hospitalized.


Treatment for colitis depends on the severity of the disease and usually starts with prescription anti-inflammatory medications, such as mesalamine (Rowasa or Canasa) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), in order to reduce swelling. Treatment may also include taking nutritional supplements to restore normal growth and sexual development in children and teens. Therapy is directed at the underlying cause of the disease, whether it be infection, inflammation, lack of blood flow, or other causes. The aim is to control the inflammation, reduce symptoms, and replace any lost fluids and nutrients.

Treatment varies depending upon which parts of the colon are involved. Each person experiences colitis differently, so treatment is adjusted for each individual. Sometimes the doctor will recommend removing the colon if medical treatment fails or if the side effects of corticosteroids or other drugs threaten the patients health. If you are already under treatment for inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, contact your doctor if you experience any prolonged changes or pass blood in your stools.

Also see your doctor if you have any of these conditions: Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days, Severe abdominal or rectal pain, Signs of dehydration such as dry mouth, anxiety or restlessness, excessive thirst, little or no urination, Frequent loose bowel movements during pregnancy, More than 1 other person who shared food with you who has symptoms like yours, for example abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea, Blood or mucus in your stool, Progressively looser bowel movements, Fever with diarrhea, Pain moving from the area around your belly to your right lower abdomen.

You should go to the hospital's Emergency Department for any of these reasons: Abdominal pain with fever, Severe acute attacks in people diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, Signs of dehydration in an old or very young person, Progression or appearance of new symptoms over a few hours, Blood in your stool along with fever and loose bowel movements. Your doctor will consider the possible causes of your colitis and any complications that need urgent treatment.


Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine that can be caused by many different disease processes and is generally found in younger people, before they reach age 30. Up to 2 million people in the US are estimated to have either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. Jewish people tend to have more incidence of of the disease than non-Jewish people. It affects men and women equally and appears to run in families, with reports of up to 20 percent of people with the disease having a family member or relative with ulcerative colitis or Crohns disease. Along with people of Jewish descent a higher incidence is also seen in Whites. People with this disease usually have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of having the disease.

Many tests are used to diagnose the disease. A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are the most accurate methods for making a diagnosis and ruling out other possible conditions, such as Crohns disease, diverticular disease, or cancer. Sometimes x rays using a barium enema or CT scans are also used to diagnose colitis or its complications. There's no known cure for it, but therapies are available that may dramatically reduce the signs and symptoms and even bring about a long-term remission. Your doctor will decide which tests you need based on your symptoms, medical history, and clinical findings.

Colitis Explained: Part I What is Colitis?

Colitis is the term for inflammation of the colon or large bowel or intestine. The rectum is the very last part of the colon. When it is inflamed the term proctitis is used. Understanding the causes and treatment of colitis requires a basic understanding of the colon and inflammation.

The beginning of the colon is called the cecum. It begins in the lower right portion of the abdomen where the last part of the small intestine (ileum) empties into the large intestine. This part of the colon is also where the appendix attaches. The segments of the colon in order from the beginning of the colon or cecum going distally are ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid colon and rectum. One of the major jobs of the colon is to recycle water for the body. When the entire colon is present and healthy the stools have only enough water in them to remain soft and easy to pass, but not so watery or loose that leakage occurs and dehydration ensues. When a large part of the colon is removed or when the colon is significantly injured the stools are very watery and frequent.

Inflammation is the body? response to infection or suspected attack or irritation. Inflammation of a body area is labeled by adding the suffix ??itis??to the body part, hence tonsillitis when tonsils are inflamed and appendicitis when the appendix is inflamed. Recognized since ancient times, inflammation has been classically described by the presence of signs and symptoms of redness (rubor), pain (dolar), heat (calor), swelling (tumor) and impairment of the function of the involved organ or tissue. If you have arthritis, joint inflammation; the joint is red, swollen, painful, warm and is stiff, preventing normal function.

In colitis the colon is usually quite red and swollen appearing when seen by colonoscopy (scope exam of the colon). Abdominal pain and impaired function occurs resulting in diarrhea because the damaged colon loses some of its ability to absorb water. If enough damage occurs to the lining sloughing of the surface cells occurs with passage of bloody stools, mucus, and even the appearance of tissue.

Inflammation has cell and fluid components. The cell component includes various white blood cells. The type of white blood cells found in the lining of the intestine determines the cause and effect on the intestine. Fluids include chemicals secreted to fight infection or presumed infection that can cause damage to the colon lining.

Colitis can be acute (self-limited) like E. coli infection or chronic like in ulcerative colitis. Causes of colitis include infections, ischemia (poor blood flow), food allergies, food protein intolerances, lack of normal bacterial flora or stool (after antibiotics, diversion after a colostomy), radiation injury, chemotherapy induced low white blood cell counts (neutropenic), or idiopathic (unknown cause).

Chronic colitis is one of several types of inflammatory bowel disorders or IBD for short and should not be confused with IBS the term for irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) does not involve any colon inflammation though it was referred to in the past as mucus colitis because of common symptom of excess mucus in stools or spastic colitis because of the common complaint of painful spasms of the colon that commonly occur in IBS. Biopsies of colon tissue in irritable bowel syndrome are normal and do not show signs of inflammation therefore it is not considered an inflammatory bowel disorder.

The food allergy expert-the food doc Dr. Scot Lewey reviews in more detail the various types of colitis, their causes and treatment in part II of this series. In the future href=?ttp://blank?? will offer online help for colitis, Crohn's disease, food allergies, food intolerance, Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

Copyright The Food Doc, LLC. 2006. All Rights Reserved. href=?ttp://blank??

Let's Learn About Hemorrhoids (Piles) And Its Homeopathic Treatment!

When it comes to diseases of twenty first century, we all think that syndrome X comprising of diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia is the topmost disorder. Well, it's not false but here is another disease that is increasing in its incidence, pertaining to instant foods and irregular eating habits of people. Yes, I am talking about piles, which are technically termed as hemorrhoids.

In the simplest terms, we can say that hemorrhoids are the varicose veins of rectum and anal canal. The engorged veins in the rectum lead to piles, which may be external or internal. External piles are covered by skin while the internal ones are covered with mucus membrane.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

(1) Heredity: However we blame the eating habits, the first culprit lies in our genetic make up. Congenital weakness of blood vessel walls is found in families, which are prone to hemorrhoids. Also in some families, very large arterial supply to hemorrhoidal plexus is found. This may be called as a non-modifiable factor; however, with apt precautions and treatment, this tendency can be curbed positively.

(2) Pregnancy: Due to straining during childbirth, many women suffer from post-partum hemorrhoids. Sometimes they occur lately also. Due to lax pelvic floor muscles and ligaments, venous walls get loosened too, because of which protrusion of hemorrhoids may occur.

(3) Chronic constipation: This is by far the commonest cause of hemorrhoids. If the wrong eating habits are left uncorrected, patient suffers from chronic constipation. Also drinking less water, too spicy food, lack of exercise, etc account for exciting factors for aggravating latent hemorrhoids.

(4) Colitis, dysenteries, diarrheas, and enteritis etc may lead to hemorrhoids if left untreated for long.

(5) Serious diseases: In some serious health conditions like systemic or portal hypertension, inferior vena caval congestion, cardiac or pulmonary disease, cancer of rectum, etc.

Signs and Symptoms of hemorrhoids:

Bleeding per anus is the commonest symptom of hemorrhoids. Bright red blood oozing during stools is usually the first symptom experienced by many patients. Protrusion of hemorrhoids palpable per anus is usually the late sign. Internal hemorrhoids however may not lead to bleeds, but develop acute pain while defecation. The pain is usually excruciating and may remain even after stool in form of dull ache. Mucus discharge may accompany prolapsed hemorrhoids. Complications like profuse hemorrhage, thrombosis, strangulation of piles, ulceration, and rarely gangrene can occur if hemorrhoids are left untreated for long.

Treatment of hemorrhoids and homeopathic approach:

Conventional treatment of hemorrhoids most of the times is surgical intervention. Hemorrhoidectomy is performed under general or local anesthesia. But we certainly have homeopathy as the best weapon to treat hemorrhoids and cure them completely. According to homeopathy, hemorrhoids occur in people with venous constitution usually. This tendency can be curbed by utilizing aptly chosen constitutional medicine, which is selected by considering the totality of symptoms. Numerous locally acting medicines may be used at times to lessen bleeding, pain and/or mucus. But remember these local medicines have to be backed with constitutional and miasmatic remedy for perfect cure.

Several homeopathic medicines have to be thought of while treating hemorrhoids. Aloe socotrina, Nux vomica, Aesculus, Hamamelis, Collinsonia, Pulsatilla, Graphites, Calcarea carb, etc are some of the homeopathic remedies, which can alleviate the pain and bleeding.

Auxiliary line of treatment:

Well, as for any other disease, some preventive aspects are very important in hemorrhoidal cases. Here is the list-

  • Regularize your eating habits (crucially important)

  • Eat food rich in fiber

  • Avoid too much fatty stuff and spices,

  • Drink lot of water,

  • Exercise regularly

  • Seek medical help immediately upon any type of intestinal problems

  • Avoid frequent use of laxatives and purgatives

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis - A Disease That Affects the Bile Ducts of the Liver

Sclerosing cholangitis is a progressive disease that affects the bile ducts which are located both on the inside and outside of the liver. The progression of this disease leads to the bile ducts becoming fully blocked and eventually destroyed which causes liver failure and a liver transplant which is the only known cure for this disease.

However, a liver transplant is not typically performed unless the liver is severely damaged which tends to occur approximately twelve to eighteen years after a diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis is made.

Causes and Symptoms of Sclerosing Cholangitis

While the cause of this disease has not been definitively determined, medical experts believe it may be caused in individual's who are susceptible to this disease when their immune system has reaction to an infection or toxin.

This disease has also been more frequently diagnosed in individuals who have other medical issues including "IBD" or "inflammatory bowel disease" - particularly ulcerative colitis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is most prevalent in younger males with a diagnosis typically being made between the ages of thirty and sixty years.

This disease has also been known to occur in some patients who have a family history of sclerosing cholangitis. In its beginning stages, primary sclerosing cholangitis may not cause any symptoms that are noticeable and often times is only discovered after a patient has had blood tests that indicate their liver is not functioning properly.

When symptoms do occur with this disease, they may include pain in the abdominal area, fatigue, fever, chills, unexplained weight loss, diarrhea, itchiness, and jaundice which is the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

When the bile ducts become narrower and scarred, this causes a reduction in the amount of bile salts that are normally secreted that are needed to for the body to absorb a sufficient amount of fats and vitamins including A, D, E, and K that are fat-soluble.

This can lead to complications and other medical conditions that include osteoporosis, bile duct stones and gallstones, an enlargement of the spleen and liver, easy bleeding or bruising, and "steatorrhea" which is greasy and foul smelling stools caused by excessive fat within the feces.

Treatment for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

The primary treatment for sclerosing cholangitis is typically to alleviate the symptoms caused by this disease. Many patients experience itching that is uncomfortable and this is typically treated with anti histamine medications and "bile-acid-binding drugs" including cholestyramine such as "Questran" or "Locholest".

Infections also occur frequently in patients with this disease and antibiotics are typically given to treat the current infection as well as prior to other medical procedures that could potentially cause an infection to occur.

Vitamin supplements are also recommended to these patients as the body loses its ability to absorb the proper amount of nutrients and vitamins, in severe cases when a patient is suffering from malnutrition due to sclerosing cholangitis, these vitamins and nutrients may be given intravenously.

Surgical procedures that are sometimes performed on patients who have severe blockage within the bile ducts include balloon dilation where a balloon catheter is inserted and inflatable to expand the ducts and sometimes a stents - plastic tubes - may be inserted in order to keep the bile ducts from closing.

Another surgical procedure that may be done on some patients is a surgical removal of the blockage where the blockage will be removed and portions of the duct that remain will be connected so as to allow the bile to continue to flow through the duct. In those patients where the disease has progressed to the point of causing liver failure, the only treatment that can be done is liver transplantation.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Soy Protein: Hidden Ingredient, Hidden Danger

Almost all of the food processed in the US contains soy and/or soy protein. Soy protein (concentrated soy) is used to extend meat, emulsify food, and as a thickener. These uses have transformed the food industry. Food that never contained soy protein -- smoothies, ice cream, frozen potatoes, and baked goods -- may contain it now.

Most companies list soy protein on labels, but done don't. In March 2005 the Canadian Food Inspection Agency issued an allergy alert for "undeclared soy protein" in a specific brand of cheesecake. All eight flavors of cheesecake contained soy protein, yet it wasn't listed on any of the labels.

"Consumption of these products may cause serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to soy protein,' the alert said.

Soy protein is often a hidden ingredient. That's because soy protein has many names: hydrolyzed vegetable protein, isolated soy protein, soy protein concentrate, textured soy protein, vegetable protein, soy meal, soy flour, textured soy flour, and tofu. Even if you weren't allergic to soy protein before, you may be allergic to it now.

Have you felt uncomfortable after eating fast food? Have you had stomach pain after eating at a restaurant? Have you had "indigestion" after eating food prepred with a sauce or rice mix? The symptoms of soy protein allergy include colitis (inflammation of the colon), stomach bloating, and severe stomach pain. These symptoms can last 24 hours or more.

Few adults are allergic to soy, according to The Cleveland Clinic, but times are changing. More people are allergic to soy protein due to the number of products that contain it. You wouldn't be the first person to see a doctor because you're worried about ulcers and find that you're allergic to soy beans.

If you can't eat soy beans you may not be able to eat similar foods. The Center for Food and Environmental Illness says soy beans are a member of the legume family, so you may have "cross reactions" with peas, garbanzo beans, lima beans, black beans, lentils, peanuts, and even wheat. What can you do?

You can become a food label detective. Before you put a product in the grocery care read every word on every label. Shopping will take more time, but that's a fair tade-off to avoid getting ill. Recipes change, so continue to read labels even of products have been safe in the past.

Keep an ongoing list of foods to avoid. Do this on a computer, if possible, because your list will grow from dozens of items to hundreds in a few weeks. Bring the list with you when you go shopping. When you eat out, don't be afraid to ask the server if there's soy protein in a recipe.

For the only way to "treat" soy protein allergy is to avoid the foods that contain it. The best thing you can do for yourself is to make meals from scratch. Set asde a few hours each weekend (or when it's convient) for meal preparation. Make a large batch of soup, for example, and freeze most of it. You may also wish to freeze individual dinners and servings in foil pans.

Last, always have a gas-reducing product on hand, such as Beano or Gax X. Your doctor can help, but the final responsibility for soy protein allergy rests with you. Though this requires vigilance, your health and wellbeing are worth it.

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson. To learn more about her work please go to

Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome also known as intestinal permeability are terms used to describe the inability of the stomach lining to process or absorb protein molecules. Instead of being absorbed and digested, these proteins flow throughout the bloodstream. Here, they stimulate the immune system, and in turn, the immune system reacts to their existence as they would to any foreign bodies by starting an inflammatory reaction that leads to autoantibody production and autoimmune disease development. Evidence for this theory includes the presence of stomach damage seen in patients with a number of different auto-immune diseases including IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's condition, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thryroiditis, vasculitis, and dermatitis herpetiformis. In many of these conditions, a reduction of digestive inflammation correlates with a reduction or remission of autoimmune symptoms.

Common causes of leaky gut involve alcohol, medications, parasitic organisms, caffeine, bacteria, some food preservatives and additives, allergic states such as gluten understanding and lactose intolerance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, adrenal cortical steroids, enhanced sugars, oral birth control methods, and fungus. Serious swelling from these sources damages the protective coat of Immunoglobulin A, which interferes the body's normal capability to inhibit these substances. The resulting toxins then interfere with the liver's ability to detoxify these substances. One result is increased sensitivity to environmental agents such as cigarettes, chemical cleaners and strong fragrances. Early signs involve a tendency toward hay fever.

Stage 1 Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

• Bloating
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Depression
• Intestinal Gas
• Heartburn
• Gum Disease

Leaky gut, in its beginning period, makes severe swelling in your intestinal tract producing significant harm to the abdominal coating. As that coating becomes more damaged, your body no longer can make the necessary enzymes to not only digest, but also absorb food.

Stage 2 Symptoms

• Pain in the joints
• Migraines and other headaches
• Digestive problems
• Dermatitis, Psoriasis and Eczema
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Apparent Food Allergies

At this stage, it is causing intestinal lining cells to break down and form large gap junctions. These gaps allow the partly consumed food and substances into your bloodstream instead of sending them through your digestive tract to be further digested.

Stage 3 Symptoms

• Ulcerative Colitis
• Arthritis
• Systemic Candida, nail Fungus, ringworm, etc.
• Celiac's Disease
• Severe Skin Conditions
• Colitis
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Crohn's Disease
• Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Without treatment, your immune system will eventually become fatigued - this is what causes the development of autoimmune problems. When this happens, Leaky Gut is even more problematic.

It is crucial to not allow Leaky Gut Syndrome to progress very far because it becomes even more difficult to cure. The earlier you start to study on how to heal leaky gut, the more good it will do.

Also, keep in mind that even though it is relatively easy and typical to use other issues as the reason for such serious symptoms, the reality is that your body is basically trying to tell you that there is something wrong. If you pay attention to your signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, they will take you to the actual problem.

Aloe Vera - For A Cool Stomach!

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that is commonly seen in countries with dry and parched climatic conditions. It looks more or less like a cactus plant with thick leaves. The pulp that comes out of the leaf has the most medicinal value. It can be taken as a juice or in various other processed forms. It has become one of the most important ingredient in cosmetic products like make up, moisturize, creams, lotions and others.

Aloe vera is known for its perfect cure for intestine related diseases. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide, a molecule of the pulp is of high medicinal value that cures such diseases. It acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used in the preventive treatment of ulcerative colitis.

Digestive problems like stomach upsets, irregular bowel movements, indigestion, constipation etc can be cured using the juice of this plant. It works by excreting all the unwanted and poisonous substances that remain as residues in the stomach. These residues cause deficiency of essential nutrients, energy loss and other intestinal problems. This reassures better digestion.

A disease called the Crohn's disease of which the symptoms are pain in the abdomen, sudden decrease in weight, vomiting, skin problems, arthritis, swelling of the eye etc can also be cured using its extract. It is caused due to the inflammation of the bowel or any part of the digestive system because of less immunity. The part that is affected the most is 'ileum' of the small intestine. The extract in the gel form can reduce inflammation caused due to Ulcerative colitis.

Aloe vera is also used to keep the acid level of the stomach balanced. It provides a cooling sensation in the stomach. It reduces risks caused due to toxic substances by making them inactive.

Preventing Periodontal Disease May Prevent Colon Cancer

A recent study published in Genome Research found that a bacterium that has been associated with periodontal disease has also been detected in colon tumors. Scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute in October 2011 found an abnormally large number of "fusobacterium" in colorectal tumor (or colon cancer) samples. Fusobacterium is typically found in dental plaque and associated with gum disease or periodontal disease. This discovery of the bacteria found in both the mouth and the colon is the first time this type of microorganism has been found to play a role in colon cancer. It is an important finding because colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

DNA samples from normal colon tissue were compared with samples from colorectal cancer tissue. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer. It includes cancerous growths in both the colon and rectum. The tumor tissue contained large amounts of the fusobacterium. Scientists have been giving much more attention in the last ten years to the environment in which cancer cells live. In the case of colorectal cancer, the environment is heavily populated with the same bacteria found in the mouth. This particular bacterium is also associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, which can put people at a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

The colon is a part of the digestive system prior to the waste material of the body being eliminated. Most colon cancer starts off as a polyp, although not all polyps are cancerous. A polyp is a growth that starts in the tissue lining. Left unchecked, a polyp may grow, become cancerous and metastasize to other parts of the body. One of the reasons this is the second leading cause of cancer deaths is that the colon is highly vascularized which leads to higher metastasis and growth rate. Also cells of the colon reproduce frequently or turn over very rapidly, unlike brain cells. This rapid growth also causes the cancer cells to grow faster. Effective prevention of colon cancer has always been diet high in fiber, early detection through colonoscopies and removal of polyps. It appears there may also be another weapon to add to this deterrence arsenal: prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the most prevalent diseases on the planet earth. It is a chronic infectious inflammation of the teeth and gums. Although late stages of periodontal disease show signs, early stages do not. The signs of this gum disease are: bad breath that won't go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, and sensitive teeth. Both periodontal disease and tooth decay (or gingivitis) is caused by bacteria. There are hundreds of different species of bacteria in the mouth. Fusobacterium is just one. The mouth is a dark, moist, acidic environment with a constant warm temperature and a steady supply of carbohydrates. These are ideal bacteria growing conditions - particularly in between teeth and under the gum line.

It has not yet been determined whether the fusobacterium found in colon cancer is essential for the cancer to grow or whether it just affords a favorable environment for the bacterium. In either case, it is suggested that those with periodontal disease run a higher risk of colon cancer. It is important to treat the gum disease and lower the fusobacterium in the mouth. It is becoming evident that periodontal disease is linked to many systemic diseases including heart disease, COPD, arthritis, diabetes, etc. Thus, periodontal disease not only affects the gums and teeth, it affects the whole body. Regular professional cleanings and diligent home oral care are essential in preventing and treating periodontal disease.

Ipilimumab Raises the Hopes of Advanced Melanoma Patients

As one of the deadliest cancers in the world, melanoma can rapidly spread from the skin to important internal organs, such as the brain. Bristol-Myers Squibb has been developing a new drug, ipilimumab, to treat patients who suffer from the advanced stages of this disease.

Ipilimumab aids the activation of the immune system's T-cells in order to fight the cancer. The results of a study that analyze the effects of the drug on advanced melanoma patients are very impressive:

  • More than twenty percent of patients were alive after two years, after taking the drug.

  • Median survival for patients who received the drug was higher than that of patients who received an experimental cancer vaccine.

  • The drug was extremely effective for twenty to thirty percent of patients.

"Once [melanoma] metastasizes, the average survival is six to nine months, and we really had no effective treatments for patients who have had prior treatment for melanoma," said Dr. Steven O'Day, the director of the melanoma program at the Angeles Clinic and Research Institute. "[Ipilimumab] is impacting survival, which is the gold standard in cancer clinical trials."

Unfortunately, as promising as the results of this experiment are, ipilimumab does carry serious side effects:

  • Two out of three patients who received the drug had immune related side effects.

  • Ten to fourteen percent of the patients experienced serious side effects, such as colitis, after taking the drug.

  • Two to three percent of the patients suffered treatment related death because of significant immune system side effects.

However, Dr. O'Day claimed that these side effects could be managed. The most common side effects were completely reversible. Serious side effects, such as colitis, could be treated with steroids and immunosuppressive therapy.

As long as doctors closely monitor the melanoma patients' reactions to the drug, ipilimumab can give patients and their loved ones hope that their conditions can be reversed. For more information about melanoma, please visit the American Cancer Society's detailed guide [].

Toxic Overload

A thirty-six-year-old construction worker withered in pain as the ambulance rushed him to the hospital. Andy's cramps were excruciating and he thought he was going to die. The doctor told him that his gall bladder would need to be surgically removed and there was no time to waste. Three hours later, this otherwise apparently healthy young man lay recuperating in his hospital bed minus a vital organ needed to help the body system run properly, similar to a car with a leaky gas valve. And where do the gallstones go now since Andy had his gallbladder removed?

A fifty-six-year-old widowed secretary and grandmother of six began experiencing severe abdominal pains, throbbing back pain, nausea and vomiting. Abigail was told about a simple intestinal cleanse that might alleviate her condition, and maybe even eradicate her symptoms, but she was skeptical and didn't believe a cleanse would really work. She continued with her way of eating and hectic lifestyle. Six months later, this wonderful woman had her colon removed; she now expels bodily wastes into a bag attached from her waist that she hides under her smock.

Modern-day diets are clogging our pipes and suffocating vital organs that are needed to run our bodies mechanisms efficiently. But there is something we can do. Cleanse the body of these toxic overloads. "Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so on to the organs and tissues." Dr. Benard Jensen

Our intestines are like a sewage system, because they too need periodic maintenance to keep running properly and effectively. When the toilet becomes clogged and you flush it, what happens? It overflows all over the floor. Either the toilet itself is clogged, or maybe it is the sewer line a thousand feet from your toilet. You try fixing the problem by using a plunger, but the toilet still overflows, because you are not attacking the source of the problem. Now you have to call rotor rooter to unplug the sewage line where it is clogged. In the same way with our intestinal tract, if it is clogged we need to unplug the intestinal pipes, so that the toxins can escape. Rotor rooter can't do this for us; we need to cleanse our bodies by flushing out the old waste and deposit buildup. By fine-tuning the entire intestinal tract by cleansing, we are attacking the source of numerous health problems, and eventually many disease systems that cause numerous health problems.

How will you know if you have clogged intestines? Do you have, aching joints, high mucus levels, nagging backaches, allergies, obesity, boils on the face and back, persistent headaches, irritable bowl syndrome, pains in the gut, pot belly, sluggishness? Do you catch the common cold or flu easily, and do you feel weak and rundown? All of these are symptoms of toxic overload. The funny thing is, these symptoms don't show up at the place it is overloaded, but at the weakest part of the body.

When I was a teenager every morning before school I ate sugary-boxed cereals for breakfast and waited at the bus stop drinking Pepsi. Before school I bought candy and chips to keep me satisfied before buying donuts for lunch. After school I ate toasted pop-tarts, and another Pepsi. My taste buds liked the sweet sugary sensation because I was addicted to sugar and caffeine.

Candies, cakes and cookies filled our cupboards and kitchen counters; we even had a drawer in the kitchen called the junk drawer that was always filled with processed snacks for the taking. Sound familiar? When I was young, eating this way did not phase me, I was a top runner in track, arm wrestling champion for the girl's middleweight, and won several presidential awards for my athletic ability.

But soon this all changed. I got married and had three children, and started eating a little bit better, only because my husband was more health conscience than I. About eight years later, my athletic and muscle-toned body began taking on a new shape and feel. I didn't like the way I felt. At thirty years old, I had persistent nagging lower back pain; I could barely sit down or get up without looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame. For two years I carried around a consistent throbbing in my lower back. I was fearful for my health because the doctors, or I did not know what the problem was.

I had huge pimples on my shoulders even though I scrubbed them vigorously with a loufa pad every day. I wasn't fat, but I began exhibiting a potbelly, and days several days would go by without a bowl movement. My back, obviously being the weakest part of my body was severely getting worse. I went to the doctor, and was told, I was healthy as an ox, and nothing was wrong. He told me to do several exercises that would help lessen the pain in my back. He also informed me that lower back pain runs in 70% percent of the population at sometime in their lives, and is something most people just learn to live with. This wasn't good news.

I tried the exercises, and it helped for a little while, but soon the throbbing came back. With two babies and a toddler, I certainly couldn't lay on the floor all day doing exercises. At this point, besides always being tired, I became frustrated, edgy and nervous, but I was still determined to find the cause. I eliminated all processed foods from my diet, and bought a juicer and drank fresh-juiced vegetables and fruits daily, my three boys, and husband were enjoying the variety of fresh fruit juices and they were getting healthy as well.

I bought diet and herb books, and I even grew my own herbs and greens. Sprout sandwiches became the normal lunch in my home. My diet consisted of half raw foods and half cooked foods. Still, I had the lower back pains, not as bad, but I still couldn't sit down like a refined lady supposed to sit down, I had to crouch my whole body into a semi-roll before sitting and I needed pillows under me for the persistent and aggravating hemorrhoids I got from being constipated, and another pillow behind me for back support. This went on for over two years, yet the doctor told me I was healthy.

"Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the bowel. When the bowel is dirty, the blood is dirty, and so on to the organs and tissues." Dr. Benard Jensen

When I was almost thirty-four-years old, a miracle cure was brought to the attention of a Pastor friend of mine who now writes, publishes, and distributes the book, "Cleansing or Surgery" The naturopathic doctor said my symptoms were so closely related to the effects of toxic overload that he was sure the cleanse would indeed work. Promise and hope came back into my spirits. My husband even decided to take the intestinal tract cleanse with me. The great part about the intestinal cleanse is we could still eat the same foods we had been eating before!

We took the three month intestinal cleanse, and my backache, constipation, potbelly, pimples, hemorrhoids, groggy and tired feeling vanished, just like that! Since then, I have done my own extensive research into why, when I changed my eating habits and eliminating processed foods, and eating half of my food intake raw, I was still showing and feeling the toxic overload symptoms. Simply because I wasn't going to the source of the problem, but rather covering up the root of the source and health problems, which was a clogged and caked up intestinal tract.

When the intestines are caked with hardened fecal matter, nutrients and wastes cannot be transferred efficiently. The nutrients in the foods I was eating were not absorbing into my blood stream properly because of my clogged up intestinal tract. Now, after six years, and doing much research, I find how all of this makes so much sense.

The intestinal cleanse is effective at relieving these afflictions: Constipation, chronic fatigue, asthma, flues and colds, allergies, backache, respiratory disorders, digestive problems, such as gas, indigestion, and abdominal pain; prostrate troubles, headaches, and skin disruptions, colitis, and much more.

Every system in the body will function better once the intestines are cleaned
Intestinal Cleanse Ingredients:

You may contact me for any questions you may have associated with doing the intestinal cleanse.

1) Premium quality whole psyllium husks- these husks provide fiber and lubrication for the bowels. When taken with liquid, they expand into a gelatinous mass, scrubbing the intestinal wall, by gathering up old fecal matter and caked on waste deposits. You can buy this at your local health food store; do not buy the tablet form or powdered form, they do not work. Get only the whole psyllium husks that you mix with water. The tablets and powder are already broke down and processed, therefore will not scrub the walls of the intestines like the whole husks do.

2) Blackstrap molasses- Blackstrap molasses is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. It is a bowel regulator and helps prevent constipation and colitis. Blackstrap molasses doesn't digest entirely in the stomach like most other sugars. It only partially digests in the stomach, than goes into the intestinal tract and is consumed in the intestines. Because of this, nutrients are available in the intestinal tract where they are needed to help assist in the cleansing process. Molasses helps to regulate the bowls, and is an essential part of the intestinal program.
Whole Psyllium Husks and Blackstrap molasses are the only two ingredients needed for the intestinal cleanse. You may need to call your health food store ahead of time to make sure they have the whole husked form in supply.

Doing the Cleanse:

First week, take four times per day before meals.

1 level tsp. whole psyllium husks

1 tsp. blackstrap molasses

Dissolve in 8 to 10 ounces warm water

Drink immediately

Drink another 8 to 10 ounces water

Advance to full dosage, four times per day before meals.

1 level tbs. whole psyllium husks

1 tsp. blackstrap molasses

Dissolve in 8 to 10 ounces warm water

Drink immediately

Drink another 8 to 10 ounces water

Do this cleanse for a full three months for a complete digestive tract cleansing. After the three month period is over, you may discontinue taking the psyllium husks.

The most important thing we can do for ourselves is to keep an open mind to the cleansing possibilities regarding our health. After all, If I had not had the knowledge of this cleanse, or even worse, was skeptical of its properties, I could have very well ended up in my later years with a bag attached to my waist or without a gall bladder. Yet, here I am enjoying life to its fullest, completely healthy and grateful to the talented and open-minded people who have discovered ways to clean up our bodies without the use of conventional medicines, drugs and surgery.

"It is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place, " Dr. Benard Jensen.

Try the intestinal cleanse and see the results for yourself, it is unbelievable the end result. Best wishes to you and your health, as you experience the natural properties of cleansing without surgery. Happy cleansing!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Benefits of Spirulina, One of the World's Most Nutritious Antioxidant Foods

Spirulina is one of the most familiar of the single-celled plants known as blue-green algae. They are usually found in warm and alkaline waters all over the world, predominantly in South America, Africa, and Mexico. The name "spirulina" is derived from the Latin word for "helix" or "spiral"; reflecting the physical configuration of the organism as it forms swirling, microscopic strands.

Blue-green algaes contain significant nutritional content, including polysaccharides, antioxidants, nucleic acids and peptides. Spirulina contains about 70 percent protein, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene and B complex and chlorophyll. Spirulina also contain essential fatty acids, and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc.

Protein Content. Spirulina is the world's most digestible natural source of high quality protein, far surpassing the protein bioavailability of beef. The protein found in this algae superfood is complete, containing all eight essential amino acids, unlike beans and other plant foods that typically lack some of the essential amino acids.

Spirulina's predigested protein is absorbed almost immediately, without the energy-draining effects of breaking down meat protein, and its simple carbohydrates give you immediate yet sustained energy. Its protein-bonded vitamins and minerals, as in all whole foods, assimilate better than the synthetic variety. Spirulina is a great supplement for those who exercise vigorously, as evidenced by the many world-class athletes who use it.

Spirulina is the ideal food source for people looking to get more protein into their diets:

  • people on low-carb, high-protein diets like the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet.

  • people who workout vigorously or engage in strength training.

  • people who are frail, have trouble gaining weight, or who are generally malnourished.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). Blue-green algaes--especially spirulina--are some of the best sources of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid with many healthful properties that is missing in most people's diet. GLA has been shown to help prevent conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer.

Health Benefits of Spirulina

Studies reveal some of the most common benefits of spirulina:

  • inhibits the infectious power of many viruses--including HIV, flu, mumps, measles, and herpes

  • helps diminish allergies such as hay fever

  • helps protect the liver from toxins

  • helps boost the immune system

  • reverses the signs of aging

  • helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

  • helps control symptoms of ulcerative colitis

  • exerts strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

  • helps with weight loss

Spirulina has been found to have significant positive effects on people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Studies show that spirulina has the ability to reduce fasting blood sugar levels in the body after 6 to 8 weeks of intake.

Spirulina has long been established to have cancer fighting ingredients.

Spirulina helps support the healthy pH balance of the body. Western diets tend to be highly acidic, due to the heavy reliance on foods like animal proteins. These acidic foods can be effectively countered by the alkaline nature of spirulina.

Cleansing & Detoxification. If you engage in intense physical training, you'll find the chlorophyll in spirulina especially valuable. Anytime you put your body under stress, toxins and free radicals are released from your tissues. The chlorophyll in spirulina helps eliminate these waste products, and cleanses your liver, kidneys and blood. When the liver and kidneys are working more smoothly, everything else in the body works better, too.

This cleansing effect is also important if you're on any sort of low-carb diet (Atkins diet, South Beach diet, etc.) since such diets can place a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys. (Eliminating excess ketones puts your body under additional stress.)

The cleansing effect of spirulina is also of great benefit in protecting you against environmental toxins, air and water pollution, and other contaminants that you're being exposed to every day.

Spirulina is a Whole Food. Think of spirulina as a nutrient-dense green food, rather than a nutritional supplement. The more of it you can get into your diet, the better. You can't eat too much, and one tablespoon has the nutritional value of 5 or 6 servings of common vegetables. This is a great way to ensure that you get enough phytonutrients into your diet, especially if you avoid dark green leafy vegetables.

Will You Be Needing Surgery For Colitis?

It is a very common thought and question every colitis sufferer will ask themselves and their doctor but the need for surgery for colitis is not inevitable. Only a small percentage of all those diagnosed with the disease have to ultimately undergo the surgical processes and they can be grouped into different categories depending on the extent of their colitis and how it affects their life.

The standard surgical procedure for colitis will involve the removal of the entire large colon and this will also include the complete removal of the rectum as well. It has to be understood and acknowledged that such an operation is the only permanent cure available for colitis. It is an important point to note where the patient may have been introduced to so called cures, and whilst some may have the effect of reducing symptoms they will never actually cure the disease.

So which people who have been diagnosed with colitis are most at risk of having to consider surgery? The first group will be those who suffer from fulminant colitis, where the extent of the inflammation affects over half of the entire large colon. Whilst remission is possible with such extensive coverage, when a relapse happens the symptoms are severe and there are cases when they do not respond sufficiently to medications. At this stage, the symptoms can appear out of control resulting in the only solution being surgery as a further danger of perforation of the bowel can materialise.

A second grouping of colitis sufferers who could face the prospect of surgery is those with long standing pancolitis or left-sided colitis, which describes the area of the bowel leading down to the rectum. Again, the symptoms may not be able to be brought under control or the sufferer has over a period of time be unable to attain a satisfactory amount of time in remission. A patient who is unfortunate to be diagnosed with this extent of colitis could also be facing an increased risk of developing colon cancers. It is important to understand that the removal of the large colon is very important when precancerous changes have been detected in the colon lining.

In addition to this, a third group that could be faced with the surgical procedures. These are sufferers who have been unable to gain much respite from colitis symptoms. In some cases where the evidence of inflammation is contained to a small area of the colon, there are some patients who just can't bring their symptoms under reasonable control and continue to live in such a state for years. Aspects such as lifestyle, medications that are prescribed and diet have all been trialled and tested but to no avail. In the quest to achieve a reasonable quality of life, many sufferers choose surgery to rid themselves of this debilitating disease for good. Life does change when surgery happens, but at least these patients can look forward to a less painful and more normal and active life ahead.

It can either be a considered decision to opt to have surgery for colitis to bring some kind of normality back to a life for those that have moderate yet continuous symptoms or the decision to have surgery can be forced upon the patient due to symptoms being out of control and unresponsive to the treatment. Whatever the reason for surgery for colitis, it is a life changing event that, whilst bringing its own challenges in the immediate aftermath and requiring the need to alter daily habits for the remaining lifetime, it can offer welcome respite from the painful grip that colitis has over so many sufferers.

Back Pain and Being Overweight Part 1

If you already suffer from back pain, did you know that your office chair maybe adding to the problem? Your office chair may not be helping your back problem at all. In fact a low quality office chair can actually be causing more damage to an injured back. Office chairs can cause an increase in pain in the neck, back, arms and shoulders. As a matter of fact the way some office chairs are constructed, they can and extra pressure to an already aching back, and add extra stress to the spinal discs.

However, while back pain is indeed a common condition that happens to four out of five adults, what most people don't know about it is that it could be a symptom of a far more serious disorder. In fact, most chronic forms of back pain (lasting for more than two months) are actually symptoms of serious diseases, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, scoliosis, cervical spondylosis, spinal cancer, bone cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crone's disease, mittelschmerz, cervix cancer, tuberculosis, meningitis, among others. Also being overweight can cause back pain.

Because of gravity, blood in the legs wants to settle there, leaving the heart to work harder. Even when sitting for long periods can lead to back pain and weight gain. Sitting in the wrong position for prolonged periods with the neck turned up or turned down can be the cause cervical spine soreness and other problems.

Gall bladder back pain is a condition that occurs when the gall bladder is inflamed due to improper functioning. It is a sure sign of underlying problems within your gall bladder. Gall bladder back pain is one of the common symptoms of gall bladder disease, a disorder that mainly affects women (although it could affect men, as well), and causing symptoms that vary widely from discomfort to severe pain.

Baby carriers do not need to hurt your back. If you're wearing them correctly, you'll feel the weight of the baby, but it shouldn't be so painful that you need to take pain meds.
Pregnant women often complain of back pain problems. This is very common as almost as high as 80 percent of women face back pains during some stage or the other of their pregnancies.

Because if the occurring back pain is persistent e.g. Unfortunately since back muscles are the hardest working muscle group in the body, back pains are a frequent occurrence which indirectly effects it being the hardest to identify condition. So its is a good investment to learn all about back pain, the causes and the side effects of back pain, and how it is prevented or if the condition is occurring, how best to relieve the effect. Because being equipped with the proper knowledge is the best preventive measure for any ailment anytime.

5 Important Facts About Colon Ulcers

There are a number of types of ulcers including peptic and oral ones. But most people are unaware of colon ulcers. The most common form is ulcerative colitis. It is an inflammation of the lining which forms in the upper part of the large intestine. Following are five important facts or info about colon ulcers:

It can be very painful. These symptoms are as a result of mucosal erosions which occur when there is an overproduction of harmful bacteria in the colon. The mucous forms as the body's immune system fights off the invasive bacteria that has killed or overtaken the normal cells in that area.

Common symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, joint pain, rectal bleeding, narrow stools, excessive diarrhea or constipation, skin lesions and anemia. These symptoms can often be similar to those of colon cancer; but only 5% of all cases lead to cancer.

The most common treatment is outpatient hospital care. Drugs such as corticosteroids can often be prescribed initially. About 25% to 40% of all patients need surgery to mitigate the symptoms and repair the lining of the affected area.

Occasionally, a patient may require several days or weeks in the hospital if bleeding or diarrhea is severe enough to warrant treatment. Tube feeding is often used to replace body fluids and electrolytes. Doctors may put patients on special diets.

This condition is most common for people between 15 and 30 and less common for those over 50. It is known to occur more often among whites and those of Jewish descent.

Stress Reducing Tricks to Defend Yourself Against Colitis Symptoms

A widely recognised and acknowledged factor when dealing with colitis symptoms is the role of stress and how it can affect the health of those diagnosed with the disease. By first realising that stress can be a contributory factor in bringing symptoms on, it can be beneficial to learn how to identify and handle existing stress and guard against the build up of symptom inducing levels that can be avoided.

The most important action that a sufferer can take is to source and understand as much information as possible about colitis, including personal knowledge from fellow sufferers who have the exact priceless advice that is so useful. When a clear understanding of how the disease affects the sufferer is possessed then there will always be a better chance that the correct action is taken when symptoms do unfortunately appear. This includes the notion that a sufferer should ensure that they take responsibility for their illness and how they deal with their daily living. By undertakeing such actions, the sufferer will have greater confidence and avoiding stress which results from being unaware of what is actually happening to them.

By becoming more knowledgeable about colitis you will have greater awareness of the influence and role stress can play. Part of this is to anticipate the daily occurrences that can lead to a build up of stress and try and mitigate such factors that can be responsible. You should look to introduce greater flexibility and adaptation into your life in order to avoid scenarios that could induce short sharp bouts of stress or events that may feed a slow but dangerous build up.

Controlling stress can also take the form of actions to alleviate it. The cry of "just let it all out" can be a valid one when worry and tension requires to be given an outlet rather than being suppressed, to the detriment of the bowel. As an alternative, the acknowledged medicine of laughter is a great way to relieve the tension of a difficult situation or to sooth the stresses built up over the day. Increasing levels of stress that do not have an effective relief outlet is a recipe for future trouble. Patients of colitis have a major bowel weakness and stress just loves such a scenario to exploit if afforded the chance.

It is normally the obvious actions such as the taking of medication that is used to try and control colitis symptoms. They, of course, have their place and are effective but other means to try and control or reduce the chances of symptoms happening in the first place should always be tried. Methods to try and reduce the levels of stress are often easy to implement and can have a lasting effect on overall health, not just to defend the sufferer against the challenge that colitis brings.

How To Cure Candida Albicans Naturally

Candida Albicans is a type of parasitic yeast-like fungus that inhabits the intestines, genital tract, mouth, esophagus and throat. Normally this fungus lives in healthy balance with the other bacteria and yeasts in the body, however, certain conditions can cause it to multiply weakening the immune system and causing the infection known as Candidiasis. When Candida infects the vagina it results in Vaginitis characterized by large amounts of white, cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning.

When the fungus infects the oral cavity, white sores may form on the tongue, gums and inside the cheeks. In a baby, the white spots of oral thrush may resemble milk spots. It is most common in babies and in persons with compromised immune symptoms. Virtually all people with AIDS have some type of fungal infection. Anyone who has been on long term antibiotic therapy, or has taken antibiotics often, probably has an overgrowth of Candida somewhere in the body. Antibiotics weaken the immune system and also destroy the "friendly" bacteria that normally keep Candida under control. As Candida spreads the fungus releases toxins that weaken the immune system further.


Constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, impotence, memory loss, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, sore throat, nagging cough, acne, night sweats, burning tongue, and white spots on the tongue and in the mouth


  • Raw, organic garlic inhibits and destroys Candida Albicans. Two separate studies showed that that garlic inhibited the growth of candida albicans in vitro. Appl Environ Microbiol, 53(3), march 1987, p. 615-617. AND Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 30(3), September 1986, p.499-501

  • Eat plenty of raw vegetables and gluten-free grains such as brown rice and millet. See foods that heal.

  • Drink distilled water only.

  • To prevent re-infection, replace your toothbrush every 30 days and wear white cotton underwear as synthetic fibers lead to increased perspiration which creates a hospitable environment for Candida.

  • Herbal colon formulas may be helpful in cleansing the intestinal tract which can help eliminate a yeast infection. If interested, click here to take a look at a high quality colon cleanse.

  • If you have chronic and/or unusually persistent Candida infections, consult your healthcare provider.

Things to Avoid:

  • Avoid foods that destroy, including aged cheeses, alcohol, baked goods, chocolate, dried fruits, ham, pickles, soy sauce, raw mushrooms, and nut butters.

  • Eliminate citrus and acidic fruits such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, tomato and limes from your diet for one month.


1) James F. Balch, M.D, Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C, "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," (1997)

2) S. yoshida, et al., "Antifungal Activity of Ajoene Derived from Garlic," Appl Environ Microbiol, 53(3), march 1987, p. 615-617.

3) M. Adetumbi, et al., "Allium Satvium (garlic) Inhibits Lipid Synthesis by Candida Albicans," Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 30(3), September 1986, p.499-501

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Truth Behind Natural Treatment For Crohn's Disease

I have mentioned before that, in my desire to find treatment for Crohn's, I have previously turned to Western medicine, but high dose steroids were the only thing that had any sort of effect. When I would hear about natural ways to help Crohn's, I would immediately disallow the idea and state that it would not help me the slightest bit, and therefore I would not consider them as a possibility.

Besides, if Western medicine was not working very well, no matter how many drugs that my medical practitioner used on me in order to attempt to help my Crohn's and send it into remission, how would I get any better results from just reducing stress, changing my diet and may be some supplements?

To be honest, I did not think anything would work.

Looking back on it, the drugs I was taking would have left me with worse side effects than anything I experienced with the Crohn's, so that was a bad decision. As a result, I did start looking for natural methods in order to give myself the help I needed, due to the fact that Western medicine was starting to yield smaller and smaller dividends for me, and I wanted something that would not leave me with those side effects.

For the next few years, I looked in to natural treatments, not really gaining a whole lot of ground; keep in mind that this was not due to the lack of effectiveness of the therapies, I simply had to find the right way to help myself. In order to get my health to the place I wanted it to be, I had to spend a lot of time and do a lot of searching.

Since my doctor could do little to provide me assistance besides give me drugs that would put me at higher risk for osteoporosis, mess up my blood sugar, and thin my bones, I decided to seek other, more natural and effective answers for natural treatment for Crohn's, just to see if that would help me more. As I continued my quest to find the natural answer, I would get disheartened when I thought I had all the pieces put together only to find myself wrong.

I had to go through this a lot, but since the drugs were starting to give me a few problems, I pressed on, hoping to find some combination of natural methods that would work for me. Eventually, I started going for a natural diet of uncooked, unprocessed foods, and that seemed to start helping me immensely, giving me the results I was looking for. As I kept on this regimen, I could remain in remission without having to stay on medication.

Following this diet even returned me to a state of well-being that I hadn't experienced since before my time with Crohn's Disease. Despite my successes with this diet, I wanted to find more ways to help Crohn's naturally, perhaps out of obsession or a further need to feel better; either way, I found out a lot more about how to help this disease naturally, and I learned a lot.

Ever since I found success with natural treatment for Crohn's Disease, I started looking for other people who had found something that worked naturally, in order to learn all the possible methods that may work. What's more, I was able to gain a bit of information on the reasons why the therapies I was trying before did not work, allowing me to tell people what to avoid.

Perhaps you are in a similar situation, stumbling from method to method praying for something that works; I have the experience and the knowledge to help you find that perfect regimen. Those of you who want to begin your natural treatment for Crohn's should do your best to start the right regimen as soon as possible, to avoid all of that expensive and disheartening looking around for the best treatment.

If your Crohn's Disease is particularly affecting you, it is necessary to learn how to get into remission quickly, so you are not diminishing your quality of life any longer than necessary. It was not a joyride when I did it, and you should not have to experience that! With natural treatment for Crohn's, you will have a far easier time of it if you learn the most effective regimens right away, thus saving you time, money and discomfort; otherwise,you will be stumbling in the dark like I did for years on end.

Treatment for Helicobacter Pylori Peptic Ulcer

The purpose of the treatment that your doctor recommends in case you have a peptic ulcer caused by H. Pylori is to destroy the bacteria, to lower the quantity of acid from your stomach and duodenum and to preserve the lining of your stomach and duodenum.

Antibiotic treatment will kill the bacteria if taken for 2 weeks in combination of two drugs. Some of the most efficient antibiotic drugs are: Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. Also, one of the antibiotic drugs might be switched with bismuth salicylate which coats and soothes the stomach, protecting it from the damaging effects of acid.

In order to reduce the level of acid in your stomach, the doctor will prescribe you: H2-Receptor antagonists (Famotidine, Cimetidine, Nizatidine, and Ranitidine) and inhibitors of the proton pump (Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, and Pantoprazole). By decreasing the quantity of acid, the stomach and duodenum will not be injured any more by it, and the pain will be reduced.

For protecting the line of your stomach and duodenum, you will receive antacids like TUMS and ROLAIDS that will preserve the lining from the acid's action.

Treatment must be followed exactly as the doctor has prescribed it. Also, smoking and drinking alcohol and coffee must be eliminated or at least reduced. Stress is also a factor that contributes to the extent of ulcer, so you should avoid getting stressed. Some herbs and even acupuncture can be helpful.

Also, a diet is recommended to be followed. Cranberries, apples, onions kill the H. Pylori; fruits and vegetable that are rich in fiber are also good for you. Try to see what kind of aliments are causing you discomfort after eating them and then reduce them from your diet. Another rule is not to eat within two hour of bedtime. Also, if you have a cold avoid using aspirin because it will only injure your stomach more.

There are some rare cases when treatment is not effective and other measures must be applied. Surgery is a solution for treating peptic ulcers but only the doctor will be able to pronounce whether you need a surgery or not.

Treating ulcer from its beginnings is essential for your life. Left untreated ulcer can give you anemia (the blood has a lack of blood cells and can not transport oxygen properly) and perforation, meaning that the ulcer injures your stomach until it goes through its wall. Also, hemorrhages can appear and even death.

Stress Management - When to See Your Doctor

Stress is such a common experience and it's important to learn ways to manage your stress effectively. A somewhat confusing thing about stress is that some of the symptoms can be very similar or even identical to symptoms of physical disease, so that it's not easy to tell them apart. However depending on the cause of your symptoms you may need to do very different things to deal with them.

Although you may hesitate to seek help, hoping the problem will go away on its own, it's wise to see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms which may be due to stress or some other medical or mental health trouble:

• A change in your sleep pattern, especially early-morning waking or difficulty in getting to sleep because you may have clinical depression or sleep apnoea or it may be your worries which prevent you sleeping adequately.

• Excessive weight loss or weight gain because you may have an overactive or under-active thyroid or diabetes or it may be because you are dealing with stress by comfort eating especially eating too many sweet and fried foods.

• A change in your bowel habits because you may have cancer, irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis or stress itself may be affecting your bowels and making them become more active.

• Constant tiredness because you may be anaemic or have a heart problem or stress may be stopping you sleeping enough hours so you are tired during the daytime.

• Shortness of breath, a chronic cough, or coughing up blood, especially if you smoke because you may have bronchitis, lung cancer or emphysema or if you are smoking as a way to relieve stress then the smoking can cause the symptoms.

• Drinking alcohol throughout the day because you may have become dependent on it or if you are drinking more alcohol as a way to cope with your stress.

Some of these symptoms may be due to the stress itself such as lack of sleep, tiredness or increased bowel action and others from the way you have chosen to deal with the stress, such as smoking more, drinking heavily or eating too much.

Many times it's almost impossible to separate one from the other so even though you may want to try some self help methods initially, if these don't bring about any improvement within a short tie then it's best to visit your doctor for a full examination and appropriate investigations which might include blood test, X-ray ECG or whatever is indicated by your symptoms.

Testing And Treatment For Leaky Gut Syndrome

It is often difficult to pin down an accurate diagnosis for leaky gut syndrome. The symptoms can be so varied and sometimes so vague that many patients will end up getting treated for a condition they do not even have.

The nourishment for our bodies is delivered through our gastrointestinal system. After we eat, our stomach begins the process of breaking down the food so that it can be absorbed. Enzymes help to reduce the size of the food particles and hydrochloric acid kills of pathogens before the food is passed on to the small intestine.

After passing through the stomach, food enters the small intestine where most of the nutrients needed for our body are absorbed. The small intestine is lined with villi (singular villus), small protrusions that increase the amount of area available to take in the digested food. The villi are rich in capillaries, which make it easy for food to pass through the villi into the bloodstream; this is considered to be normal intestinal permeability. When the normal condition of the small intestine has been upset, through yeast infection, stress, or any other causes, spaces open up between the villi that allow food and fat particles, as well as toxins, to enter the body cavity causing leaky gut syndrome.

The large intestine takes water and vitamins out of the food that passes into it. Although there are no villi in the colon, there are invaginations and goblet cells, which can also be subject to deterioration and increased intestinal permeability. As with the small intestine, openings can appear, passing all manner of toxins into the body.

Unsurprisingly, leaky gut syndrome will probably cause intestinal problems to begin with, and the patient can suffer from gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or muscular spasms in the belly. However, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, swollen lymph glands, and insomnia can also occur. It is easy to understand how leaky gut syndrome can cause such a range of problems as the contents of both intestines will be oozing out right into the surrounding tissues and organs. No part of the body will be safe from these contaminating substances.

Part of the trouble with correctly diagnosing leaky bowel syndrome symptoms is that they can be so broad or so vague that pinning down the cause can be difficult. Often a correct diagnosis is only reached by performing tests. One of the first will be to test for a Candida yeast infection. A blood test will be necessary for this, and the presence of certain antibodies will indicate that an overgrowth of yeast has occurred. A stool sample will also probably be called for, and this can not only indicate yeast, but also how well the food has been digested. Poorly digested foods can be a red flag for leaky gut syndrome.

If leaky guts have been caused by yeast, there are several ways to approach this problem. Traditional medicine will probably suggest using one of several antifungal prescription drugs. These can include Nystatin, which is considered safe, or such medicines as Nizoral or Lamisil, both of which have been linked to liver damage.

Another approach is to fight leaky gut syndrome with a diet designed to correct the problems in both intestines. This dietary approach will eliminate foods such as those containing gluten (breads and pastries), fermented beverages, processed foods, dairy products (especially cheese), and sugary foods. Changing your eating habits in this way can help your body repair itself, and can often provide a way to overcome leaky gut syndrome.

Prostate Problems - What Causes Prostate?

Prostate - Is a vital organ, which is often called the second heart of man. Inflammation of the prostate gland is the most frequent and very common urological disease, which often takes place hidden and leads to violations of sexual function and spermatogenesis, that is, the process of formation in the testes of male germ cells. By some accounts, a prostatitis suffer about 70% of men aged 40 years.

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the genital organs of men. Often it develops in parallel with vesiculitis, ie inflammation of seminal vesicles. Drivers, knowledge workers, sat all day in offices, and other people with sedentary occupations, are subject prostatitis more often than people who are constantly in motion.

Prostatitis often occurs because of variations in sexual life. Also cause the disease can become an infection caused by the bacteria staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci and specific micro-organisms - Chlamydia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Trichomonas vaginalis, mycoplasmas, microscopic fungi, viruses. Infection often enters the body from the urethra of the excretory ducts of the prostate.

Microflora in the urethra of a healthy person may be different, without causing pathological changes.

Often prostatitis occurs in men after urethritis, ie inflammation of the urethra. But for the presence of an inflammatory process agent is not always a sufficient condition. Importance is the state of the protective mechanisms of the organism, which can be weakened by alcohol, hypothermia, overexertion and other harmful effects. Sometimes the infection comes because of the casual sexual relations, and the woman may not be visible to the inflammation of the sexual sphere. The frequent change of sexual partner violates the balance of microorganisms and is the cause of infection in a man.

Venereal diseases, such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, have become sluggish and cause chronic prostatitis with the lack of effective treatment. Trichomonas prostatitis is almost impossible to treat and often recurs, as sources of disease are usually both partners.

Bacteria are often caught with the blood in the prostate of other foci of inflammation, such as cystitis, proctitis, colitis. Also, the agent of infection in the prostate gland can be entered and from distant sources, such as tonsillitis, caries teeth, diseased ears and nose, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. Often doctors track the interaction. Contact prostate disease of the colon. Effective treatment of prostatitis in such cases requires the simultaneous detection and treatment of opportunistic diseases.

Development of inflammation in the prostate gland is often dependent on the complex and local predisposing factors, as well as violations of metabolism and blood circulation, the presence of stagnation in the body. The latter are the most important and often combined with vascular pathology, ie, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the spermatic cord, the lower extremities. Also, the stagnation in the prostate gland contribute to chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, pathology of the cardiovascular system, etc.

One of the causes of prostatitis is stagnant secretions and blood in the veins of the prostate gland, which primarily related to an abnormal sexual life, that is interrupted intercourse, lack of regularity and stability of the rhythm of sexual life, sexual excesses, masturbation abuse, long-term sexual abstinence, defective ejaculation due to stress during sexual intercourse, etc., as well as venous congestion may occur at a constant sedentary work, while working in a sitting position, in the case of frequent constipation with hemorrhoids, colds, alcohol abuse.

Contribute to the emergence of prostatitis particularly prostate cancer. Iron - is unpaired body, which provides a secret part of the sperm, located in the front bottom of the pelvis below the bladder to the urogenital diaphragm. A prostate is an initial division of urethra and ejaculatory ducts. In form it resembles somewhat thickened chestnut or human heart.

Highlighting this resemblance to the human heart, and important role of the prostate gland in the body, many scientists call it the second man's heart. His front part of the prostate gland is addressed to the pubic symphysis, ie to the anterior fusion of pelvic bones, and the posterior part adjacent to the ampule of the rectum, through which can probe the prostate and make her a massage. The surface of cancer is addressed to the muscle, elevating the anus, so when you pull the anus and prostate gland is massaged.

The prostate is the fabric, which consists of numerous grouped in glandular separated by septa. Comprise 30 to 50 lobes, which are surrounded by shells contributing to wring secret channels. The transverse size of the prostate reaches 4 cm longitudinal equal to 3 cm, its thickness is about 2 cm mass of iron about 20-25 g.

In the prostate gland are three shares: two sides - right and left, which are separated by a shallow groove, and the front portion, which is the isthmus. Blood supply of the prostate gland is provided by numerous small arterial branches. Options are governed by its complex nervous apparatus.

A Book Review: Overcoming Arthritis - Holistic Treatments for Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and CFS

As with other books I have reviewed (Iodine and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders), Brownstein provides his readers with valuable information regarding the nature of a number of related conditions including arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. He explains the various symptoms and underlying causes. Based on the particular underlying causes, he uses a combination of therapies including natural hormones, vitamins and minerals, allergy elimination, detoxification, diet and water.

One unique aspect of his approach to treating arthritis is that he has observed a connection between arthritis and infection. So in addition to a number of natural therapies, he may combine with them a low dose of antibiotics. He listed a number of diseases that he suspects of having an infectious etiology (cause): Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Syndrome, Vasculitis, Reither's Syndrome, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Graves Disease, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Polymyositis, Juvenile Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. In addition, he lists 14 different infectious causes of arthritis.

From the Greek, arthritis means inflammation of the joints. Also a chronic disorder, fibromyalgia is a condition of poor sleep, muscle pain, stiffness and tender trigger points on the body. Those with fibromyalgia often have the diagnosis of other disorders including arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms include: impairment of short-term memory or concentration, sore throat, tender cervical or axillary nodes, muscle pain, multi joint pain without redness or swelling, headaches of a new pattern or severity, unrefreshing sleep, and postexertional malaise lasting more than 24 hours.

Brownstein tests his patients' hormonal levels (thyroid, adrenal, ovarian and testicular), for infection, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity and allergies. Dr. Brownstein devotes two chapters on Natural Hormones and refers the reader to his own book, The Miracles of Natural Hormones.

In his chapter on diet, he talks of the macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates and proteins) and points out how Americans have become obese from the pyramid recommendation of low fat and high carbohydrate diet. (Now replaced with While he does not agree with Dr. Barry Sears in every point, he recommends much of what he says in Enter the Zone. Brownstein also recommends Sally Fallon's treatment of dietary fats in her book, Nourishing Traditions.

Dr. Brownstein refers to a study that lists the food allergies that can cause arthritic symptoms (listed from most frequent to less frequent): Corn, Wheat, Pork, Oranges, Milk, Oats, Rye, Egg, Beef and Coffee. Environmental allergies include animals, pollens from trees, grass, weeds etc., chemicals and others. He uses NAET (Nambudripod's Allergy Elimination Technique) to diagnosis and treat allergies. It is a combination of applied kinesiology and acupuncture. I believe that allergies may result from consuming these foods or from ingredients used in the growth/production of these foods. There may be multiple reasons why this happens.

Further, Dr. Brownstein outlines general guidelines for nutritional supplements and ways to detox heavy metals. Truly, Brownstein's approach to arthritis and related conditions is holistic, in that it is comprehensive.

In addition to his own extensive medical practice and the data he has gathered over the years, he references other esteemed medical colleagues. In his chapter on Water, he recommends and quotes: F. Batmanghelidj, M.D author of Your Body's Many Cries for Water and ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus. Further, he references Jonathan V. Wright M.D. who wrote the Foreword of this book and is author of numerous books. Throughout the book, Brownstein gives ample case studies to illustrate his approach. He also quotes Thomas Edison who said, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest the patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

Books mentioned in the review can be purchased on

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Know Your Medical Tests For Colitis Symptoms Diagnosis

When a person first encounters symptoms that have the hallmark of colitis it is necessary to have a correct diagnosis of the condition in order that the proper course of care and medications are being used. This will involve the patient undergoing various tests to determine that they are suffering from colitis symptoms and the most appropriate course of action to follow.

The first action required is a blood test to check for levels of protein in the blood. In the case of low levels of albumin being detected suggests evidence of severe ulceration as will a raised level of 'C' reactive protein. An imbalance of the body's salt and water levels can also be detected and this can be attributed to acute levels of diarrhea.

It is now always the case with those that have had no previous symptoms to be sent to hospital to undergo various tests to determine the diagnosis and the extent of the inflammation. This can take the form of several different types of exploratory procedures. The first is a simple X-ray which can highlight the affected inflamed area of the bowel and how active the ulceration currently is. If the determination is unclear from the simple X-ray, a barium X-ray may be used for clarification and this is administered by mouth where the small bowel requires to be examined and by an enema for the examination of the large bowel.

When the large bowel requires to be examined, either a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy will be undertaken. A rigid sigmoidoscopy, which takes the form of a metal tube with a light on the end, is inserted into the rectum and moved up as far as the sigmoid colon. An alternative to this is the flexible sigmoidoscopy which is used where more of the large bowel requires to be examined. A colonoscopy, using a long and flexible fibre optic telescope is longer than a sigmoidoscope and is used to see further still into the colon to determine the extent of inflammation located deeper into the bowel.

Whilst performing such procedures within the bowel, the doctor may take a sample of the bowel tissue, which is called a biopsy, which shall be examined and a determination then made as to the condition of the bowel and severity of the attack.

It is very important for the sufferer to undergo these procedures, especially when first experiencing colitis like symptoms in order to confirm or otherwise the diagnosis of the disease. The information gathered can then be used to determine the best course of treatment to bring the colitis symptoms under control. It really is a case of having to experience a little discomfort in the hospital being worth it in order to provide an accurate diagnosis. The sufferer will then have the best opportunity to tackle, through the most appropriate care and medication, what can be very distressing and painful symptoms when colitis has been diagnosed.

Colon Health Problems - Is Your Health at Risk?

Many people suffer from colon related health problems today. There are so many different types of colon (large intestine) problems it is hard to believe. Did you know that in 2005 in the United States of America, 72,007 men and 69,398 women were diagnosed with colorectal (colon) cancer? Shockingly, 26,781 men and 27,259 women died from colon cancer in that same year. Most people know someone close to them who has suffered from the disease or a similar illness. It has become an epidemic in our society.

It is very important to see a health care provider that can treat and diagnose these problems. But, first, how do you know if you have problems with your large intestine ? Here is a list of common disorders involving this critical internal organ.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a disorder that affects the GI tract; it is the most common colon health related problem that doctors see today. The cause is unknown and symptoms include bloating, gassiness, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and blood in the stool. These symptoms tend to worsen during times of stress, bad diet and some sexual activities.

Treatment of IBS includes diet change, lifestyle change and sometimes medication. Staying away from certain foods can help avoid bloating and gassiness such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

Another common treatment is the addition of fiber into the diet. It helps reduce the chances that the digestive tract will spasm as it digests food. Adding fiber to the diet also helps with regular bowel movements and reduces the chance of constipation.

Stress also causes flare ups of IBS to occur. By regularly exercising and eating a well balanced diet, you can reduce some stress and other problems associated with the illness.

Smoking can also worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and some food can make IBS worse.


It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom. Constipation occurs when a stool is hardened because it doesn't contain enough water. This condition is hardened stools and can also mean difficulty passing said stool. Many people today suffer from this colon related health problem, but it can be treated.

A person with a blockage will experience less bowel movements; usually it will be from three movements a day to three movements a week. If the bowels are not moved for three straight days, there may be pain and difficulty when defecating.

There are many causes of constipation such as not eating enough fiber, some medications, being pregnant, IBS, ignoring the desire to make a bowel movement, and using laxatives too much.

There are many ways to prevent and alleviate this ailment, including eating more fiber (try flaxseeds, rice bran, oat bran, beans, peas, apples, pears, blueberries), regular exercise, drinking lots of fluids most importantly water, avoid using over the counter laxatives and going to the bathroom the same time each day.

There are also many types of colon cleansing products available that you can search for online or at your health food store. Having an enema will clear out the bowels and allow for feces to pass more easily. Enemas can be purchased over the counter and work by inserting a tube into the rectum and flowing water into the bowel. The water is then retained for a period of about ten minutes and then released.

Another colon cleansing choice is a colonic irrigation. A doctor or practitioner performs the colonic; the patient will lie on a table and have a tube inserted into the rectum allowing water to flow in and out of the bowel taking the waste out of the colon. Colonics are generally more comfortable than using an enema.


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose watery stools accompanied by bloating and gas. Diarrhea is also a symptom and not a disease although related complications can often cause severe illnesses. The most severe problem caused by diarrhea is dehydration, since stools are commonly watery; it causes the body to lose too much water. Diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting which also causes the body to lose water.

Diarrhea can be brought on by a number of things such as, viral infections, bacterial infections, and IBS.

This annoying malady usually goes away within two to three days without medical treatment. Many people can treat it at home by drinking plenty of water and eating normally. Some medications can be used to treat diarrhea such as loperamide and some antibiotics.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is basically inflammation of the colon. There are many different causes of colitis including poor blood flow, infections and autoimmune reactions. Viruses and bacteria are the cause of many different types of intestinal infections. Most come from food poisoning, E coli, shigella, and salmonella can cause colitis.

Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, a consistent urge to have a bowel movement, often constant pain, fever and chills.

Treatment for colitis includes antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and a combination of medications that are given to the patient and then monitored for a period of time.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease affects around 500,000 people in the United States today. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD; it causes inflammation and swelling in the digestive tract. It usually affects the small intestine and parts of the colon and is often mistaken for other colon disorders such as ulcerative colitis, IBD, and diverticulitis.

Symptoms of Crohn's illness include persistent diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and fatigue. There is no cure, but there are many treatments available to help manage the disease and keep symptoms from returning for a long period of time. Treatments include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immune modifiers, biologic therapies, and antibiotics.

Some people suffering from the disorder may even have to have surgery at some point in their lives. Surgery can clear the intestinal blockage, treat symptoms medication couldn't, and repair the damage to the intestines.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal (Colon) cancer occurs when tumors form on the large intestine and or the rectum. Sometimes benign tumors called polyps form inside the intestine, while malignant tumors in the large intestine are called cancers. Benign polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy and they are not life threatening. If polyps are not removed, malignant cancers can form over time.

Colorectal cancer can be inherited or caused by a high fat diet, the presence of polyps in the intestine and chronic ulcerative colitis. As you may already know, it is fatal in some cases, but sometimes can be treated.

Surgery is the most common treatment for this intestinal cancer. During the operation, the tumor is removed. The patient is then watched and tested to make sure that the cancer hasn't spread to any other organs, but if it has, more surgery may be required and, or, chemotherapy will be administered.

Colon cancer is the most fatal of all colon health related problems. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself by eating a well balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reporting any abnormality to your doctor.