Thursday, May 16, 2013

Crohn's Disease and Colitis - 10 Things You Need To Know

Crohn's Disease and Colitis are manageable diseases. When sufferers have the correct information, they can manage their condition. Patients with these diseases should always keep up to date about the latest research and developments.

10 Things You Need To Know

1. Patients can control uncomfortable symptoms.

When people have Crohn's Disease and Colitis but have not sought help, they can suffer needlessly from several symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain. When they receive a diagnosis, sufferers can seek out the proper care and soon they will learn to control their symptoms.

2. Sufferers should never ignore symptoms.

When symptoms are left untreated, they can cause serious complications. If sufferers ignore the signs, symptoms continue to intensify and the longer the situation continues, the worse the damage. Complications can result in numerous areas of the body. Serious effects can include malnutrition, bone fractures, arthritis, kidney stones, and other adverse conditions. Even organ damage can result from ignoring symptoms.

3. People live a normal life span.

Men can live for 78 years and women live for 79 years - a normal life span. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are not terminal illnesses. Though the true culprit in lifespan goes unaccounted as these are commonly know as the complications such a bowel cancer which can be terminal.

4. Sufferers can resume a normal life.

Life does not end with the diagnosis of these conditions. Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers can lead a normal lifestyle. When people are diagnosed and receive treatment, they can learn to manage or even heal their disease. They can begin to enjoy life again - to the fullest.

5. Crohn's Disease and Colitis are slightly different conditions.

Usually, Colitis is confined to the colon, but Crohn's Disease could be present anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract.

6. The Western Diet will play havoc with Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

It is not surprising that patients do not feel well on the Western diet. The average North American diet has plenty of sugars, fats, chemical additives, and processed foods.

7. Vitamin A might help these conditions.

Researchers are working to see if there is a link between Vitamin A and improvements in patients' conditions. The research findings have not been released at this point.

8. People have found relief from symptoms with a water fast and a regular raw food diet.

Many patients claim that they have found a way to control (and even eliminate their symptoms). Several patients have had success by participating in a water fast and changing to a diet of fruits (including fatty fruit such as avocado) and vegetables. Patients can also eat small servings of nuts and seeds.

9. Check with your doctor or naturopath.

Sufferers should not try water fasts or extreme changes to their diet - unless they have checked with their doctor or naturopath. A fruit and vegetable diet is a healthy choice. Yet people cannot make drastic changes to their diet or put their body under extra duress without getting a medical opinion.

A raw food diet and reasonable fast may not cause any problems for most people. Yet sometimes individuals have multiple conditions. When it comes to one's health, people must exercise caution.

10. There is no cure for Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

These conditions are 'chronic' conditions. Although there is no cure, both conditions can be managed or even healed and people can live healthy, active lives. Diagnosis is the first step to regaining your health. Modern health techniques are well-equipped to help sufferers to control or heal their conditions. Once you know more about your condition, you can combat and win against Crohn's Disease and Colitis.

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