Sunday, June 23, 2013

Are You Suffering From the Long Term Effects of Leaky Gut?

This is Part 3 of a 3 Part Series explaining exactly how Leaky Gut develops and progresses.

There are probably many of you reading my articles and wondering to yourself, what is Leaky Gut? If you fall into this category then this article is for you! Without getting into the symptoms or causes of it let's take a look at exactly how it progresses.

I don't want to bore with you an anatomy lecture so I'm going to keep this as simple as possible.

Long Term Effects of Leaky Gut

As the typical Advanced Onset symptoms of progress, they are rarely associated with the underlying Leaky Gut. Many times medications are used in order to alleviate these symptoms which only further damages the intestinal lining and perpetuates the problem while more serious damage is done.

As the pain, fatigue, and food intolerance symptoms are ignored over time, the body is still left to deal with the ensuing assault. Over time there is a buildup of antibodies and antigens (foreign invaders) in the body. Once the buildup of these immune complexes reaches a certain level, your body down regulate the production of immune cells. Because of this down regulation of the immune system, your typical onset symptoms due to excessive inflammation begin to disappear even though Leaky Gut is still present. These symptoms are replaced by chronic fatigue and an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling that is typically felt with the onset of disease.

The unbalanced gut flora worsens as the harmful parasites, bacteria, and yeast/fungi thrive in your digestive tract. Now they can also enter the blood stream and move freely through the body with the ability to infect any body tissue or organ. This results in chronic internal and external infections that continue to drive Leaky Gut.

As the signs and symptoms are further ignored, the damage still continues. This eventually overwhelms the immune system which eventually begins to attack your own tissue and organs resulting in autoimmune disease. The key point to understand is that because these foreign invaders can move freely to anywhere inside the body, autoimmune disease can develop anywhere in the body including the organs, muscles, and joints.

So, what do the Long Term Effects of Leaky Gut leave you with? Just to name a few Symptoms...

1. Arthritis

2. Celiac's Disease

3. Colitis

4. Crohn's Disease

5. Multiple Sclerosis

6. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

7. Eczema and/or Psoriasis

8. Severe Asthma

9. Chronic Fungal Infection, Ringworm, Nail Fungus, etc

10. Muscle Pain & Spasm

11. Osteoporosis

If you missed it, check out Part 2 of this 3 Part Series named "Do You Know What is Driving Your Leaky Gut?"

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