Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Prostate Problems - What Causes Prostate?

Prostate - Is a vital organ, which is often called the second heart of man. Inflammation of the prostate gland is the most frequent and very common urological disease, which often takes place hidden and leads to violations of sexual function and spermatogenesis, that is, the process of formation in the testes of male germ cells. By some accounts, a prostatitis suffer about 70% of men aged 40 years.

Prostatitis is one of the most common diseases of the genital organs of men. Often it develops in parallel with vesiculitis, ie inflammation of seminal vesicles. Drivers, knowledge workers, sat all day in offices, and other people with sedentary occupations, are subject prostatitis more often than people who are constantly in motion.

Prostatitis often occurs because of variations in sexual life. Also cause the disease can become an infection caused by the bacteria staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci and specific micro-organisms - Chlamydia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Trichomonas vaginalis, mycoplasmas, microscopic fungi, viruses. Infection often enters the body from the urethra of the excretory ducts of the prostate.

Microflora in the urethra of a healthy person may be different, without causing pathological changes.

Often prostatitis occurs in men after urethritis, ie inflammation of the urethra. But for the presence of an inflammatory process agent is not always a sufficient condition. Importance is the state of the protective mechanisms of the organism, which can be weakened by alcohol, hypothermia, overexertion and other harmful effects. Sometimes the infection comes because of the casual sexual relations, and the woman may not be visible to the inflammation of the sexual sphere. The frequent change of sexual partner violates the balance of microorganisms and is the cause of infection in a man.

Venereal diseases, such as trichomoniasis and gonorrhea, have become sluggish and cause chronic prostatitis with the lack of effective treatment. Trichomonas prostatitis is almost impossible to treat and often recurs, as sources of disease are usually both partners.

Bacteria are often caught with the blood in the prostate of other foci of inflammation, such as cystitis, proctitis, colitis. Also, the agent of infection in the prostate gland can be entered and from distant sources, such as tonsillitis, caries teeth, diseased ears and nose, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. Often doctors track the interaction. Contact prostate disease of the colon. Effective treatment of prostatitis in such cases requires the simultaneous detection and treatment of opportunistic diseases.

Development of inflammation in the prostate gland is often dependent on the complex and local predisposing factors, as well as violations of metabolism and blood circulation, the presence of stagnation in the body. The latter are the most important and often combined with vascular pathology, ie, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the spermatic cord, the lower extremities. Also, the stagnation in the prostate gland contribute to chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteochondrosis, pathology of the cardiovascular system, etc.

One of the causes of prostatitis is stagnant secretions and blood in the veins of the prostate gland, which primarily related to an abnormal sexual life, that is interrupted intercourse, lack of regularity and stability of the rhythm of sexual life, sexual excesses, masturbation abuse, long-term sexual abstinence, defective ejaculation due to stress during sexual intercourse, etc., as well as venous congestion may occur at a constant sedentary work, while working in a sitting position, in the case of frequent constipation with hemorrhoids, colds, alcohol abuse.

Contribute to the emergence of prostatitis particularly prostate cancer. Iron - is unpaired body, which provides a secret part of the sperm, located in the front bottom of the pelvis below the bladder to the urogenital diaphragm. A prostate is an initial division of urethra and ejaculatory ducts. In form it resembles somewhat thickened chestnut or human heart.

Highlighting this resemblance to the human heart, and important role of the prostate gland in the body, many scientists call it the second man's heart. His front part of the prostate gland is addressed to the pubic symphysis, ie to the anterior fusion of pelvic bones, and the posterior part adjacent to the ampule of the rectum, through which can probe the prostate and make her a massage. The surface of cancer is addressed to the muscle, elevating the anus, so when you pull the anus and prostate gland is massaged.

The prostate is the fabric, which consists of numerous grouped in glandular separated by septa. Comprise 30 to 50 lobes, which are surrounded by shells contributing to wring secret channels. The transverse size of the prostate reaches 4 cm longitudinal equal to 3 cm, its thickness is about 2 cm mass of iron about 20-25 g.

In the prostate gland are three shares: two sides - right and left, which are separated by a shallow groove, and the front portion, which is the isthmus. Blood supply of the prostate gland is provided by numerous small arterial branches. Options are governed by its complex nervous apparatus.

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