Friday, May 17, 2013

Do You Have The Symptoms Of Leaky Gut?

It can be very difficult to get a correct diagnosis for leaky bowels. Very often, doctors are unable to pin down a reason for the patient's malaise, and will attribute the reason for the illness to the wrong factor. Some doctors do not even believe that leaky gut syndrome exists. Part of the blame can be put on the condition itself - the symptoms are often so vague and general that they could be attributed to other diseases. A diagnosis of this condition can sometimes be brought about through leaky gut testing, but is more often arrived at by a process of elimination. Once everything else has been ruled out, there may be nothing left but LGS.

Leaky bowels occur because increased intestinal permeability occurs when the integrity of both the large and small intestines is broken down. There are quite a few factors which can cause this, including pollution, stress, alcohol abuse, chlorinated water, and yeast overgrowth. It is quite probable that these factors can also work in combination to produce leaky bowel syndrome symptoms in many people.

Undoubtedly, the first symptoms of leaky guts will manifest themselves in the gastrointestinal system. It is not unusual for diarrhea, nausea, and acid reflux syndrome to result. It can not only cause diarrhea, but this condition can alternate with spells of constipation. Many people suffering from leaky bowels will also experience abdominal pain and bleeding. Small wonder that leaky guts are often misdiagnosed as some form of IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.

As toxins, undigested foods, and fats are leaked from the intestines into the rest of the body, an autoimmune reaction can occur. When this happens, the immune system of the body has been so overloaded that it actually begins to attack the body itself. These diseases are notoriously difficult to treat and include colitis, Crohn's disease, arthritis, celiac disease, and perhaps lupus. As the connection between leaky guts and these conditions is often not recognized, they will be treated with steroids and/or antibiotics. Sadly, these medications will only make leaky gut syndrome worse.

Leaky bowel syndrome symptoms do not confine themselves to the conditions mentioned above, but can also produce a range of vague symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose correctly. One of the most common symptoms will be headache, which can progress to migraine headaches. The treatment for migraines includes pain relievers and a medication based on ergot, a fungus contamination of wheat. If Leaky Gut Syndrome is the cause of migraine headaches, these treatments will only serve to make it worse. While perhaps alleviating the pain and nausea of migraine headaches, these treatments will do nothing to cure the underlying cause, and the ergot will only add more fungus to the body.

This syndrome can also affect your mood and outlook, and many who are suffering from leaky bowels will find that they will be subject to emotional swings and depression.

Some people will find themselves irritable and even aggressive in their dealings with others. Many who are suffering from leaky guts will feel fatigued all the time, but also may have difficulty in falling to sleep.

As many cases of this condition are caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast, it is possible to have leaky gut testing performed to see if the yeast is at the heart of the problem. The most effective test is a urine test where the patient drinks a solution containing two sugars. The urine is tested for six hours afterwards, and the results will help to determine whether leaky gut is the cause of the problems. If both sugars are present in high concentrations, this will indicate that the patient is suffering from leaky bowels. Blood work can be valuable in providing an answer to leaky guts if it shows the presence of antibodies that would attack Candida yeast. A stool sample can provide information not only about the presence of yeast, but also any other infections that might be present.

While leaky gut syndrome can present a number of sometimes perplexing symptoms, those who suspect that they are suffering from it should never simply give up on finding relief because their doctor is unable to provide an answer. A change in diet, as well as introducing probiotics, can often cure this uncomfortable disease naturally.

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