Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis in Dogs: Natural Help With Probiotics

Many families have pets that are loved and cared for like children. They provide unconditional love just by being there. There is sweetness in coming home to be met by our favorite furry friends. Most are cats and dogs; a few are horses, or farm animals; some are exotic like birds and reptiles. Nevertheless they fill an important part of our lives.

There are many similarities between humans and other animals. As humans, we have more advanced thought processes and we have levels of consciousness beyond other mammals. Animals on the other hand, have highly developed senses of instinct. However, we are all still mammals. This is especially true of our digestive systems.

A number of years ago, I spoke at a break out session for physicians and other health professionals in Kentucky, the land of beautiful horses grazing in blue grass. One of the physicians asked if I used only human strains of probiotics in my formulation. With a smile, I reminded him that our bodies are mammals just like our four footed furry friends. They can struggle with diseases just like we do, in fact they can get ulcerative colitis (UC) too.

Here's my first experience with UC and a puppy. I arrived at my hairdressers for my quarterly haircut and styling to find her sobbing about her puppy, a 10-week-old bulldog. He was bleeding out of the rectum; the vet had diagnosed ulcerative colitis and recommended putting the dog to sleep. Certainly I had empathy but I was scheduled for a haircut and could only imagine what I might look like when we were done, given her emotional state of mind.

As she talked about the puppy, I realized that my research in probiotics could give relief from symptoms in humans, why not animals. After all, I had helped my friend's Springer Spaniel. I offered to return home and fix my natural treatment for her puppy provided I got the best haircut she had ever done. So we began and true to her word, I got a great style.

When I returned, I spoke to her about Carlie, the springer spaniel with "hot spots" and how it cleared up overnight with these special probiotics. I showed her the little kit and gave her explicit directions. Several days later we spoke by phone. Her puppy was doing well; there was no more blood, the vet suggested waiting until symptoms returned. I suggested that she speak with her vet about a low allergy dog food of lamb and rice. It's been nine years since that day. My hairdresser still cuts my hair and her dog is alive, well and absolutely darling.

Mastocytic Enterocolitis - A Patient Guide to Mastocytic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (MIBD)


Mastocytic enterocolitis (entero=small intestine, colitis- colon + -itis= inflammation) is a newly discovered disorder defined by the presence of increased mast cells in the intestine. Mast cells are a type of immune cell. They are involved in allergy reactions, infection fighting and nerve regulation in the body. They have numerous granules that contain a variety of chemicals that mediate body reactions i.e. chemical mediators. Histamine is one of the main chemical mediators in mast cells that are released when mast cells are triggered. Mast cells present in the superficial intestinal lining or mucosa in small numbers except when there are parasites, food allergies, increased stress or the presence of other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. When mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, this irritates or inflames the bowel making it more permeable or leaky. This can set up a vicious cycle of pain and further gut injury.


The most common symptoms are diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. However, constipation may occur due to gut paralysis. Nausea, vomiting and various non-GI symptoms such as flushing, headaches, and fatigue may also commonly occur. When histamine is released, it can cause leaky gut, increased contractions of the gut or decreased contractions, increased secretions and increased pain.


When you have an endoscopic procedure, the doctor takes samples of tissue, called biopsies, from the lining of your intestines. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist who looks at it under the microscope. Mast cells may be hard to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells. Mastocytic enterocolitis is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel or the colon.


There are medications that can reduce or block the release of the chemicals by the mast cells. The most common are antihistamines, both type I and type antihistamines. Type I antihistamines are typically used for allergies symptoms such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin etc. The type II antihistamines are also acid blockers such as Zantac, Tagamet and Pepcid. The most specific therapy for mastocytic enterocolitis is a medication that stabilizes mast cells known as cromolyn sodium (Gastrocrom). This drug prevents the release of chemicals including histamine from mast cells. It is typically prescribed four times a day for about 4-6 weeks. Along with medication, you should have allergy testing done for the most common allergies, work on reducing or coping better with stress and consider taking a probiotic supplement.

Copyright 2008 Dr. Scot M. Lewey, "Dr Celiac, the Food Doc" All RIghts Reserved

This may be reprinted for non-commercial patient use provided the contact information above is included.

Natural Cures For Diarrhea, Types, Causes and Home Remedies

Diarrhea is a condition in which a person experiences a frequent watery stool against the normal stool or you can say that a person undergoes a loose stool frequently. Diarrhea itself is a disease under different condition or it is being related with the various digestive problems and it is one of their symptoms.

When it lasts for 2-3 days, then it is not considered to be in a serious condition but if it lasts for more than 2 weeks and also it is painful then in that case you must consult to a physician.

Symptoms of Diarrhea: Few main symptoms of diarrhea are fever, sometimes stool with blood, nausea, loose or watery stools and sometimes diarrhea is also associated with abdominal pain.

Types of diarrhea: Basically there are two types of diarrhea.

1. Acute diarrhea: This type of diarrhea doesn't require any intensive medication. It lasts for less than 3-4 weeks and it is cured normally.

2. Chronic diarrhea: Usually this type of diarrhea is caused due to some infection and it continues for more than month and even it can continue up to a year. Few main causes of chronic diarrhea are bowel cancer, alcohol consumption for long time, poor digestion of food etc.

Causes of Diarrhea

1. Due to the after affect of some medicines

2. Use of laxatives like magnesium, cascara etc. and the other chemicals in day to day life

3. Excess intake of alcohol

4. Bacterial and viral infection

5. Reaction against the intake of some food

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Diarrhea

1. Water is very essential for our body so make a habit to drink plenty of water and fluids. You can go for drink like carrot juice as this drink improves the consistency of stool. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

2. Prefer to eat the preparation made of rice and light food without oil and spices.

3. For mild diarrhea you can also take blackberry tea.

4. Increase the intake of yoghurt but totally avoid milk as well as dairy product.

5. You can take ginger capsules to reduce this problem and even the ginger tea can stop the cramps and pain.

6. For many digestive ailments charcoal is excellent.

7. Increase the intake of soluble fiber which is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

8. Take a glass of water and squeeze two lemons in it and add half tea spoon of baking powder and drink it as soon as it foams.

The Best Foods To Reduce Wrinkles - Part 3

What's a woman's worst enemy other than cellulite? Wrinkles! We all know that wrinkles are inevitable but none of us want to get them any sooner than we have to. Wouldn't it be nice if there was something you could do to slow or even eliminate wrinkles? There is! It's called superfoods.

See, if you want to look 10 years younger, using wrinkle creams that really work together with some simple but important lifestyle and diet changes will have your skin look a whole lot younger. Focusing on both at the same time will give you so much more results!

So what are these superfoods, and what do they do?

Dr. Perricone has identified 10 superfoods that cannot only play an important role in reducing or eliminating wrinkles and keeping your skin more youthful, but also in keeping you a great deal healthier. A direct link has been made between some foods and healthy, beautiful skin with fewer wrinkles.

Since we can't cover all ten foods in one article, we'll have a look at two - Buckwheat and Green Foods. Let's learn a little more about the benefit of these two.

Buckwheat is often mistaken for a grain but it is actually a seed of a relative to the rhubarb plant. Buckwheat has even more protein than wheat, rice, and millet and it is gluten free an added bonus for anyone with gluten allergies.

The high protein levels in buckwheat have some unique health benefits. Buckwheat is also packed with vitamins, minerals, mono-saturated fatty acids, all of which are good for your health. Flavonoids, and high levels of antioxidant polyphenols, which are excellent at removing toxins from the body and keeping your skin healthy and with few wrinkles.

Green Foods include wheat and barley grasses as well as blue green algae such as in spirulina and chlorella. These foods are extremely powerful because they are packed with nutrients. Wheat and barley grasses are packed with antioxidants that do a fantastic job of removing toxins from the body. These two are equal on polynutrient value and fresh grasses have enzymes that dried grasses do not. Juice bars and health markets are the health market offer fresh grass juices.

The blue green algae are single celled plants, superior in chlorophyll, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Spirulina is so powerful that it can inhibit infectious viruses like flu and herpes for example. Chlorella binds heavy metal toxins such as mercury and removes them from your body. Both reduce allergies, protect the liver from toxins, control colitis symptoms, and most importantly have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which help remove toxins from your skin protecting it from fine lines and wrinkles.

Whether we are talking about buckwheat, green foods, or one of the other superfoods, the key is that all of them have strong antioxidant powers, which help remove toxins from the body's largest organ - the skin - that results in fewer wrinkles, even the elimination of those wrinkles. Other nutrients boost your overall health, which plays an important role in feeding the skin and keeping it plump and younger looking.

The secrets out - now you know how some woman manage to look 30 when their 50. Now you can also have vibrant, more youthful skin with fewer wrinkles just by adding superfoods to your diet.

How Attitude and Thought Can Fight Colitis Symptoms

Your thoughts have a direct influence on your life's outcomes. If you think negatively, think that colitis is in control, think that you will succumb to a relapse, think that it won't be long before another relapse will happen, think that you won't get better any time soon, think that the colitis symptoms will always control your life, then you are right.

And why is that? It is simply because that is what will happen. If your thoughts are negative, you will not help yourself heal. Turn this around and think positively and imagine yourself healthy, visualise yourself healthy, then your subconscious mind will influence the thoughts that are allowed to occupy the conscious mind. You need to alter your thought pattern to achieve this. You need to feel this way. Close your eyes and visualise yourself healthier. Colitis is not in control, you are.

It all comes from the number one lesson for life. Control the thoughts in your mind and you can achieve what you desire. What you think is ultimately what you become. If you think "I probably will never be able to do that" then surprise, surprise, you won't be able to do it. Your mind will be sent negative messages by the subconscious telling it that you can't do it and, of course, you end up failing.

So use the power of your mind to ensure a positive healthy outlook. If you are in a period of relapse, envisage yourself getting better. If you are enjoying good health, reaffirm to yourself that you are healthy and will stay that way.

Colitis can not only be physically challenging but mentally draining also. When during a colitis attack, you are faced with yet another trip to the toilet after already going ten times and it is still only midday. You can sit there and wish it would all go away. You don't want to move as this can not only be painful but will bring on an even more immediate need to get to the toilet. It is all too easy to let the attack consume you. You can submit to it and let it just run its course.

Alternatively, you can start by defending yourself. You can start by changing the way you mentally tackle an attack. By accepting that the attack will do whatever it wants to you, to have the thoughts of "I can't", you will be at the mercy of it. By adopting and maintaining mental strength, this will see you through the attack quicker and give you goals and promises to work to. Yet that is not to say just ignore what is happening to you. It is all about effective colitis management and how it can reduce the impact that a colitis attack has on you not only during a relapse, but also in remission.

By adopting a positive mental outlook and not having colitis dictating that you can't do something just because of "what might happen", you can grab hold of life again. By discovering what other sufferers have achieved by facing up to the disease and living life through a positive attitude you too can attain the desired effect of reducing the impact that colitis symptoms have on your life.

Colitis - Causes And Symptoms

Colitis is a condition of the human body that is marked by an inflammation of the colon. It can be caused by a variety of infections as well as a lack of blood supply and autoimmune reactions. The colon, which is also commonly called the large bowel or the large intestine collects and stores the residual waste after digestion. It is also the passage that channels this waste matter towards the rectum for excretory purposes. During the passage of the liquid waste matter through the colon it is mixed with mucus and bacterium, while the water part of the waste is reabsorbed and channeled into the blood stream solidifying the feces.

The colon is made of layers of tissues with the outside wall layered with smooth muscle tissue that is instrumental in generating a movement to push the undigested food towards the rectum. The inner mucosa layer secrets mucus and bacterium for the formation of the feces and also helps in the electrolyte absorption of water through the layer to solidify the waste matter. During a colitis condition it is the inner mucosa layer that gets inflamed. Similar to all other organs in the human body the colon has a supply of arteries and a nexus of veins on its outside wall to supply oxygen and exhaust carbon dioxide and lactic acid.

Infections: Colitis can be caused by infection to the colon through bacteria and virus that reach the organ mostly through food. The condition is commonly called 'food poisoning' and some of the regular causes include Campylobacter, Escherchia Coli, Shigella, and Salmonella. Another similar condition, pseudomembranous colitis happens due to the bacteria Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile). This condition occurs in patients, who have been taking antibiotic medication because of an infection already present. This condition is often accompanied by fever and non-bloody diarrhea.

Ischemic Colitis: This condition is caused when the arteries in the colon narrow due to an atherosclerosis cutting up the blood supply to the organ and causing often-severe inflammation. This condition can occur because of a low blood pressure, anemia, dehydration, or shock. In other circumstances-like volvulus, when the bowel starts twisting, and incarcerated hernia, when the colon is obstructed by the abdominal wall-also the colon can suffer from a lack of blood supply, considerable pain, passage of blood through the bowers, and fever to the body.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: There are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases that can cause colitis. The first being ulcerative colitis and autoimmune illness where the surrounding body parts start an immunological attack on the organ. The second is technically called Crohn's Disease and can be interspersed and spread along the digestive tract from the esophagus to the rectum.

Microscopic Colitis: Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis are the two conditions in this type of colitis. These conditions happen because of layers of the colon getting enlarged due to collagen or lymphocytes.

Chemical Colitis: If chemicals find an external passage into the colon it can get inflamed causing this condition. It is extremely common as fallout of enema.

A mild case of the disease can be treated at home with bland and watery diet, while if the condition persists or if the patient gets blood in the stool, or fever accompanied by diarrhoea immediate medical care may become necessary.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Only Real Cure For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

In this article I will talk about irritable bowel syndrome specifically IBS-D which manifests itself in loose bowel movements or alternating diarrhea and constipation. I will not talk about IBS-C which appears to manifest itself in solely bloating and constipation.

If you have landed on this page it will be because you like many millions of others have either been trying to self diagnose your condition or more likely that you are looking for a cure. I must warn you in advance, although I have an academic background I am not a medical health professional and you should always consult a doctor before embarking on any form of treatment however mild.

In this article I will be covering my battle with IBS for approximately 10 years and how I finally found a cure that works. Everybody has a different story when it comes to IBS-D but as I found out, we all have something in common. I will go on to discuss this in the following paragraphs but I just want to start by saying a little bit about me.

About 10 years ago I was a young university graduate and decided to join a job that first seemed exciting with infinite possibilities. I soon learned that this job was very stressful and required a 24 hour commitment. I didn't have a problem with working hard but I had a problem with my work environment. Many people at work were miserable, anxious, and horrible to one another and constantly testing their bodies to the limit. It seemed the norm to be constantly stressed out, have a poor diet and feel like you had no control over your life. My work was my life and my life was nonexistent.
Within a few months I started to come into work and make my way straight to the toilet. As any sufferer of IBS-D will known this meant constant diarrhea. It didn't matter what I ate or drank I would always have diarrhea. It was not uncommon for me to visit the toilet three or four times a day having eaten little to nothing and immediately have diarrhea.

Slowly I just got used the feeling and for whatever reason I thought nothing more of it. As soon as I would eat I would not feel at ease until I had gone and empties my bowels after which I immediately felt better. Along with the diarrhea I would lose water from my body which I never had time to replace so I looked like a dried out prune. Over 5 years I continued to do this to my body hoping that I would find a better role in my job and finally this would all stop.

It certainly did not go away in fact into my 6th year of IBS-D suddenly out of nowhere I started getting debilitating cramps followed immediately by diarrhea. I would have these cramps 5-10 times a day and would literally need to run to the toilet or feel like I was about to soil myself. This made it difficult to be effective at my job which then created a vicious cycle causing my IBS-D to completely go out of control.

I suddenly thought that I had developed cancer and stated reading everything on the internet about what disease matched up with my symptoms. I found quite a few which is why self diagnosis is not such a wise idea. I went to my doctor and we stated off with a course of antibiotics as he thought I might have developed in infection after an episode of food poisoning.

This didn't have any lasting effect and soon I was back to him demanding more in depth tests. This started a with a breath test to rule out food allergies and went onto multiple blood tests to eventually eliminating ulcers, colitis, coeliac disease, Crones disease gut infections, etc. I then went to the next and final step which was endoscopy of both the upper and lower digestive tracts. This all came back negative too. Finally I was diagnosed with severe IBS-D. In one way I was relieved to know that I didn't have something like colon cancer but at the same time I was depressed thinking IBD apparently has no cure.

The next chapter of my life involved trailing a long list of medicines in the hope that they would resolve this issue. Now I want to tell you that of the drugs that I took, there are many people out there that rave about some of these drugs and what it has done for them. That is great as everyone's body is different and what works for you may not work for me.

I am addressing the huge numbers of sufferers worldwide who like me have tried everything under the sun and were unable to find a cure. Now the following is a non exhaustive list of drugs which I tried and the results by their side.

Fibre (ineffective) Made things worse
Pre & Probiotics (ineffective) At first seemed promising but quickly stopped working
Exercise (ineffective)
Drinking Lots of water (ineffective) Made things worse
Exclusion diet (ineffective) Some foods like cheese, chocolate, spice made my IBS worse but exclusion of all the culprits did not resolve matters.

Anti Spasmodic (ineffective) Lots of different brands but all useless
Imodium (ineffective) Helped a little with the diarrhea but certainly not the cramps
Tri Cyclic Anti Depressant (ineffective) Has a drying up effective at first but quickly runs out
Hypnotherapy (ineffective) Very insightful and relaxing but not enough by itself

At this point the consultant G.I specialist had run out of ideas and I was left to suffer on my own.
Having done countless hundreds of hours of research I came across the answer. In Islam we believe that for every single disease God has made a cure so go seek it.

These are my opinions on IBS-D;

IBS-D will not kill you, it can easily be treated and there is nothing seriously wrong with you
IBS-D Is a functional disorder which is caused 99% by stress be it conscious or subconscious
IBS-D can only ever be treated by dealing with the cause behind the problem and not the problem itself
IBS-D affects people generally in the Western world where the 24/7 lifestyle and pressures of society cause people to be stressed out beyond limits and this is often brushed off as mild anxiety or depression.

So here is the magic bullet you have all been waiting for that worked for me and if my concept is correct should work 100% without fail for genuine IBS-D sufferers.

First accept that you have IBS-D because you are under pressure consciously or subconsciously and this is your body's way of warning you that enough is enough.

I spoke to my G.P and asked for Venlafaxine XL which is an SNRI antidepressant. I choose this specifically because it had constipation as one of its side effects; it was a powerful antidepressant and reduced visceral hypersensitivity.

Within 6 months at 150mg a day I had completely 100% recovered from any symptoms of IBS-D.
So how did it work? It is simple; the vicious cycle of stress, followed by cramps followed by diarrhea was broken. I no longer worried every time I went out if I had been food poisoned or where the nearest toilet was. It just let me get on with life without thinking about IBS and soon I was able just stop worrying about IBS and that is it.

Every single person reacts differently to different antidepressants so try them and see which one works best for you. Whilst you are on them you could try using hypnotherapy to make you understand that if you take the stress away then you break the cycle. It's your thoughts that control your bowels. Controlling your thoughts will help control you're IBS but as I said before hypnotherapy is ineffective on its own.

The only other drug that I have used when coming off Venlafaxine was a benzodiazepine called Alprazolem, brand name XANAX. In the UK this is not prescribed on the NHS so you will have to get it by private prescription. This drug can be addictive but if you have good self control it is an excellent drug to use on a controlled as needed basis. One tablet of 0.5 mg and I would be saying what IBS? You have to be very very careful not to increase your dose or develop a habit for this drug. You should also know it can develop tolerance and so you will then need to start increasing your does. Use it like it is supposed to be used as a treatment for IBS and not recreationally for you pleasure and you will have no problem.

Finally I'd like to conclude by saying that if I didn't have God in my life I probably would have given up long ago. Now I have my life back and am free from IBS-D. God always gave me hope so never give up the search for treatment and treatment starts with knowledge of your condition. So don't make the mistakes I made and loose ten years of your life before realising that we are all human and we all have breaking points. If you have gone past that breaking point your body will tell you one way or another so listen to your body.

Ulcerative Colitis Treatment

Ulcerative colitis treatment begins with a definitive diagnosis and a determination of the severity of illness. Once this initial diagnosis has been made, the immediate goal of treatment is to reduce the painful physical symptoms associated with it. Since there is no cure for ulcerative colitis, the long-term goal of treatment is to prevent future onset of illness, or relapse.

Both ulcerative colitis, and a related disorder called Crohn's Disease, are characterized by an abnormal immune system response within the intestines. In patients with ulcerative colitis, the location of this response is restricted to the large intestine, or colon. The resulting inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal walls can cause abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding, the main symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Due to the fact that other health conditions may exist that exhibit similar symptoms, care for ulcerative colitis begins with a confirmation of this initial diagnosis. This includes taking stool samples to rule out the presence of parasites or an existing infection within the colon, and performing blood tests to detect elevated white blood cell counts (high white blood cell counts indicate that the cause of inflammation is due to the activation of the body's own immune response).

A visual examination, either directly using a sigmoidoscope or a colonoscope, or indirectly via a barium enema, will help make the final confirmation that colitis is in fact the culprit. These visualization techniques are an essential step in ulcerative colitis treatment because they allow the physician to measure the severity of the illness, and therefore to figure out the best course to minimize the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Medications play a large part in both the initial treatment and long-term care for ulcerative colitis. These medications fall into two main categories: immunomodulators, which alter the proteins produced by the immune system which cause inflammation, and anti-inflammatory medications, which act to reduce the inflammation directly. Although these medications do not cure ulcerative colitis, they can induce remission of its symptoms and lengthen the time between relapses. As such they offer an ulcerative colitis treatment option that many sufferers take advantage of.

Very rarely, ulcerative colitis is treated surgically. Although surgery is the only true cure for the disease, it is inherently risky and therefore often reserved only for cases in which prolonged inflammation of the colon has resulted in life-threatening complications.

Although research has not yet shown any correlation between diet and the initial onset of ulcerative colitis, a low-fat, bland diet may alleviate some of the symptoms during periods of disease activity. Similarly, a healthy, balanced diet may help to prolong periods of disease remission.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis mentioned above, make sure you visit your doctor right away for a thorough examination. If you do have this disorder, your doctor will help you determine the best ulcerative colitis treatment for your particular case.

Give Yourself Colitis - Here's How!

Because colitis sufferers are continually besieged by well-meaning pundits with information on how to cure colitis I thought I might turn the tables with a few suggestions on how to acquire it. This may throw up a few pointers on how colitis does actually develop.

OK, here goes: Assuming you are reasonably fit, the first thing to recognise is that colitis won't happen overnight. You will need to be a little dedicated. Daily application is the secret here.

First thing to observe is never worry about what you eat. You'll find many doctors will agree on this point. They generally (there are exceptions in everything of course) advocate a rather cavalier attitude to food within normal bounds. For example, they may say that generally whatever you like to eat isn't a problem. Here in Yorkshire (UK) 'a good Sunday Dinner of roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding never did anyone any harm'. And who's to argue?

So, lots of roast potatoes all washed down with a gallon (3.78ltrs) of beer or a couple of bottles of red plonk and... Ole'! Your gut loves to be abused thus.

But first begin the day with a good old fashioned 'Full English' breakfast. That's a large plate of 4/5 slices of fried bacon, 2/3 eggs, 3 large pork sausages, mushrooms, black pudding, tomatoes, with a good helping of baked beans cascading over the sausages. Garnish with liberal amounts of salt and pepper, not forgetting a great dollop of tomato ketchup over everything to add a finishing artistic touch. There...loverly!

A couple of mugs of strong sweet coffee will help wash it all down. It's so enjoyable that it's not unknown for some enthusiastic individuals to indulge in a second helping. Yummy!

Don't worry too much if you can't manage a blueberry muffin after that. You can have that later. For now, if you have time, enjoy another coffee with a cigarette to round it all off. You can have the muffin in half a hour or so with another coffee when you begin to feel a little peckish.

Between meals enjoy a bag of crisps or a chocolate snack bar. Help it down with a coke or other highly colored fizzy soft drink.

For lunch you have several choices: Large Fish 'n' Chips. Don't forget to be generous with lots of salt and vinegar. Fill up on several slices of bread and butter. Yes, refined (very refined) white bread is excellent. A bag of crisps to round it off and you're done... for now. You'll probably need another coffee to melt some of the grease which is covering your tongue and the roof of your mouth. That's fine. Colitis loves all of these things, so you're doing good so far.

After a small afternoon snack like a pork pie and another bag of crisps or maybe a chocolate bar with a coke or coffee. Another option might be a Cornish pasty. Or hot-dog. A pizza or whatever takes your fancy really. Perhaps something a little more satisfying like a Shepherds Pie? You might like to consider the very popular All Day Breakfast on the way home followed by a small triple cheeseburger?

You'll be looking forward to a nice filling meal in the evening, so why not treat yourself and go out for a meal and get sated on a full 5 course meal at a local steak restaurant and have a proper meal. Plenty of meat. Real steak, the size of a small suitcase just like our Argentinian cousins enjoy. Not many vegetarians in Argentina as they like nothing better than a good steak. Except perhaps a salsa session. Or one after the other. Sorry, I digress. So, plenty of red, rare, almost raw meat, quivering with newly slain life. A concession of a few onions with it as a vegetable. But no greens. No fruit.

Note: Try not to park your car more than a few yards (metres) from the restaurant. Exercise is anathema. You'll spoil the whole idea of your objective of developing a really raw, bleeding, pustulating, inert or spastic colon.

Later, when you're watching TV, enjoying a sports game or a movie, have a few cans of lager, beer or whatever. You'll probably become conscious of that familiar 'empty' feeling...again. What do you do? I would suggest either sending out for a nice monster pizza, preferably one with lots of cheese topping.

Alternatively, why not liberate that rather large frozen chocolate cake from the freezer and consume it... in one go? A very satisfying accomplishment it is too. Don't forget more beer or coffee. Both are good. Together? No problem! Just enjoy your life. Ignore what all those silly people advise on those TV health channels. They're just spoilsports.

If you're worried about anything, no problem, just have something to eat. Anything. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. And because 'tomorrow never comes' there's no real reason why you should listen to anyone, especially those faddy health freaks.

After a few months you may find that you have put on a little extra weight. But don't concern yourself too much about that because once the colitis kicks in you'll start to loose it again. It's just the way it goes. So follow the above advice and remember never to exercise as it goes against everything we preach to get yourself out of condition.

Final tips:

For a change from beer and liquor, drink plenty of cow's milk.

Never drink water.

Luxuriate in adding liberal amounts of fresh cream to coffee.

Never be tempted to eat fruit or vegetables. If however you are forced to ingest a vegetable, be sure that it's well cooked. I would recommend at least half and hour on full power so there is no sensation of fibre when eating.

If you lead a stressful life, so much the better. This is certainly conducive to colitis. You probably have the basis for this dis-ease already. So Good Luck.

How Does Medical Marijuana Work For Crohn's Disease?

Medical marijuana has developed into a treatment for painful gastrointestinal disorders that involve bowel inflammation and cramping. These diseases include colitis, Crohn's disease, and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Often with these diseases patients can suffer from cramping, inflammation, chronic pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. Medical marijuana is often able to alleviate these symptoms substantially.

Crohn's disease represents a chronic autoimmune inflammatory bowel disorder that causes intense, severe pain. The cause is unknown. Digestion is adversely affected, and in very rare cases it can be fatal. The disease is destructive to the intesting. There are over 500,000 people in the US who suffer from Crohn's disease. In most states who have approved medical marijuana, Crohn's disease is an accepted condition for usage.

Traditional medications utilized for Crohn's include immunosuppressive ones such as Imuran, methotrexate, 6 MP, steroids, Mesalamine, and Remicade. These medications may cause the same symptoms as the disease including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Steroids have some side effects that may include adrenal dysfunction, bone thinning, ulcers, and glucose intolerance.

Various studies have shown promising results for medicinal marijuana alleviating the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn's.

A 2005 study published in O'Shaughnessy's found that cannabis helped a lot with the symptoms of Crohn's disease. It was a pilot study using marijuana at the Society of Cannabis Clinicians in a dozen patients with Crohn's and patients described significant improvement for appetite, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and depression. There were less flare-ups and fewer stools per day. Patients were able to decrease the amount of immunosuppressive medications necessary as well.

Another study from 2001 called Cannabinoids and the Gastrointestinal Tract found that the cannabinoids found in marijuana represent a potentially excellent option for the treatment of numerous GI disorders - including inflammatory bowel diseases, functional bowel diseases, gastro-esophageal reflux conditions, secretory diarrhea, gastric ulcers, and colon cancer. There are receptors both in the brain and the GI system named CB1 receptors. In animals the study showed that agonists for these receptors delayed gastric emptying and inhibited gastric acid secretion. CB1 receptors are mostly located in the brain.

A 2006 study published in the Journal of Endocrinolog Investigation demonstrates that activation of the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors exert biological functions on the gastrointestinal tract.

There are CB2 receptors in numerous cells outside of the brain, including in the GI tract lining. Marijuana contains cannabinoids which activate the CB2 receptor - this is thought to decrease inflammation in the GI tract along with reducing pain and swelling. There is another compound in cannabis named beta-caryophyllene which turns on the CB-2 receptors as well.

Chronic Constipation and Cancer of The Colon in Ladies

Chronic constipation,colitis and cancer of the colon were rare diseases when people ate natural foodstuffs, which retained fluids, minerals and vitamins. Today constipation is prevalent because we eat too much over refined food.

Many people are obsessed by the need to have a bowel action daily, but the individual pattern of bowel movements can vary from three times daily to three times weekly.

The accepted medical definition of constipation as at least three days between bowel movements and the passing of extremely dry stools. When a person is constipated at least three days between bowel movements and the passing of extremely dry stools. When a person is constipation, waste materials stagnate inside the intestines and poisonous toxins get absorbed into the system. Chronic intestinal is the root cause of many diseases.

Besides poisoning the system, a distended lower bowel may cause or aggravated hemorrhoid, varicose veins and swollen ankles. Symptoms due to constipation which includes headaches, spots, colds, catarrh, irritation, no appetite to eat, pale skin, coated tongue, bad breath, abdominal distended and body odour.

Mostly people suffer from constipation because they were dosed of with laxatives in childhood and their bowels become independent on their use. Other causes include lack of roughage which provides bulk, over dieting, not enough fluid, pregnancy, obesity, hard water, painful issues or hemorrhoids and lack of exercise and faulty bowel habits.

Nervous factors including tension, anxiety, fear and continuous haste may cause constipation too. Serious cause is narrowing the lower end of the bowel which caused by inflammation, tumour or infected faeces. Flogging a bowel that is functioning normally may stimulate the bowel to action but produce constipation later

To overcome chronic constipation, drink eight glasses of plain water daily or even more, fruits such as prunes, cereal, large varied salad, raw and lightly cooked green vegetables and fresh fruits daily. Avoid all sugar, sweets, white flour products, processed and over refined foods which can cause constipation. Improve your abdominal muscles by walking and jogging, gardening and keep fit exercises. Train your bowels to perform regularly after breakfast and allow sufficient time by getting up early in the morning.

It may take several weeks to restore normal bowel actions but it is worth the effort. Overcoming chronic constipation is a health insurance. You will have better and have more energy while your eyes will look clearer and your skin glowing.

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Using Medications

Ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome have similar symptoms but differ in their intensity and require different treatment methods. Allopathic medications are widely preferred for the treatment of colitis.

Even though there are numerous approaches through which people will be able to treat any kind of disease or ailment, medication is still one of the most widely used approaches. This scientific approach ensures that the results of the treatment are quick, effective and long lasting. Treating any kind of disease with the modern allopathic approach will also ensure that the disease will not resurface in the near future and will have a good effect quite fast. People who are suffering from ulcerative colitis will soon realize that they have numerous alternatives that they can go for to treat the disease.

While patients can go in for surgery, which is also very effective, more and more people choose to go for treatment with medications as this can be more pain less and will also have very few complications. The first thing that people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis will have to ensure is that the diagnosis is right. This is because a very similar disease with the same kind of symptoms is also present. This disease is known as the crohn's disease and this too is very similar to ulcerative colitis.

However, the medication used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis is quite different from the medication used for the treatment of crohn's disease and hence it is necessary for people to get the right kind of diagnosis at the very beginning. People will also have to make sure that their condition is not confused with the irritable bowel syndrome which is also a similar inflammatory bowel disease which is lot less severe and involves treatment with completely different medications.

One of the most widely used medications for colitis is the Sulfasalazine which is recommended by most of the doctors. The few side effects like nausea, headache, heartburn and vomiting accompany this medication. Patients can also go for medications like the Aminosalicylates, Corticosteroids, Immunomodulators and Cyclosporine.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea? Dog Diarrhea Causes and Treatment

Diarrhea is an extremely common condition which affects dogs of all ages. If your dog has soft bowel motions, it indicates something is not quite right in his intestines. It also means you may have extra cleaning up to do!

Loose stools have many causes, some more serious than others. Here are the most common reasons your dog may develop diarrhea.

1. Dogs aren't always sensible about what they eat, and don't snacking on any spoiled food or even dead birds they come across during the day. As you can imagine, this upsets their gastrointestinal system, and will cause diarrhea, often accompanied by vomiting.

2. Still on the subject of diet, even a change in the brand of kibble you feed your dog may result in loose stools for a few days as his intestines adapt to the new food. You can avoid this by gradually changing his food over the course of a few days. Increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of old food in his dinner bowl at each meal, and he shouldn't have any problems at all.

3. Worms often cause diarrhea, particularly in young pups. This too is preventable by using an effective wormer on a regular basis. Ask your veterinarian for advice about a suitable worming product and treatment schedule for your dog.

4. Loose stools can be associated with stress and anxiety in dogs. Has your dog had a recent change in his life? Perhaps you've moved house, or your dog is spending more time alone than he used to.

5. Dogs, like people, can have food allergies, and diarrhea is one possible symptom of such an allergy. These dogs often also have itchy skin and ears. Food allergies are often tricky to diagnose, and take a lot of discipline on their owner's part to manage.

6. Infection. Most dog owners will have heard of the dreaded parvovirus. This causes severe and bloody diarrhea in dogs, accompanied by vomiting and depression. Parvovirus can kill a dog. There are other viruses which aren't as severe as parvovirus but can still make your dog quite sick.

What do you do if your dog has diarrhea?

If he is obviously sick, depressed and not interested in what's going on around him, you need to take him to your vet. If he does have a serious condition such as parvovirus, he'll respond better to treatment if it is started early. Similarly, if there is blood in the diarrhea, he needs veterinary attention sooner rather than later.

Many dogs develop diarrhea and are otherwise bright and alert, and still have a wag in their tail. If that's the case with your dog, you can watch him for 24 hours and see if his stools start to firm up.

It's a good idea to skip his next meal to give his intestines time to settle down, and then re-introduce food by giving him 3 or 4 small bland meals over the course of the day. Lean chicken and boiled white rice is ideal. Make sure you treat him for worms, and if the diarrhea persists for more than a day, or if he becomes unwell, it's time to call your vet.

Our dogs are like family to us and so naturally it's very upsetting when they become sick. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you knew how to give your dog a check-up, so you could spot a problem early? Before it became truly serious or even life threatening?

Well, now you can!

Learn To Give Your Dog A Check-Up Just Like Your Veterinarian Does!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, and Relief

Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects about 54 million people in the United States, or about 20% of the population. It is an intestinal disorder with no indications of disease, but which for unknown reasons causes discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, gas and mild to severe pain in the abdomen. The pain of IBS can vary from a throbbing "internal bruising" feeling to sharp cramping sensations. Patients often complain that it feels like they got punched in the stomach or stepped on by an elephant. IBS is not known to lead to any other diseases, but can be inconvenient at best.

IBS is a general term to describe general irregular bowel functions that do not show up during examinations, blood tests or x-rays according to the FDA. Yet doctors know that it exists and that it is not completely psychological as previously believed. The National Institute of Health say that people who live with IBS simply have more sensitive digestive tracts. Their colons are more likely to react to stimulus than other adults or children with normal colons. IBS "attacks" can be triggered by eating greasy or fatty foods, some kinds of dairy products, certain medications, depression, gas, stress, lack of exercise, and even by eating raisins or corn.

An FDA report quotes many IBS research subjects as saying that the disorder has affected their everyday life. One teacher in Connecticut told them that she had to give up teaching in a classroom because her condition prevented her from being able to stay with the kids all day. She even purchased a van to give her more "privacy in her time of need" and keeps a fresh pair of underwear, anti-diarrheal tablets and other emergency items in there just in case.

Constipation is also an effect of IBS. Some adults and children have reported not having a bowel movement for up to 10 days at times. When they finally go to the bathroom, it is extremely painful and rectal bleeding often occurs. In both cases of diarrhea and constipation episodes, severe pain usually occurs. This is why this disorder can, and often is, mistaken for other spastic colon disorders such as colitis. While both conditions usually cause spasms in the colon, only colitis causes inflammation. IBS does not. Dr. Marvin Shuster, a gastroenterologist from Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center states that "Irritable bowel syndrome is the most suitable and accurate term... because it emphasizes that the condition is a motor disorder manifesting irritability (that) involves many areas of the gut."

Humans' digestive system has a nervous system that is separate from the brain and does not depend on the brain in order to function properly. Instead, according to Marcelo A. Barreiro, M.D. of the FDA's gastrointestinal division, the intestines "respond to its inputs under various conditions." He also says that in patients with IBS, the central nervous system (controlled by the brain) and the gastrointestinal nervous system are "out of sync". This means that if an individual is under particularly heavy stress, then the brain may send a conflicting message to the intestines that invokes irritability within the digestive system.


Unfortunately, because IBS affects everyone in different ways there is no "cure-all" treatment.

There used to be a medication for IBS called Lotronex. However, it was taken off the shelf just 10 months after being released due to serious side effects and sometimes deaths related to the drug. FDA reports being concerned about mild to moderate damage occurring in the intestines due to reduced blood flow and obstructions and/or ruptures in the intestinal wall.

Other antispasmodic medications are being used to treat IBS especially when other treatments don't work. IBS sufferers should always try to manage their disorder with a high-fiber diet, lots of water and regular exercise. Also, individuals with IBS should avoid certain foods like dairy, cabbage, beans, sorbitol, artificial sweeteners and fructose. But most of the time, that just isn't enough.

Probiotic supplements (a safe alternative to yogurt for individuals who are sensitive to dairy products) are an effective way to reduce gas and harmful bacteria. Although, most healthcare practitioners don't recommend even bothering with probiotic treatments unless you have done a colon cleanse first. While probiotics can promote good bacteria in the intestines, it doesn't do anything for the build up of plaque and waste along your intestinal walls.

Colon Cleansing has been praised as an all natural, safe and very effective way to deal with IBS on all ends of the spectrum from constipation to diarrhea. Using colon cleansers containing psyllium or psyllimax is the best way "reset" your colon and get it back to normal quickly. A good colon cleanser such as Dr. Floras Colon Cleanse, will only take about 14 days to work and users will start seeing improvements in their condition in about 7-10 days.

Colon cleansing will relieve the bloating, water retention and cramping associated with IBS as well as some other symptoms that you didn't even know were related like headaches, acne and fatigue. This is why many doctors and healthcare practitioners recommend that everyone use colon cleansers for good colon health; because it is a safe and effective way to clean out the waste build-up that can accumulate in the intestines. This build-up can cause health problems such as IBS, diarrhea, constipation, cancer, fatigue and even promote the attachment and growth of parasites.

IBS is a difficult disorder to live with especially since an effective treatment can be difficult to find among individuals. However, with good diet, exercise, plenty of water, and regular colon cleansing it can be managed.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - The Solution

Many sufferers of hemorrhoids will not follow up their case of hemorrhoids until they are in a lot of discomfort, or are displaying serious symptoms - bloodloss is such a symptom. Bloodloss is indicative of a worsening condition, but it's in your best interests never to get to this point. This piece will explore the symptoms of bleeding hemorrhoids. (This is a common spelling but it should really be spelt 'Bleeding Hemorrhoids'). Blood loss is started by internal and external hemorrhoids alike. But what really creates this frustrating condition?

See below, for the the different symptoms leading up to blood loss:

The Different Faces of Piles/Notes:

  1. Hemorrhoids spring to life generally as a result of your lifestyle - your eating choices, your daily activities and your general health. All of these factors culminate in the strain that is placed on your varicose veins - examples could be recently giving birth, your diet, your weight and whether your suffer from bowel problems (constipation).

  2. These elements cause the veins to swell and grow into hemorrhoids - Can be either internal or external

  3. With unrelenting pressure the vein expands so much that after forming into a hemorrhoid, it can't do anything but effectively 'explode,' thereby starting to bleed and become sore.

Most often, piles can be healed far before the point of bleeding. However, what can you do if you realise you have hemorrhoids after you begin bleeding? If you are that person don't be too concerned. Early symptoms of hemorrhoids can easily be mistaken as other concerns. 9 times out of 10, you'll be surprised to discover that hemorrhoids 'lurk in the dark' before letting you know they are there - usually with a jolt of pain. And if you're someone who quietly knew there was something not quite right but didn't have the courage to confront your doctor, also don't worry.

Natural Cures For Bleeding Hemorrhoids:

Choices For Cures/ Further Reading

  • Comfrey - Comfrey is a popular herb that heals wounds and regenerates new cell growth.

  • Mango Seed (Dried) - Not only is this great for you but it tastes delicious with honey. 1/2 gram is the ideal amount to have at once.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - You could do a lot worse than having apple cider vinegar with meals.

  • Cotton Ball Douse In Vinegar - Apply this to lessen itching and burning sensations.

  • Aloe Vera - Aloe Vera is an anti-inflammatory you can apply to the soreness for pain relief.

  • Witch Hazel - Witch hazel is a also very good for inflamed areas of your body.

  • Dry Figs - Drenching dry figs in water over night and consumed on an empty stomach in the morning is a good home remedy.

  • Herbal Sitz Baths - If you was to try any ONE remedy for hemorrhoids I would recommend you to try this option - and I daresay your physician would too. Effective and well proven.

  • Kegel Exercises - Age, surgery, pregnancy, being overweight and specific health conditions can cause muscles in your pelvic area to lose their form. Kegel exercises have been gaining in popularity as they build the muscles around the pelvic area. This leads to better urine retention and wards off hemorrhoids.

  • Lastly, eat your fiber!

Other Approaches/Notes:

  • Surgery - Surgery should always be the last option when it comes to curing hemorrhoids. For this article, surgery is too big of a topic to give it justice here.

  • Creams/Ointments - These are often the first choice for people when they come down with hemorrhoids. Namely, because they are available over-the-counter and many don't require a prescription from your physician. Once again, this topic is fairly large but you can find other articles online easily enough if you wish to explore further.

Bleeding Detailed...

  • Habitual Constipation - Constipation is a large factor for people suffering hemorrhoids. Over time the results can be compared to pregnancy, which I outline in just a minute. It boils down to excess physical stress.

  • Giving Birth - As noted above, the culprit here is strain. There is always a lot of physical strain throughout child birth. However, Women have evolved to be able to cope with this kind of stress. But only up to a certain point. There are limits to what we can do and the birth of a child is one of natures challenges of putting us to the test.

  • Little Exercise - I suspect that this is the main reason for people coming down with hemorrhoids in the first place. By the way, I'm not referring to that day you missed a trip to the track and field with friends. I would argue that unless you make daily exercise a part of your daily routine, it's benefits will be wasted on you. Enjoy it! It can be a lifestyle you've designed at work or it can be a habit you've developed in going to the gym 5 times a week. Whatever it is, it's so important exercise becomes a lifestyle for you, not just a one-off wonder.

  • Bad Circulation - Bad circulation has more than one negative consequence. It causes pain in your fingers and toes, it slows down your reflexes, and your muscles deteriorate over time. Of course, poor blood circulation can also result in hemorrhoids but you can alleviate the issue with prescription drugs by seeing your physician.

Other Tips:

  • Drink more water

  • Wear clothes with plenty of give

  • Stand up every now and then if you are sitting down for long periods of time; especially on the toilet. Being on the lavatory for a long time puts more pressure on the rectal veins than normal sitting - this increases the chances for piles!

Symptoms That Lead To Rectal Bleeding:


  • Veins (varicose) - Piles can be prompted by over-stressed varicose veins, as I've already explained.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - 1) Diverticulitis, the formation of intestinal pouches or pockets. 2) Colitis, pain and bleeding result from ulcers formed due to the eroding away of the rectal/colon wall.

  • Celiac Disease - The small intestine is damaged leaving nutrient intake difficult.

  • Fistulas - A fistula is an unusual relationship between two cell-lined vessels or organs that don't normally connect. The best solution to these is to change your eating habits but see your doctor first is there are any issues.

  • Fissures - These are deep furrows within the mucous membrane of the innermost intestinal lining.

  • Polyps - These are potentially cancerous growths within the body.

  • Prolapses - External hemorrhoids and prolapses are one and the same. The varicose vein becomes set under so much strain it's retraction is lost and it dips to a level where you can actually see it in the flesh.

I won't be looking farther into these but if they concern you, a quick search on Google will find a wealth of helpful guidance. If you are on concerned with piles, however, focus your energies on varicose veins and prolapses alone. The best course of action for bleeding of an unknown kind is to see your doctor first and foremost.

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

Although there are many products on the market which claim to be ulcerative colitis remedies, it is important to follow your doctor's advice. Products containing aloe are often recommended by many doctors, but taking other products without consulting your doctor, including activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis symptoms may worsen.

Some companies are advertising activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis remedies as alternatives to medicines which have been proven to keep ulcerative colitis under control in the majority of people who suffer from the disease. While it is understandable that some people may not be able to take certain of the most commonly prescribed medications for the control of ulcerative colitis, remedies like activated charcoal and other home remedies may be ineffective. Home treatment may be effective for those people who have mild symptoms, but it is important to focus on overall health and nutrition, rather than relying on a product like activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is a material that attracts and bonds with the molecules of other substances. It is used to treat poisoning and to prevent or relieve gas and bloating. There have been no clinical studies supporting activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control. In fact there are concerns about using activated charcoal on a regular basis, because it may inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. It is believed that people who suffer from ulcerative colitis may not be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need from the food that they eat, so to introduce a product into this equation that may reduce absorption of nutrients even more may not be a good idea.

Of the ulcerative colitis remedies available without a prescription, products containing aloe are generally considered safe and may be effective. Aloe is known to be an anti-inflammatory and it is known to promote healing. It is used as a topical ointment to relieve the pain from and promote the healing of burns and other skin irritations and sores. In cases of ulcerative colitis, it is known that the lining of the colon is inflamed, irritated and sores may be present. It is believed that aloe products designed for use as ulcerative colitis remedies reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing of affected parts of the colon.

While some people may have had success with activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control, it may not be the best choice. There are other ulcerative colitis remedies on the market. It is important to investigate the ingredients in a product and consult with your doctor, before you buy.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit

Type 2 Diabetes - Blood Sugar Control and Tumors

Tumors are one complication anyone with or without a diagnosis of diabetes wants to prevent. According to research performed in the Department of Internal Medicine at I-Shou University in Taiwan, people who have diabetes and who have also controlled their blood sugar levels consistently, were likely to find this a good means for the prevention of tumors.

The study, reported in November 2011 in the journal Cancer Causes Control, included 2,776 volunteers who enrolled in a comprehensive health management program that included:

  • fasting blood sugar levels,

  • hemoglobin A1c levels, and

  • screening colonoscopies.

Six hundred and five of these participants were found to have colonic tumors, 68 of which were at a high risk for becoming malignant. Among the volunteers with diabetes, both the blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c levels were highest in those with tumors. It was also found the highest hemoglobin A1c levels (HbA1c) were also associated with tumors.

It was concluded further research could clarify how useful hemoglobin A1c levels might be in estimating the risk for colorectal tumors.

Colon, or colorectal, cancer starts in the colon or large intestine, or rectum at the end of the colon. Besides diabetes, several other risk factors exist:

  • age over 60,

  • African American or eastern European descent,

  • a diet high in red or processed meats,

  • colorectal polyps,

  • Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis,

  • a family history of colon cancer, of polyps, of colorectal cancer, of breast or other types of cancer,

  • smoking and the consumption of alcohol.

Colorectal cancer can exist without symptoms, so screening should be performed for those over age 50 or who are at high risk. Signs and symptoms that can exist include:

  • lower abdominal pain or tenderness,

  • blood in the stool,

  • constipation or diarrhea,

  • narrow stools, or

  • unexplained weight loss.

When colorectal cancer is found, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy can be prescribed.

1. Surgical treatment can consist of the removal of tumors or even of sections of the colon.

2. Chemotherapy can be given before surgery to shrink the tumor as much as possible for removal. Chemotherapy can be given instead of surgery:

  • if the tumors are advanced to the point of being inoperable, or

  • it can be given after surgery to kill any cancer cells that might not have been removed.

3. X-rays can also be used to:

  • shrink tumors,

  • ease symptoms, or

  • kill diseased cells that have not been surgically removed.

When the disease is caught in its early stage the prognosis is good, with 74 percent of sufferers living at least 5 years after diagnosis.

How Bowtrol Helps Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms

As many as one in five people suffer from the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract that results either in chronic diarrhea, constipation, or both. It is estimated that as many as 50 million people in the USA alone suffer from IBS. The most common occurrences are in people aged between 20 and 30, with two times as many women as men being affected. Other names for this condition include nervous bowel, spastic colon, nervous diarrhea, spastic colitis and mucous colitis. Whatever it may be called, IBS is one of the most common health problems encountered by primary care doctors, and it is the disorder most frequently seen by gastroenterologists (physicians specializing in stomach and intestinal ailments.)

In addition to the primary symptoms of diarrhea and/or constipation, other elements of the syndrome may include abdominal pain, bloating, gas, heartburn, chest pains (not related to the heart), difficulty swallowing, flatulence, cramps, mucus in stools, incontinence and the sensation following a bowel movement that evacuation has not been complete.

There is a wide range of remedies for many of the above mentioned symptoms, ranging from simple folk remedies such as apple cider vinegar and baking soda, to expensive prescription pharmaceuticals, but, until recently, there has not been a treatment designed to assist in the reduction of the wide spectrum of the symptoms that encompass Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Now, however, there is a 100% natural remedy available, Bowtrol. Actually two different formulas, there is one Bowtrol for sufferers from constipation or multiple symptoms and a second one for loose stool sufferers. Each treatment regimen includes two components.

The IBS constipation treatment starts with a colon and parasite cleanser that lubricates, moistens and cleanses the bowels to reduce inflammation and gas, purify the intestines, remove old food residue and cleanse microorganisms and other toxic materials from the intestinal tract. This also aids in the reduction of water retention and bloating and assists in weight loss.

The IBS treatment for diarrhea utilizes activated charcoal, potassium and iron to soothe and calm the digestive tract, harden stools, promote intestinal cleansing, decrease inflammation and help decrease the frequency of bowel movements.

The second ingredient in both the constipation and the diarrhea treatments is Lactospore, an enhancer of intestinal probiotics. This anti-bacterial improves digestion by increasing the amount of enzymes in the digestive system. It is a 100% vegetarian material that contains 9 billion Lactobacillus organisms per gram, to help re-establish a healthy intestinal flora.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Natural Treatment for Joint Pain

Pain in your joints can be caused by inflammation, arthritis, or degeneration of the cartilage. More and more people today are concerned with the harmful side effects of taking pharmaceutical drugs. There are many products that offer natural joint pain relief and one substance that is very effective is n-acetylglucosamine, or NAG for short.

Benefits of NAG

N-acetylglucosamine is one of the eight essential sugars your body needs. After hearing that, you may think that must be wrong because sugar is not good for us. The essential sugars are called saccharides and are not fructose or sucrose. When your diet includes these eight essential sugars, your body will be better able to ward off disease and infection. Studies have shown that they lower your cholesterol levels, diminish allergy symptoms, and lower body fat while increasing lean muscle. The essential sugars can also help detoxify your body of wastes and can help treat autoimmune conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis.

NAG is found in the shells of shrimp, shark cartilage, shitake mushrooms, and even grasshoppers. Fortunately it is available in supplement form. NAG can reverse cell damage and rebuild cartilage, thus offering natural joint pain relief. Since it can repair certain types of cell damage, it also helps with inflammation and the damage caused by it. Nag is an effective treatment for diseases like interstitial cystitis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Other Supplements That Offer Natural Joint Pain Relief

There are numerous products on the market today that may or may not offer relief from pain and stiffness in your joints. Here is a list of some of the best ones at reducing pain and inflammation.

• Ashwagandha has been used in India for centuries to strengthen the immune system. Joint problems are relieved because it inhibits the 5-Lox enzyme.
• Annatto Bean Powder
• Boswellia
• Curcumin (inhibits the Cox 2 enzyme)
• Eucommia Ulmoides
• Ginger Powder
• MSM (helps to rebuild cartilage)
• Yucca

What About Glucosamine?

You may be wondering why glucosamine was not included in this list. That is because both glucosamine HCL and glucosamine sulfate can only be utilized by your body if you have a certain enzyme in your gastrointestinal tract. Many people do not have the right enzyme so the glucosamine is prevented from relieving joint pain.

When the enzyme is present in the GI tract, then the glucosamine is transformed into NAG or N-Acetyl-Glucosamine. NAG is then used by the body to reduce inflammation and pain in your joints.

Reasons and Remedies For Blood in Stool

There are many reasons you may discover blood in your stool, and some of them are life threatening. Some are less so, but finding the cause is very important.

How do you know there's blood?

Seeing something red is one way, but that is not the only thing to watch for. If the blood has been in or through the stomach, it won't be red. It'll be black and have the consistency of tar or coffee grounds. Both types can be a sign of something bad.

What causes it?

1) Medications and herbs: Aspirin, willow bark and blood thinners can cause bleeding in the intestines. Anti-platelet medications can do the same thing. This is something you should speak to your doctor about, as you may need a change in these medications.

2) Ulcers: Whether it's in your stomach or your intestines, an ulcer can bleed. Stomach ulcers can cause this to exit on both ends of the alimentary canal. This is a potentially life threatening problem, so getting treatment fast is important.

3) Hemorrhoids: This burning, itching problem around the anus can actually rupture. If so, the color will be fairly bright red. Diverticulitis (an abnormal pocket in the intestines) can also bleed.

4) Crohn's Disease: Another name for this is ulcerative colitis, and as the name suggests it causes ulcers in the digestive tract.

5) Colon Cancer: This is obviously not something that can be treated at home, and one of its symptoms is bloody stools.

Some of these problems can be dealt with using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. Others may need the help of your doctor, especially if cancer is the cause. It's always best to consult your doctor, especially in the above cases. The doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you come up with a plan that will be beneficial for you.

For ulcers and Crohn's Disease, you may be able to use marshmallow or licorice root to coat the digestive tract. You will probably also need an antibiotic, at least in the case of regular ulcers. Don't take any medications at the same time as the herbs, as it can prevent proper absorption. Don't use licorice root if you have high blood pressure.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by sitz baths, witch hazel and aloe vera. The witch hazel acts as an astringent, and may shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe will help reduce inflammation. Don't drink the juice, as it can cause explosive diarrhea, which would be an irritant.

Colon cancer, as mentioned above, cannot be treated at home. If the doctor approves, oats and marshmallow may be useful. Due to the side effects, licorice root would be a bad idea.

There is one more thing to consider if you see an off-color stool. Some of the things we eat can change the color and not be a threat. Black licorice and pepto-bismol, lead, iron tablets and blueberries can turn the stool dark. Tomatoes can give a reddish color, especially if a great many are eaten.

Dog Constipation

Constipation is the most common cause of dyschezia. As you read on, this article will tell you how to fight this disease so your dog can regain its health.

Look for the following symptoms of constipation in your dog:

1. The dog will feel uneasy or uncomfortable when trying to pass feces.

2. The dog may find it difficult to pass feces.

There are several different causes of dog stranguria and at times it may as well happen for no apparent reason. Having said that, one of the most common reasons for constipation causing dyschezia is the lack of fibre in the body. The fibre makes the feces softer and thus it becomes easier to pass through the dog's body. Other symptoms for this include:

1. Grooming more than normal may result in excess hair which causes itching and scratching and results in harder feces.

2. Rectal diverticulum. This is where the dog pushes against walls of the rectum next to the anus which have become weak and stretched and due to this any pushing against it may cause a bulge to develop and further pushing against this bulge will produce a pocket and the feces will have nowhere to go. The pain will gradually increase as feces are passed because every time this happens the pocket will become larger and the feces will come hard and dry.

3. Painful obstructions which result in scraping in the rectum such as chicken bones may make the dog not want to pass feces due to the pain.

4. Other conditions which include rectal and colitis tumors or growths.

In most cases your vet will lower the mass of the feces by pumping some sort of fluid into the rectum helping to release the blockage. After the enema the vet will probably want to examine the feces in order to find the problem and choose an appropriate prevention method for future cases of dyschezia.

If the problem is hair then conditions such as fleas or mites may be what has caused the disease and thus should be cured first in order to treat the disease. The same is the case when colitis or rectal growths are the problems.

If due to the straining caused by passing of the feces the dog feels weak or is struck by hernia then an operation may be conducted to correct this condition.

Ulcerative Colitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome are all the similar diseases with very minor variations. They all affect the bowel system. The symptoms are very similar to each other.
What are the underlying causes of irritable bowel syndrome?

Strictly speaking, the cause is unknown. Not that this disease has been neglected by the research fraternity, but the results are inconclusive, leading to several presumptions. One obvious presumption is that this is a type of allergic reaction to food; another is that that this is hereditary; while still another is that when the immune system of the bowels is weakened, it causes irritation of the bowels. But all said and done, none of these causes are actually identified to be the culprit.

What are the symptoms?
Some symptoms of Ulcerative colitis are diarrhea, loss of appetite, blood in stool, pain and cramps in the abdomen, fever, mucus in the stool, ulcers in the large intestine. An experienced physician can diagnose the disease using the results of colonoscopy which involves a biopsy of a swab of tissue from the colon. Monitoring depletion levels of important electrolytes like sodium and potassium by blood tests can also lead towards a diagnosis.

What is the best treatment for Ulcerative Colitis?
Conventional systems use two types of drugs. An occasional flare-up is usually taken care of by certain medicines. The symptoms subside until the next spurt which could be several weeks later. The other type of treatment is for more chronic cases where the drugs need to be taken regularly and at all times.

Of all the drugs used in this treatment, corticosteroids are prescribed for short term and the doses are tapered off. They are stopped for some time before being restarted. The reason being that, corticosteroids are known to weaken the bones if taken regularly for a long time; upset the body's delicate hormonal balance; and cause diabetes, glaucoma and even mood swings.

Some doctors resort to surgery as a last measure. But, this is an inconclusive step, since irritable bowel syndrome can still prop up in other healthy areas.

Treating irritable bowel syndrome with natural Aloe Vera shows encouraging results. Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines. Being a natural product, Aloe Vera is quite safe. There are no negative side effects other than regenerating dead cells in other parts of the body, including the intestines. Aloe Vera heals and if taken regularly, restores your digestion and absorption. With Aloe Vera you can continue your doctor's prescriptions for Ulcerative Colitis. Using Aloe Vera finally eliminates the unhealthy side effects of using drugs.

Clinical research is still going on in finding the cause and effective treatment for ulcerative colitis using allopathic drugs.

Detecting Colon Cancer in its Early Stages Can Save Your Life

Symptoms of colon cancer do not appear in all the patients when the disease is in an early stage but only after it has advanced in gravity. This is why doctors recommend that after a certain age people should ask for screenings regularly.

Colorectal cancer can give a lot of symptoms but they all match other diseases too like: inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome. All these diseases can be treated but they first must be diagnosed in order to apply a right treatment.

Patients come at the hospital because they are constipated, or have diarrhea for more than a week. Sometimes people observe that their stool is much thinner than before and that it comes with blood. They might be feeling abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating. Most of the patients loose a lot of weight in a short period of time and they feel that they have not defecated sufficiently.

Cancer determines cells to divide in an uncontrollable way. Generally the cells of the body divide only when needed, like when they grow old and other cells need to be produced in order to replace them or when they are in a small amount and the body needs more of them. Because the cells are produced in an increased number, a mass of unknown tissue will form, known as a tumor (this tumor can be benign or malign). Doctors believe that this type of cancer is developing from polyps situated in the large intestine. These polyps are considered to be benign but left untreated for years they can transform in malign tumors.

There are several types of polyps: adenomas, which can become cancerous but are easily removed during a colonoscopy; inflammatory polyps which appear after an ulcerative colitis and can also become cancerous and hyperplasic polyps which rarely transform into cancer.

If the cancer passes to a next stage it can affect the local lymph nodes and then get into the blood stream and affect other organs giving metastases.

The colorectal cancer can affect old people as well as young people but most of the cases are recorded at those aged over 50. There are several factors that increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer: those who have a family history of colon cancer or other type of cancer is at risk; those who drink alcohol and follow an improper diet can develop this disease. Also, people who suffer of Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and familial adenomatous polyposis are exposed at a greater risk than others. There is a type of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome which also occurs in the same family members but now people who are at risk can be identified through genetic screening.

Those who have adopted western diets, are obese, are smoking and also follow a diet that is rich in proteins and fats and low in fiber are at risk to develop colorectal cancer.

Crohn's Disease Explained

Crohn's disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the colon. Most patients also experience abdominal pain and weight loss. The treatment for Crohn's disease is similar to that of ulcerative colitis in the sense that it can be treated with sulfasalazine, mesalamine preparations, glucocorticoids and 6 mercaptopurine, as well as crohns herbal remedies.

Antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole can also be effective for the complications that come along with Crohn's disease. Metronidazole is very useful in treating fitulous disease in some patients.

The origin of Crohn's disease is still a mystery in the medical world, however some researchers believe that overeating, chemical poisoning, bacterial and a lack of response by your own immune system may all be connected to Crohn's disease.

Crohn's disease can often be confused with regional ileitis, which is also a severe, progressive, inflammatory disease of the bowel. Its symptoms include diarrhea with pain. Bowel movements usually contain blood, mucus and pus, brought on by the infection. What makes Crohn's different is that it can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract and does not necessarily involve constant unhealthy bowel movements, sometimes bowel movements are regular, other time they are not.

No symptoms are noticeable when your Crohn's is in remission. In fact, most patients in remission may think that they are healed. But the truth of the matter is that there is still chance for the disease to reoccur, unless you take all necessary precautions and pay close attention to your health. If surgery becomes necessary for Crohn's your disease, you can rest assured it is a well tolerated, reasonably safe procedure, with an operative mortality rate of only 6%.

Since diarrhea is one of the main symptoms of Crohn's disease, it's not unusual for patients to have some fissures, fistulas or thickening of the anal skin. The skin may also become swollen and discolored around the anus.

Crohn's can also bring about biochemical disturbances in the liver. Many patients hat exhibit this symptom have a family history of allergies that includes hives and asthma. Additional symptoms can include enlargement of the ends of the fingers (called clubbing), thrush in the mouth, lesions in the eyes and arthritis that effects the large joints.

Even today there is no effective cure for Crohn's disease. Although the disease may exhibit relatively mild symptoms, it still can interfere with work and your personal life. Medications that treat the disease can sometimes end up causing other problems.

Many Crohn's patients were found to be eating a similar diet -- lots of refined sugars, less dietary fiber, less raw fruits and vegetables. The trouble is that sugary foods tend to contain chemical additives that influence intestinal bacteria, causing them to produce toxic substances that end up, over time, destroying the intestinal lining. This is the reason sugary foods should be avoided (or limited) by Crohn's patients.

Seasonings as well as cold liquid are also not well tolerated. It's also common for a milk sugar mal-absorption to cause milk intolerance in most Crohn's patients. Crohn's disease is also believed to be responsible for providing favorable conditions where substances that produce allergic reaction can develop, especially if the Crohn's has penetrated the lining of the bowel.

If you suspect you have Crohn's disease, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps, such as self diagnosing crohns herbal remedies. Careful diagnosis and monitoring are the key to living comfortably with Crohn's.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dealing With the Symptoms of Colitis

Colitis is a serious condition affecting many today. It is not only a painful and sometimes embarrassing health problem to go through, but it can also be life threatening if allowed to reach a cancerous state. Individuals are always encouraged to nip this illness in the bud before it reaches that stage. Talk to your doctor about methods of early detection so that treatment can be well underway before it gets worse. These treatments include prescription drugs and changes in one's diet. In the most serious of cases these treatments are done along with the surgical removal of the affected part of the colon.

Specifically, Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine, or the colon. Reasons for this occurrence include a poor blood supply - which inevitably contribute to diarrhea, dehydration, anemia and shock- infections, and autoimmunity of the body. Colitis usually results in diarrhea, dehydration, malnutrition, as well as a bleeding ulcer producing mucus and pus at intervals. Diarrhea causes the body to lose far more fluids than usual. Diarrhea is usually the symptom that is seen in every type of colitis known to man. Cramps and sporadic abdominal pains are also a common feature of this condition. Other signs include fever and chills, the constant urge to use the bathroom, and the presence of blood in one's stool.

Now as mentioned earlier, this occurrence can be quite embarrassing for the victim and often times requires a support system such as close relative and friends. This becomes a greater concern where in almost all cases of colitis, one's daily activities have to be changed to necessitate the demands of this terrible ailment. A great way in which help can be given to someone dealing with the symptoms of Colitis is by being available to them during tests and examinations of this disease. Such tests include examining the blood to check the factors that might lead to this condition, conducting a colonoscopy to scrutinize the walls of the colon and finally, by way of a computerized tomography that visualizes the colon and abdomen.

Many people suffering from colitis have gotten to the point that they have difficulty leaving the house. They never know when they'll have to find a bathroom. This can make work and travel very difficult. Helping a friend or family member discover that colitis is the problem and that there are ways to treat it can help them get their life back again. It is helpful to research and talk about treatment methods with the colitis sufferer, and to carry out proactive measures such as encouraging a doctor's visit for medicinal aids to the aches and pains (which people might easily mistake as just ordinary abdominal pains and diarrhea) and eating healthy foods that don't cause colon distress!

Ulcerative Colitis And Aloe Vera Treatment

Aloe vera is used as a natural remedy for treatment of grave ailments like ulcerative colitis along with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Ulcerative colitis is a kind of disease that takes place in the lining of the large intestine and it generally causes inflammation and sores, which is known to us as ulcers. The inflammation occurs in and around the rectum region and in the lower parts of the colon. Ulcerative colitis seldom affects the small intestine except the end section, which is known as the terminal ileum. Ulcerative colitis can also be referred to as colitis or proctitis. This is an irritable bowel syndrome and it is hard to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to another type of intestinal disorder known as Crohn's disease.

Aloe vera is extremely effective in the treatment of the ulcerative colitis. It is generally found in Africa. It is a green plant which is like cactus with long leaves and it comprises of a gel and a yellow residue known as latex. The gel of this plant is the place where all its medicinal values can be found. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides is the particular area where all its medicinal features can be found. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules that consists of separate glucose sugar molecules and mannose all linked together.

The reason why ulcerative colitis is treated with the help of Aloe vera is simply because it includes Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides or AMP and every tissue, cell and organ of your body is benefitted by it. Primarily the AMP or the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides is a highly potential anti-inflammatory drug. It tackles directly with the inflammation in the digestive tract and it also helps in the removal of constipation and diarrhea. Aloe vera detoxifies your body by using its intercellular antioxidant and helps in natural repairing and rebuilding of the protective mucosa membrane along the walls which deals with bowels and fixes the damaged tissue from mouth to rectum.

Apart from treating ulcerative colitis, Aloe vera also helps in digestion and better absorption of digested food and also in the better assimilation of absorbed food into the body. It also helps in the restoration and balancing the optimum functioning of the immune system. Due to its incredible medicinal values and properties, it is used in the treatment of colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn's disease and all these ailments are caused due to the inflammation of digestive tract between rectum and intestine. Aloe vera is considered as a natural remedy for the treatment of these diseases.

Crohn's Disease and Colitis - Clearing Up the Confusion

Crohn's Disease and Colitis are chronic conditions. At present, there is no cure, but sufferers can manage (and even eliminate) their symptoms. Yet there is much confusion out there about these diseases. It helps if everyone knows the facts.

Clearing Up the Confusion

Understanding your Condition

It is vital that patients understand their condition. Often Crohn's Disease and Colitis patients do not want to talk about their condition - even with their doctors. Both diseases come with uncomfortable symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain.

Sometimes sufferers would sooner sweep the symptoms under the rug than bring up a discussion about them. Yet patients need to be as informed as possible about their condition. Indeed, they should keep up to date about the latest developments in this area of medicine.

Get the Facts

Do not believe everything you hear about Crohn's Disease and Colitis - unless it comes from a trusted source. Your medical professional trained in dealing Crohn's Disease and Colitis is your best source of information. Not only do they have the professional knowledge but they knows about a patient's health relative to Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Everyone is not affected in the same way by these conditions. Symptoms can vary from person to person. Treatment regimes can also be customized to meet a patient's condition.

Controlling your Symptoms

Many people are confused about Crohn's Disease and Colitis. They think that there is no help for these conditions. Although there is no cure healing is possible, the symptoms can be controlled or healed and the patient can be in control.

When they know that they can manage or heal their symptoms, sufferers feel empowered and ready to face any challenge. Pay no attention to anyone who claims that you cannot do anything to help your disease. Check with your medical professional about ways to cope with these conditions or possibly heal them.

Some patients claim that a water fast, followed by a regular raw food diet, helped them to manage (and eliminate) their symptoms. Of course, nobody should take part in a water fast or make an extreme change to their diet without consulting their medical professionals. Yet researchers are studying the benefits of vitamin A for sufferers with Crohn's Disease and Colitis. The research has not reached completion.

Many patients say though that they do not feel well on the Western diet. It makes sense that the Western diet would not be good for people with both conditions. Keep in mind that the North American diet is heavy in processed foods, fats, and sugars.

Minding your Symptoms

When people spread the myth that Crohn's Disease and Colitis are at a minimum not manageable, they are spreading a false (and dangerous) story. The worst possible scenario for patients occurs if they feel hopeless about their conditions. If they do not seek treatment for the disease, the symptoms will just worsen over time.

The longer symptoms go untreated, the more damage can be afflicted on one's body. Untreated symptoms can lead to varied negative effects from blockages to organ damage. It is time to clear up the confusion. Get the facts about Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Candida Overgrowth Is Caused From an Unknown Sugar Addiction

Candida yeast is a natural part of your colon's bacteria population. In a healthy body, it makes up about 15% of your gut bacteria. When this healthy balance is compromised -- because of excessive sugar consumption -- the body will develop a host of unpleasant symptoms, such as vaginitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, systemic candida, food allergies, white tongue (oral thrush), psoriasis, migraines, asthma, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, acid reflux, and other digestive disorders.

I suffered from systemic candida for over twenty years, and I tried every "remedy" and "treatment" out there. But no matter how many products or promised cures I tried, how many how many fasts I endured, how many anti-fungal herbs I took, how many colonics I was given, or how many probiotics I ingested, the candida fungi kept coming back. Eventually, I began to realize that the candida were being produced by my Intelligent Body to counterbalance a more significant underlying problem: an inability to properly digest foods and absorb nutrients.

You see, candida is not something you "catch". And it's not something you need to "get rid of" or "eliminate" or "cure", because it's created naturally by the body for good reason. It's not a an accident that you have it, because just as when the body creates a fever to kill off a lethal virus or causes vomiting or diarrhea to expel toxins, its divine intelligence is doing its job to protect itself from a much more life-threatening danger. The Intelligent Body is all about life-preservation. In my case of systemic candida, my body was constantly having to defend itself against the barrage of sugar that I was unknowingly ingesting on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. And candida fungi feast on sugar.

A major epiphany hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized that the massive amounts of sugar I was ingesting was coming from honey, fruit, fruit juice, maple syrup, bread, potatoes, pasta, and cereal. Even though none of these foods and drinks contain "added sugar", all of them get converted into glucose in the body and this is why my body was manufacturing the candida; to dispose of all this toxic sugar.

To complicate matters further, I was not eating sufficient protein and healthy fats. Raised as a vegetarian from birth, I relied mainly on soy products for protein. But the body cannot digest soy at all -- unless it is fermented. And so, what did my body do to compensate for this constant barrage of foods that it can't digest and sugars that it can't assimilate? Well, it protects itself by manufacturing a fungus to devour the sugar. And this is what causes candida overgrowth -- it all boils down to an unknown addiction to sugar.

Antibitoics can lead to candida overgrowth -- this is true, however, it is not the primary cause of it as many nutritionists advocate. As a population, we simply don't take nearly enough antibiotics to be causing such as "yeast syndrome". However, we do consume more than enough sugar! And contrary to another popular myth in the wellness industry, the Intelligent Body is perfectly capable of manufacturing the appropriate probiotics on its own (there are over 500 varieties) if it is supplied with the proper nutrients, minerals, and foods that it can digest. If, however, you're continuously drowning out vital magnesium, calcium, selenium, and trace minerals with diuretics such as caffeinated beverages every day, the body simply cannot do its job.

The U.S. Congress just passed a law that the tomato sauce on pizza will be considered as a vegetable for school lunches. Not only is the pizza devoid of all nutrition and has a glycemic index above 70, when combined with the high-starch, sugary, acidic tomato sauce, it will be instantly converted to glucose in the bloodstream, contributing to the rapidly rising childhood diseases of hypoglycemia, type 2 diabetes, ADHD, and obesity.

I believe that poor nutrition is the major cause of cancer, candida, digestive disorders, and nearly every other chronic disease out there because it weakens every cell in the body. The modern human diet is completely devoid of the vital nutrients and minerals that the body needs to repair the constant bombardment of sugar, GMO's, undigestable oils (such as margarine, trans fats, Canola oil, and soybean oil), heavy metals, fluoride, chlorine, vaccines, prescription drugs, caffeine, and other carcinogens and toxins that we are bombarding it with on a daily basis.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet for People With Celiac Disease and Crohn's Disease

A type of the diet in the offing is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is thoroughly tackled in the book Management of Celiac Disease by medical experts Dr. Sydney Valentine, Dr. Haas Gottschall and Dr. Merrill P. Haas. Dr. Sydney Haas. Dr. Haas Haas Gottschall who is pediatrician got interested in the diet of his patients with celiac disease. He discovered that there are specific carbohydrates that can be tolerated in some people, and from then on he went on to whip out the SCD as a cure for celiac disease.

A distressed mother who is searching for a cure for her daughter who is experiencing treatment-unresponsive ulcerative colitis stumbled upon Dr. Haas Gottschall. The girl followed the SCD and her health gradually improved. This was a remarkable development as it inspired Gottschall to study and research further on the SCD and then later, wrote and published the book entitled, Breaking The Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, which contains comprehensive information and details about the SCD.

SCD a Useful Undertaking in Fighting Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Although it is not yet proven that SCD can fully treat IBD such as the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and at the same time difficult to implement and follow, it can provide a big help for the patients. Any medical professional organization and patients advocacy associations don't support the SCD yet. Nonetheless, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America are not throwing any words that it will not diminish the inflammation and an attempt to use the diet is unsafe.

The Principles Behind The SCD

The diet doesn't allow grains, lactose, and sugar. The main idea is the exclusion of complex carbohydrates from the diet. Only plain carbohydrates are permitted. The conjecture is that complex carbohydrates are food for the detrimental bacteria in the gut. If these bacteria are famished, they will not be able to reproduce and go on with stirring and creating gastrointestinal symptoms.

Moreover, complex carbohydrates are not easy to digest. The undigested carbohydrates are suspected to contribute to the furthering of harmful toxins in the gut. The toxins can aggravate gastrointestinal symptoms and the unfinished digestion of carbohydrates.