Sunday, June 2, 2013

Crohn's Disease and Colitis: The Benefits of Organic Foods

By following a simple method, many Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers swear that they have reduced (even eliminated) uncomfortable symptoms. A water fast followed up by a regular raw food diet has worked for many people with these conditions. Actually, there is an additional step that individuals can take to maximize the benefits of a raw food diet. Choose organic foods!

Simple Goodness

Not everyone realizes the advantages of selecting these healthy foods for their diet. Within North American culture, flashy advertisements for processed food and the components of the unhealthy Western diet flood the media. Often organic foods stay in the background.

Advertisements about organic choices tend to be simple and down-to-earth ads. An uncomplicated theme suits organic foods. These healthy choices are full of simple goodness.

Natural Flavor

It is not necessary to add 'natural and artificial flavors' used widely by food manufacturers. 'Natural flavors' are chemicals under the guise of flavor. With organic foods, nature delivers the flavor and freshness of nature's bounty. Even when people are aware of organic options, many individuals do not realize the range of benefits one receives from them.


Everyone owes it to their own health to research thoroughly about organic foods. Unfortunately, this group is overlooked often as not a serious choice. More than one person has entertained the thought that organic food producers are just jumping on the health bandwagon for profit. Yet 'organic foods' is not a hoax but a life-saver.

Extra Nutrients

Organic foods have extra nutrients. Non-organic fruits and vegetables in settings with intense farming (commercial farming) are grown with the help of non-organic fertilizers. These practices cause soil depletion and the resulting crops contain less vitamins and minerals.

Today's vegetables can have as much as ten times less nutrients than two decades ago. In fact, non-organic produce can have zero vitamins and minerals. The government's own measurements have confirmed this fact and that is a sad reality for our society.

Organic products, however, can give us the necessary nutrients for good health. Although these foods work wonders for people with Crohn's Disease and Colitis, anyone can enjoy their benefits - and pass the foods along to their children. The worst catastrophe of modern society with its fast food and artificial flavors is that children are consuming these products.

Easy Choice

Organic products are a natural and healthy choice. People find that it is not difficult to make the switch to an organic foods diet. When one keeps the 'toxic' alternative in mind, it becomes easier to make that choice. Organic foods can cost more at purchase but the choice is invaluable to your health.

Invaluable Foods

The more people choose organic products, the less cost to the health system for all the ailments accompanying the regular consumption of the Western diet. Governments, organizations, and food producers should work together to make organic foods an affordable option for everyone in our society. It is more sensible to buy organic foods than spend hard-earned money on processed food with carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).

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