Sunday, July 7, 2013

Your Guide to Blood in Cat Stool - How to Treat and Prevent It

If you've found blood in cat stool, you are right to be concerned. Blood in feces can be the sign of a serious medical condition. In this article, you'll learn the symptoms to watch for, possible causes and how to treat this condition and then prevent it from coming back.

Symptoms of Cat Blood in Stool

Besides seeing blood in your cat's feces, you may also see one or more of the following symptoms. Be sure to write them down, so you can report them to your vet:

  • Exertion while defecating

  • Excessive intake of water

  • Appetite loss

  • Frequency of bowel movements increases

  • Excessive urination

  • Lethary, decrease in activity

  • Weight loss

Since these symptoms can be the signs of something serious, take your cat to the vet right away.

What Causes Cat Blood in Stool

Below is a list of possible cause of blood in your cat's feces:

  • Clotting disorder

  • Ingestion of foods or antibiotics that the cat is allergic to

  • Colitis or bowel inflammation

  • Colitis (which is inflammation of the bowel)

  • Benign tumors in the colon or rectum

  • Parasites (roundworms, hookworms, etc)

  • Ingesting household poisons

  • Bacterial infections

The Best Remedies for Cat Blood in Stool

The treatment will depend on which factors are causing blood in the stool.

  • Stop feeding your cat packaged and canned cat food. Processed food is not good for humans and it's not healthy for cats because it's full of chemicals, additives and fillers.

  • Instead, feed your cat a diet that is high in fiber, has good quality protein and is low in fat.

  • Follow the vet's advice and don't give your cat leftovers.

  • If you cat has parasites, administer a de-worming medication

  • Give you cat drugs to slow the passage of the food through the intestine and/or use antibiotics.

The problem with treating your cat drugs or antibiotics is that they have side effects and can actually worsen your cat's symptoms and increase your pet's chance of having recurring problems. It's important to understand that drugs suppress symptoms but do not actually cure them.This is why many pet owners are turning to natural remedies.

Natural remedies work at the cellular level to heal blood in cat stool and the conditions that cause inflammation and disease in the colon, rectum and bladder. Since they do not have side effects and are gentle enough to be used every, they can also be used for prevention. They are inexpensive and work to support your cat's immunity, eliminate infection, soothe tissues and improve quality of life. In addition they are convenient for the pet owner because they come in granular form, so you just put a few crystals on your cat's tongue or sprinkle it on your pet's food. Since all natural remedies are not alike, make sure to do your research and look for one that contains proven ingredients like uva ursi, berberis, cantharis and staphysagris.

So there you have it. By following some common sense guidelines and giving your cat a natural remedy, you can treat cat blood in stool and fortify your cat's immunity, which will improve your furry pet's overall health.

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