Saturday, June 29, 2013

Conjunctivitis: The Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis also known as pink eye is actually inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye known as conjunctiva and inner surface of eyelids. The most probable cause is viral infection but in some cases it may be caused due to bacterial action or some allergic manifestations. Viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are common in childhood but they also occur in adults. Pink eye can crop up in an individual of any age and at any time. Many factors can be lead responsible for the occurrence of pink eye and they may be classified as either infectious or non-infectious. This infection does not bring any alteration in the vision of an individual. On the basis of factors that are responsible for pink eye it may be classified as allergic, bacterial, viral, chemical and neonatal conjunctivitis. On the basis of involvement conjunctivitis may be classified as blepharoconjuctivitis which is the result of dual combination of conjunctivitis with blepharitis. Keratoconjuctivitis is the combination of conjunctivitis and keratitis. Episcleritis is an inflammatory state which resembles conjunctivitis but lacks discharge.

The common symptoms of the pink eye include hyperaemia also known as red eye followed by irritation and watering. The pupils remain normally reactive and the vision acuity is also normal and it is not impaired. The main agents that are responsible for causing pink eye is virus but bacteria, allergens, other irritants and dryness can also cause this clinical manifestation. Both bacterial and viral infections are contagious and can be transmitted from one person to another. Conjunctivitis can also be transmitted by the use of contaminated objects and water. Adenoviruses are chiefly responsible for causing conjunctivitis. Herpetic keratoconjuctivitis is a serious form of infection that requires treatment with acyclovir. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is a very serious form of pink eye caused by eneteroviruses namely, Enterovirus 70 and Coxsackievirus A24. These two viruses were isolated in 1969 from Ghana during an outbreak and are now worldwide in distribution occurring in epidemic form in many parts of world.

Viral infection is the most imperative cause of pink or red eye and adenoviruses are the causative agents for this clinical condition of the eyes. The symptoms include watery discharge that is neither green nor yellow. The majority of incidences of pink eye are observed during the late fall and early spring. Other symptoms include sinus congestion and running nose. Eyelids may be swollen and sometimes looking at the bright light may be painful. As this form of conjunctivitis is associated with the infection of the cornea of the eye no antibiotic is prescribed by the medical expert for treatment. This infection can be detected with greater accuracy and can be effectively treated. This form of conjunctivitis is highly contagious and the symptoms may last for 1-2 weeks. The preliminary symptoms take about 3-5 days to appear. The bacterial species that can be responsible for the pink eye include Staphyloccus and Streptococcus and the symptoms include eye pain, itching, swelling, redness and a moderate to large amount of discharge of yellow or green colour. The discharge usually accumulates during sleeping and this type of pink eye infection can be treated by the use of warm washcloths and application of ointments or antibiotic uptake.

An unusual form of red eye caused by Chlamydia is uncommon in the United Kingdom but is of common occurrence in the Middle Eastern countries and Africa. Chlamydia can cause pink eye in both adults and neonates. This form of pink eye can be sexually transmitted in the adults. This type of pink eye is usually treated with erythromycin and oral doses of tetracycline but is not recommended for children less than 8 years of age as it can result in discoloration of teeth. Pink eye caused by allergic manifestations can be identified by intense itching, tearing and swelling of the eye membranes. Pain may be absent or minimal. The frequent causes for this type of pink eye include pollens, animal dander and dust. This type of infection is generally seasonal and other typical allergic symptoms include sneezing, itchy nose and scratchy throat. Use of cold, moist washcloths and eye drops can help in relieving symptoms. The doctor prescribes stronger medication when the home remedies fail to give the desired result. Chemical red eye is generally caused when any irritating substance enters the eyes and the common irritants include household cleaners, use of any kind of spray, smoke, foreign objects in the eye, smog and industrial pollutants. Washing of the eyes with profuse amounts of water is recommended when any foreign particle enters the eyes. If conditions become uncontrollable then a medical expert must be contacted.

Presence of a persistent pink eye depicts about the underlying illness in the body and these diseases include rheumatic disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Conjunctivitis is of wide occurrence in the Kawasaki's disease and certain inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Bright redness in the whites of the eyes can also occur when the tiny blood vessels covering the whites of the yes rupture as a result of trauma or changes in the pressure within the head. This condition is designated by the term subconjuctival hemorrhage although the name appears frightening but it is a harmless condition. This condition is different from the inflammation of the conjunctiva caused in the pink eye. It causes the local white area of the eye to become reddened. It does not affect the colored portion of eye as well does not impairs vision of the individual. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis can be done by cultures as most cases of pink eye are treated empirically and successfully. Swabs for bacterial culture are necessary if history indicates signs of bacterial conjunctivitis but no response against topical antibiotics is observed. Viral cultures are generally carried out in cases of epidemic case clusters.

Conjunctivitis in general resolves in 65% cases within 2-5 days and so no antibiotic dosage is needed. As infectious forms of pink eye are highly contagious direct contact with the infected individuals must be avoided. Touching of the eyes with dirty hands must be avoided and regular washing of eyes with cold water is a good practice. Use of ointments and antibiotics can also be of great help.

Bacterial Colitis is the Most Common Cause of Colitis

Pseudomembranous colitis is a form of inflammatory disease characterized by the pathologic presence of pseudomembranes consisting of mucin, fibrin, necrotic cells, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Bacterial IBS is the most common cause of this disease , particularly beyond the first year of life. Allergic IBS is the most common form of colitis during the first year of life. Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis are two other types of bowel inflammation that affect the colon.

A diagnosis of collagenous IBS or lymphocytic IBSis made after tissue samples taken during a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy are examined with a microscope. Collagenous IBS and lymphocytic IBS are also called microscopic IBS. Ulcerative colitis is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people.

For extreme cases of collagenous and lymphocytic that have not responded to medication, surgery to remove all or part of the colon may be necessary.

Ulcerative colitis can occur in people of any age, but it usually starts between the ages of 15 and 30, and less frequently between 50 and 70 years of age. IBS is an inflammation of the colon. IBS may also cause problems such as arthritis, inflammation of the eye, liver disease, and osteoporosis. This disease causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the lining of the rectum and colon.

Ischemic is a form of vasculitis that results from inflammation and ischemia of colonic mucosa, which causes rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. Treatment for collagenous and lymphocytic varies depending on the symptoms and severity of the case. People with ulcerative colitis have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of the disease. Pseudomembranous usually presents with profuse watery or mucoid diarrhea, tenesmus, fever, abdominal cramps, and tenderness usually within one week of antibiotic therapy.

After age 50 a regular colonoscopy is recommended for early detection of colon cancer unless the patient has increased risk of cancer and then more frequent examinations may be prescribed by the patients doctor.

Understanding Crohn's Disease: Worse Than Most People Think but no Reason to Despair

The numerous medical details behind the ailment commonly known as "Crohn's Disease" are rather complex; especially to those of us who don't have dozens of years of clinical training in our professional past. In the simplest terms, Crohn's Disease results from an inflammation often located in the small intestine (a.k.a. "the ileum"). There is some strong evidence that suggests that this inflammation is caused by a virus. Though generally localized in the small intestine, this inflammation has the potential to adversely affect any area of the entire digestive tract. As a result, the bowels are constantly agitated and often compelled to empty, leading to diarrhea, discomfort, and pain.

Indeed, this is a very simple way of grasping the essence of Crohn's Disease, and to truly understand the details, a great deal of medical study and experience is necessary. Yet with this being said, there's one thing that can be concluded without hesitation; something that doesn't take years to study or grasp. For the millions of people who suffer from Crohn's Disease, their life is unfairly filled with pain, often constant discomfort, and a looming fear of being unable to control their bowel movements.

It's fair to say - in fact, it's an understatement to say - that people who suffer from Crohn's Disease are forced to dramatically change their entire lifestyle. Some people - and this is not dramatic at all - have been forced to quit their jobs, or cancel vacations simply because of the tremendous stress that the disease places on a sufferers physical and emotional health.

Treatment Options

The US National Institute of Health (NIH) outlines the treatment "options" that Crohn's Disease sufferers are often forced to choose from: drugs or surgery. The NIH also points out, very clearly, that according to them there is no cure for Crohn's Disease. As a result, pharmaceutical and surgical treatment methods focus on symptom management; they do not and cannot cure the disease. At the very most, they can mitigate some of the pain and discomfort; though, naturally, with the introduction of side effects that can adversely affect other biological systems, including emotional health. Some of the side effects include:

· nausea

· vomiting

· heartburn

· diarrhea

· headache


The NIH points out that pharmaceutical remedies (for lack of a better word) containing the ingredient mesalamine are common prescribed to people suffering from Crohn's Disease. Mesalamine is an anti-inflammatory, and seeks to target the inflammation in the ileum. However, drugs containing mesalamine (such as Sulfasalazine) are not curative; they can not treat the inflammation. They can merely mask it to some extent. The body is still suffering and the problem still remains, but the drug controls some of the felt inflammation.

If the problem is more severely felt, some patients may be prescribed steroids (corticosteroids). These drugs, as can be assumed, lead to severe side effects if taken over a longer period of time, including those noted above. Steroids can also make a person more vulnerable to infection, which can thus expose them to additional health problems aside from the Crohn's Disease that they're trying to address.
Other drugs, such as Infliximab, have been approved by the FDA for those suffering from more severe Crohn's Disease. But it is not free from side-effects either and for the common Crohn's sufferer it is prohibitively expensive. And some people develop antibodies rendering its effect void.


One of the most remarkable things about the human body is its regenerative properties; break some skin, and new cells rush to the exposed area. Break a bone, and immediately the body sends in reinforcements to start the healing process. Generally, this is seen as a wonderful - indeed mysterious - quality of the inexplicable intelligence of the human body.

Ironically, however, this is not always such a positive thing. For example, Crohn's Disease sufferers sometimes opt for surgery to remove the inflammed area of the ileum. Yet, remarkably, it often grows back in some other part of the intestine. In this light, surgical options for Crohn's Disease sufferers is not always a method of releving pain and suffering; it's a last resort measure to address an even more serious problem in the area, such as intestinal bleeding or the formation of an abscess. In such dire situations, surgery may take place; but it is only temporary, and done to treat the bigger problem. The Crohn's Disease remains.

Some Crohn's Disease sufferers also opt (or are persuaded to opt by their doctor) a surgical solution called a colectomy. A colectomy literally cuts off the entire colon, and body waste is expelled through a small opening near the abdomen. The fact that some people in the medical community consider this a "solution" - forcing people to wear a pouch around their stomach to collect waste that previously flowed through their (now surgically removed) colon -- is a testament to the fact that people with Crohn's Disease are not provided with the real solution that they deserve: one that actually treats the problem at the source.

Over-The-Counter Remedies

When comparing Crohn's disease to other ailments it might surprise that there exist only very few herbal products and over-the-counter medications for Crohn's disease. And most of these are just tablets containing vitamins or minerals which are meant to replenish any deficits which can result as a consequence of Crohn's disease. To some extent these products can alleviate secondary symptoms but they do not address the cause of the disease. Aloe vera products have been quite popular but by now the scientific community has debunked its efficacy except for skin related disorders.
The only herbal product on the market which is designed only for Crohn's disease is SedaCrohn. It is still relatively new on the market but reports from Crohn's sufferers are promising. SedaCrohn acts by two separate mechanisms. First of all it has immune-modulating properties which apparently are able to inhibit the inflammation. And secondly, perhaps more interestingly, it has proven antiviral properties and thus attack what many researchers believe is the underlying cause of Crohn's Disease: a virus.
As a consequence, many users of SedaCrohn report that their flare-ups have disappeared for much longer intervals or even copmletely after taking SedaCrohn for several months. If this is the long awaited natural relief remains to be seen.

Drugs, Surgery, or Natural Remedies?

The best way to deal with Crohn's differs from person to person. There is probably no way to avoid prescription drugs completely for all the time. But at the same time its certainly advisable to take one's fate in its own hand and try to find the dietary changes or natural products which work best for himself or herself.

Home Remedies For Thrush

Home remedies for thrush should be used whenever there are creamy white lesions, usually on your tongue or inner cheeks.

Oral thrush is the fungus "Candida albicans" and manifests as it accumulates on the lining of your mouth. Thrush can be treated at home and should not be viewed as a disease, but rather as a need to build the immune system up again.

The lesions can be painful and bleed some when you scrape them. Oral thrush can spread to the roof of your mouth, your gums, tonsils or the back of your throat.

Oral thrush can affect anyone, but it's more likely to occur in people that have compromised immune systems, like babies, people who wear dentures or those who use inhaled corticosteroids. If you have a weakened immune system, symptoms of oral thrush may be severe and difficult to control.

In the beginning, you may not even notice the symptoms of oral thrush. Signs and symptoms may develop suddenly and persist for a long time, before you realize what it is.

Home remedies for thrush should be started as soon as you notice any of these symptoms:

- Loss of taste
- White lesions on your tongue, cheeks or roof of your mouth, gums and tonsils
- Lesions with a cottage cheese-like appearance
- Pain
- Bleeding if the lesions are rubbed or scraped
- Cracking or redness on your mouth (especially denture wearers)
- Cotton feeling in your mouth

In severe cases, the lesions may spread into your esophagus. This is called Candida esophagitis. When that happens, you may experience difficulty swallowing, or feel like food is getting stuck in your throat. Another good reason to implement home remedies for thrush as soon as possible.

Babies may be fussy, irritable, and have trouble feeding. The infection can be passed back to their mothers during breast-feeding.

Women need to use home remedies for thrush when they experience the following signs or symptoms:

- Red, sensitive or itchy nipples
- Shiny or flaky skin around the nipple (areola)
- Pain during nursing or in nipples between feedings
- Deep stabbing pains within the breast

Home remedies for thrush will strengthen the immune system, since oral thrush and other Candida infections occur when your immune system is weakened. Anytime you have to take antibiotics, your good intestinal flora is damaged. Your immune system can also be damaged from disease, drugs like "prednisone," (Prednisone is used to treat allergic disorders, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and arthritis) or anything that disturbs the natural balance of your bodies microorganisms.

Normally your immune system works to repel viruses, bacteria and fungi, but sometimes, when the immune system has been weakened, these protective mechanisms fail, which can allow an oral thrush infection to invade.

Home remedies for thrush will help weakened immune systems from related diseases like HIV/AIDS. The human immunodeficiency virus or (HIV) causes AIDS. Repeated signs of oral thrush may be the first sign a person has HIV.

Use home remedies for thrush if you've been receiving treatments for cancer, like chemotherapy and radiation.

Both the disease and treatments increase your risk of having a Candida infection like oral thrush.

Home remedies for thrush should be started also, if you have untreated diabetes or the disease isn't well controlled. When your saliva has large amounts of sugar, which encourages the growth of candida, you may develop thrush.

I recommend home remedies for thrush for vaginal yeast infections too. These infections are caused by the same fungus that causes oral thrush. Even though a yeast infection isn't dangerous, a pregnant woman can pass the fungus to their baby during delivery.

You don't want your baby to start out with "oral thrush."

Some people insist that the extract of grapefruit seed is one of the best home remedies for thrush that you can use.

Grapefruit seeds contain certain chemicals that act as anti microbial agents. The grapefruit seed extract actually works as a "natural antibiotic."

The recommended dosage is one teaspoon of grapefruit seed extract, with a glass of lukewarm water, twice a day.

Unrefined raw coconut oil has also been said to be an excellent home remedy for thrush. A compound known as caprylic acid is the benefit of raw coconut oil, which is a strong antimicrobial agent.

Simply apply a small amount directly on the areas of the body with thrush symptoms. Raw virgin coconut oil is also excellent for diaper rashes, as well as thrush of the mouth areas.

Since home remedies for thrush and home remedies for yeast infections have the same "causes and affects," the need to balance your good intestinal flora is the same.

Yeast Infection Treatment

Candida species are common and are present in human oral and intestinal environments. Yeast infections can be effectively treated using anti-fungal drugs. These include:

(a) Amphotericin. This is a polyene antibiotic that is administered through infusion. It is indicated for the treatment of progressive disseminated yeast infections. It is administered in a dosage of 0.25mg/kg of body weight with 5% glucose for children and increased to 1mg/kg of body weight with 5% glucose for adults. Amphotericin's side effects include nausea and vomitting, shock and pseudomembranous colitis. It is available in 50mg/vials and goes by the trade name Fungizone, manufactured by Bristol Myers Squibb.

(b) Fluconazole. This is indicated for the treatment of persistent yeast infections unresponsive to common drugs. It is very effective in treating recurrent vaginal candidiasis. It can be taken orally or through I.V., starting with 150mg at a go, followed by 50mg daily for seven days. For non-vaginal infections, it is taken 50mg daily for 7-30 days, depending on the infection. In serious infections like those of the nails, the dose can be doubled. For children over one year but below five, it is administered 1-6 mg/kg body weight, depending on the infection. It is contraindicated for use in pregnancy, lactating mothers and those with hepatic impairment. Its side effects include rashes, renal disturbances and hepatic disturbances. It is available by trade names such as Diflucan by Pfizer in caps of 50mg, 150mg, 200mg and dry suspension, Flucozal by Aegis, Logican by Wincare and Zorcan by Cipla.

Other yeast infection drugs include Griseofulvin tablets, Itraconazole tablets and oral solution, Ketoconazole tablets, Terbenafine tablets and Nystatin oral drops, tablets, suspension and for injection. Other topical creams are also available.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids - 10 Million People Can Get Well

Statistics Can be Useful

A whopping 13 million out of 298 million people in the US had hemorrhoids in 2006, that's a prevalence rate of 4.4%. Medical researchers have, without fail recorded a whole million new cases of hemorrhoids yearly. Nonetheless, a lot of people ignore the symptoms of hemorrhoids resulting in disproportionately few consulting a doctor for medical treatment, with guesstimates ranging from half to three million per annum. Strangely, 10 million people pay little attention to the symptoms! Although the direct death toll from hemorrhoids is very low, at less than 20 deaths per 100,000, that is certainly no reason to be unconcerned.

First, the dictum of more haste less speed does not apply but the converse is true for hemorrhoids treatment and healing; take action. Prompt action translating to the probability of total recovery is a superb reason to take action. Having hemorrhoids may be the best news of all, as the other likely causes may necessitate long-running medical care or be life-threatening.

Life-endangering - True or False?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids, principally blood in stool or bowel movement bleeding, can be almost identical to a whole array of other medical conditions. It is no falsehood. Alarming results can arise from a few of these maladies.

The colon and rectum are the organs where these other illnesses primarily crop up. In the colon, the other 7 main infirmities are colorectal cancer, colon polyp, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal ischemia and peptic ulcer. There are 4 other predominant afflictions in the rectum, namely anal fissures, anorectal fistulae, proctitis and rectal prolapse.

Complications from SOME of these other malaises can imperil life. In this case, following the majority of 10 million people in ignoring the symptoms of hemorrhoids can have severe results. A very practical rule is suitable; see a doctor if bleeding drags on over a week. Once hemorrhoids are diagnosed, the symptoms elaborated below will appear as well.

Hemorrhoids, Haemorrhoids, Hemroids or Piles - Different Names, Same Symptoms

Hemorrhoids (US spelling), haemorrhoids (UK spelling), hemroids (possible mis-spelling) and piles are the same infirmity, all being words derived from haimorrhoos which means flowing with blood in Greek. More familiarly known all over the world is the name piles, believed to be derived from the Latin word pila meaning ball. "The common people call them piles, the aristocracy call them haemorrhoids, the French call them figs - what does it matter so long as you can cure them?" said Ardene, a 14th century English surgeon.

Before moving on to other symptoms of hemorrhoids, we must know the various medical names that denote a line demarcating the end of the rectum and the beginning of the anal canal. Known variously as the pectinate line or dentate line or anal verge or anorectal junction, this line separates internal (in the rectum) and external (on the anus) hemorrhoids. These dissimilar names matter less to the hemorrhoid sufferer than the fact that they demarcate the dearth of pain nerve endings in the rectum and a profusion of them in the anal region. In comparison, therefore, external hemorrhoids may cause extreme pain whilst internal hemorrhoids may be painless. This pain factor alone plays a critical part when choices are made with regard to treatment, be it mainstream medicine or alternative remedies.

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids - Internal

Rectal bleeding, cited above as blood in stool or bowel movement bleeding, is the most frequent symptom of internal hemorrhoids. Blood may drip into the toilet bowl, toilet paper may be coloured red and stools gleam with blood.

Bulging movements of internal hemorrhoids during defecation clearly demonstrate the presence of hemorrhoids. Medical researchers classify bulging internal hemorrhoids according to 4 stages of prolapse or protrusion:

- a first-degree internal hemorrhoid bulges into the anal canal;
- a second-degree hemorrhoid bulges from the anus, then automatically retracts itself;
- a third-degree hemorrhoid bulges from the anus and must be physically pushed back in;
- a fourth-degree hemorrhoid bulges out from the anus permanently.

Typically not painful (as internal hemorrhoids form above the dentate line) but the larger ones can prolapse and be painfully squeezed by the anal sphincter muscles that control the anal opening. Deprived of blood supply, strangulated hemorrhoids may form and endanger surrounding tissues; a situation warranting urgent medical treatment.

Itchiness, skin irritation, anal lumps, rectal lumps and the uncomfortable urge to pass stools just after cleaning up from bowel motion are other normal symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. Where the hemorrhoid is extremely huge and near the anus, the sensation of unfinished bowel motion is greatly boosted.

Symptoms Of External Hemorrhoids

Anal pain is the differentiating feature between internal and external hemorrhoids as the latter manifest outside the pectinate line where there are many pain nerve receptors. Thrombosis, the formation of blood clots or thrombuses, tend to accompany external hemorrhoids leading to interference of blood flow in the circulatory system. Detrimental inflammation of the whole anal and rectal regions can result from the thrombosed hemorrhoid.

Due to the recurrent irritation that they cause, external hemorrhoids are hard to ignore whereas the lack of overt symptoms often lead to internal hemorrhoids going undetected. Whilst it is natural to clean the anal region when afflicted by hemorrhoids, a vicious recurring cycle of hemorrhoid recurrence can set in if the anal region is excessively cleaned.

Joining The 10 Million Ignoring The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

Are you in the 10 million majority? Recognition of a problem is the first step to its solution. So it is with hemorrhoids. Occasionally, it can be serious and warrants medical attention. But commonly, the treatment is fairly straightforward. Apart from regular medical methods, there are also alternative solutions like the H Miracle that promises a natural and permanent answer.

Colitis Symptoms and 3 Natural Hemorrhoid Treatments

Manifestations of different colitis symptoms can vary in severity. Colitis symptoms are very similar to those of pathological hemorrhoid and without proper diagnosis, are easily mistaken to be cases of infected hemorrhoids. Colitis symptoms include abdominal pains, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, cramping of gastrointestinal muscles, tenesmus, and bloating.

Colitis symptoms manifest in several physical conditions such as tenderness of the entire abdomen, abrupt weight loss, more frequent bowel habits, fever, excretion of bloody stools, and distension.

As the name implies, colitis refers to the inflammation of the colon. However, it can also be used to describe the inflammation of the large intestine in general which encompasses cecum, colon, and rectum. Colitis can be acute and restricted to itself, or chronic. It can be caused by several factors such as underlying infections, poor blood supply, or a weakened immune system.

The colon, in particular, collects and temporarily stores the waste products of food digestion. It is a long tube made of smooth muscles, that pushes undigested food through the anus for excretion. This process is collectively called the bowel movement. However, when the walls of the colon get irritated and inflamed, the movement of the bowels through the canal creates further pressure and friction on the walls. This, in turn, makes the underlying tissues more inflamed, ultimately leading to what is known as colitis.

The colon is situated within the abdominal cavity and is divided into segments - the cecum, the ascending and descending colons, and the rectum. The end part of the colon is the segment most prone to developing colitis since it contains more concentration of tissues and membranes. The colitis in this area eventually ends up as the hemorrhoids in the anus. As the canal runs through the end, the walls tend to be more susceptible to underlying infections that causes colitis symptoms to be felt.

The wall of the colon is made up of different layers. First, there is a smooth muscle layer, which wraps the exterior and is responsible for squeezing and pushing the waste products all the way through the colon. The inner layers, also called as mucosa, touches these fluid waste products, which will then absorb remaining water and electrolytes in it, thus solidifying it into feces. It is in the mucosal layer where the colon inflammation occurs and serves as one of the stages where colitis symptoms manifest.

Colitis symptoms are identified and diagnosed through a physical examination, and laboratory tests including medical imaging, such as x-rays, and colonoscopy.

Since colitis symptoms are similar to hemorrhoids, relief could be achieved through the same three natural ways used in treating infected hemorrhoids. These treatments involve eating foods that are rich in fiber, such as green leaf vegetables and fruit, in order to induce proper digestion and bowel movement. Natural products like apple cider vinegar and Cayenne pepper can help mitigate internal bleeding and prevent further infection. Natural herbs promote good digestion and help maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Chinese Medicine Treats Seasonal Allergies

Here in the triangle, if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you've probably already started to notice that familiar tickle in your nose and throat that signals the arrival of spring pollen. Maybe you've been sneezing, have been mildly congested or had a runny nose, or perhaps you've even noticed some mild burning of your eyes or itchiness of your skin. All these symptoms, from a Chinese medical point of view, point to the climactic influence of the spring season - wind.

Chinese medicine views seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms as being primarily caused by the pathogenic influence of wind. Wind is qualified by symptoms that occur quickly, are rapidly changeable, affect mostly the upper part of the body, and occur at a very surface level - for example, mucous membranes and skin. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, those of us with underlying deficiencies, often of the spleen, kidney, or lung, are especially susceptible to invasion by wind, and, therefore, conditions like seasonal allergies.

Luckily, there are many natural options to help relieve allergy symptoms. One of the best choices for effective and side effect free treatment is acupuncture. Acupuncture works incredibly well because it not only relieves current symptoms, but also balances the immune system and corrects underlying deficiencies to help prevent symptoms from recurring. Regular treatments are most effective during allergy season, ideally starting acupuncture therapy a few weeks before symptoms hit their peak.

Chinese herbal medicine is another very effective choice, and can be combined with acupuncture for faster results. One of the most basic formulas used during allergy season is Jade Windscreen (Yu Ping Feng San). This formula is incredibly simple and elegant, comprised of only three herbs - one that expels wind (Ledeboureilla root), one that supports the lung system (Astragalus root), and one that supports the spleen system (Atractylodes). The simplicity of this formula also makes it highly adaptable for each individual patient's presentation.

Using a neti pot can also be of great help during allergy season. Nasal irrigation with saline can be extremely effective at washing allergens out of the nasal passageways and preventing an immune response. Additionally, the saline helps to moisturize the nasal membranes and control swelling. Goldenseal and/or grapefruit seed extract are great additions to the traditional saline wash.

Supplements can also be of great support to your system this time of year. Quercitin can help to normalize the histamine reaction, Bromelain thins mucous and reduces nasal passage swelling and inflammation, and good quality probiotics help to normalize large intestine and gut function and, therefore, support the immune system as a whole.

Remember, there's no reason to suffer this season. Try some of the many natural options available to you to find relief from allergy symptoms!

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Signs and Symptoms

Because irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms may include diarrhea, constipation or a combination of both, the recommended prescriptions and over the counter medications for irritable bowel syndrome vary depending on the individual. For example, Zelnorm is used to treat IBS with constipation, but it should not be used by those who suffer from IBS with diarrhea.

Irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms typically include abdominal (stomach) pain that is relieved by a bowel movement. It is believed that the pain may be caused by muscle spasms, so anti-spasmodic medications for irritable bowel syndrome are sometimes prescribed. The idea being that reducing the muscle spasms or contractions may relieve the pain, relax the intestines and possibly prevent diarrhea. Anti-spasmodic medications, like most prescription drugs, are not intended for long term use, so a complete treatment program which includes dietary changes and other therapies may be recommended as well.

Anti-depressants are sometimes prescribed for IBS. Depression is not commonly one of the irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms, but studies have shown anti-depressants may block pain receptors in the brain. Most prescribed medications for irritable bowel syndrome target pain relief. Stress and anxiety sometimes accompany irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms and anti-depressants may help relieve these, as well as the pain.

Over the counter medications for irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea include Kaopectate, Imodium and other anti-diarrhea products. But though they may be effective for slowing diarrhea, they will not help to relieve the other irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms. Herbal and botanical remedies may be effective for the relief and control of IBS with diarrhea or constipation, but there is no conclusive evidence that they work. There are only user testimonials. What works for one may not work for everyone and natural does not always mean safe. Herbs and botanicals should only be purchased from reliable companies. Doctor consultation is often recommended, but most doctors know very little about herbal and botanical treatment. A better source for information may be an herbalist or doctor of naturopathic medicine.

Irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms may include excessive gas, bloating or feeling that the stomach is swollen. If these symptoms are present, recommended over the counter medications for irritable bowel syndrome may include Gas-X or other anti-gas products. Herbs and botanicals designed to prevent or relieve gas are also available.

Irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of other more serious conditions such as colitis and Crohn's disease. If you have some or many irritable bowel syndrome signs and symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor. A complete physical exam or other tests may be necessary to learn what is causing your pain. Your doctor can also help you decide if over the counter or prescription medications for irritable bowel syndrome or other therapies are right for you.

For more information about irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems, visit

Hemorrhoids Relief Using Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that in a planned dilution, 'like cures like'. Consequently a homeopathic remedy is one that should produce the same symptoms as that displayed by the patient. A minimum homeopathic dose is used to support the body's self-healing ability.

Apart from the symptoms of the disease, homeopaths use aspects of the patient's physical and psychological state in prescribing remedies. Homeopathic remedies are relatively inexpensive, with limited or no side effects, and offer the possibility of a natural cure for hemorrhoids.

The following are a few, of the wide variety, of products which may be used.

Aloe Vera (the medicinal aloe) can help relieve a painful and bleeding rectum. It has excellent astringent qualities and is usually combined with other ingredients, to make an outstanding soothing treatment for the skin. This can be used with great success on hemorrhoids (piles). The herb is used internally to combat most digestive problems, including constipation.

Whole honey bee (Apis Mellifica) may be used for treating the swollen, red, itching and burning symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

Calendula, most health food stores carry calendula soaps, oils, lotions, salves and creams. It has a long history of being used as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. Homeopathic ointments are notable healing agents when applied to hemorrhoids. Calendula is useful for open wounds, wounds that will not heal and ulcers as it promotes healthy granulation and healing.

Stone Root (Collinsonia Canadensis), the roots, leaves and flowers of Collinsonia are used in herbal remedies for conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, benign prostatic hypertrophy and chronic laryngitis. It also has a long history of use as a remedy for dysentery, colitis, rectal pain and other disorders of the digestive system.

Graphites (Black Lead) are a wonderful, deep acting remedy prepared from mineral carbon. This remedy suits people with metabolic imbalances that may cause skin complaints, such as psoriasis and dry, cracked skin. Graphites help to relieve constipation, knotty stools, burning and itching hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Nitric Acid (Nitricum Acidum) is indicated for unremitting constipation, for fierce pains after bowel movements as well as hemorrhoids that have stopped bleeding but are very painful and protruding. Also if passing stools is very difficult and the hemorrhoids bleed easily.

Nux Vomica can be used for itching, painful hemorrhoids with a constricted sensation in the rectum and chronic constipation. Homeopaths may prescribe Nux vomica for a patient who is impatient, tense, and irritable or one who may have a tendency towards the use of stimulants, alcohol or drugs.

Paeonia Officinalis (Peony) is suitable for relieving anal itching, hemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration's of the anus and perineum and a burning sensation in the anus after bowel movements.

Pulsatilla is indicated for hemorrhoids with sharp stabbing pains. These hemorrhoids typically protrude. This is a very useful remedy for hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy or around the time of the menstrual period.

Ratanhia, the symptoms are most important as an indicator for this remedy. These include, a cutting grinding pain in the rectum, the anus burning for hours after passing stool and a constricted anal feeling. There may also be severe constipation and protruding hemorrhoids.

Sulphur (Sublimed Sulphur) could be prescribed where the symptoms present as redness, itching and burning around the anus with protruding hemorrhoids accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen.

Although homeopathic substances listed in this article are generally not known to cause serious side effects, their effectiveness has not been proven by scientific research. Consumers should check labels carefully since a homeopathic product that is not correctly diluted could contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, side effects or interactions. It is always advisable to discuss any new treatment program with your health care practitioner.

Wheat or Gluten May Be The Unrecognized or Undiagnosed Cause of Your Illness

If you suffer from symptoms of abdominal or stomach pain, excess bloating, gas, diarrhea, fatigue, bone or joint pain, skin rashes, headaches, difficulty concentrating or irritability you may have gluten sensitivity. It is the most common genetic condition and one that is frequently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Gluten proteins in wheat, barley, and rye are the cause. However most people and their doctors are unaware that gluten is the cause. Because they are unaware that there are screening blood tests (and stool tests) available they remain undiagnosed and untreated when a gluten-free diet usually relieves these symptoms. How could this be?

Diagnostic blood tests are available for gluten sensitivity but many doctors are unaware that such blood tests exist. Most are unaware that specific genes result in an increased risk for gluten sensitivity and can be detected in blood. Even if they are aware of the tests they may fail to recognize the many symptoms of gluten sensitivity (over 250 exist) and don't order the tests. Sadly, the condition often goes unrecognized and untreated. Yet it is very common and reversible with a gluten-free diet. No medication is required.

Worldwide nearly 1 in 100 people have the most severe form of gluten
sensitivity or intolerance known as Celiac disease (CD). It estimated that
more than 90% are
undiagnosed. As many as 10-30% of people of
Northern European ancestry, have lesser forms of gluten sensitivity that cause
symptoms that improve on a gluten free diet. The low carbohydrate
diets have not only been popular because many have lost weight but many
experienced dramatic improvements in their general feeling of well being, increased
energy, relief of fibromyalgia, joint aches,
improved skin, fewer headaches, and improved digestive symptoms. Full benefits may have been missed though because gluten was not completely eliminated.

Though gluten can cause serious damage to the intestine that results in poor absorption and weight loss it may also cause weight gain. This is because it is insulinogenic, meaning it stimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas that promote
fat storage and weight gain. This also can cause either too high or too low blood sugar levels. Some people will
gain weight despite malabsorbing essential nutrients. More than 10% of insulin dependent diabetics have Celiac
disease. Whether the Celiac or the diabetes came first is not known, but
they commonly occur together.

CD is also often associated with other autoimmune conditions including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome, autoimmune hepatitis and thyroid problems. It is a reversible cause of infertility, low birth weight infants, pre-term labor and recurrent miscarriages. Untreated it is associated with a significantly increased risk of numerous cancers and lymphoma. It is a common cause of unexplained iron deficiency anemia and
premature osteoporosis.

If you have any of the above symptoms or problems, have a family history of Celiac disease or are of Northern European ancestry you should be screened for Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance make sure your doctor excluded Celiac disease. Information about tests for Celiac disease and gluten intolerance or sensitivity are available on the website

C. Diff Colitis - Treatment and Info on A Silent Threat

C. diff colitis: A Bug on the Rise

C. diff colitis, also known as Clostridium difficile colitis, is a really nasty, debilitating infection that has gone relatively unnoticed over the last 20 years. And while most pandemic attention has been focused on bird flu or other foreign invaders from overseas, a sharply rising C. diff infection rate has been silently on the rise. Symptoms can span a range from mild diarrhea to painful and life-threatening inflammation of the colon.

C. diff infections have not only been increasing in numbers, but also the bacterial strain has become more and more difficult to treat. It can strike anyone. Tens of thousands of people including those in the best of health and not on antibiotics, residing in a hospital, or other risk factors are stricken each year.

A carrier can spread C. diff infections without even being aware of the symptoms themselves. It can take weeks, months even for some to notice they are ill and by that time they have probably not taken precautions to contain the bug from contaminating things. And because C. diff can become an increased threat when taking antibiotics for a different condition, it can hide in the periphery until the "good" intestinal bacteria is in the minority and gain the upper hand.

C. diff Symptoms

Early, common symptoms of a C. diff infection are:

  • Runny, liquid diarrhea which occurs 3+ times per day, two or more days in a row

  • Slight abdominal cramping and discomfort

In contrast, more severe instances of C. diff would actually cause colitis (inflammation of the colon). A variant of colitis is pseudomembranous colitis which includes colon bleeding or discharge. Symptoms of these escalated C. diff infections are:

  • Runny, liquid diarrhea occurring up to 15 times per day

  • Severe abdominal cramping and discomfort

  • Feces containing blood or pus

  • Nausea

  • Dehydration

  • Fever

  • Weight loss

  • Loss of appetite

If you experience loose stool or any of the symptoms for longer than three days while taking or after taking antibiotics, you should consult your physician at once.

C. diff Causes

Contrary to the belief that C. diff bacteria is only found in feces or restrooms, it is actually found in our air, water, and even the soil. Though it can be carried by healthy people in their intestines, it is most commonly found in sick people. Those that are healthy have a much stronger immune resistance to C. diff exposure. And there are many more carriers of it where concentrations of the sick are found: hospitals and with other health service providers. This bacteria can thrive when the feces they live in is transmitted from a carrier's unwashed hands to food, clothing, counters, and other common objects (scissors, remote controls, utensils, money, doorknobs, etc.). This bacterial contamination can be very hearty and remain in a room or on an object even after several months. Once a person picks up the C. diff on their hands, they could accidentally ingest it by touching their mouth, a piece of gum, a toothpick, etc. or spread it to more locations.

As mentioned earlier, while taking antibiotics can help with some infections, it can reduce the number of "good" bacteria that your body has too. When there are not very many good guys, the bad bacteria has a chance to overpower and gain the upper hand. Once it has control over your gut, toxins are produced which erode the lining of the intestines and causes decay within the colon itself.

It is good to keep in mind that the antibiotics which most commonly result in a C. diff infection are: clindamycin, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, and penicillins.

C. diff Superbugs

As a result of years and years of overly-perscribed antibiotics to treat ailments, some bacterial strains have evolved as more resistant to medicine. These new C. diff strains are much more robust and harmful than the ones of the past, and excrete toxins which are more caustic to the intestines and colon. Also, starting around the year 2000, cases of the new-and-improved bug have been found in patients who are in good health and are not staying in a healthcare facility. This is in contrast to the infection traditionally needing an unhealthy or hospitalized person to strike.

Increasing the odds...

Let's be clear. Anyone can be at risk for getting a C. diff infection. Nursing homes, emergency rooms, and hospitals where tables, carts, desks, stethoscopes, phones, and pens present easy ways for the bacteria to become transmitted. Your odds are greatest for getting the infection if:

  • You have had a C. diff infection before

  • Have had abdominal or gastrointestinal surgery

  • Are 65 years of age or older. The odds are 10 times or greater for those 65 or older when compared to younger adults

  • If you are taking antibiotics or have been recently

  • Have an existing condition or weakened immune system

  • Have colon cancer or an inflammatory bowel issue

  • You are hospitalized or are staying in a long-term care facility

Additional Problems

Here are some of the additional problems that can result from C. diff colitis or infections:

  • Toxic Megacolon. It is not as fun as it sounds. It is when the colon is unable to expel gas and feces, which cause it to greatly enlarge and distend. When this condition is not taken care of immediately, the colon may rupture and send deadly bacteria gushing into the abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery must be performed at once in these circumstances.

  • Kidney Failure. With all the diarrhea, dehydration can happen fast enough that the kidneys cannot function normally and quickly deteriorate.

  • Dehydration. Extreme diarrhea can create a great loss of electrolytes and fluids. Your body must have these things in order to maintain a healthy system and organ support.

  • Bowel perforation. When the infection has caused enough damage to the intestines to erode all the way through, the result is a hole which leaks out bacteria. The bacteria then flow into the abdominal cavity creating an immediate life-threatening condition. Emergency surgery is required to seal the hole and save the patient.

Screening for C. diff

Whenever anyone has been using antibiotics and develops diarrhea within around two months since last use, or if there is watery stool soon after hospital admission, medical providers usually suspect a C. diff infection. There are a few tests which can rule this out:

  • Colon check. Your physician may need to inspect the insides of your colon to rule out an infection. Theflexible sigmoidoscopy, as it is called, consists of inserting a flexible tube with a little camera into your colon to check for any spots of inflammation or pseudomembranes.

  • CT Scan. When there is a possibility of complications stemming from C. diff, a scan called a computerized tomography (CT scan) can give highly detailed information and imagery about the colon. It can even give a report on how thick the wall of the colon is -a wall that is too thick is indicative of pseudomembranous colitis.

  • Stool test. The most simple and least invasive test. There are a few types of stool tests, but what they all are trying to detect is the presence of signature, telltale toxins excreted by a hidden C. diff infection. The most common type of stool test is called a enzyme immunoassay, or EIA, test. It is one of the fastest test but can produce some false-positives. Sometimes it is used in conjunction with a tissue culture for best accuracy.

C. diff Colitis and related infections are on the rise and many cases are starting to make the headlines. Through greater pubic awareness and prevention, we can significantly lower the odds of contracting such a debilitating affliction. Old treatments from the late 1950s such as the Fecal Transplant are re-emerging as viable, incredibly-effective curing alternatives to pill popping and pharma-cures.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Irritable Bowel Syndrome May Be Due To Missed Celiac Disease Or Food Intolerance

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common gastrointestinal diagnosis yet it is not really a disease nor does it have confirmatory diagnostic tests. Rather, it is diagnosed based on a constellation of symptoms and the absence of other diagnoses. Common symptoms attributed to IBS are abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, bloating and excess gas. Celiac disease or gluten sensitivity is a common but frequently missed gastrointestinal diagnosis. Ingestion of gluten containing foods in affected individuals commonly causes symptoms attributed to IBS that are relieved with gluten-free diet in at least 10-20% of people misdiagnosed with IBS. Other food intolerances are also a likely a cause of IBS symptoms that may improve with avoidance of certain foods.

IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. Other causes of symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or alternating constipation and diarrhea should be excluded by doctor's review of medical history, a physical exam and some screening laboratory tests and arguably a colonoscopy. The other conditions that traditionally doctors are most concerned about excluding include inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease) and cancer. Less worrisome but treatable conditions that need to be excluded include lactose intolerance, intestinal infections especially parasites like giardia, and food intolerance. Celiac disease though now known to be very common, affecting approximately one percent of the U.S. population, has been largely ignored as a possible cause of IBS symptoms. Most primary care physicians are aware that diarrhea is a common symptom of Celiac disease but not that it may present in adults and be associated with constipation. Most doctors are unaware that the prevalence of Celiac disease in IBS patients may be as high as 20%.

Typical lab tests ordered by doctors screening for more serious intestinal diseases that may mimick IBS include a complete blood count (CBC) looking for signs of blood loss or anemia (low hemoglobin or hematocrit), signs of inflammation or infection (high white blood cell count and/or platelet count) and stool tests for blood (fecal occult blood test or FOBT) or white blood cells (WBCs or fecal leukocytes). The stool tests are looking for signs of bleeding, infection or inflammation of the intestine. IBS does not cause bleeding or intestinal inflammation whereas inflammatory bowel disease, infection or cancer may. Normal tests are reassurring though do not exclude more serious disease. Most gastroenterologists believe a colonoscopy should be performed.

However, most doctors, even many gastroenterologists, fail to test for Celiac disease though it is common and screening blood tests exist. The reasons for this are many and are more fully explained elsewhere. However, the common incidence, presence of screening tests, and available treatment should make screening for Celiac disease part of the standard evaluation of all patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of IBS before that diagnosis is established.

More recently, food intolerance other than gluten or wheat have been suggested as a treatable cause of IBS. Blood tests for a type of antibody known as IgG have been advocated by several researchers as being helpful for advising people about eliminating or avoiding certain foods as a treatment of IBS. Recent evidence suggests that a significant reduction of IBS symptoms can be achieved in people who avoid foods based on elevated IgG antibodies to foods. Atkinson et. al 2004 reported 10-26% improvement in symptoms in patients compared with controls. Deterioration was noted in those who relaxed their dietary restriction of foods they had avoided because of elevated antibody levels. These findings require further validation and are facing significant resistance to acceptance by many in the medical community, especially in the U.S. However, elimination diets have long been reported effective by many people. The possibility of food intolerance as a reversible cause of symptoms attributed to a syndrome with little other effective treatments (except mostly ineffective treatments in the past and very new medications with limited efficacy and unproven long term safety) should prompt further studies and an openness to dietary trials.

If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome I recommend you confirm that Celiac disease has been excluded. Food intolerance should also be considered though testing may not be covered by your insurance and/or accepted by your doctor as valid. Elimination of common foods and their proteins causing intolerance, wheat, barley and rye (gluten); cow's milk protein (casein); soy; and peanuts is worth a try. Be sure to keep a food-symptom diary and re-introduce one food or food protein back into your diet at a time. One diet that effectively eliminates all the major food proteins causing intolerances but may be difficult to follow is the paleo diet (

1. Hoey. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Could it be Celiac Disease?" Can Med J. 2002; 166:479-80

2. Sander et al, "Association of Adult Coeliac Disease with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study in Patients Fulfilling Rome II Criteria Referred to Secondary Care." Lancet. 2001; 358:1504-8

2. Atkinson W; Sheldon TA; Shaath N; Wharwell PJ. "Food elimination bsed on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome; a randomised controlled trial." Gut 2004; 53:1459-1464.

3. Isolauri E; Rautava S; Kalliamaki M. "Food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome: new facts and old fallacies." Gut 2004; 53:1391-3.

Ulcerative Colitis and Depression

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic disease. As such, any chronic health condition being a long term illness, invariably causes stress and anxiety. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes not only pain, but also symptoms such as diarrhea and gas that are not easy to deal with in social and professional situations. This leads to continued mental stress and has every tendency to lead the patient towards the risk of depression.

Recent research findings suggest patients who show symptoms of depression and anxiety report a lower quality of life and could perhaps be at an increased risk of a relapse. Another study showed that patients with Crohn's disease who received some psychological treatment spent fewer days in the hospital and took fewer sick days. What is important is to break the seemingly vicious cycle of depression increasing the IBD and vice versa. Counseling plays an important part in making the patient aware of his illness and that he can play an active part in treating is depression.

The best known treatment for Ulcerative Colitis is with natural Aloe Vera which has been showing promising results. Its anti inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines plays a major role in arresting further irritation of the bowels as also in regenerating dead cells in the inner linings of the intestines. Aloe Vera heals, and if taken regularly, it restores your digestion and absorption. This increases nutrition intake in the body. Simultaneously, the patient can be put on a course of mild anti depressants and weaned off after a few months.

Treating irritable bowel syndrome with drugs may give short-term relief but always lead to severe side-effects. Knowing that there is no identified cure for this illness and that all drugs give only temporary relief should lead the doctor and the patient to a smart management of the disease as well as weaning oneself away from drugs. As said before, preference should be given to treating the patient with Aloe Vera juice, since this not only manages the overall condition of the body, but also improves the general well-being of the body.

Once the patient experiences a prolonged period of absence from the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, his general mental condition improves considerably. Instead of giving in to depression and anxiety, he begins to experience hope and relief from a chronic illness. As his mental attitude turns positive, his mood generally remains more cheerful than before, leading to a gradual improvement of his health.

Do You Recognize the 10 Early Warning Signs of Candida Infection?

Candidiasis, commonly known as candida or yeast infection or thrush, is a fungal infection ranging from superficial, such as oral thrush and vaginitis among women and superficial infections of skin and mucosal membranes by Candida causing local inflammation or discomfort common in many human populations, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases like those that develop among severely immuno-compromised persons such as cancer, transplant, and AIDS patients, whereas Although frequently associated with female health systems, it can also occur on the male genitals. Children suffer from this ailment during the years between three and nine. If there are white patches around the mouth, then it could be possible that the child is infected with candida infection.

Regardless of age or gender, here are ten common Candida symptoms:

1. Adult onset allergies to foods and/or airborne chemicals with the number of offending substances increasing until an individual becomes so sensitive to the everyday environment that they must live in isolation

2. Incessant fatigue after eating

3. Gastrointestinal or signs of poor digestion such as constipation or diarrhea, gas, bloating, cramps, heartburn, nausea, gastritis and colitis

4. Neurological symptoms such as cravings, irritability, mood swings, headaches, migraines, "fogged-in" feeling, inability to concentrate/mind "wanders off", poor memory, confusion, dizziness, M.S.-like symptoms (slurred speech, loss of muscle co-ordination, vision affected), depression and/or anxiety without apparent cause (often worse after eating), paranoia without apparent cause, not in total control of one' actions (know right thing to do but unable to execute), mental incompetence, a variety of other behavioral disturbances.

5. Genito-urinary symptoms such as vaginal infections, menstrual difficulties, impotence, infertility, prostatitis, rectal itch, urinary tract infection/inflammation or burning.

6. Respiratory symptoms that reflect compromised immune system. Frequent colds, flu's, hay fever, mucous congestion, postnasal drip, asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, frequent clearing of throat, habitual coughing.

7. Development of various skin infections like athlete's foot, jock itch, skin rash, hives, dry brownish patches, psoriasis, ringworm, rough skin on sides of arms which gets worse at certain times of the month or under increased stress.

8. Hypochondriac and/or neurotic tendencies, which are resistant to standard modes of therapy

9. Early childhood clinical history with any of the following ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, skin problems like cradle cap, diaper rash, thrush, respiratory problems, chronic ear infection, tonsillitis

10. Heightened sensitivity to cold temperatures with arthritis-like symptoms

If you have some combination of these symptoms, you may have candidiasis and it is imperative that you take measures. A thorough intestinal clean-up using Caproyl antifungal, Psyllium cleanser and Bentonite detoxificant, will improve your overall condition, regardless of what you are suffering from. The safest option of course is to see your local physician or health expert.

Genetics of Food Allergy and Intolerance

Can genetics explain if you are allergic to some pollens or foods?

White blood cell patterns determined genetically and designated as HLA DQ and DR genes have been identified with an increased risk of pollen, dust, latex, and food allergies. The intriguing part of this story is that there is an advantage to knowing your HLA DR and DQ type when evaluating your risk for pollen allergies and their associated food allergies or cross reactions.

Genetics of Food Reactions and Allergies

As I explain in more detail in my articles on the genetics of gluten sensitivity, we all have proteins on the surface of our cells that are genetically determined. These patterns are easily detectable by testing cells from blood or from the mouth obtained by a Q-tip type swab. Specific patterns have been associated with increased risk for autoimmune conditions, gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

HLA DQ Genetics and Celiac or Gluten Sensitivity

HLA DQ2 is present in more than 90% of people who have celiac disease while HLADQ8 is present in most of the rest, though not all people with celiac have been found to have DQ2 and/or DQ8.

DQ and DR Genetic Patterns Associated with Food and Pollen Allergies or Sensitivities?

Now it appears certain DQ or DR patterns are associated with food and pollen allergies as well. As the Food Doc, I continue to search the literature for more information about genetic links to food allergy and intolerance. My search has led to me to a couple of interesting articles in the unusual area of oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The relationship between seasonal and perennial nasal allergies and food allergies is certainly well established but not generally known by most doctors or patients. It appears that some of us need to avoid eating certain foods if we have hay fever or allergies, especially during the hay fever season. This problem also appears to be inherited.

Research Documents Genetic Association With Certain Food and Pollen Allergies

Boehncke, et al. from the University of Frankfurt reported in 1998 that certain white blood cell types known HLA class II genotypes or HLA DQ and DR genetic patterns were found more frequently in people with certain pollen associated food allergies. HLA-DQB1*0301 is present in more people with grass pollen allergy. Those with HLA-DRB1*08, an inherited white blood cell protein pattern linked with a grass pollen allergy, have six times the increased risk of peanut allergy. Those who have inherited the HLA-DRB1*12 white blood cell pattern are 13 times higher at risk for carrot allergy.

Tree Pollen Allergy to Birch Tree Pollen Appears to be Worst

Birch pollen associated hazel nut allergy is linked to HLA-DRB1*01, DQA1*0101, and DQB1*0501. Hazel nut, almond, walnut and apple are the most common food allergies associated with birch tree pollen. Allergies to those foods are commonly associated with birch tree pollen in other studies.

Weed Allergies Also Associated With Food Reactions

In 2004, Wang et al. from China published that the inherited white blood cell type DQA1*0302 is found in more people with Artemisia pollen-induced allergic rhinitis, hay fever due to Mugwort or Sagebrush weeds. Mugwort allergy is associated with several food allergies including apple, celery, hazelnut, pistachio, lettuce, almond, peanut, and carrots.

Where to Get Genetic Testing

There are three commercial labs that I am aware of that offer full HLA DQ typing. They are Quest Laboratories, The Laboratory at Bonfils in Denver, and Enterolab. Bonfils runs the Enterolab genetic tests. Enterolab offers the test run on samples of cells obtained from a Q-tip swab of the mouth. The test can be obtained directly from Enterolab without a doctor's order though it is not covered by insurance. It however is very reasonable from a genetic testing standpoint at $149. Bonfils also does the DQ typing on cells obtained from blood samples sent to them from other labs.

The Future of Genetic Testing in Pollen and Food Allergies

In the future such testing should be very helpful in evaluating suspected food allergies, intolerance and pollen allergies. In the meantime those of us interested in this interesting story anxiously await more research findings in this exciting area. Dr. Fine, founder of Enterolab, has previously published the HLA DQ patterns associated with microscopic colitis. He has found that microscopic changes in the colon or large intestine are similar if not identical to what is seen in the small intestine in celiac disease. Several articles now document that a gluten free diet works in many people with microscopic, lymphocytic and collagenous colitis. It also helps many with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

A finding of intraepithelial lymphocytosis in the distal small intestine (terminal ileum) is associated with an increased incidence of celiac disease in the proximal small intestine. Now, adding to the intrigue, are these articles linking certain inherited white blood cell protein gene patterns to pollen allergy and food allergy cross reactions that are well recognized but rarely pursued clinically. Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS), also called the "burning mouth syndrome", occurs in many people but frequently goes undiagnosed. Symptoms include burning, painful and/or itching sensation of mouth or throat with or without swelling that occurs almost immediately after eating certain foods. The foods causing these reactions are commonly associated with pollen, latex or dust allergies.

Unusual Association of Pollen Allergies and Mouth Burning or Food Reactions

This unusual association of tree, grass, and weed pollens, latex and house dust mite allergies to food reactions, though well documented in the medical literature, is not commonly recognized by doctors or patients. The OAS literature contains numerous reports of food allergy or intolerance reactions that are associated with specific pollen, dust, mold or latex allergies. One of the best examples is ragweed pollen allergy. It is associated with a higher risk of food allergy or intolerance to only a few foods. These include foods in the gourd family (cucumbers and melons) and bananas. On other the hand, Birch tree pollen allergy is associated with sensitivity to many foods. The list includes those foods in the Rosacea family (apples, pears), tree nut family (hazelnut, almond, walnut), potatoes, and carrots. Reactions include classic allergic reactions such as skin rashes (atopic dermatitis, hives), wheezing (asthma), runny nose (allergic rhinitis), as well as the burning mouth OAS symptoms and other food intolerance symptoms.

If You Suspect Food Allergy, Intolerance or Sensitivity Get Evaluated By an Expert

Individuals who suspect food allergy or intolerance are encouraged to review the food-pollen connection and undergo appropriate evaluations for food allergy, intolerance and sensitivity. Food sensitivity includes gluten sensitivity and cow's milk (casein) protein sensitivity. Food intolerance includes lactose intolerance. Food allergies are separate and distinct from either food sensitivity or food intolerance.

Consider Getting Genetic Testing or Asking Your Doctor to Test You

This new information about the link of white blood cell protein patterns, HLA DQ types, suggests that we should consider having genetic testing done. After an adequate evaluation,

Establish a Baseline Symptom Score and Start a Food Symptom Diet Diary

I encourage everyone to establish a baseline symptom score. A detailed food symptom diary before a trial of elimination diet is also extremely helpful. An elimination diet that excludes major food lectins (dairy, grain, legumes, and nightshades) and any foods from the pollen list that one is allergic is recommended before accepting diagnoses of IBS, fibromyalgia, unexplained neuropathy or headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Any symptoms not readily explained or improved with other diagnoses and treatment should be considered to be possibly due to a food reaction until proven otherwise.

Selected Bibliography

Boehncke, et al. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998 Apr;28 (4):434-41.

Fine KD et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Aug;95(8):1974-82.

Wang et al. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Feb; 130(2): 192-197.

Steroids Used for the Treatment of Asthma and the Treatment of Crohns Disease


Budesonide is a glucocorticoid steroid. This class of steroids is so-named because they are synthesized in the adrenal cortex and play a role in the metabolism of glucose. Budesonide is available in various preparations that are sold under different brand names. These preparations are approved treatments for several medical disorders.


The most common use of budesonide is the treatment of asthma and allergies such as hay fever. It is also used to treat and prevent nasal polyposis, commonly known as nasal polyps. Some patients take budesonide as a Crohn's treatment. This disease is known generically as regional enteritis, which is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. A new preparation of budesonide is also being tested as a treatment for ulcerative colitis.

Brand Names

AstraZeneca sells a nasal inhalant preparation of budesonide under the brand name Rhinocort, also known as Rhinosol in Denmark. This company also makes an oral inhalant formula of budesonide under the name Pulmicort, also known as Budicort in Israel. AstraZeneca combines budesonide with formoterol into a single inhalant, which it sells as Symbicort. Eurofarma markets the same preparation in Brazil as Noex.

Prometheus Laboratories sells budesonide in a timed-release capsule and an enema under the brand name Entocort. This company also markets budesonide as an immediate-release capsule under the brand name Entocort EC. The typical course of treatment for oral capsules is 9 mg budesonide per day for 2 months or 6 mg per day for 3 months.


Budesonide is metabolized quickly compared to other corticosteroids. It has the greatest efficacy in the right colon and ileum when used as a treatment for Crohn's disease. Budesonide causes a lower loss of bone density than prednisolone, a similar corticosteroid. Budesonide has little effect on the activity of the adrenal, hypothalamus and pituitary glands, which means a patient does not have to taper off the drug before discontinuing it.

Side Effects

The side effects of budesonide are generally milder than those of similar medications. These side effects typically include the following:

Change in mucus color


Dry mouth


Muscle cramps

Nasal irritation


Nose bleeds


Sore throat

Budesonide may also cause the following side effects in rare cases:

Breathing difficulty

Facial swelling

Irregular menstrual periods

Severe acne

White patches in the mouth

Patients should report these symptoms to their physician immediately. Children who take budesonide may exhibit behavioral changes in very rare cases.


The following drugs can cause significant interactions with budesonide:










Budesonide may be contradicted if you have diabetes, glaucoma, hypertension, osteoporosis or tuberculosis. You must inform your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant before taking budesonide. You will also need to avoid people with chicken pox or measles, especially if you have not been vaccinated against these diseases.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What You Should Know About Colon Ulcers

A colon ulcer is a sore that appears inside the lining of a person's colon. Often people who have a colon ulcer will suffer from bleeding and infection and as a result of this inflammation the cells within the colon begin to deteriorate. Unfortunately a colon ulcer may be the first signs of a much more serious condition known as Ulcerative Colitis or Colon Cancer or even Crohn's Disease (an inflammatory bowel disease).

So if you have at some time suffered from at least one colon ulcer and are now starting to experience unusually severe abdominal pain, constant fevers, loss of weight, loss of appetite and fatigue then it would be wise to make an appointment to see your doctor. Although these are common symptoms of a colon ulcer they could also lead to the diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis. As yet it can not be proven what actually causes this condition, but doctors have certainly found that the immune system is affected. For many people suffering from colon ulcers they can be treated with drugs which puts the condition into remission or for the more severe cases then surgery may be the best course of action.

A very small percentage of people who are diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis are at risk of developing colon cancer in the future even if pre-cancerous cell are not found that the time of them being tested for a possible colon ulcer. Also it will depend on how severe the damage is to your colon and the more severe the damage then the chances of developing colon cancer is increased. However, a doctor can carry out a colonoscopy which can determine at any time if you have any pre-cancerous cells present in your colon. So the earlier that this cancer can be diagnosed then it will make it easier for it to be treated effectively.

Now we are going to look at Crohn's Disease which is an inflammation of the bowel and is very much like Ulcerative Colitis but can cause a lifetime of discomfort and complications to the person affected. As yet there has been no definitive evidence as to what causes this disease, but in most cases where people have been diagnosed with this disease it has been found that someone in the family also suffers from an inflammatory bowel disease as well. Yet again this form of disease can be treated with either drug therapy, surgery or them having a more restrictive diet.

So for anyone who is diagnosed with a colon ulcer it is advisable that they get a thorough examination carried out by their doctor in order to check to make sure that there aren't any more serious conditions involved. Also by diagnosing the condition of a colon ulcer earlier on then you will find that recovery from such an ulcer will be much easier.

Ailments That Mimic Symptoms of Acute Appendicitis

Although medical misdiagnosis is one of the most common forms of medical malpractice, the vast majority of instances of misdiagnosis of an ailment by a doctor go uncontested. Because it is necessary in a medical malpractice case to prove that the negligence of the doctor led to serious injury or death, if the misdiagnosis did not cause any substantial injury there is no way to win a lawsuit. But there are certain diseases and disorders which are very virulent and fast moving for which misdiagnosis can prove to be deadly for the patient. One of these disorders is appendicitis.

The main reason doctors misdiagnose appendicitis is because the symptoms of the disease mimic symptoms of a variety of different disorders. Symptoms of appendicitis include:

  • Pain in the belly region--this pain may begin around the belly button

  • Pain that gets stronger and moves to the right side

  • Pain that continues to worsen rather than improve

  • Pain that becomes more severe when you walk or cough

  • Pain occurring in any other part of your belly or your side

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Loss of appetite

  • Constipation

  • Back pain

  • Slight fever

  • Swollen abdomen

Other ailments which have very similar symptoms include:

  • Gastroenteritis

  • Kidney stone

  • Constipation

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Crohn's disease

  • Colitis

  • Food poisoning

  • Ectopic pregnancy

  • Endometriosis

  • Diverticulitis

While it is true that there can be a great degree of difficulty in differentiating the symptoms of appendicitis from the above mentioned disorders, it is a doctor's duty to perform every possible test to ensure that his or her diagnosis is correct.

Diverticulitis Symptoms And Natural Remedies For Diverticulitis And Other Similar Medical Conditions

In these epochs where virtually every individual from any nook and corner of the globe is aware about the connotation of a healthy lifestyle and fitness, medical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Acid Reflux, Crohn's disease, Diverticulitis, colitis, leaky gut syndrome, etc. are being increasingly being focused on as they are the common ailments which affects a majority of the populace from all across the world.

All these conditions are related to the abdominal area and largely affect the colon and intestines. The persons who are suffering from these ailments essentially resort to medicines which are not entirely devoid of side effects. This is because not many folks are aware about the Natural Remedies for IBS, Natural Cures for Colitis, Natural Treatment for IBS, Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis, Natural Cures for Acid Reflux, etc. With these herbal remedies for IBS and other medial condition, you will be able to cure the ailment permanently and should not worry about being affected by side effects which can adversely affect you.

What these herbal remedies and natural cures do is rebuild the ruptured and inflamed tissues steadily and bring about a welcome change which is permanent in nature. Natural Cures for Acid Reflux are a painless and happy way to cure your medical condition without involving any medicine or side effects. Let us sneak a quick look through some of the most sought after and popular Natural Cures for Acid Reflux. Drinking plenty of fluids such as water, milk, fruits and vegetable juices is a recommended measure.

Changing your dietary practices to one with high fiber content will also go a long way and do not forget to include apples, almonds, candied ginger, papaya, garlic and a lot more, in your diet. Now let us come down to Diverticulitis Treatment. Diverticulitis Symptoms include sharp pain in the lower left abdomen, abdominal cramping, fever, constipation, Gas, belching, bloating, diarrhea, blood in stools, and a lot more. Now let us come down to some Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis.

Include high fiber content in your diet such as barley, brown rice, garlic, apples, almond, papaya, pear, potatoes; it is also imperative to say no to processed foods. Anti-inflammatory and soothing herbs are also known to proffer endless assistance. caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco should be steered cleared of as they will only worsen your medical condition. The World Wide Web is the best place to find more pertaining and precise information.

Who Else Wants To Fix Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Get Instant Relief?

Suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome can be very annoying. The IBS is a gastro intestinal condition that manifests through episodes of diarrhea and/or constipation, associated with acute abdominal pain. Medics find it quite difficult to set up a diagnosis as there is no apparent cause and the symptoms can be associated with a series of other gastro intestinal conditions.

People between 20 and 30 years old are more affected by this disorder and studies have shown that women present these symptoms twice as often as men do. There are four main types of manifestation of the condition: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and diarrheic episodes alternating with constipation. Between 10% and 20% of all the people in the U.S. suffer from the irratable bowel syndrome. However, specialist believe that the incidence rate is actually higher that the official numbers, as many people try to self-medicate or believe that they suffer from other affections and do not consult a medic.

Medics also refer to the irratable bowel syndrome as spastic colon, spastic colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon or nervous bowel. However this condition should be distinguished among other gastro intestinal disease called "colitis, such as ulcerative colitis (colitis describes the inflammation of the colon, whereas the colon is not inflamed in people suffering from irratable bowel syndrome).

There are several symptoms depending on the person and the actual cause, but the main ones are abdominal pain and occasional diarrhea, often alternating with constipation. The person suffering from IBS may feel bloated, full, as the digested food travels at an abnormal rate through the intestines. Sometimes the person may witness abdominal swelling or tenderness. Anxiety can be another symptom associated with the condition, as the person is aware of the gastro intestinal problem and he gets annoyed.

The movement of the digested food and fecal material through the intestines and the colon is dictated by a series of rhythmical muscular contractions (the medical term for these actions is peristalsis). When a person is suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome, the peristalsis is more frequent, thus leading to a noisier and abnormal bowel activity. That is what causes the discomfort of the IBS and what may determine people to be embarrassed with these symptoms.

Abdominal pain is another frequent symptom and it appears mostly in the lower left corner of the abdomen. Going to the toilet can relieve pain associated with this condition.
Also, there may be traces of white mucus in the sufferer's stool sample.

Other symptoms include burping, bad breath caused by an abnormal digestive activity, gas production, nausea and headache. It is important to go the doctor if you witness any of the above syndromes in order to have the proper medication prescribed.

Fish Oil's Role in Reducing Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) And Crohn's Disease

With each passing medical and scientific study the benefits of fish oil and fish oil supplements, are finding their way into the spotlight. Many studies have shown a correlation between reducing the possibility of heart failure, heart attack and different vascular diseases, but it has only been recently that a connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and helpful benefits for patients suffering from Irritable Bowl Diseases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease.

Many of these studies are double-blind studies that are further validated with cultural studies of Inuit and Eskimo populations that have a diet high in fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids and a very low occurrence of ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease. As the evidence mounts, further studies will be needed to pinpoint with any accuracy how much the dietary intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can help in patients suffering from these gastrointestinal diseases, but on the surface the smaller studies that have been done are very promising.

Ulcerative Colitis and Chrohn's Disease Overview

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases. These diseases are believed to be caused by several factors. First, genetic and non-genetic causes are believed to be the culprit in many cases. The other possible cause is environmental factors such as infections that cause an immune reaction in the gastrointestinal area. The body then generates a large amount of white blood cells in the intestinal lining. These white blood cells release chemicals in the process of fighting the infection that inflame the intestinal tissue. It should be noted, though, that the exact causes of IBDs, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are currently unknown.

In general, an ulcerative colitis attack or Crohn's disease attack will consist of severe intestinal inflammation, which can cause bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, bleeding from the ulcers, rupture of the bowel, obstructions and strictures, fistulae, toxic megacolon and malignant cancer. In the last instance, the risk of colon cancer in patients that have had ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease rises significantly. Generally, after an attack, the disease will go into a remission stage that can last weeks or even years. If you are suffering from these symptoms you should see your physician immediately for a proper diagnosis.

Until recently, the treatment for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease was, first and foremost, a healthy diet. If symptoms require it, physicians will ask their patients to limit their intake of dairy and fiber. While it is true that diet has relatively little to no influence on the actual inflammation process within ulcerative colitis, it could have influence on the different symptoms associated with it. On the other hand, diet does have an impact on the inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease and one of the main ways of treating these symptoms is a diet that consists of predigested food. It should also be noted that in both diseases, stress has been shown to be a factor in causing flare-ups. Because of this, physicians will also emphasize the importance of stress management.

Secondarily, medical treatment for these two diseases involves suppression of the high level of inflammatory response mechanisms of the immune system within the intestinal tract. By suppressing this response, the intestinal tissue can heal and the symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea can be relieved. After the symptoms have been controlled, further medicinal treatment helps to decrease flare-ups and lengthen or maintain remission periods.

Conventional methods of medicating these two diseases involve a stepped approach. Initially, the least harmful of medications are given in as low a dosage as possible and are taken for a short time period. If these medications provide little or no relief, the dosages are either increased or the medications are changed.

The lowest levels of medications, or Step I, are aminosalicylates and antibiotics. Corticosteroids make up the set of Step II drugs. Step III drugs involve the use of immune modifying medications or a drug called Infliximab for patients suffering from Crohn's disease. These medications are not used, however, during acute flare-ups due to the length of time that a flare-up can last. Only after Step III medications fail completely are Step IV drugs introduced because at this time, they are experimental.

A final alternative in treating ulcerative colitis is surgery. Because ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon, surgery can completely cure it. Crohn's disease, unfortunately, is not restricted to the colon and can exist anywhere in the digestive tract. Because of this, surgery will often complicate matters more.

Limitations of Medical Treatment

Nearly one-quarter of all patients diagnosed with some form of IBD, either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, will not respond to medical treatment. In about three-quarters of cases of Crohn's disease, surgery (even though it is not curative) will be required. Regardless of current medical treatment, a person suffering from ulcerative colitis will have a 50% chance of having remission end within a two-year period after the last flare-up. Even if the initial diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is limited to the rectum there is a 50% probability of the disease becoming more extensive over a twenty-five year period. If a patient has ulcerative colitis that involves the entire colon, that patient stands a 60% chance of requiring a colectomy and most patients will require surgical intervention within the first year after diagnosis of the disease.

It's obvious that Intestinal Bowel Disease can be debilitating. Continued treatments with progressively harsher medications and surgeries that may help in some cases but not others become the norm for these patients. Further, the complications like strictures and fistulas associated with IBDs, can ultimately lead to colon cancer. Many times, these complications create a feeling of hopelessness among those who suffer from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

There is hope, though. New studies are presenting strong evidence for the use of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil and fish oil supplements) in the prevention and treatment of IBDs. These studies are shedding new light on the multi-faceted health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and ultimately may present new methods for the treatment of these painful diseases.

The Case for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Traditionally, the Inuit populations of Alaska have existed on diets high in fatty fish, specifically, types of fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Past studies of these cultures have shown that the large majority of these groups do not suffer from heart problems, heart disease or other forms of vascular disease. Less known, however, was the fact that the majority of people within these cultures also do not suffer from any form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This has led some scientists to postulate that there is a strong connection between the dietary intake of fish oil or fish oil supplements and the prevention of IBDs.

Take, for instance, one example of a symptom of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: inflammation. Fish oils high in Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce its occurrence in patients suffering from IBDs. The reason for this is that when Omega-3 fatty acids are introduced into the body it suppresses the production of leukotriene B4. Omega-3s have also been shown to inhibit interleukin 1Beta. Both leukotriene B4 and interleukin 1Beta are major players in the inflammation of mucosa lining the gastrointestinal tracts.

With regular dietary intake of fish oil supplements high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), inflammation can be reduced by up to 50% in the intestinal tissues of patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis. Fish oils that have anti-inflammatory properties are only effective in reducing inflammation, but not preventing it. Results in patients with Crohn's disease haven't been quite as promising, but this area of research is still in its infancy.

Recent studies show tremendous promise in fish oil's effectiveness in preventing and reducing the effects of IBDs. These studies show that there is an increase in the manufacture of less powerful prostaglandins at the sacrifice of the more potent ones. Patients with active ulcerative colitis who were given fish oil supplements have also shown significant improvement versus patients who were given placebos. Further study with larger control groups is needed, though, in order for more accurate data to be gathered.

As further evidence of the link between Omega-3s and relief from the symptoms and inflammation of IBDs, a 12-week study involving patients who knew they were taking fish oil supplements showed a significant decline in the disease. This study was further bolstered by the results from samples of the intestinal mucosa that were found to have increased amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid. These results increase when the supplement given to the patients is encased with an enteric coating, which allows the fish oil to be released lower into the intestinal tract. This further alleviates side effects such as fishy breath, burping and flatulence related to taking fish oil supplements. Because of the fewer side effects associated with these supplements, treatment over the long-term is more tolerable.

A Worldwide Phenomenon

With more notice being taken of the effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on the health of people who take them on a consistent basis, the worldwide scientific community has opened up more to the idea of this supplement being used for effective treatment of IBDs. For instance, in Italy, a study was conducted using enteric-coated fish oil supplements and a notable reduction in the rate of relapse in Crohn's disease remission was noted. The patients involved in this study showed evidence of inflammation at the beginning of the study and were suffering from the symptoms related to Crohn's. In this study, patients suffering from the disease received either three fish oil capsules three times per day or a placebo three times per day. Those patients receiving fish oil supplements showed a significant reduction in the inflammation.

Among 39 patients in the placebo group, almost 70% of the patients who were in remission, relapsed. Out of the 39 patients supplementing their diet with fish oil capsules, only 28% relapsed. Further, after a year, nearly 60% of the 39 patients being given fish oil supplements were still in remission while only 25% of the patients given the placebo were in remission.

Given the small size of the study group it is only possible to speculate on the efficacy of treatment for Crohn's disease patients, however, the results of this study are promising. If scientists are given the opportunity to produce a study with a much larger group of patients, better and more accurate data could be gathered which could lead to even more positive results. More research would also allow scientists and doctors to understand the ways in which the EPA works to help increase time of remission.

There is strong speculation that patients suffering from IBDs lack a particular enzyme found in Omega-3 pathways and that when this enzyme is present, remission and even prevention of IBDs is possible. In a sense, adding an Omega-3 supplement to the diet of a patient suffering from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis appears to be a type of enzyme replacement therapy.

In Japan, medical researchers at Shiga University of Medical Science conducted a study in which the diet of Crohn's disease patients was altered to include a meal of rice, cooked fish and soup. Prior to the establishment of this diet, the occurrence of relapse within one year was 90%. After implementation of the diet the occurrence of relapse dropped to 40% within one year. Results like this are encouraging other countries to do similar studies.

In the United States, research conducted at Boston University Medical Center shows that patients with chronic IBD have unusual fatty acid profiles that were generally lower than control subjects who did not suffer from any type of chronic intestinal disorder. Because of this lack of fatty acids, it is believed that these patients are more prone to these problems. The study also suggests that the addition of Omega-3 fatty acids via a diet that adds fish oil or fish oil supplements can help reduce and correct this shortage.

Another study in San Francisco that involved patients with ulcerative colitis showed that there is an increase in leukotriene B4 in the colonic lining. The hypothesis in this study is that an increase in fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis could inhibit the synthesis of the leukotrienes. If this is possible, fish oil supplements would be responsible for a reduction or elimination of the symptoms associated with inflammation of the bowels in this disease.

The final results of the study show that the hypothesis was accurate. Patients in the study were randomized and placed into two different groups. The study group received regular daily doses of fish oil containing 2.7 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.8 grams of docosahexaenoic acid. The second set of patients were placed into a control group and given placebo capsules filled with olive oil. Over a three-month period, patients receiving the fish oil supplements showed marked improvement in the severity of the symptoms of the disease. In fact, 72% of the study group taking the supplements was able to reduce or completely terminate their anti-inflammation and steroid medication schedules. The final outcome of the study was that fish oil supplements were integral to the improvement of patients suffering from ulcerative colitis.

A similar study done at Mount Sinai School of Medicine shows that the regular use of fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis diminishes the severity of the disease. Fully 70% of the patients involved in the study showed moderate to significant improvement and 80% of the patients in the study were able to reduce their intake of prednisone, an anti-inflammatory used to help alleviate symptoms of the disease, by up to 66%.

Taking the Next Steps

Studies are showing positive results and it's obvious that the Omega-3 fatty acids inherent to fish oil supplements are beneficial to our intestinal health. The obvious thing to do is find out what types of fish oil supplements are the best. Personal research will aid you in finding the correct supplements and additionally, if you suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, you should consult with your physician about the benefits of adding a fish oil supplement to your diet and what dosage you should take. There is, however, some basic information about fish oil supplements that you need to know.

First of all, not all fish oil supplements are created equal. Cod liver oil is, by far, the most inexpensive form of fish oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it does not contain the highest amounts and in most cases it cannot be taken in high doses because of impurities such as mercury that are left in it. It also has an extremely powerful taste that most have trouble tolerating.

A much better choice for supplementing your diet with fish oil is a health food grade supplement. These supplements have been purified using a process called molecular distillation. This process eliminates nearly all of the impurities and is very safe when taken in the doses necessary to help alleviate the symptoms associated with IBDs.

The purest form of fish oil supplements is pharmaceutical grade. These supplements have also been processed using molecular distillation, however, at a much higher level. The process used in filtering out the impurities gets rid of all of them down to the particulate level. These supplements, of course, are also the most expensive, but will have the greatest impact on your ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are proving to be phenomenal and it is anyone's guess as to the limits of what these supplements can do for our health. With few side effects that are relatively minor, fish oil supplements are a good choice to help you improve your overall health. The fact that they can be used to inhibit the relapse of the symptoms of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is even more exciting. Omega-3 fatty acids are carving out a healthy niche in the diets of individuals worldwide and everyone is all the better for it.