Saturday, July 27, 2013

AMP Aloe Relieves Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) comprises Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Both Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are characterized by an abberant response by the immune system. The immune system is comprised of different kinds of cells and proteins, which ordinarily protect the body from infection. With Crohn's disease, the immune system functions defectively.

AMP Aloe does just this: it suppresses the inflammatory response, enabling healing of the intestinal tissues and thus inducing a remission of the symptoms of Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

Crohn's Disease is characterized most typically by inflammation of the end of the small intestine, called the ileum, and/or the beginning of the large intestine, the colon. It may inflame other parts of the GI tract, as well as all of the layers of the affected intestine.

Crohn's Disease Symptoms differ based on the area in which the intestine is inflamed:

  • Ileocolitis: This is the most common, and affects the ileum and colon. Symptoms: cramping and/or pain, diarrhea and possible weight loss.

  • Ileitis: Affects the ileum. Symptoms: cramping and/or pain, diarrhea and possible weight loss.

  • Gastroduodenal Crohn's Disease: Affects the duodenum, which is the very beginning of the small intestine, and the stomach. Symptoms: nausea, loss of appetite and resultant weight loss.

  • Jejunoileitis: Here you'll have inflammation in the jejunum, which is the upper half of the small intestine. Symptoms: mild to intense abdominal pain/cramping and diarrhea after eating.

  • Crohn's Colitis (granulomatous) : Affects only the colon. Symptoms: diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and disease around the anus, which may include fistulas, ulcers and/or abscesses. abscess, fistulas, ulcers). Skin lesions and joint pains are more common in this form of Crohn's than in others.

Crohn's disease is named after Dr. Burrill B. Crohn. In 1932, Dr. Crohn and two of his colleagues, Dr. Gordon D. Oppenheimer and Dr. Leon Ginzburg, published a pandemic article which depicted the major factors of what we now call Crohn's Disease.

Ulcerative Colitis is implicated by inflammation of the mucosa (mucus membrane) lining of the colon and/or rectum. Its symptoms typically go through alternate periods of flare-ups and remission that can continue through a lifetime.

These periods of flare-ups can be minimized, if not obliterated, with the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharde (AMP) molecule of the Aloe Plant. AMP Aloe can extend if not make permanent your periods of remission, and has done so for hundreds of UC sufferers.

Flare-up symptoms include inflammation of the Colon and/or Rectum, Diarrhea and Rectal Bleeding; there may or may not be painful cramping. You do not usually see constipation with Ulcerative Colitis.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is often referred to as Spastic Colon, and is represented by the malfunction of the spontaneous movement and sensation in the bowel.

The nerves are more sensitive to dietary change and stress, as well as physical activities, which may stimulate the bowel.

Most people with IBS experience abdominal cramping and pain as well as changes to bowel system functioning; alternating between constipation and diarrhea.

With IBS, there is no inflammation seen in the colon lining; nor is there any rectal bleeding; signs seen with Ulcerative Colitis.

AMP Aloe regulates the bowel motility (ability to move spontaneously and independently), and reduces the sensitivity of the nerves in the bowel to external stimuli. What this gives you is a much more consistent and normal bowel movement and functioning.

Crohn's Disease Fistula - What Are They and How Can They Effect You?

If you have Crohn's Disease something that you may not be aware of is what a fistula is. Even though I have had Crohn's for many years I am very lucky to have never have had a fistula. A fistula is an abnormal tunnel connecting two body cavities that are not normally connected, such as the rectum and the vagina. A fistula can also be a body cavity to the skin such as the rectum to the outside of the body.

One way that a fistula may develop is through an abscess, which is a pocket of pus in the body. If the abscess is always filled with bodily fluids, like urine or stools this can prevent healing from taking place. Fistulas are more common in Crohn's Disease than in Ulcerative Colitis, about 25% of people with Crohn's will develop a fistula.

Some of the symptoms that you can get if have a fistula are things like pain, fever, tenderness, itching, and generally not feeling very well. It may also drain pus or a foul smelling discharge, these symptoms vary depending on the severity and the location of the fistula.

A common place to get a fistula when you have crohn's is in the perianal region. They can be internal, around or between the intestine and other organs such as the bladder and abdominal wall. A fistula in the colon or rectum may cause the contents of the intestine to seep into the bladder, vagina or even drain through the skin. Fistulas can be common causes of sepsis in Crohn's disease, in some cases sepsis can be life threatening.

Fistulas are usually treatable and the treatment varies depending on the location. Around half of fistulas can heal themselves, but if you think that you have a fistula then it would be best for you to see your doctor and follow the recommendations that they give you to remedy the problem.

The Passover Feast Controls Candida Albican Yeast

Yeast-related illness has been around for centuries. Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates the father of modern medicine recorded many occurrences of thrush, cradle cap, and other fungal infections of the skin. All of these are indications of yeast infection by candida albicans.

A Biblical Candida Albican Diet

It was brought to my attention one day that the week long Passover Feast or Feast of Unleavened Bread, observed by Orthodox Jews was very similar to the anti candida diet and other lower-carb diets. The feast was instituted to commemorate the passing over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when God smote the firstborn of the Egyptians with a plague.

I was particularly excited about this idea because the promise for observing the feast was "that the destroying angel would pass them by." In light of the pervasive occurrence of yeast related complaints among human beings, and the debilitating effect it has from the inside out, "destroying angel" would be an apt description of how it feels to deteriorate under yeast's control.

I went to the local library to find a book about the Passover Feast. I learned that the feast is observed in late March or early April before the earth bears anything sweet.

The Seven Day Passover Feast

The seven-day feast includes fasting during the day and eating the feast after sunset each night. A traditional Passover plate was pictured with divided sections for each of the foods that are eaten. The meal consists of a brilliantly low carbohydrate collection of foods:

  • Unleavened bread (containing no yeast),

  • A piece of lamb,

  • A boiled egg,

  • Leafy greens,

  • A grated apple/nut mash called 'charoseth'

  • and a bitter herb like parsley, horseradish or some other kind of radish,

which all happen to contain anti-fungal properties. In fact, all bitter, hot and spicy herbs combat candida albicans yeast, alleviating candida symptoms.

The physiological effect of observing the Passover would be like a "spring cleaning" of the body from candida albicans yeast, mold and fungus every year.

What a fun thought! What if the command to God's chosen people to observe this feast were not just a means of remembering their deliverance from bondage to Pharaoh centuries before, but also a means of literal annual deliverance from a subtler destroyer within, namely candida albican?

Since this fascinating idea settled in, I've enjoyed, and strongly recommend, an annual spring cleaning of systemic candida albican yeast from the body to optimize energy, zap foggy thinking and prime hormone systems for peak performance in the year ahead.

Research on Meditation

All meditation methods lead to the relaxation of your mind and body. As you progress in your meditation routine, you will be likely to dis-identify with your mind. The normal state of the mind is aware with your hopes and fears and has no rest. During your meditation, you will not take your mind antics seriously because your fretful self will calm down resulting to relaxation.

Meditation Through Transcendental Means

This is a very good way for relaxing and combating stress. This is an easy way of relaxation that involves chanting a mantra in your mind while doing the meditation. The time required for this kind of meditation is 1 to 20 minutes both in the morning and in the evening. This method is perfect for the present day worker with a busy lifestyle. You do not need to change religion, philosophy or lifestyle in practicing this meditation. Many people from different religious faith throughout the world practice this type of meditation. Benefits include stillness of mind, cure for stress and hypertension, dealing with addictions, and other benefits. Indian Parliament Lok Sabha has commended the practice of this Meditation for one's well-being. The President of Mozambique gave credit to it in 1990s for bringing back peace after several years of civil war. Other governments also praised meditation for helping their citizens and mankind.

This type of meditation is the fastest and easiest way to achieve high level of consciousness. It benefits the intelligence within us. It does not deal with our outer problems but improves intelligence in us to make us deal with problems better. It has over four million practitioners throughout the world - more than one million of them are from the U.S. This meditation gives many instant benefits and since it only needs a little of time, it is great for people who are always in a hurry.

Sedona Method

Sedona method is a way to release feelings. Its goal is to help you in dealing with and releasing stressful and other negative feelings. The most helpful advantage of Sedona method is that it lets us welcome positive thoughts and feelings as they enter our mind. It is a simple, unique, easy to learn and powerful technique that teaches you to uncover your innate ability to let go of your painful experiences and unwanted feeling, thoughts and belief in the moment. It prevents suffering and creates heart's greatest desires. The Sedona method liberates you of your desire in four primary ways:

  1. Attain remarkable results in improving your success and wealth.

  2. Have more healthy, loving and harmonious relationships.

  3. Enjoy the happiness, joy and peace you've been looking for.

  4. More glowing health and emotional and mental well being.

Whenever you feel stressed or find it hard to sleep, the failure to relax can be upsetting. It can hamper all aspects of our life including family, relationships, and work. Although it is viable to accomplish relaxation through medication, it is also possible and safe to be relaxed through meditation. Meditation is the method used to calm and soothe the mind. If the mind is relax, same goes to your body.

The three primary things you need to learn about meditation are the proper breathing, letting go of negative thoughts and visualization.

Breathing. Focus on your breath. Breathe in your stomach and feel your abdomen expand. Pay attention to the time in between your inhale and exhale as you complete your first inhalation. This is the time when you are neither exhaling nor inhaling. When you stop breathing, even if it is just a very short moment, the chatter that is in your mind also stops. As you complete one full breath, feel your stomach and chest. Don't forget to pay attention in between breaths and be always aware of these points. You should breathe naturally without trying to force anything.

Do not be anxious with your thoughts. Stay focus on breathing. When thoughts arise, try to get rid of it immediately. Do not constrain yourself not to imagine either. Thoughts will come naturally in mind but do not become emotionally involved with them. If you find yourself bothered with your thoughts, go back to breathing and the present moment. Dedicate this time with your meditation entirely.

Visualization. Integrate your visualization with your breathing. You may want to visualize a serene place while inhaling. Recall a time when you were at peace within yourself. Revive that feeling while exhaling the negative thoughts in you. Feel that you are becoming rejuvenated and lighter. Remain focus and start feeling positively and energized.

Ten Tips - Holiday Stress and IBS

The last two months of the year are filled with holidays: Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa. And what do they all have in common? Family, festivities, food and, hopefully, fun. Of course, with all the planning and shopping and wrapping and traveling and partying and...umm...eating, people sometimes do experience a wee bit of stress.

Now, for IBS sufferers, the stress is more than "a bit". The additional stress and demands of the holidays often aggravate the unpleasant and unpredictable symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (a.k.a. IBS, colitis or spastic colon). The delicious goodies, big family dinners and changes in daily routines don't help the situation either. Sometimes the challenge of managing this painful and chronic condition during the holidays is so stressful that it discourages IBS sufferers from participating in the festivities and family gatherings. It can be an isolating and frustrating time.

It is estimated that 2 out of every 10 people (about 50 million) in the U.S. suffer from IBS. Many people have the condition but remain undiagnosed and untreated. Those who are unfamiliar with IBS may not appreciate the seriousness of the condition. An IBS attack can result in a variety of symptoms that include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, hemorrhoids and alternating diarrhea and constipation. These are not things you want to bring to the holiday party! They are painful, embarrassing and terribly inconvenient, even debilitating at times.

So, what can people with IBS, a chronic and unpredictable illness, do to deal with their condition and not miss out on all the holiday cheer? While there is no "cure" for IBS, there are ways to boost your ability to prevent or decrease the severity of an attack. The following ten tips are suggested for managing IBS during the holidays.

1. Talk to your doctor. If you are already under a doctor's care for IBS and taking medications, ask your doctor if there are additional steps that you can take during the holiday season to treat your symptoms. If you have not been diagnosed by a physician but you are experiencing the symptoms listed above, then maybe it is time to seek help.

2. Know your body. IBS is different from many other illnesses in that it occurs uniquely in each person. Everyone has their own combination of symptoms and "triggers", and what works to alleviate symptoms for one person may not work for the next. Self-study is the key to managing this condition. Research is helpful - there are many books and websites on the subject. There is also one good workbook that leads people step-by-step through this process of self-analysis. It is the "Yes, You CAN Manage IBS" workbook by Cindy Baker, a licensed professional counselor. She shares her story and offers her workbook online at This workbook is highly recommended in discovering what is necessary to manage your own IBS symptoms.

3. Plan and prepare. The stress of the holidays can be reduced through planning ahead. A schedule of activities can help to minimize the mental and physical stress of last-minute tasks and unfinished details. It can also ensure that important elements like sleep, exercise and using medications and supplements are not ignored. Don't procrastinate - do as much as you can as early as you can to limit the hustle and bustle. Preparation and organization can take the hectic out of the holidays.

4. Address the stress. This is such an important element for IBS sufferers. Stress has a significant impact on this condition and is a common trigger for attacks. All the other tips listed here relate to this one, because managing your stress is also managing your IBS. There is no one answer that works for everyone. Find what works for you by knowing your body, attending to your needs and using all the tools at your disposal. Rest, relaxation and a controlled diet are all important elements, but there are a few more things that you could try to reduce stress. They include: walking, meditation, yoga, massage, controlled breathing techniques, positive affirmations and counseling. They are most effective if done on a consistent basis. Find what works for you.

5. Lean on the routine. Change, no matter how small, is often difficult. People with IBS seem to be impacted more than most by change. Maintaining a routine related to personal needs, work and social life can be essential in managing any medical condition, IBS included. Do what you can by planning ahead for additional demands (see tip 3) and by explaining to friends and family the importance of your routine. This is particularly relevant in regards to traveling, which can be challenging for IBS sufferers. Travel may be unavoidable during the holidays. If it is, give yourself extra time and consideration.

6. Express yourself. Many people have a hard time talking about their condition; IBS symptoms can be embarrassing to discuss. But, it is better to express to loved ones the seriousness of the condition and ask for their indulgence and consideration than to withdraw from them or make too many compromises and encourage a severe attack. You don't have to hide or suffer in silence. Explain your needs and limitations. Usually, people will understand - especially people that love you and want you to be well.

7. Be a player - not the whole team. It is easy to take on too much during this time. Put aside your pride, if necessary, and let others know that you need their help. People may surprise you with their willingness to pitch in and do what is required. They may not take the initiative on their own, but they will take on tasks when they are asked and directed. If people are unwilling to help, then don't compromise your health by insisting on completing everything yourself. Remember, you are more important than any gift or trip to the post office or holiday party. Rather than hurt yourself by overdoing it, just say "no", take it slow and let go.

8. Be comfortable, rather than cosmetic. Being physically comfortable by wearing loose-fitting clothing, claiming the best spot on the sofa, and avoiding irritants in the environment (smoke, odors, noises, etc.) is as important as getting enough rest and eating right in managing your IBS. A tight waistband on a bloated belly or enduring odors that make you nauseous is not going to help you. It may sound silly, but it makes a difference. Be comfortable, even if it's not fashionable. That's the only way to really enjoy yourself.

9. Keep laughing. Along with the sweet potatoes and glittery packages and musical snow globes, don't forget to bring your sense of humor to the party. It is supposed to be fun, celebrating the holidays. So, have fun! Everything doesn't have to be perfect - you don't have to be perfect - in order to enjoy yourself. I know: IBS is no joke. But you can keep laughing anyway. Laughter truly IS the best medicine. Take a healthy dose every day.

10. Love yourself. During the holidays, after the holidays, everyday, love yourself. No matter what you can do or can't do, no matter what your condition or situation or limitations; love yourself. Then, let that love spill over to the rest of us. Love is amazing. The more you give away, the more you have. You can never exhaust your supply. You may hate your IBS, understandable, but love yourself. It will give you the strength and courage to face anything...even the mall.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Leaky Gut

Digestive tract is the largest barrier to outside attack and only one cell thick.

Our digestive tract is the largest entry site to foreigners, especially microorganisms and proteins from foods that our body may think are invaders. The digestive tract lining is vulnerable to stress, foreign food proteins and bad bacteria. The lining of the digestive tract is protected by a single layer of cells called epithelial cells. In the small intestine these are called enterocytes and in the colon they are called colonocytes. The small intestine is long enough to wrap around your waist about eight times whereas your colon is about as long as you are tall.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the most common diagnosed digestive disorder may be an inflammatory disease of the bowel, at least in part caused by and/or aggravated by stress and leaky gut.

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common diagnosed gastrointestinal disorder. However, as a syndrome it is a diagnosis of exclusion based on a collection of symptoms. Until recently it was not felt to be an inflammatory condition of the bowel but more recent information suggests that at least subtypes of IBS are inflammatory in nature. It is now being proposed that diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome (D-IBS) be thought of as an inflammatory bowel disease that is either caused or at least aggravated by stress, food and or bad gut bacteria induced intestinal irritation resulting in leaky gut. In Gut, Guilarte et al. from Barcelona, Spain report finding an increase of a type of white blood cells in the intestinal lining. The found mildly increased intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and marked increased mast cells in patients with diarrhea predominant IBS. These individuals also had higher levels of psychological stress than normal volunteers.

The mast cell, an immune/allergy blood cell, is now linked to many cases of IBS.

A stress-mast cell axis has been proposed for possible cause of IBS. Mast cells release chemicals in response to triggers such as allergy and parasites typically in the body but have been linked to stress.

Mast cells cannot be seen on standard microscopic slides from intestinal biopsies.

Increased mast cells have been found in the large and small bowel of patients with IBS especially when a stain for tryptase, an enzyme specific for mast cells, is performed.

Mast cells can cause leaky gut resulting in increased pain and diarrhea in IBS.

Mast cells can increase intestinal permeability (cause leaky gut), increase visceral sensitivity (increased pain sensation and intensity) and increase motility (contractions of the intestine). This results in diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Increase in lymphocytes noted possibly explain the link to gluten noted in IBS.

The finding of increased lymphocytes or intraepithelial lymphocytosis in the patients of this most recent study was of particular interest to me. I am seeing this very commonly in my patients who do not meet criteria for celiac disease yet respond to a gluten-free diet who have previously been labeled IBS. Sometimes I find this in small intestine biopsies and sometimes in the colon of patients. Some have had a colonoscopy in the past but no biopsies were done because the colon "looked normal". In a recent post I discussed a study that noted IBS defining symptoms in over 50% of patients with microscopic colitis.

Our digestive tract is under constant attack and this could be causing you to be ill chronically?

Our digestive tract is now under constant attack and is frequently failing as a defensive barrier. Enemies of our digestive tract increasingly appear to be genetically modified or prepared foods and bad bacteria. The bad bacteria have taken over due to excess hygiene practices and liberal use of antibiotics. Our defense must include consideration of dietary changes such as reduction or elimination of gluten, eating organic foods, and the liberal use of probiotic supplements.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Crohn's Disease and Colitis - Basic Facts

There are many misconceptions about the inflammatory diseases - Crohn's Disease and Colitis. The medical profession will explain all aspects of the disease to their patients. Yet everyone needs to understand about these chronic conditions. If a person recognizes the signs of these diseases, they can seek medical help before untreated symptoms turn into serious complications.

Basic Facts

. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are chronic conditions.

Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not fatal conditions. The diseases are referred to as 'chronic' conditions because there is no medical cure but people can manage their symptoms.

. People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis can live a normal life span.

Sufferers with these conditions live a similar life span to everyone else. Women live for 79 years and men live almost the same duration (78 years).

. There is a difference between Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Generally, Ulcerative Colitis (UC) affects the colon (large intestine). Crohn's Disease can be present anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes UC can affect the small intestine.

. People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis will have uncomfortable symptoms.

Since both conditions are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sufferers can expect symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pains as well as a host of other unpleasant symptoms. Yet people with these conditions can live a comfortable and stress-free lifestyle when they understand how to manage the diseases.

. The Western diet is not ideal for patients with these conditions.

The Western diet contains considerable amounts of fat and sugar and includes many processed foods. This diet is not ideal for anyone especially individuals who suffer from inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Researchers, as well a many patients, claim that Crohn's Disease/Colitis water fasts and a regular raw food diet can make a difference to their symptoms.

Indeed, many sufferers say that the symptoms disappeared over a period of time. Of course, patients should expect that there will be some challenges if they change to a raw food diet. The body will need time to adjust to the new fuel. In fact, sometimes symptoms will be exacerbated at first by the fruit and raw vegetable diet. Yet many individuals claim that they noticed a gradual difference until the symptoms ceased to be a problem.

. Crohn's Disease and Colitis can lead to serious side effects.

The symptoms of these conditions can be managed - and even controlled - by patients. Yet if symptoms are left untreated over time, they can cause grave damage to one's health. Anemia, liver damage, serious infections, and other health issues can occur if sufferers do not attend to their condition.

. People with Crohn's Disease and Colitis can receive individualized treatment for their conditions.

Different people can have varied symptoms of Crohn's Disease and Colitis. As well, they can experience a wide range of side effects from malnutrition to problems with their immune system. Modern medicine will attempt to accommodate the individual needs of patients but these will generally only mask the real problems of diet and chemical ingestion. Look for a Doctor with an open mind as well as one that has been trained in nutrition, this will go a long way to receiving a balanced treatment plan.

The Colon: What It Does and What Can Go Wrong

Consisting of the large intestine, the rectum, and the anus, the colon is quite possibly one of the most important organs in your body. It is part of a complex system designed to eliminate food waste and the waste generated by your body as effectively as possible and is the part of the body where bowel movements are created out of digestive matter for excretion.

Aside from water and sodium, the colon is usually not associated with the absorption of food nutrients which is technically the job of the small intestines. However, the colon plays an extremely important role in overall health. It is the site of the fermentation of food materials that the small intestines cannot absorb (i.e., soluble and insoluble fibre) by bacterial flora. This is the reason why dietary probiotics have started to gain popularity in recent years. Bacterial flora in the colon are responsible for producing vitamin K-2 which has been shown to aid in proper blood clotting and the formation of strong bones. As a matter of fact, it is believed that one of the reasons why Japanese woman from Okinawa (an area famous for it's high number of centenarians and high average life-span) have much lower incidences of osteoporosis is that they consume healthy bacteria in their diets which increases the amount of vitamin K-2 that their colons absorb.

Evidently, the colon is an important organ for overall health, however things can go wrong. Like most bodily organs and tissues, the colon is susceptible to infection, inflammation, and cancer. There are a variety common conditions that can affect your colon:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition in which the muscles of the colon contract abnormally, causing diarrhea, constipation, cramps in the abdomen, bloating, and gas. It can be managed through dietary changes/food avoidance and medications.


Colitis is an umbrella term referring to several conditions characterized by inflammation of the large bowel. The different types of colitis include ulcerative colitis (cause unknown), Crohn's disease (cause unknown), ischemic colitis (when there is a lack of blood going to the colon), infectious colitis (the result of infections of the large bowel), and radiation colitis (caused by radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer).

Symptoms often depend on the cause of the colitis but common symptoms include abdominal pain and bloating, diarrhea, bloody stools, joint pain, nausea and vomiting, and a constant urgency to go to the bathroom.

Much like the symptoms, treatments also depend on the cause of the colitis but may include immune moderating medications, antibiotics to target infections, dietary changes, and possibly surgery if necessary.

Diverticular Disease

Diverticular disease consists of diverticulosis (where small pouches form in the colon when it is pushed through small openings in surrounding muscle walls) and diverticulitis (when these little pouches become inflamed). There is no official cause but it is believed that a diet low in fiber can lead to diverituclar disease.

Symptoms include cramping, bloating, and constipation if only diverticulosis is present but can include lower abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting if it becomes diverticulitis.

Surgery, medications, and dietary changes are usually the only common treatments for diverticular disease.

Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

Cancer of the colon and rectum occurs when the cells that make up the lining of the colon begin to reproduce uncontrollably. This leads to the formation of tumours which can ultimately be fatal. The first sign of cancer of the colon or rectum are pre-cancerous polyps, or small protruding growths on the tissues of the colon. These in themselves are not yet actually cancer but can develop into a serious cancerous growth.

There usually no symptoms associated with pre-cancerous polyps but once cancer of the colon or rectum occurs, symptoms may include blood in the stool, bowel obstruction, anaemia, and abdominal pains.

Treatment for cancer of the colon or rectum resembles the treatment of many other cancers and involves either chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or some combination of the three.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is recommended that you advise your doctor so that together, you can rule out any of the above conditions. You may also like to look into some medical diagnostic tests such as the common colonoscopy or a small bowel follow through procedure, as they are the ideal way to catch any problems early before they worsen.

Colitis Explained

There are a diverse range of diseases that affect various areas of the digestive tract. Many of these conditions, grouped in the category of irritable bowel disease (IBD), are indistinguishable from other similar diseases like Crohn's Disease and Irritable Bowl Syndrome, thus, diagnosis is often a complicated and you must adopt a trial-and-error approach.

Colitis is a disease that results in the inflammation of the lining of the large intestine, or colon. Researchers have estimated that as many as two million people in the United States may suffer from colitis, many of them undiagnosed. The majority of cases manifest rather early in life - before the age of thirty - although it is not uncommon for people of any age to develop the disease. Research on colitis has revealed that prevalence is not affected by gender.

The disease can either be acute or chronic and results in ulcers being formed in the upper membrane layers of the colon. Colitis, like other forms of IBD, wreaks havoc on the digestive tract. When the colon becomes inflamed many of the cells die and this tissue death spurs the production of ulcers. Ulcers may bleed and generate pus leading to severe abdominal cramping, diarrhea, painful abdominal sensations, reduced appetite, infections, fatigue, weight loss, and fever.

As is the case with other forms of IBD, the causes of colitis are shrouded in mystery. There are a number of competing theories as to the cause, but none have been proven as of yet. Since colitis is believed to be spurred through inflammation, many scientists point to infection as the leading cause. There is also some evidence that genetics and family connection plays a part. There is also research into colitis as potentially being related to an autoimmune response by the body. It appears that colitis may be triggered by the body attacking itself. Various bacterial, viral, and protozoan infections have also been bandied about as possible triggers of colitis. According to research, smokers are twice as likely to develop colitis then are non-smokers.

If left untreated, colitis can lead to severe medical problems. As stated previously, the diagnosis of colitis can be tricky since many forms of IBD may appear similar upon cursory examination. It can take some time to achieve an accurate diagnosis. Fortunately, even though the causes of colitis are not fully understood, there are treatments available for the disease. Treatment often varies due to the severity of the flare up. Colitis, like other forms of IBD, is usually treated via prescription drugs. In advanced cases, surgery to remove the colon may be required, and as of this time is the only cure.

It is important to remember that colitis is a disease that will affect each person differently. There is no standard procedure that can be followed for every case. Furthermore, the psychological ramifications from the disease cannot be ignored. Many people experience depression due to the impact of physical symptoms on quality of life. If you are suffering from colitis it is important to schedule regular medical visits to monitor the disease.

How To Manage Crohn's Disease and Colitis

Although a cure has not been discovered for Crohn's Disease and Colitis, patients can manage their condition. Sometimes doctors suggest surgery but it is often possible to control the unpleasant symptoms and side effects. Of course, individuals should always check with their doctor before making any drastic changes.

How To Manage Crohn's Disease and Colitis

. Understand Your Condition

Nobody can improve their condition if they do not even understand it. Indeed, it can be quite alarming if you do not know the facts. Many people have the perception that Crohn's Disease and Colitis are the same disease.

Although both conditions are related, there are distinct differences. Crohn's disease (CD) may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is usually an inflammation of the large intestine (the colon).

Since there is no medical cure, some people think mistakenly that the conditions must be fatal diseases. In fact, Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers live a normal life span (men, 78 years, women, 79 years). Get the facts from your doctor and other reputable sources (books, documentaries, online). A second doctor's opinion can give a patient that extra peace of mind.

. Acknowledge The Symptoms And Side Effects

Individuals must try to manage the symptoms and side effects. Crohn's Disease and Colitis is not a death sentence. A patient's mission must be to discover safe and healthy methods that work for them. They need to find how to reduce or even eliminate any unpleasantness.

. Consider A Raw Food Diet

Individuals should never make any drastic changes to their diet without consulting their doctor. Yet many researchers insist that the Western diet is bad for Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers. The Western diet is full of fats, processed foods, and sugars and researchers believe that a raw food diet using organic produce is a much better choice.

Once a person is given the 'ok' by their doctor, the patient can implement the diet slowly and allow the body time to adjust to its new fuel. Numerous studies and examples have shown that a raw food diet can eliminate all the uncomfortable symptoms. Of course, the improvement will be gradual and nobody should ever expect an 'overnight' cure.

. Get Informed About Water Fasts

Some sufferers have found that the combination of a water fast and daily raw food diet have eliminated their symptoms. Although nobody should embark on a Crohn's/Colitis water fast without checking with a trained professional, this approach is an option. Many testimonials praise its effectiveness. Everyone is, however, in charge of their own health and, ultimately, must make their own decisions in these matters.

. Keep Up-To-Date

There is continuous research being done about Crohn's Disease and Colitis. Individuals affected by those conditions should keep up to date on all the latest developments in the field. One recent study explores the effectiveness of Vitamin A in the treatment of Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

Crohn's Disease Activity Index

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the alimentary tract and can affect any part of it, from the mouth to the anus. It typically affects the terminal ileum and well -demarcated areas of the large intestine.

Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI) is a measure of the progress or lack of it, in patients suffering from Crohn's disease. It is used for the detection of post-operative recurrence of Crohn's disease. The equation enumerated below, utilizing eight selected variables, is called Crohn's Disease Activity Index.
CDAI = 2x1 + 5x2 + 7x3 + 20x4 + 30x5 + 10x6 + 6x7 + (weight factor) 8
Each number in the above equation is multiplied pertains to certain factors.

These factors range from the number of liquid or soft stool that a patient passes to the hematocrit measure. Fluctuations in the weight are also considered to be serious factors influencing the CDAI. The other factors considered in the index are abdominal pain ratings on a scale from 0 to 3. General well-being is also factored in a scale of 0 to 4.The symptoms or findings related to the disease are given due importance. The number of incidences of administration of the specific drug, Lomotil for diarrhea is also a factor considered in the equation. Abnormal mass of a patient constitutes yet another parameter for calculating the activity index.

Hematocrit is an important measure of both the number and size of red blood corpuscles. The normal count in males is supposed to be 47 whereas females generally have a hematocrit value of 42.

Generally speaking, CDAI scores below 150 indicate a better prognosis than higher scores. Index values of 150 and below are associated with inactive disease, values above that indicate active disease, and values above 450 are seen with extremely severe disease. Crohn's disease activity index may identify patients in remission. However, many researchers use a 'subjective value' of 200 to 250.

CDAI is used to gauge only the progress by comparing the readings from one week to the next and determine if the patient of Crohn's disease is getting better or worse. Patients of the disease have to use the CDAI on a regular basis and view it as a personal gauge to measure progress.

Anal Fissures and Fistulae

Anal fissures and fistulae are not very common but when they occur, they become a painful and unpleasant condition. Rectal tearing is distressing and highly resistant to treatment and everybody endures it at some point in their life. This tear in the lining of the anus or the skin around it is called anal fissure. Fistulae are the abnormal channels from the anus which open onto the skin surrounding the anus.

Anal fissure and fistula have no specific causes but constipation is commonly associated with them. They are also associated with a number of conditions resulting in an inflammatory digestive tract. These conditions may be Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis or many more. Fistula is caused by collection of pus called abscess or infection, in one of the glands near anus and it may also result in multiple anal fissures.

The fistula symptoms and complications for anal fissure may be sudden and severe pain in the anus or the surrounding area. The pain may occur spontaneously or during or shortly after the passage of a hard stool. The pain is recurring and sharp and gets worse with a bowel movement. Due to this, the victims avoid opening the bowels which worsens the constipation and so the fissure takes more time in healing. This condition is also associated with 'sentinel pile', a haemorrhoid - a small vein from inside the anus lying outside- which may bleed sometimes and leave a blood streak on toilet paper.

Anal fistula is generally associated with painful abscess, which may be dull and throbbing, in or near the anus. The abscess has a pus discharge which may be blood-stained. The fistula formation results in continuous seeping of pus or a thin, watery fluid from the anus, which can also be blood-streaked. Large abscesses may also cause fever. Fistula symptoms may also be loss of appetite, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever and weight loss.

Anal fissure and fistula need care and treatment. The care to be taken is firstly having a fiber rich diet with fruits and vegetables which prevents the fissures occurrence and fastens the healing process. Medications are also used if healthy diet is not sufficient, for controlling constipation, with over-the-counter medicines. Creams or ointments that contain pain-killing local anesthetic agents are very useful at relieving the pain of anal fissures. Relief of the pain reduces the spasm in the muscles of the anus, which often prevents the fissure from healing.

Crohn's Disease Diet - Is Meat a Problem When It Comes to Crohn's Disease?

When meat is a part of your Crohn's Disease diet it can be a problem that is making you worse, you may have an allergy to some meats but you would need to be tested to be sure. Eating a lot of meat triggers the inflammatory response in the body and your Crohn's Disease symptoms can get worse. Diet can be quite individual when you have Crohn's Disease, although there are common foods to eliminate as suspects that could be causing or contributing to your symptoms making you unwell.

Meat fits this criteria and needs to be eliminated as a possible cause or contributor to your Crohn's Disease issues. Decreasing meat in your diet or stopping it completely for awhile to see if you have an improvement in your Crohn's Disease symptoms can be helpful. I don't eat meat as it makes my Crohn's worse if I do, so I avoid it. I have no allergies to meat that I know of but my digestion suffers if I eat it so stopped quite some time ago. Not eating meat I feel much better; it was a bit of an adjustment to start with as I didn't know all the things about diet that I know now which would have made it much easier.

One thing I would suggest if you are beginning a new diet eliminating something such as meat is have a resource of recipes that you can look to so you can find your new way of eating much easier. I don't know how many times I forgot to do this and ended up not succeeding on the diet I was trying to follow to because I felt restricted with food. This was not the case but I felt it was, as I was trying a new diet that I knew little about nor did I not have much information to make it easy to follow that diet.

If you do eat a lot of meat you may want to cut back the meat you eat gradually instead of all at once. If you know what meat is the worst for you start by eliminating that; pork was the worst meat for me, one of the worst things I could eat. If you are the same you may want to first eliminate pork from your diet. Red meat could be the next contender, chicken, fish and so on.

While I do believe it is best to not have any meat in your diet, a little meat every now may be ok for you and may not affect you too much. This is not the case for me but it may apply to you. Having a small piece of meat every now and then is better than try to stop meat completely and after a short time pigging out on meat because you miss it. Yoyo dieting all the time between the two is not very healthy than a small amount of meat every so often is the better choice.

If saying goodbye to meat would be very hard for you and you just can't do it, there is a Crohn's Disease diet that could help you while you still eat meat. Watch this video you will see that you can still eat meat and get in to remission when you have Crohn's Disease. It involves avoiding processed foods, grains, dairy products, and instead choosing meat and vegetables. ?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Preventing Periodontal Disease May Prevent Colon Cancer

A recent study published in Genome Research found that a bacterium that has been associated with periodontal disease has also been detected in colon tumors. Scientists at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Broad Institute in October 2011 found an abnormally large number of "fusobacterium" in colorectal tumor (or colon cancer) samples. Fusobacterium is typically found in dental plaque and associated with gum disease or periodontal disease. This discovery of the bacteria found in both the mouth and the colon is the first time this type of microorganism has been found to play a role in colon cancer. It is an important finding because colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.

DNA samples from normal colon tissue were compared with samples from colorectal cancer tissue. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is also called colon cancer or large bowel cancer. It includes cancerous growths in both the colon and rectum. The tumor tissue contained large amounts of the fusobacterium. Scientists have been giving much more attention in the last ten years to the environment in which cancer cells live. In the case of colorectal cancer, the environment is heavily populated with the same bacteria found in the mouth. This particular bacterium is also associated with inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis, which can put people at a higher risk of developing colon cancer.

The colon is a part of the digestive system prior to the waste material of the body being eliminated. Most colon cancer starts off as a polyp, although not all polyps are cancerous. A polyp is a growth that starts in the tissue lining. Left unchecked, a polyp may grow, become cancerous and metastasize to other parts of the body. One of the reasons this is the second leading cause of cancer deaths is that the colon is highly vascularized which leads to higher metastasis and growth rate. Also cells of the colon reproduce frequently or turn over very rapidly, unlike brain cells. This rapid growth also causes the cancer cells to grow faster. Effective prevention of colon cancer has always been diet high in fiber, early detection through colonoscopies and removal of polyps. It appears there may also be another weapon to add to this deterrence arsenal: prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease and tooth decay are the most prevalent diseases on the planet earth. It is a chronic infectious inflammation of the teeth and gums. Although late stages of periodontal disease show signs, early stages do not. The signs of this gum disease are: bad breath that won't go away, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, and sensitive teeth. Both periodontal disease and tooth decay (or gingivitis) is caused by bacteria. There are hundreds of different species of bacteria in the mouth. Fusobacterium is just one. The mouth is a dark, moist, acidic environment with a constant warm temperature and a steady supply of carbohydrates. These are ideal bacteria growing conditions - particularly in between teeth and under the gum line.

It has not yet been determined whether the fusobacterium found in colon cancer is essential for the cancer to grow or whether it just affords a favorable environment for the bacterium. In either case, it is suggested that those with periodontal disease run a higher risk of colon cancer. It is important to treat the gum disease and lower the fusobacterium in the mouth. It is becoming evident that periodontal disease is linked to many systemic diseases including heart disease, COPD, arthritis, diabetes, etc. Thus, periodontal disease not only affects the gums and teeth, it affects the whole body. Regular professional cleanings and diligent home oral care are essential in preventing and treating periodontal disease.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of the intestines causing abdominal pain, discomfort, cramping, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. This condition can usually be diagnosed when a person has the typical symptoms of this disorder and other causes have been ruled out by routine tests.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic but manageable condition. Since the symptoms vary from person to person, the treatment has to be tailor-made for each patient. Changes in diet and lifestyle are very important. Foods that trigger symptoms should be best avoided. Stress management also plays an important part in controlling symptoms.

Ayurvedic medicines are very useful in managing the symptoms of this condition. For patients with abdominal pain, bloating and constipation, medicines like Arogya Vardhini, Shankh Vati, Sanjeevani Vati, Lashunadi Vati, Hingashtak Churna, and Gandharva Haritaki are extremely useful. For those with chronic diarrhea as the main symptom, medicines like Kutaj Ghan Vati, Laghu Sutshekhar, Sunthi (Zinziber officinalis), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Bilva Avaleha, Panchamrut Parpati, and Bilva (Aegle marmelos) are used. Those having mainly indigestion, loss of appetite and abdominal bloating benefit with medicines like Chitrakadi Vati, Aampachakadi Vati, and Panchakolasav.

Medicines containing Kuchila (Strychnos nux-vomica) like Agnitundi Rasa and Vishtinduk Vati are useful in improving the overall functioning of the intestines and have to be given for about three to six months. These also improve the communication between the brain and the intestinal tract, which is believed to be faulty in irritable bowel syndrome.

Once the main symptoms are controlled, medicines like Panchamrut Parpati and Suvarna Parpati are given for one to three months along with Pippali (Piper longum) to reduce recurrence of symptoms and improve the digestion and absorbing power of the intestines.

Medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Jayphal (Myristica fragrans) and Sarpagandha (Raulwofia serpentina) are used to reduce stress. Yogic Asanas and breathing techniques called "Pranayam" can also be used to reduce stress and improve intestinal function.

This is, thus, a comprehensive treatment and management of irritable bowel syndrome.

Colon Flush Tips - Should You Try a Colon Flushing Treatment?

Colonic hydration, or colon flush irrigations, is one method of cleansing the colon. This method involves a two-inch tube, which is inserted into the rectum. This allows water to enter the colon, flushing out any toxins that may have built up on the colon walls over time- typically from undigested food particles, among other factors such as pollutants in the air.

The colon is charged with the duty of ridding the body of waste, and when the toxic buildup occurs, the colon cannot do its job at normal speed. This is where colon cleansing comes into play.

When choosing the colon flush above the other methods of cleansing, it is very important to make sure that the water used is pure- that way no additional toxins will be entering the body.

Colon flushing is not recommended on a regular basis because it can cause damage to the large intestine, and can also result in dependency in some cases. It also is not recommended for those who suffer from or have had surgery for the following ailments: Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, kidney or heart problems, rectal hemorrhoids and diverticulosis.

Other methods of colon cleansing are deemed safer, and more natural. These include herbal remedies and altering the diet to include more fiber and water. Although those ways will take longer, they are safer because they are more natural, and cannot cause any harm on the inside during the colon flush. Also, they are aware of what exactly is going into their body. The patient should check with the doctor before having a colon cleanse.

The Impact of Bird Flu on Human Beings

The Avian flu is caused by the virus group called Influenza, a related virus to the ones that produce the flu in humans. The most contagious and dangerous Influenza is the strain H5N1 that causes almost 100% death in infected birds from all species.

The human catch of the virus occurs by direct or indirect contact with sick birds or with secretions, feces or oral discharges from infected chicken or ducks.

The first occurring symptoms of Influenza in humans are a sore throat, coughing, muscular weakness, fever and conjunctivitis. These symptoms almost always lead to complications and to death causing dysfunctions. On the Influenza field, several viral pneumonias can appear and also the respiratory distress syndrome and finally the multi-organ failure.

Respiratory conditions are very frequent in humans and the Bird flu can be easily mistaken to such diseases. But any patient shoeing the symptoms and that has had a contact with sick animals or their secretions are suspected to have caught the Influenza virus. The confirmation of the illness will be established by laboratory testing and the case will be connected to all other sudden, unusual deaths in the area where the patient lives or works.

The treatment for the avian virus is the same as those for treating regular flues caused by Influenza strains. The treatment can be administered for cure and for prevention and its benefic effects are likely to be obtained in clinical healthy children and adults. The treatment has however its limitations given by the rapid mutations of the virus. Antiviral drugs are usually very expensive and the supplies needed for the entire community are never enough.

In the present, a new vaccine against bird Influenza has been established and its used is highly recommended for poultry handlers, veterinary employees and breeders. The vaccine is called Tamiflu and can also be used as a medication in case of disease confirmation.

The first step in preventing a Bird Flu epidemic is to ban the import of poultry from countries with confirmed cases. The bird caretakers must avoid contact with wild birds, control the human traffic in poultries, practice proper washing and disinfection, and report to the authorities any case of strange illnesses in birds or workers.

The general public must wash their hands properly after handling chicken meat, clean kitchen surfaces well, cook poultry at high temperatures, not sell live chicken on market places, not allow birds to run free in the yard, not place other species in the same place with birds, avoid contact with wild birds and report any case of dead birds in their farm.

People can safely travel to counties with Bird Flu cases as the disease is not transmitted from a person to another. In such cases of travels, tourists must avoid visits to places where birds may occur.

The Uses Of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has a history of over 2500 years and comes from China. It has now become very popular throughout Europe and Asia too.

Today people are moving more away from western medicine and moving more towards acupuncture, mainly when western medicine has no answer to their medical ailment or they do not like the other options given them, be it surgery or drugs or even when they have been told that nothing else can be done. They turn to acupuncture for pain relief, for chronic illness, for acute injuries, for various side effects brought on by other medications, for incurable conditions, during cancer treatments etc.

The major use of acupuncture today is in the relief of pain. For example severe tension headaches, migraine, acute backaches, shoulder and neck aches, leg pains, trapped nerves, muscle related injuries, after surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, after sports injuries, menstrual pains, tennis elbow, tooth aches, abdominal pains, arthritic pains, rheumatic pains, sciatica and frozen shoulder.

Other than for pain relief acupuncture can be used for many other ailments as well. These include:

Menopausal symptoms and problems, hot flushes, endometriosis, infertility, premenstrual tension.

Bladder or bowel problems such as irritable bowel and irritable bladder syndrome and incontinence. Difficulty in urination or painful urination, urinary infections and cystitis.

Digestive disorders, which include nausea, indigestion, heartburn and diarrhea.

Respiratory problems, which include asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs which persist, sinus problems, catarrh and tonsillitis.

Allergies and skin problems such as rhinitis, hay fever, prickly heat, rashes and ulcers, eczema, some types of dermatitis and psoriasis.

Conditions which include the eyes and mouth such as simple cataract, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, retinitis and toothache, pharyngitis, dry mouth condition known as xerostomia and post extraction pain.

Heart problems such as poor circulation, stroke recovery, hypertension.

It also helps in conditions like hiccough, gastritis, gastric ulcers, colitis, constipation, lack of energy and chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood swings, post traumatic shock, dizziness, in post operative treatment, in complaints that cannot be diagnosed, Achilles tendonitis and golfer's elbow.

It can also help in addictions mainly to stop smoking.

In short, acupuncture can be used for almost anything and everything - it can control pain, it helps in addictions and addiction withdrawal symptoms, it helps in enhancement of health, it can help in recoveries after injuries like sports injuries, it can prevent diseases, strengthen the body and it can also be used and show results when all other types of medicines have failed.

Sometimes the acupuncture treatment, which is inserting needles into the body, is done in conjunction with other complimentary techniques such as herbs, massaging, cupping, moxibusion also known as warming, electro-stimulation and with laser devices.

Generally, most people react very well to acupuncture with a sense of well-being and being relaxed and also being able to sleep well and overall increase in energy levels and better digestion. Because acupuncture is a treatment using natural techniques, people rarely suffer from any side effects. It can also be recommended for people of all ages, that is from children to even the elderly.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Things to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the commonest functional disorder of the gut. It affects up to 15% of the adult population at anyone time; however IBS is intermittent and it is likely that many more people experience it at some time in their lives. Affecting women about twice as often as men, IBS occurs at all ages, but most sufferers identified in population surveys have not consulted a doctor about it.

Presentation and diagnosis
The cluster of symptoms of IBS arise from a dysfunctional intestine no single symptom is unique to it and the entire cluster can occur in colitis, but differentiation from organic disease is usually easy. Abdominal pain may be mild and infrequent or severe enough to cause sweating and faintness and can occur in several places - anywhere between the nipples and the groins (front or back). Its features - relief on defecation (occasionally worsening) and a change in bowel habit at times when pain is experienced - often indicate that it originates in the colon. Usually stools become looser and/or more frequent but the reverse can occur, and the two bowel patterns may alternate.

Questions should concern the form or appearance of the stools as well as frequency of defecation, to avoid misdiagnosing constipation and diarrhea. Some patients have true constipation and/or diarrhea, perhaps alternating. The key questions are whether the stool is lumpy (pellety), implying slow intestinal transit, or liquid/runny, implying fast transit. A change to looser and more frequent stools may be missed if previous bowel habit is not inquired about because sometimes the change is welcomed as a spontaneous relief of constipation.

Some IBS patients have pseudo-constipation where the stools are normal in form but, after evacuation, the patient feels as if stool is still inside the rectum and continues to strain; this symptom is sometimes called rectal dissatisfaction. There may also be unproductive calls to stool or a constant awareness of the rectum, and the patient thinks he or she is constipated. Many patients have pseudo-diarrhea; their stools are not liquid but the calls to stool are frequent and urgent. In both pseudo constipation and pseudo-diarrhea, less common in men than in women, the symptoms result from an irritable rectum.

Abdominal bloating or distension (often varying within minutes) is very common, worsening as the day goes on and making the sufferer loosen or change their clothing. Some patients report passage of mucus with the stool.

The most consistent physiological abnormality is one of visceral sensation. All parts of the gut are abnormally sensitive to distension, which may translate into increased motor activity. Undue awareness of normal gut events may be due to upregulation of sensory receptors in the bowel wall, to augmented transmission of ascending sensory signals to the cerebral cortex, or to hypervigilance for visceral sensations.

Is it a Colitis Attack Or Not?

First of all, don't panic. Don't immediately start to worry about the future and what this will mean for your life. Yes your life will change but probably not to the exaggerated extent that your racing mind is suggesting.

The symptoms that you maybe suffering from could well not be colitis. Don't get inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) mixed up with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). With IBS, you will experience a mild version of IBD. Yes you may have some discomfort in your bowel when going to the toilet and you will probably have some very small evidence of passing blood. It is imperative to seek your doctor's advice for colitis (IBD) to be discounted and if you are fortunate that you are given the all clear then just celebrate. Why did I just say this? Well, you have been spared the difficult journey that more people each year have to endure when they are diagnosed with colitis.

So what should you look out for as the early signs of colitis? You may notice a slight discomfort of feeling in your lower abdominal area. It can be brought about by the movement of walking. Normally, for example when an infection begins you feel its strength slowly building up. You are aware of its gradual influence over your body's health and how it influences then takes control over it. It is normally gradual. Colitis can often be very different. From very mild symptoms, such as the burning sensation in the abdominal area, to the onset of diarrhea, things can start to change very quickly.

Colitis is no respect of time, whatever is going on in your life, you can't just take a tablet or two to delay the symptoms. If you are going to get a colitis attack, it is going to happen no matter how you may wish to delay it or think "I will be okay to keep going for another week before it hits me" to the point where you will have to slow down and stop what you are doing. Furthermore, it is essential to understand that you can't assume that it will "just go away" if you ignore it. You must understand that ulceration of the colon is very serious and once occurred, it certainly will not "just disappear". If someone took this stance, they would be storing up a lot of trouble and discomfort for themselves.

If the colitis attack is not treated with the appropriate prescribed medication, the ulceration of the colon will go unchecked and the symptoms will worsen. The bleeding will intensify and coupled with an increase in the need to go to the toilet and the resultant pain, the sufferer will inevitably be faced with the no choice scenario of going to their doctor for a diagnosis and then undergoing treatment. Unfortunately, the patient might have endured a longer period of greater discomfort that could have been reduced had assist been asked for sooner. At this time, it is also important to seek the experience and knowledge of others who have experienced exactly what it is like to live through their first colitis attack and learned how to live life as normal as possible with ulcerative colitis. Little pieces of advice really can make a big difference.

Colitis Symptoms and the Use of Meditation

Those diagnosed with colitis should be aware of and utilise available methods and practices to reduce the occurrence and strength of colitis symptoms, particularly when it can be identified that stress has been a contributory factor. One stress reducing method that should be considered is meditation as it is easy to implement and has wider health benefits.

The exercise of meditation is in reference to the specific state where both the body and mind are conscious, yet are relaxed and focused. The purpose is to achieve a state of both physical and mental calmness to purposely remove stressful, negative thoughts and influences and calming the state of the mind. In a sense it cleanses the mind and allows the uninterrupted focus on one particular thought. Some people require total silence in order to achieve this mental state where all sounds, however small are required to be blocked out. Often this can be very difficult to achieve yet with practice, the mind can be trained to close out any background noise.

In order to undertake effective meditation, you require adopting a comfortable position though it does not have to be the stereotypical straight backed cross leg pose associated with meditation. As long as you are relaxed and comfortable, the mind will be able to focus more easily. Additionally, there is associated with meditation some ritualistic humming. This is used as a means of concentration, to help the person with the same aim of focusing the mind. Again it is not essential that such an action is adhered to. People have different ways of focusing, just as long as the method adopted achieves an intense state of mind focus.

For sufferers of colitis, the occurrence of stress can often bring on symptoms and techniques to reduce these by creating the aura of both physical and mental calmness should be utilised. The process of meditation creates this very state with the added bonus of the requirement to focus on one object. Consider the large colon to be the centre of this focus. While doing this you should be aware of any tension within the large colon and on your body as a whole. Now mentally visualise the release of this tension. Start to imagine the inflammation reducing as the stress and tension floats away. You should feel the release of this and you should find yourself in a refreshed state when your session has ended.

If this action can be incorporated into a daily routine, this will not only be rejuvenating for your mind and body but may also reduce the likelihood of colitis symptoms appearing due to a build up of stress that has no mechanism of release. This should be used as part of effective management to reduce the impact that colitis has yet it is only one method for the reduction of stress in colitis sufferers.

Ulcerative Colitis - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are usually addressed together as irritable bowel syndrome because of the similarity of their symptoms and treatment.

A chronic pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and rectal bleeding are clear symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Another disease with similar symptoms is the Crohn's disease. Most medical journals together classify these diseases as the irritable bowel syndrome. These diseases can lead to weight loss and anemia as well. The Crohn's disease and the ulcerative colitis cause inflammation in the digestive tract and their symptoms are so similar that sometimes doctor's are unable to directly diagnose both at an early stage.

These two diseases are positively not caused due to any external infection and there is evidence that they are autoimmune disorders. This means that the body's own defense or immune mechanism starts acting against the digestive process and ulcers or small pus cells get formed and in acute ulcerative colitis perceptible rectal bleeding is noticed. The process of diagnosis normally involves a stool examination and also a colonoscopy which will establish the ulcerations. The cause of the disease is not known till date and the only alleviation from the symptoms is possible through medication. Usually anti-inflammatory drugs are administered to restore good health in the patients.

The aim of the medical practitioners is to limit the inflammatory response. As there is rectal bleeding in ulcerative colitis, oral iron therapy and even blood transfusion in rare cases may be needed. When the colon is affected there is discomfort. Normally pan colitis or universal colitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of the entire colon. This is an unhealthy condition to deal with and caregivers of the patients as well as the patients themselves get easily depressed and disillusioned by their state. Crohn's disease can also affect the liver, the joints, the lungs and even the kidneys at some time.

At this time it is known that both crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are rampant in Canada and many Canadians are known to be affected by the disease. They are often treated with Cannabis or medical marijuana. The irritable bowel syndrome caused by either crown's disease or ulcerative colitis can cause fever and vomiting as well as pain in the abdomen and rectum. The simplistic symptoms of these two ailments are easy to ignore, however an early diagnosis can save the pain and the disillusionment that comes from a chronic lifetime ailment.

Why Doctors Don't Explain Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Remedies - Where to Turn for Help

Irritable bowel syndrome and remedies related to IBS are further being understood and successfully utilized every day. So why is it that you were only told to take fiber and avoid "risky foods" at your doctor visit instead of being instructed specifically regarding causes of irritable bowel syndrome and remedies to treat those causes?

In this article we are going to go over the top three most common misunderstandings about irritable bowel syndrome and remedies associated with those causes to explain why your doctor gives you so little feedback about your problem. This in turn will help relieve some frustrations you may have experienced up to this point as well as clarify the best sources that exist today for irritable bowel syndrome remedies and cures.

Misunderstanding #1 There are no remedies for irritable bowel syndrome. It is not curable.

To understanding why this rumor exists, you should start by understanding the perspective of your doctor. Irritable bowel syndrome is recognized in the medical community as a medical condition but not a disease. Once your doctor, through means of medical testing, has ruled out that you don't have Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, bowel cancer and colitis, he/she will tell you you have irritable bowel syndrome. They use the name "irritable bowel syndrome" because no actual fatal disease is present that they can fit into a category and it seems very tedious for them to uncover the spectrum of causes that may be upsetting your stomach. To your doctor this term covers a wide range of causes and symptoms that can be complex and holistic in nature.

Below are the major reasons your medical doctor does not offer remedies to your condition:

a) They don't see the problem as fatal even though to you its highly discouraging and life draining in nature on a day to day basis..

b) they don't directly correlate or explain that many other diseases and forms of poor health manifestations can be caused as a result of irritable bowel syndrome including leaky gut syndrome, stress, depression, and endless health deficiencies leading to disease.

c) If the medical community can not make money off of prescriptions or a specific surgery, they are limited in what they can spend time doing regarding holistic or natural remedies.

The doctors are ultimately not to blame for not aiding directly with irritable bowel syndrome and remedies or cures. We need doctors and Md's as they will always be important for the work they do but the overall health system definitely has room for improvement. It would be advantageous for medical doctors to more commonly refer patients to credible holistic doctors and vise versa as they could join under the common goal of healing the individual. Since one focuses more on causes and the other tends to focus more on exterior healing solutions, each tends to differ in many approaches. With added discouragements by way of political, financial and corporate issues, it has been difficult to combine such methods of healing remedies

Misunderstanding #2 irritable bowel syndrome and remedies are the same with every person.

Again, it is the single word irritable bowel syndrome that causes the confusion here. it is simply a word that's been used to lump many different symptoms and causes under one roof for simplification in conversation. Irritable bowel syndrome is like telling someone with low energy that they have "low energy symptom" which is very vague

IBS causes most commonly range from:

A) offset stomach acid balance
B) stomach bacteria has migrated to places it shouldn't be
C) unknown food allergies that are inflaming parts of your stomach
D) you are lacking the proper balance of enzymes.

The Symptoms most commonly experienced consist of:

a) bloating
b) constipation
c) cramping
d) sharp stomach pains
e) random aches
f) sour stomach
And the list goes on and on...

Misunderstanding #3 -Irritable bowel syndrome cannot be cured by natural remedies.

Curable is generally regarded as resolving the issue to the point where it no longer presents itself in the future. Irritable bowel syndrome is not cured at all through medical doctors because medical doctors do not pursue remedies with their patients. Natural approaches however are proving to eliminate IBS both short term and long term. Several holistic experts have discovered ways to recover the offset balance which is causing the irritable bowel syndrome in the first place. This primarily has to do with ph/acid imbalances in the stomach along with misplaced bacteria. Once these balances are corrected, many of the patients no longer experiencing the symptoms. From there it is a matter of maintaining the balance, enhancing with enzyme supplementation, and restoring the body regularly with adequate nutrition. This approach goes far beyond simply avoiding foods or taking the occasional fiber. It attacks and remedies the cause at its root. If you have irritable bowel syndrome and are seeking real remedies or cures, rest assured there is much you can do now to free yourself.

So how should you approach finding remedies for irritable bowel syndrome?

A good holistic doctor can do wonders for people dealing with IBS through use of natural remedies and by attacking the causes we've listed. Not all of these doctors are highly effective however. Because holistic approaches are so wide spread it can be tricky to find doctors that are focused on the grounding principles of medicine with the benefits of natural remedies and expertise.

The Impact of Bird Flu on Human Beings

The Avian flu is caused by the virus group called Influenza, a related virus to the ones that produce the flu in humans. The most contagious and dangerous Influenza is the strain H5N1 that causes almost 100% death in infected birds from all species.

The human catch of the virus occurs by direct or indirect contact with sick birds or with secretions, feces or oral discharges from infected chicken or ducks.

The first occurring symptoms of Influenza in humans are a sore throat, coughing, muscular weakness, fever and conjunctivitis. These symptoms almost always lead to complications and to death causing dysfunctions. On the Influenza field, several viral pneumonias can appear and also the respiratory distress syndrome and finally the multi-organ failure.

Respiratory conditions are very frequent in humans and the Bird flu can be easily mistaken to such diseases. But any patient shoeing the symptoms and that has had a contact with sick animals or their secretions are suspected to have caught the Influenza virus. The confirmation of the illness will be established by laboratory testing and the case will be connected to all other sudden, unusual deaths in the area where the patient lives or works.

The treatment for the avian virus is the same as those for treating regular flues caused by Influenza strains. The treatment can be administered for cure and for prevention and its benefic effects are likely to be obtained in clinical healthy children and adults. The treatment has however its limitations given by the rapid mutations of the virus. Antiviral drugs are usually very expensive and the supplies needed for the entire community are never enough.

In the present, a new vaccine against bird Influenza has been established and its used is highly recommended for poultry handlers, veterinary employees and breeders. The vaccine is called Tamiflu and can also be used as a medication in case of disease confirmation.

The first step in preventing a Bird Flu epidemic is to ban the import of poultry from countries with confirmed cases. The bird caretakers must avoid contact with wild birds, control the human traffic in poultries, practice proper washing and disinfection, and report to the authorities any case of strange illnesses in birds or workers.

The general public must wash their hands properly after handling chicken meat, clean kitchen surfaces well, cook poultry at high temperatures, not sell live chicken on market places, not allow birds to run free in the yard, not place other species in the same place with birds, avoid contact with wild birds and report any case of dead birds in their farm.

People can safely travel to counties with Bird Flu cases as the disease is not transmitted from a person to another. In such cases of travels, tourists must avoid visits to places where birds may occur.

Massage Contraindications - Why Some People Cannot Receive a Massage

Massage therapy is a wonderful and beneficial form of holistic health care. Massage can provide stress relief, muscle tension relief, improve circulation, and the list goes on. But massage can be detrimental to your health if you have certain physical conditions, illnesses, or disease. You can also put your therapist at risk of contracting certain illness or disease if you are in a contagious state of health.

The term "massage contraindication" means you are not able to receive massage, or the massage may be limited to certain areas of your body. When you are contraindicated for a massage it is for your health and safety as well as the massage therapists. Not all contraindications mean that you will never be able to have a massage. There are two types of contraindications: local contraindications and absolute contraindications.

Local Contraindications

Local contraindications are conditions involving a pathology related illness/disease or an acute injury. These conditions mean caution must be exercised and the massage must be adapted to the condition. This is to ensure the safety of both the client and the therapist. For the client, the massage must be adjusted as to ensure it will not spread the condition, or further injure the client. For the therapist, it is to ensure the therapist does not contract the disease.

If you have what is determined to be a local contraindication your therapist may require a doctor's release before he will agree to provide you with a massage. While some local contraindications only require that you and your therapist discuss the condition and tailor the massage accordingly. In either case, it is the therapist that will make the final decision as to whether or not you will be able to receive the massage. This is done to protect your health and safety as well as the massage therapist.

A massage may be adjusted for a local contraindication in several ways. It can mean an area is to be avoided, such a the lower leg of a recently sprained ankle. It can require that the pressure be adjusted during the massage. The position in which the client is lying the massage table is adjusted, such as using a side lying position for pregnant women. It can also mean the time allowed for the massage be adjusted.

Some of the more common local contraindications include, but are not limited to: Abnormal lumps, Ance Vulgaris, athlete's foot, blisters, bruises, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Cystitis (Baker's and sebaceous), Decubitus Ulcers, Gouty Arthritis, Graves' Disease, hernia, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, infectious diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, local inflammation, open wounds, Phlebitis, poison ivy - oak - sumac, Shingles, swollen lymph glands, ulcers, unhealed burns (sunburn if not widespread), Varicose Veins, and warts.

The following conditions will require a medical doctors clearance: Acromegaly, Aneurysm, Atherosclerosis, Burns, Cancer, Cerebrovascular accident, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Hemophelia, Hodgkin's Disease, Kidney Stones, Leukemia, Myasthenia Gravis, Nephrosis, Peritonitis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Uremia.

Absolute Contraindications

Absolute contraindications are conditions where you cannot receive a massage. Giving a massage to someone who has an absolute contraindication can result in serious health risks for the client and/or the therapist. Some absolute contraindications can even cause death to the client.

Not all absolute contraindications are permanent; meaning you may have a condition that, once it clears, you can receive a massage. These conditions are typically an illness such as a viral infection. Some conditions are permanent and unfortunately if you have one, you will not be able to receive massage. In either case, as long as the condition is in an acute stage, you will be denied massage therapy.

The following is a list of common, but temporary, absolute contraindications for massage: Chickenpox, Contact Dermatitis (if wide spread), diarrhea (if due to infection), fever, German Measles, Gout (during acute phase), Hepatitis, Hives, High Blood Pressure (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise) Influenza (the flu), lice, Lupus (during a flare up), measles, Mononucleosis (mono), Mumps, Pneumonia, Ringworm, recent injuries or surgeries, Scabies, and Tonsillitis. This list is not definitive, but a list of the more common conditions that are absolute contraindications. These are all temporary conditions that once they have run their course, you can receive a massage.

The following conditions are a permanent condition that will prevent you from receiving a massage. These are serious conditions and if you receive a massage it can cause further health related problems or even death. Your massage therapist must be informed of these conditions. This is one of the reasons you are required fill out a health history form when you enter a professional massage therapists office.

Some common absolute permanent contraindications (this is not a definitive list): Blood Clots, Cirrhosis of the liver, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Embolism, Hypertension (unless controlled by medication, diet or exercise), Intestinal obstruction, Kidney failure, Lymphangitis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Pulmonary Embolism, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Syncope (fainting), and Tuberculosis.

While massage has many benefits certain conditions warrant caution. If you have a condition that has not been listed here, or you are unclear about whether you can receive massage, talk to your massage therapist and you family doctor. They will both be happy to discuss this with you. Remember, if you are turned down for a massage because of a condition you have, it is because the massage therapist has your best health at interest.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Is Chronic Epstein Barr Virus the Same As Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Epstein Barr virus infection is usually short lived, lastly only a few weeks in most people. However in some people it can become chronic, lasting for weeks, months or even years.

Symptoms of chronic Epstein Barr virus can include ongoing fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, dizziness, and in some people recurrent sore throats and swollen glands. When the relapsing fatigue lingers for more than 6 months, some doctors reclassify the condition as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS.

The true definition of CFS is "unexplained relapsing fatigue for six months or more which is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms: recurrent sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches or pains, headaches of a new pattern or intensity, unrefreshing sleep, poor concentration or short term memory and post-exercise tiredness that lasts more than a day".

Other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of CFS also need to be ruled out. These conditions include anemia, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, auto immune disease, hypothyroidism, chronic bacterial infections and gastrointestinal problems like Crohn's disease, colitis or celiac disease.

If your doctor has reclassified your chronic Epstein Barr virus as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, then you need to make sure your doctor is up to date with the latest information on this illness. Treatment for CFS is along the same lines as that for chronic Epstein Barr Virus. Focus should be on boosting immunity, repairing the adrenals, cleansing the liver, starting a gradual exercise program and managing stress. An understanding doctor who can offer emotional support is also essential. Understanding and love from family and friends can go a long way in helping you through chronic illness. If you do not have this type of help then you can access the many CFS and EBV forums available or even use the social networking sites like Facebook to connect with others with the same condition.

Can Green Tea Help With Gastrointestinal Illnesses?

For the last several years, there has been an abundance of research on the effects of green tea and the many health benefits that it can offer. For centuries, Asians have used green tea for health, both to prevent disease and treat illnesses.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are many different types of tea, but they all come from this plant. The differences occur from the differences in how the tea is processed. Green tea is not fermented during processing, but black tea does go through a fermentation process.

Tea leaves naturally contain anti-oxidants. Fermenting the tea leaves, converts the catechins to other compounds. These new compounds are not as healthy as the unaltered catechins in a tea leaf in its original state. For this reason, green tea has more healthy anti-oxidants and therefore more health benefits than black tea.

Anti-oxidants are critical to our health because they combat free radicals. Each day, as we convert food to energy, we create these free radicals in our body, which damage our cells and our DNA. Over time, these unchecked free radicals cause disease and aging.

For this reason, large doses of anti-oxidants, particularly those like the ones found in green tea, have been found to prevent many types of disease, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and potentially other diseases, as well. Fruits and vegetables are also great anti-oxidant sources.

But, recently there has been powerful news about the possible effects of green tea on gastrointestinal problems, like inflammatory bowel disease. One study reported by the UK Tea Council found that green tea's anti-oxidants spend a lot of time in the intestinal tract, and have an anti-inflammatory effect on this part of the body. For this reason, green tea seems to calm the inflammation that accompanies inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal problems.

This theory stands to reason, since green tea is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect all over the body. These powerful anti-inflammatory effects are also thought to be one of the reasons that green tea is effective at preventing and treating heart disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease refers to a group of disorders that cause the intestines to become inflamed (red and swollen). The inflammation often lasts a long time and comes back repeatedly. Over 600,000 Americans suffer from some sort of inflammatory bowel disease every year.

Inflammatory bowel diseases can cause cramping, pain, diarrhea, weight loss and bleeding in your intestines. Two of the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease are Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Crohn's disease causes ulcers along the small and large intestines. However, it can sometimes also cause inflammation around the rectum, too. Ulcerative colitis causes ulcers in the lower part of the large intestine, sometimes starting at the rectum.

We don't fully understand what causes inflammatory bowel diseases, though we do know that it runs in families. It may be caused by a germ or problem with your immune system. It is usually diagnosed through x-rays and other tests that look directly into your intestines to find evidence of damage.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are not life threatening, but they can be very painful and disruptive to your life. In most cases, they are treated with anti-inflammatory medications, and sometimes anti-biotics, if the particular problem seems to be caused by an infection. In extreme cases of ulcerative colitis, surgery is sometimes performed to remove part of the colon. Surgery doesn't seem to have any effect on Crohn's disease.

Because the typical treatment is designed to reduce the inflammation in the intestines, it stands to reason that green tea would hold much promise in treatment. It is likely that many inflammatory bowel disease patients could find some relief very quickly by incorporating green tea into their diets.

Because sufferers of inflammatory bowel diseases are often placed on diets that call for reduced amounts of fiber, they often don't eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fiber in fruits and vegetables can further irritate the bowels. This means that they may not be getting all the anti-oxidants they need, particularly since they may need more than the average person to reduce the inflammation in their systems. This makes green tea the perfect alternative; it provides powerful anti-oxidants with zero fiber.

If you suffer from any form of irritable bowel disease, it's a good idea to give green tea a try. It has no side effects and is well tolerated by most people, regardless of their health issues. While it does contain caffeine, it is usually well tolerated even by the caffeine sensitive, because its caffeine level is very low. Adding some green tea to your diet may be a simple way to get some relief from the painful symptoms of irritable bowel diseases.

Understanding the Musculoskeletal Pain Syndrome - Fibromyalgia and Back Pain Part I

Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, also referred as the back pain complex, have many causes. One the principle, least understood causes of back pain, and there are myriad causes, is commonly referred to as the musculoskeletal pain syndrome. Musculoskeletal pain syndrome is expressed in one of two forms, fibromyalgia or myofascial pain syndrome. The two pain syndromes are responsible for pain in various parts of the body, to include the neck, back, both upper and lower, and the legs (sciatica). This article will deal with the former, fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia results in pain to the affected area when touched, these areas are known as trigger points. Fibromyalgia may also be responsible for fatigue, stiffness, and sleep disturbances. Fibromyalgia is a more widespread condition than myofascial pain syndrome and is found throughout the body. Both pain syndromes are thought to be related to a change in or alteration of the body's pain threshold, meaning that the pain reported is out of proportion with the actual pain stimuli. Fibromyalgia is an often disputed classification and in fact has been referred to as the "non-disease."

Fibromyalgia is defined as muscle and connective tissue pain. The condition is characterized by widespread, chronic pain combined with an overly sensitive reaction to allodynia, or gentle touch. As noted above, fibromyalgia is not only responsible for widespread pain, to include neck pain, back pain, and sciatica but may also be characterized by debilitating and disabling levels of fatigue, sleeplessness and sleep dysfunction, stiffness and soreness, difficulty breathing and swallowing, and a myriad of symptoms expressed by and affecting various body systems. The concert of symptoms, not always present in full, are generally referred to collectively as the "fibromyalgia syndrome." In addition to the above mentioned symptoms, fibromyalgia may also be expressed in terms of cognitive dysfunction, as in difficulty shaping and expressing concepts and thoughts, and an increase incidence of anxiety and affective symptoms. The link between stress and fibromyalgia appears to be a significant one, with a number of psychological manifestations being present, to include depression. In fact, there is a powerful link between major depression and fibromyalgia. The etiology or cause remains highly speculative, as it has not been shown that there is a true causal link between the two. It has been suggested, and this author concurs, that depression may be a consequence of having to endure multiple symptoms, including sleeplessness and sleep dysfunction, with no clear cause or treatment options.

Fibromyalgia, as noted above, is defined as widespread, chronic pain and a response to allodynia or gentle touch, particularly at various trigger points on the body. Additionally, pain expressions or symptoms may include deep muscle aches and pains, at times deep, almost burning sensations; muscle cramps and spasms, mild to severe and debilitating, particularly low back pain radiating into the legs (sciatica); nerve pain, to include prickly or needle-like sensations on the skin; generalized weakness, particularly in the limbs; and, disturbances of the bowel, to include colitis-like spasms.

Sleeplessness and sleep disturbances are common in fibromyalgia sufferers, and may grow in severity and frequency over time; and, as psychological symptoms become more prevalent, particularly anxiety and depression. Significantly, a kind of "fibrofog" or "brain fog," manifesting itself as cognitive dysfunction, may be a consequence of sleeplessness and dysfunction. There is a clear and demonstrable link between fibromyalgia symptoms and the inability to concentrate, difficulty with memory, both short and long term, and impaired attention span and an inability to multi-task. There are many more symptoms expressed by fibromyalgia sufferers but they are beyond the scope of this article.

Ultimately, there are a multitude of symptoms and consequences linked to this devastating and debilitating syndrome. Neck pain, back pain, and sciatica are certainly significant in fibromyalgia patients but the concert of symptoms, the syndrome, has multiple expressions and possible causes, physiological and psychological. The fibromyalgia treatment focus must be a holistic one, primarily because of the multiple-system, multi-symptom nature of the syndrome. There is no clear and systematized approach to the handling of, much less a cure for, fibromyalgia sufferers. Treatment strategies often include analgesics such as NSAIDS (naproxen-sodium) for aches and pain. Antidepressants are often prescribed for depression and for possible serotonin dysfunction and its impact on the central nervous system's ability to properly process pain impulses. The impact of norepinephrine and serotonin affecting and stimulating drugs is being explored, a link has been discussed and it is suggestive but the outcome is still unclear. Additionally, behavioral intervention and alternative medicine are options many pursue. As with most cases of neck pain, back pain, and sciatica, exercise is an essential component in the treatment strategy, more so due to the wide-ranging, often ambiguous constellation of pain symptoms. Again, a holistic approach is vital if there is to be a resolution for not only the neck pain, back pain, and sciatica but the myriad of additional symptoms collectively classified as the fibromyalgia syndrome.

Living With Ulcerative Colitis: Three Essential Things Ulcerative Colitis Patients Should Know

So, it's final. After days of frequently rushing to the bathroom to pass out stools with mucus, after taking in multitudes of bitter-tasting meds, after having your guts probed, the doctor has finally told you in a grave tone: You have ulcerative colitis. And then, you walked out of his office with your head hanging low, gloomy and deeply brooding what your life will be with this somewhat intimidating condition.

Of course, that's an all too human reaction. But, hey, it's not an automatic death sentence. It is not a gun waiting to burst in your head. You can still have a healthy life even if you have ulcerative colitis. In fact, you might even end up healthier than before.

Although scientists have yet to pinpoint what exactly causes ulcerative colitis, there's an overwhelming consensus that the way an individual lives can be a major contributing factor. Heavy drinking, the propensity to chain-smoke and gobble up grease-rich foods, and a sedentary existence--combine all of these and you got the perfect brew for ulcerative colitis.

So, how do you live with it?

You Are What You Eat

There's an old German saying that a person is largely the result of what he eats. This may sound funny, but it has a grain of truth in it. Just look at the dry-looking guys who regularly munch on junk foods and compare them to fresh, vibrant vegetarian folks. See the huge difference? With ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases, what you eat really makes a huge difference.

When you have ulcerative colitis, your colon can be easily inflamed. Most of the time, inflammation of the colon (also called a flare-up) is caused by eating something that irritates your large intestine. The first thing you should cross out on your diet is your tasty cholesterol-laden favorites, such as burgers, roast beef, fried chicken, and a lot more. Drinking coffee is also big NO. Milk and dairy products, like cheese and butter, can also trigger inflammation symptoms and should be avoided. You should also pass out on a meal laden with chili since spicy foods are one of the most common flare-up culprits. Don't eat beans and other hard-to-digest foods since it may irritate your colon.

But flare-up factors vary from person to person. So it's advisable to come up with a list of foods that trigger flare-up episodes and draw an extensive diet plan. Generally, a low-fat diet rich in protein, fluids, magnesium, vegetables, and fruits is recommended. But before you implement a diet plan, it's advisable that you consult your doctor or nutritionist.

Frequent Exercise

Studies show that stress helps trigger or worsen flare-up episodes. Low intensity workout, such as walking, and other stress reduction techniques, like meditation and progressive muscle relaxation, can reduce stress and benefit people with inflammatory bowel disease. But don't just rush and start an exercise program. As always, it's important to consult your doctor as to what exercise regimen would fit you.

Revamp Your Lifestyle

The important thing to remember here is that ulcerative colitis is a lifestyle disease. So it really matters if you'll revamp the way you live.

Let's say that you've started exercising and following a strict diet plan after you've been diagnosed for ulcerative colitis. But the problem is that you're a night person used to downing bottles of alcoholic drink each week and compulsively smoking 30 or more cigarettes a day--well, you've really got to altogether discard your habit if you don't want your condition to worsen and progress to colon cancer.

Your lifestyle has partly caused you to get this disease. So, part of the solution is to change it. You've got to sacrifice your self-indulging habits if you really want to avoid further complications. It will not be easy, but lifestyle change is really huge a necessity.

Watch what you eat, exercise, and change your lifestyle--these are the things that you should consider. Do these things correctly and you'll live a long and healthy existence with ulcerative colitis. Disregard any of these and you can expect repeated trips to the hospital.