Saturday, July 20, 2013

Aloe Vera - A Natural Treatment For Psoriasis

In previous articles I discussed the use of aloe vera as a means of boosting patients' immune systems to treat various serious illnesses, and in one article I told of my success in treating my pancreatitis by boosting my immune system by drinking aloe vera juice. I also discussed how the medical authorities in the UK are boosting patients' immune systems to treat pancreatitic cancer and plan to use the same treatment on other cancers.

Before a drug company can launch a drug onto the market and make claims about its effect, the drug has to undergo lengthy and expensive testing. If it passes these tests, various national medical authorities around the world then allow the drug to be sold and prescribed by doctors. Natural treatments produced by smaller companies can sell their products but they are not allowed to claim the treatment will actually cure the ailment. That is, of course, a big handicap; especially if the treatment is natural a treatment that relies on a product produced by nature cannot be patented, and no company is going to spend huge sums to run clinical trials for a product that a competitor can easily reproduce and sell without having to pay for a similar trial.

The ideal answer to this is to persuade a group of doctors to undergo a clinical trial but, let's face it, doctors are busy people and have other things to do. So it was with great excitement that the world's largest producer of aloe vera heard the news that a group of hospitals were to carry out a trial on the effects of treating psoriasis with an aloe vera cream. Other doctors had experienced success at treating individual patients who suffered from psoriasis with an aloe vera based cream, but it takes a placebo-controlled double-blind trial with a group of patients before any clinical trial will be taken seriously. 'Placebo-controlled' means that half the patients are given the genuine treatment and the other half is given one that looks similar but has no medical benefit. 'Double-blind' means that neither the patients nor the doctors know which half of the group was given the genuine treatment until after the trial is over.

The trial found that 83.3% of the patients given the aloe vera treatment were cured of plaque psoriasis (the most common type). That's not everyone of course, but the number is sufficiently high to suggest that this natural treatment for psoriasis is worth trying. No side effects were reported in the trial.

Natural Mercury Detox

Natural mercury detoxification from your body's cells is one of the most controversial areas of alternative medicine. Mercury is linked with everything from autism, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue to autoimmune disease such as Multiple Sclerosis, liver disease symptoms, gastrointestinal stress to even various types of dermatitis. A full spectrum, indeed.

The use of pharmacological agents such as DMSA, DMPS is harsh and old, ripping out the good and bad metals. I want to make something very plain here... the natural, healthy detox is THE way to go. In order to effectively and permanently accomplish a natural detoxification of mercury or any other 'non-self' substance (xenobiotics), one needs to follow the biochemical pathways of the human body and while doing this, repair what was sub-functional.

Again, as in any issue, the truth has to lie within the normal realm of biochemical and physiological function of the body. To assume that a particular herb or supplement will bind or chelate out mercury just because it does in the environment, (chlorella, for example) has absolutely no scientific or biochemical merit. On the internet, there are literally hundreds, if not more, formulations supposedly for mercury removal and yet none possess the actual ability to bind mercury as a disulphide can. (Having the chemical structure which includes two sulphur molecules... the structure needed to latch on and remove mercury).

Sources of Mercury:

Most mercury exposure for humans is from larger fish, preservatives in vaccines (thimerosal), industry (coal-fired manufacturing, dental amalgams and chlor-alkali plants which use mercury in the process of making plastics, pesticides, PVC pipes, etc.)

Methylmercury is the form mainly from fish. It is found mostly in the red blood cells, but the good news is that form is usually excreted fairly quickly... providing your mercury detox pathways are in order..more on that later.

Mercury vapor from dental amalgams and inorganic mercury (Inorganic mercury compounds are formed when mercury (symbol Hg) combines with elements other than carbon, such as chlorine, sulfur, or oxygen... the mercury from vaccines is this type.

Elemental mercury is a form of inorganic mercury.) is NOT eliminated well from your body and is the main form found in the brain. Methylmercury is ultimately converted to inorganic mercury if not excreted.

Clinical Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning:

Mercury does it's damage primarily by binding inside the cells to sulphur containing molecules (sulfhydryl groups) in critical enzymes (microsomes and mitochrondia for example) and enzyme building sites, literally causing havoc in one's basic body chemistry.

Central nervous system symptoms include irritability, over-sensitivity to stimulation, shyness, depression, anxiety, memory impairment, and inability to concentrate. It also manifests as other neurological disorders with Parkinson-like symptoms, tremors, inability to walk straight or balanced, numbness and tingling and the list goes on.

We also see chronic fatigue type of symptoms, headaches, joint pain, impaired hearing and sight. There are renal failure cases and many gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and colitis.

Skin rashes, gingivitis, stomatitis and excessive salivation also make the list.

In a review paper from the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, February 2004, one may be surprised at some of the findings of European investigators into this health issue, mainly because it's not being made widely known here in North America.

1) Mercury vapour is constantly being emitted from the filling, is absorbed and accumulates in your organs.

2) People with amalgams have 3-5X the mercury in urine, much higher blood levels of mercury (although this is cleared quickly..but then goes to your tissues) and 2-12X the mercury in their overall body tissues than people without amalgams.

3) It's not blood or urine mercury levels that we count on to determine mercury as a causal factor in's tissue levels.

4) The half-life (time it takes half of it to disappear) of mercury in blood is short, about 3 days. It quickly goes into other tissues... it's not that it's eliminated. Urine mercury only indicate the inorganic mercury levels in the kidney itself and has a very weak correlation to the overall mercury load in your body.

5) When mercury exposure stops, a half life for your body to get rid of it on it's own can range from 1-18 years, depending on your body's ability to handle heavy metal detox.

Natural Mercury Detox Process:

Phase I - The toxin is made more water-soluble and more biochemically reactive. This is accomplished by a group of enzymes (about 150 of them) collectively called "cytochrome P450's. In fact, at this stage the toxin is "opened" up by these enzymes so it will bind or conjugate with an acceptable substrate (an 'add-on' made probably from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and often sulphur..maybe nitrogen) in Phase II, forming a complex the liver will recognize as foreign and excrete via the bowels. There are a lot of free radicals produced in this process and we must have enough antioxidant present to offset it or else other negative implications to health will result.

Phase II - Conjugation

In phase II, the now very reactive toxin is bound to another molecule, in the case of mercury-glutathione- to form an excretable complex. There are a total of six compounds that toxins can bind to at this point, but glutathione is of most importance in this discussion on mercury. Dr Deb's Book on Glutathione

Actual protocols to follow are available at the website in the resource box below.

How You Can Help Candida With a Few Simple Changes

Some of the most common health complaints people suffer from when candida is prevalent are fatigue, allergies, thrush and cystitis, skin rashes, mood changes, low libido and bowel changes, to name a few.
Because candidiasis can affect various parts of the body - the most common being the mouth, ears, nose, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina - it can be characterized by many symptoms. These include constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, rectal itching, impotence, memory loss, mood swings, prostatitis, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and persistent cough, congestion, acne, night sweats, severe itching, extreme fatigue, vaginitis, kidney and bladder infections, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, adrenal problems. Symptoms often become more severe after the consumption of foods containing sugar, yeast and/or mold.

Candidiasis may affect both men and women, however, it is rarely transmitted sexually. It is most common in babies (an infected mother may pass the fungal infection to her newborn) and in persons with compromised immune systems. In babies, they will develop nappy rash that looks like a very bad burn.

Taking antibiotics, hormones, steroids and cortisone drugs are the main reason why most people suffer from a Candida overgrowth. This is because these drugs affect the balance between the "Good" and "Bad" bacteria found in the intestines and bowel. These medicines also weaken the immune system, cause nutritional deficiencies and alter the permeability of the gastro-intestinal lining giving rise to further infections.

Very often food allergies or environmental sensitivities are present in candidiasis sufferers.

The bowel and intestine are the first areas of imbalance when candida proliferates. In the bowel we have a large population of "Good Bacteria". When we are born, provided we are breast fed, the colostrum (which is the first part of breast milk) feeds this good bacteria and supplies a plentiful amount of it. This helps to keep the balance between "good and bad" in the intestines. If we have antibiotics, their action wipes out the harmful bacteria, however this action is non specific and also destroys the beneficial bacteria as well. Each time we have another course of antibiotics, this good bacteria is destroyed further and further. This lack of good bacteria leads to all kinds of health problems, such as constipation and diarrhea, headaches, skin rashes, mood changes, a lowered immunity and general ill health.

Therefore the primary treatment of candidiasis is to establish a healthy amount of 'friendly' bacteria in the bowel and intestines. The three reasons this is essential are:

a) The friendly bacteria control the pH of the bowel, this action helps to control opportunistic bacteria and fungus.

b) Probiotic cultures compete for food with yeast and other harmful bacteria.

c) Good bacteria also compete for space to attach themselves onto the bowel wall and intestinal lining, thus 'crowding out' harmful bacteria.

Candida has two quite separate identities in the body. One is when it is in its yeast form and the other is in its fungal form. In the yeast form it has no root, but in its fungal form it produces what are called Rhizoids. These are long structures, similar to roots. Once in this form, the roots can actually penetrate through the mucous lining of the tissue, in which they are growing. When this happens this substance then enters the blood stream. This form of infection is known as systemic candidiasis. Once the candida has broken through the intestinal barrier, undigested proteins from the food eaten, as well as toxic wastes from the candida infestation, may begin to circulate in the blood stream. Once in the bloodstream, candida can invade every organ system in the body, causing a type of blood poisoning called candida septicaemia. If these substances reach the brain, there is a chance for the production of, what have been termed as, "brain allergies". These can result in a wide variety of mood and personality problems, ranging from depression, irritability and mood swings, to conditions, which look to all the world, like the symptoms of schizophrenia.

When candida infects the vagina, it results in vaginitis characterized by a large amount of white, cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning. When the fungus infects the oral cavity, it is called thrush. Candida infection may also take the form of athlete's foot or jock itch.

Protocols in natural medicine seek to establish a balance between yeast and beneficial bacteria as well as controlling proliferation through anti-microbial and anti-fungal supplements.

The 2 main formulas we use for treating this condition are the herbal combinations Kolorex and Candaid. Kolorex contains contains herbs made from NZ native plants. These herbs contain properties that are very fast acting and effective against candida and other fungi.

Candaid contains a variety of herbs including caprylic acid. Caprylic acid is a potent anti-fungal agent and was first investigated for its anti fungal use in 1938-39, but it wasn't until the mid 80's that its use became widespread and accepted. At low doses it shows a fungistatic action by inhibiting the separation of buds from the parent candida cell. At higher doses it destroys the integrity of the cell wall causing the cells to leak and collapse. Caprylic acid binds to the candida cells and begins its action within 5 minutes of contact.

Other herbs or supplements that will break down candida yeast in the body, or support the body's ability to do so, are Garlic, Pau d'Arco, Olive leaf, the B Complex vitamins, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron.

Nutritional and Herbal support used against Candidiasis includes

Kolorex - A NZ native herbal formula with broad spectrum anti-fungal action.

CandAid - contains a blend of herbs & other ingredients known for their anti-fungal activity. Formulated to help restore a healthy balance in the intestines in conjunction with a sugar and yeast free diet.

Vitamin B Complex 100 - This is needed for growth, function and repair of all cells in body.

Advanced Antioxidant Formula - Helps support the weakened immune system and helps with liver support.

Formula 825 - A herbal formula specifically for its antimicrobial support.

Primadophilus Bifidus - Essential friendly bacteria, that is needed to repopulate the gastrointestinal tract.

Colostrum - Helps feed the friendly bacteria and heal the gastrointestinal tract. Restores the bowel to optimum functioning.

Some interesting points on Candidiasis

Eat vegetables, fish, brown rice, oat, bran, live yogurt. Try to keep the diet simple and as natural as possible.

Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

Avoid sugar, yeast, aged and fancy cheese, chocolate, alcohol, ham, honey, pickles, nut butters, mushrooms, soy sauce, vinegar and foods containing MSG. These all encourage the growth of the yeast.

Avoid antibiotics, oral contraceptives and corticosteroids if possible until your condition improves. Oral contraceptives upset the balance of organisms in the body.

If you have had chronic and/or unusually persistent Candida infections, consult a health care provider.

Should You Be Worried About These Antacid Side Effects?

Before we go into the side effects of antacids it's important to gain an understanding about what they are and what they can do.

Antacids are used in the treatment of acid reflux or GERD. Their alkaline properties are designed to neutralise stomach acid. They should not be confused with other GERD/Acid reflux treatments such as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI's) and H2 blockers. These two types work differently as they effect the stomachs secretion of acid.

It's important to point out those antacids, PPI's and H2 blockers I've just mentioned will not cure or fix your condition - all they do is suppress the symptoms. By suppressing stomach acid they can temporarily ease the pain, however you need to keep using them.

The fact is, antacids should not be used for more than a period of 2 weeks, and this instruction is often emphasised on the packaging.

Adverse Effects Of Acid Suppression

The suppression of acid can eventually lead to a number of health complications. It turns out that stomach acid does more than prepare food for digestion. It plays a vital role in helping the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

For example, vitamin B12 needs to be absorbed in the stomach. With a lack of acid this can lead to the malabsorption of B12 and many other vitamins. Vitamin B12 is essential for the body's metabolism as well as maintaining the functioning of the central nervous system.

Stomach acid also kills off any bacteria contained within the food we eat. Obviously with lower levels of acid the risk of food poisoning and bacterial infections such as E-coli increase.

Adverse Effects On The Digestive System

But most importantly, is how the overuse of antacids can disturb the micro bacterial balance of the digestive system. The key component, that ensures the health of your digestive system and your whole body, is the beneficial bacteria or micro flora that lines the walls of your intestines.

There are literally billions of these microscopic bacteria. They're like a protective wall that keeps out disease causing bacteria and toxins from overrunning your body. They also assist in the functions of absorption and elimination and if that wasn't enough they also support your body's immune system.

But here's the thing, these bacteria can easily be destroyed by the overuse of antacids and antibiotics. When this happens the bad bacteria and the fungal infections such as Candida have a free reign to spread and cause havoc within your digestive system.

Once these bad guys take over there begins a gradual breakdown of the body's digestive health beginning with indigestion, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation. This eventually progresses to more chronic conditions of ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.

Other antacid side effects can include;

繚 Diarrhea

繚 Nausea

繚 Joint pain

繚 Itchy skin

繚 Rectal bleeding

繚 Flu like symptoms

繚 Fatigue

繚 Constipation

繚 Swelling around the feet and ankles.

An Effective Herbal Treatment - Heal Hemorrhoids Naturally With Aloe Vera

Hemorrhoids have plagued humankind since time immemorial. This condition is unique to humans. No other animals develop them and at some point in their life, up to 86 percent of people will have hemorrhoids. If you are looking for herbs that can relieve this problem, aloe vera is one such plant. This herb possesses all of the elements necessary to help repair hemorrhoidal tissue. Let's take a look at how you can use aloe to heal hemorrhoids naturally.

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, is a skin condition that is characterized by the swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectal and anal area. This condition is caused by straining during bowel movements, pregnancy and in rare cases, liver disease. It can also be a result of constipation, sitting for long amounts of time and anal infections. The symptoms can include rectal pain, itching and bleeding during bowel movements. To relieve yourself from the uncomfortable symptoms, you will need to stimulate your bowels into moving easier and more frequently to produce softer stools.

Aloe is an effective non toxic, non drug treatment for this ailment. It provides a cooling and soothing sensation, especially on irritated skin. This herb has natural anti inflammatory properties and can help reduce the pain and swelling that is associated with piles. To use aloe topically, simply apply the gel directly to the affected area and this will relieve the discomfort and speed up the healing and recovery process. Another substance found in aloe is aloin, which is the latex or sap of the plant and this can be used as a natural laxative. If constipation is part of the problem, it is recommended that you drink 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice to prevent hard and dry stools.

While hemorrhoids may not be dangerous or life threatening, the symptoms can be quite irritating. The good news is that prevention is easy. And you can do it all without the use of over the counter drugs. Using aloe vera can help you resolve your problem safely and naturally.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Aloe Vera

An African plant which is very plump and juicy is known as Aloe Vera. This plant is green and has long leaves with very edgy corners. The gel of Aloe Vera is extracted from its juicy leaves. This gel is very rich in nutrients and is very good for the health. This gel is supposed to be a blend of acids of amino, various types of vitamins, numerous enzymes and other vitamins and minerals.

Aloe vera also has very rich properties such as it controls the inflammation of various fluids of the body. It also helps the body be away from the problem of itching. It also contains very powerful anti-oxidants which help the body to have sufficient amount of oxygen. It also helps to heal the wounds very quickly. It protects the body from any type of bacteria or foreign attack. It also protects the body from all types of viruses. It also protects the body from all types of fungi. It also behaves like a pain killer for the body. It also keeps the skin new, fresh and prevents it from deadening. It keeps the skin very cool and comforting.

Aloe vera also helps a lot in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. The disease ulcerative colitis has various symptoms. Some of the symptoms are that the patient suffers from severe loose motions. This can also lead to the very sevior Crohn's disease. It can also lead to regular problem of acidity. Its initial symptoms are small burns on the skin. It can also lead to a disease known as psoriasis. It also results in a serious skin problem known as seborrheic dermatitis. Some times it also leads to serious eruptions on the skin. It also leads to a particular form of diabetes. If a person suffers from such a disease than the healing of the injuries of the person also takes a lot of time. The most important thing is that aloe vera helps to avoid all these symptoms.

Aloe vera is a very excellent treatment for all kinds of ulcerative diseases. It is because it has various medical properties such as it helps to keep the skin new and healthy. It also repairs the skin internally. It is also advised that aloe vera should not be taken in large quantities as it can react in a negative way. An advice must be taken from the doctor before consuming it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Dangers of Bleeding Ulcer

More and more people are suffering from digestive disorders these days. Due to poor diets, unhealthy lifestyles and the abuse of caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol, most people develop different forms of ulcer. There are multiple types of ulcer and some of them are considered to be life-threatening. Even milder forms of ulcer may endanger a person's life if the disorder is not appropriately treated.

Ulcer involves irritation, sores or lesions at different levels of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of ulcer is considered to be the infection with the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, which can be acquired through the ingestion of contaminated food or water. Another cause of ulcer is the excessive production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. When in excess, gastric acid may damage the protective walls of the stomach or other particular internal organs, enabling the bacteria to cause greater damage. Although the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and excessive gastric secretions are mainly responsible for the development of ulcer, there are also other factors that may contribute to the process: smoking, alcohol consumption, caffeine, etc.

When hydrochloric acid and pepsin are also involved in the development of the ulcer, the disorder is referred to as peptic ulcer. If the ulcer occurs at the level of the duodenum, the disorder is called duodenal ulcer. If the ulcer develops in the stomach, the disorder is called stomach or gastric ulcer. Gastric ulcer is considered to be a serious form of digestive disorder, as it may lead to complications and even cancer. The most severe complications of peptic ulcer are bleeding ulcer and perforate ulcer.

Bleeding ulcer is very dangerous and in some cases it can cause the death of the affected person. Bleeding ulcer requires immediate medical attention and in most cases it can only be corrected through surgery. Operations performed in order to treat bleeding ulcers are mostly done through the means of a gastroscope. General anesthesia is not always required in performing such operations. Fortunately, not all patients who suffer from bleeding ulcer need surgery. Latest experimental medicines have decreased the mortality rate of patients who develop such complications and maybe in the future oral treatment will become a substitute for today's surgery.

The most common symptoms of bleeding ulcer are: vomiting blood, presence of blood in the feces, black stools, nausea and dehydration. Bleeding ulcer can also lead to anemia; due to excessive blood loss, fewer red blood cells remain within the body, failing to provide sufficient oxygen to internal organs. It is vital to try to prevent bleeding ulcers from appearing, as in some cases they may be fatal. The best thing to do when confronted with the symptoms of ulcer is to immediately inform your physician of your problems, in order to receive an appropriate medical treatment, thus avoiding further complications of the disorder.

Are Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Bleeding Linked?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic yet intermittent condition characterized by a mixture of symptoms believed to be due to a disorder of intestinal motor function. The main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort. However, symptoms may differ from person to person. It should be noted that irritable bowel syndrome and bleeding are not believed to be linked. A person reporting bleeding usually indicates some other problem related to the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of IBS differ from person to person. Some people report constipation, meaning hard, difficult-to-pass, or infrequent bowel movements. They can feel cramps when trying to have a bowel movement. Either they cannot eliminate any stool or are able to eliminate only a small amount.

Some people with IBS report diarrhea, which are loose, watery stools. These people frequently feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement. There are also many other people which alternate between constipation and diarrhea.

For a number of sufferers the symptoms subside for few months and then return, while others report a constant worsening of symptoms over time.
Irritable bowel syndrome is not associated with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Bleeding in GI tract can occur as the result of a number of different conditions, some of which may be severe or even life threatening.
However, most common reasons of bleeding in GI tract are related to conditions that can be cured or controlled. The cause of bleeding in the GI tract may not be serious, but locating the source of bleeding is very important.
The main organs of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Bleeding may occur from one or more of these organs.

Sometimes bleeding occurs without the person noticing it. This type of bleeding is known as occult or hidden bleeding. Bleeding from the esophagus may occur due to inflammation (esophagitis), enlarged veins (varices), tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome), cancer or liver disease.

Ulcers, gastritis, and cancer are some of the main causes of bleeding from stomach. In small intestine, duodenal ulcer and cancer may lead to bleeding. In the large intestine and rectum some of the main causes of bleeding are hemorrhoids, infections, inflammation (ulcerative colitis), colorectal polyps, and colorectal cancer.
To diagnose the bleeding in the GI tract, the site of the bleeding must be located. To do this your doctor will normally go through your complete history and perform a physical examination. Your Doctor will probably ask questions about the symptoms such as changes in bowel habits, stool color (to black or red) and consistency, and the presence of pain or tenderness.

Although it can be a little embarrassing sharing these symptoms with your doctor, try to be a accurate in your descriptions as possible as the symptoms may tell the doctor which area of the GI tract is affected.

The doctor must test the stool for blood before offering a diagnosis because the intake foods such as red beets can give the stool the same appearance as bleeding from the digestive tract. A blood count helps to decide if the patient is anemic and also gives an idea of the extent of the bleeding.

Continue reading to discover natural methods to relieve IBS symptoms and sign up for our free newsletter.

The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and bleeding symptoms involve different methods. Generally injecting chemicals directly into a bleeding site through an endoscope can control active bleeding from the upper GI tract. Heat treatment and laser therapy can also be used in some cases. Once bleeding stops, medicines are prescribed to prevent recurrence of bleeding. If you notice blood in your stools you should make a doctor's appointment immediately.

Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms - Do You Have Them?

If you are experiencing any form of abdominal pain or chronic diarrhea, wondering whether these represent ulcerative colitis symptoms is perfectly normal. In fact the condition is quite common and your diagnosis may well be correct. Read on to confirm whether your ulcerative colitis symptoms are real or imagined, and then learn what you can do to relieve your discomfort.

Ulcerative colitis represents an inflammation of the colon which can be mild or quite severe. In the latter case the inflammation can lead to ulcers which represent "sores" on the wall of your colon. This means you may experience intense cramping, as well as blood or mucus in your stool. Rectal bleeding may be another symptom, but this can also be due to other causes (such as hemorrhoids). The presence of recurring abdominal pain, sometimes in response to certain foods you may have eaten, may represent true ulcerative colitis symptoms.

The key word here is recurring. You may well be misled into thinking you have a colitis problem when, in fact, you are suffering from unhygienic cooking practices. Under-cooked meat, for example, can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, as can insufficiently cooked eggs that harbor salmonella bacteria. These forms of food poisoning cause problems for a few days, but then usually disappear. A real case of ulcerative colitis will persistently give you problems. Fatigue, fever, and night sweats are also common symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Left untreated, the condition may develop to the point where surgery is necessary to remove a portion of the damaged colon.

Consulting with a physical to determine whether you do have ulcerative colitis is not something you should put off when you suspect it might be the cause of your discomfort. Find out early, so that you can properly decide on a course of action. It goes without saying that you cannot effectively remedy the situation if you have mis diagnosed the condition!

So what are the causes of ulcerative colitis? Surprising, for such a common affliction, the root causes of colitis are not known. Or at the very least, they are widely debated. Some believe that the immune system overreacts to the presence of intestinal bacteria. Others believe that the condition is largely hereditary, since it often manifests itself before the age of 30. These two views are not inconsistent with each other. But other physicians and holistic practitioners believe diet plays the dominant role in ulcerative colitis.

If the last group is correct, it is good news. Why? Because prescription medications for ulcerative colitis tend to put the condition into remission, without curing it. The pain typically returns at a later time, and you are back to the place you were before. But if diet is responsible for the cause of your colitis, well, you can easily effect a change there, and very possibly reverse the effects of your colitis.

Not only could this be good news, but it also makes a lot of sense. Your intestinal tract in the place where you process foods. If you are putting in low quality material that aggravates the fine chemical and bacteriological balance that has been achieved after half a billion years of evolution, you have to expect there are going to be some problems. Sorting the good foods from the bad ones just makes a whole lot of sense when it comes to considering the possible causes of your ulcerative colitis symptoms.

So what part of your diet may be responsible for your abdominal aggravation? What foods can you cut from your diet (or add to it) to improve your intestinal health?

The truth is that ulcerative colitis diets represent a large topic which cannot be covered in any useful sense in the remainder of this article. But resources for addressing the issue are available. You will not be surprised to hear that some of the more unique foods of the twenty-first century appear high on the list of suspect consumables: processed sugars, deep fried fast foods, and modern ingredients like olean. But also on the list are foods that we have consumed for centuries, but not in the quantities available to us today: white rice, salt, and coffee.

What You Need To Know About Intestinal Biopsies

Failure to obtain biopsies during endoscopy misses important treatable intestinal conditions

Thousands of people are undergoing endoscopic exams daily without having tissue samples obtained. Sadly, though their exams may visually appear normal, under the microscope there are often microscopic findings that explain the symptoms that will respond to directed therapy. The gut is lined with superficial cells that contain a few immune cells that release chemical mediators that attract other cells to the area and fight off foreign invaders.

Several cells only seen microscopically play a role in digestive symptoms

Lymphocytes, eosinophils and mast cells are the immune cells that are normally present in small numbers in the surface cells of the gastrointestinal tract. A few lymphocytes are present in the tips of the surface cells that are a type of epithelial cell. These lymphocytes act as the body's scouts. They survey the barrier of the gut to the inside of the body, looking for signs of potential invading infectious agents. Once an attack is perceived, they signal reinforcements to join them on the front lines.

Lymphocytes are immune cells detected early in celiac disease and cause bowel symptoms

When persistent increased numbers of lymphocytes are present in the surface cells, a chronic inflammatory condition of the gut exists. In the duodenum, autoimmune reaction to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals is a common but frequently missed cause of chronic inflammation known more commonly as celiac disease or Sprue.

Eosinophils and mast cells are allergy cells that cause bowel inflammation often due to food

Eosinophils and mast cells are types of immune cells involved in allergy reactions in the body. They are less commonly present in the gastrointestinal lining except when there are parasites, food allergies, or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders are less common and a newly recognized condition, mastocytic enterocolitis, is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel and colon. However, mast cells may be difficult to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells that are immunologically activated.

Allergic esophagus condition may mimic reflux but is due to food and eosinophils

The esophagus normally contains no eosinophils. The two exceptions gastroesophageal acid reflux in which small numbers, up to 6-7 usually and no more than 10-12 per high power field (40X magnification) are found in the lower esophagus only not in the mid or upper esophagus. Allergic eosinophilic esophagitis is diagnosed when 15 or more eosinophils per high power field are found in more than two fields or more than 20 to 24 per high power field in one field are seen or lesser numbers are present in the upper esophagus. Mast cells that are activated have also been found associated with allergic eosinophilic esophagitis and their presence supports allergic esophagitis over reflux as the cause of the increase eosinophils though it is believed some people have both conditions coexisting.

Allergy and immune cells in the stomach and intestines found microscopically cause symptoms

In the stomach and small intestine more than 10 eosinophils per high power field defines eosinophilic gastroenteritis. In the small intestine and colon more than 20 mast cells per high power field found in association with otherwise unexplained diarrhea is now termed mastocytic enterocolitis. This newly recognized and described entity is previously unrecognized cause of diarrhea in some patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome who may have been told they have a normal colon exam though no biopsies were done. Similarly, more than 20 lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells in the colon are found in lymphocytic colitis, another form of microscopic inflammation of the intestine resulting in diarrhea that may be inappropriately diagnosed as IBS.

Gluten grains wheat, barley and rye cause increased lymphocytes with normal blood tests

In many of these patients, gluten sensitivity is to blame and the lymphocytic colitis is felt to represent a colonic form of celiac disease. In celiac disease, 30 or more lymphocytes in the tips of the villi per 100 epithelial cells is the earliest sign of gluten injury occurring before the villi become flattened or blunted. This finding may noted before the specific blood tests, anti-endomysial (EMA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies appear in the blood even though the intestine is damaged enough to result in nutrient malabsorption and diarrhea. Anti-gliadin antibodies are often present however when significant intra-epithelial lymphocytosis is present along with symptoms that respond to gluten free diet. Lesser degrees of intra-epithelial lymphocytosis have been proposed as highly suggestive of early celiac disease and or gluten sensitivity, in the range of 20-25 per 100 epithelial cells.

Colon can be affected early with microscopic signs only

In the colon, the presence of eosinophils is considered one of the earliest findings of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. In the right colon more than 20 eosinophils per high power field and in the left colon greater than 20 per high power field is considered abnormal and suggests eosinophilic colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease or a parasitic infection.

Allergy cells release chemicals causing pain, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation

Eosinophils and mast cells release chemicals that irritate the bowel, increase permeability (cause leaky gut), increase contractions of the gut, increase intestinal secretions and heighten pain. Both cells are related to allergies including food allergies. It is therefore not difficult to conceive of a link to adverse food reactions in the development of intestinal irritation.

Most digestive symptoms should be evaluated by scope examination and blood tests

The important point to be aware of if you have gastrointestinal symptoms and are undergoing or have undergone an endoscopic examination is that a normal appearing intestinal lining does not exclude the presence of damage or irritation sufficient to cause symptoms of pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea nor exclude impaired digestion and absorption. Blood tests exist that can help screen for celiac disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but biopsies of intestinal lining is usually required for definitive diagnosis.

Normal appearing gut lining may not be normal, make sure you get biopsies

Only through obtaining tissue samples that are examined under the microscope can abnormal types and number of inflammatory cells be identified. It is through biopsies of normal appearing intestinal lining that the correct diagnosis of various microscopic forms of gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases is confirmed. So, if you are preparing to undergo an endoscopic exam, I encourage you to insist that your doctor perform biopsies even they believe your exam looks normal. Based on the information I have reviewed above, a normal exam should be tip off that one of these microscopic conditions might be to blame for your symptoms.


Al-Haddad S, and Ridell RH. "The role of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel disease." Gut 2005; 54:1674-1675.

Guilarte M et al. "Diarrhoea-predominant IBS patients show mast cell activation and hyperplasia in the jejunum." Gut 2007; 56:203-209.

Jakarte S et al. "Mastocytic enterocolitis. "Increased mucosal mast cells in chronic intractable diarrhea." Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2006; 130:362-367.

Kirsch R et al. "Activated mucosal mast cells differentiate eosinophilic (allergic) esophagitis from gastroesophageal reflux disease." Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2007; 44: 20-26.

Liacouras CA. "Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders." Practical Gastroenterology March 2007. 53-67.

Rubio CA et al. "Lymphocytic esophagitis: a histologic subset of chronic esophagitis." Am J Clin Pathol. 2006; 125(3): 432-437.

Yousef MM et al. "Duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytes in disorders of the esophagus and stomach." Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006; 4:631-634.

Treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome

There are several different treatments for leaky gut syndrome but they can be split into three different categories. While most doctors would prescribe pharmaceutical cures and treatments, these are not recommended due to their effects on the body and the side effects that might be felt.

Two recommended treatments for leaky gut are homeopathic and diet based - both of these cures are not only more gentle for your body, but being natural have less unfortunate side effects.

Herbal Homeopathic Cures

There are several different herbs that can be taken to treat leaky gut syndrome. In fact many of these herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat gastrointestinal problems and they have been extremely effective.

The four suggested herbs for the treatment of leaky gut syndrome are slippery elm, marshmallow root, echinacea and goldenseal. Slippery elm and marshmallow root are especially effective in treating digestive issues and slippery elm forms a coating to sooth irritated throats, stomachs, and intestines. This coating serves to protect the intestinal lining and helps deal with the irritation being experienced.

Echinacea is an extremely powerful herb that has been used for centuries in the treatment of a variety of ailments and illnesses, and while it does not specifically target the digestive system, it helps to build up the body's own defenses better enabling them to deal with the issues and problems leading to the irritation in the intestines.

Herbal Teas

As one of the leading causes of leaky gut syndrome is stress, herbal teas are especially effective in dealing with this illness. The simple act of drinking tea is a natural way to relax and unwind and there are two main teas that are recommended to help deal with the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

Peppermint Tea - Peppermint tea not only calms the stomach but also acts as an antiseptic as it promotes the flow of bile in your system. This tea works to help fight infection and is especially effective.

Chamomile Tea - Chamomile tea is has been used for centuries to treat stomach issues and is a very good treatment for relieving symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome such as excessive gas, bloating, cramping and pain.


One of the causes of leaking gut syndrome is the food that you ingest. As your body struggles to deal with foreign bodies and toxins, the autoimmune system creates antibodies to fight the invaders. With continued exposure to toxic substances, the autoimmune system can become overwhelmed and start to irritate and inflame the intestines themselves. The best cure for treating leaky gut syndrome in this instance is changes to your diet. By removing specific fruits and vegetables from your diet over a period of 30 days, your body is able to recuperate and recover from the ravages of leaky gut syndrome. After 30 days you should gradually start reintroducing foods back into your diet, giving yourself three days between each new foodstuff so that you can track any changes or issues appropriately.

What to Do When You Are Experiencing Abdominal Pain

If you happen to be having abdominal pain, there is a high probability you will want to go to the medical professional to get yourself checked out. Pain in the abdominal area could be a sign of a variety of diseases, ranging from the harmless (overeating) to the cancerous (stomach cancer). The important thing in determining how you get the pain is to take note of its frequency, its area, its severity, and all other details you may notice about it.

Clinically speaking, the abdomen area is defined as the vicinity from the bottom part of the ribs to the pelvic bone. This includes your liver, stomach, bowels, bladder, gall, as well as some other internal organs. Due to the wide array of very important internal organs associated with the abdominal area, it is critical to pay attention to the exact area of your abdominal problems.

Your kidneys and lungs are not in the abdominal area. And for women, be aware that the ovaries are not really considered to be portion of the abdominal area either. Yet all of those organs may cause pain that feels like it's in the abdomen, and that kind of pain is something worth noting too.

Probably the most typical causes of pain in the abdominal area are inflammatory illnesses such as diverticulitis, colitis, and appendicitis. Each of these diseases distends or stretches the afflicted organ. Other factors that cause abdominal pain, for example gallstones, create a blockage, which in turn triggers painful signs and symptoms. Furthermore, other conditions such as ischemic colitis result in a reduction in circulation to a particular organ, which in turn leads to pain.

Nevertheless, swelling, inflammation and blood loss may not be the sole factors that cause abdominal pain. IBS, which stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is often a chronic source of abdominal pain for lots of people; nonetheless it's one with no clear cause or method of remedy. Some physicians have postulated that muscle jerks are in fact the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, although some have indicated nerve hyper-sensitivity could be to blame. In either case, no conclusive evidence has been discovered one way or the other, yet the health care industry do believe that IBS is a serious, significant problem that affects countless Americans each year.

Among the many approaches to determine what causes the abdominal pain is to identify what eliminates the pain. With regard to something like constipation, or, obviously, IBS, you will discover short-term alleviation by having a bowel movement. On the other hand, if you have a blockage of the small intestine, vomiting may bring short-term relief. This is the type of details that your medical professional can use to triangulate and eventually identify the reason for your abdominal problem.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How to Look After Someone Living With Colitis

The effects of being diagnosed with then having to endure living with colitis should never be underestimated. Yet there are a large number of people who are also affected by colitis, namely family or friends that care for the sufferer. It can be challenging, both emotionally and physically caring for someone with colitis and having an understanding of what happens can be invaluable.

Colitis is a chronic illness of the large colon where inflammation can develop and create symptoms of severe abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhoea, fatigue, weight loss, depression plus the side effects of the various medications that can be prescribed. Thankfully the symptoms are not always present, giving respite to the sufferer and their carer, yet even during these periods of remission there still has to be a watchful eye on how life is lived in order not to unintentionally provoke the disease from its benign slumber.

One of the key factors that can be forgotten for getting through a flare up is the necessity to have as much rest as can be possible. This will mean that the sufferer will be required to take time off from work, in fact they should really withdraw from the usual activities of daily life and that will mean they require assistance. There can be a temptation to do little jobs around the house or go out shopping, especially if the symptom are not severe, yet this should be avoided. Yes, there will always be things that require to be done, but it is for someone else to ensure that they are, in fact, done. Rest means rest by trying to eliminate as much physical movement as possible. Necessities such as the preparation of food, running errands should be left to the person caring for the sufferer.

Activities like driving should be avoided and thus the sufferer may need assistance getting to the doctor or hospital. Actually, when the symptoms grow in strength, all travel should be avoided. When the symptoms are strong, the sufferer will undoubtedly require to remain in bed for longer periods yet it is still beneficial to have them out of the bed for a short period of time. This may require assistance as will perhaps dressing, bathing and walking. For the carer, it can be helpful to imagine that those living with colitis, and who have strong symptoms, are experiencing many of the challenges that old age also brings and to give assistance in the same way that you would an old person. This is particularly true in relation to the physical challenges faced when enduring a colitis flare up.

In addition, there has to be consideration to any side effects that may arise as a result of medication taken, such with the use of steroids. They can create psychological changes in the form of mood swings and depression and therefore the personality of the person that you know so well may subtlety change during the course of the flare up.

It is important to give as much emotional support to them and reassure them that whilst the flare up has happened, it will slowly regress and a path to health will not be far away. It is invaluable to help the sufferer to focus on what requires to be done to get through the worst of the flare up and give them reassurance that they do have adequate support when it matters through their challenge of living with colitis.

Treatment Of Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms Using Medications

Medications for ulcerarive colitis do not cure ulcerative colitis itself. But they can help provide some relief for the pain and discomfort caused by symptoms. One of the other things medications can do for you is help you attain remission - and hold it.

The following medications for ulcerative colitis are used most often by doctors.

Sulfasalazine - Sulfasalazine combines two other drugs, sulfapyridine and 5-aminosalicyclic acid, which is often simply called 5-ASA. The role of sulfapyridine is to transport 5-aminosalicyclic acid to the intestines. But sulfapyridine has a variety of possible effects like headaches, nausea, vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea.

Aminosalicylates - There's also 5-ASA in this medication but no sulfapyridine. Therefore, it has no side effects and can be taken by those who can't take aminosalyicylates.. Aminosalicylates are made from salicylic acid, and there's evidence they have antioxidant properties. Your doctor can suggest several different methods for administering aminosalicylates: by mouth, by suppository, of with an enema. This group of medications is usually first treatment for individuals with colitis. They can also provide some relief when the patient suffers a relapse.

Corticosteroids - These medications include prednisone, methylprednisone, and hydrocortisone. Their primary benefit is that they reduce inflammation. Cortisteroids generally work best with patients who have moderate to severe cases. Delivery methods include enema, suppository, or a pill taken orally. They can also be administered intravenously.. Your doctor will recommend a delivery method based on where the inflammation is located in your colon. Certicosteroids are better when used in the short term. But they have been known to cause side effects in the long term, including weight gain, risk of infection. mood swings, hypertension, facial hair, diabetes, bone mass loss, and acne.

Immunomodulators - These have an effect on the immune system that reduces swelling and inflammation. Corticosteroids are usually recommended when corticosteroids and 5-ASA's haven't worked, or when the patient has become dependent of corticosteroids. They're popular with many patients because they are taken by mouth. However, they take a long time to work compared to other drugs, possibly as long as six months before the patient gets the full benefit.

Cyclosporine A - Patients who are suffering from active, severe cases are often treated with this drug. It may also be administered to those who have not had success with intravenous methods. Cyclosporine is often combined with 6-MP or azathioprine. While treatment with these medications is progressing, the patient may also need other drugs to help relax, get relief from pain,andr combat diarrhea or infection.

Once again, doctors know of no long-lasting cure for ulcerative colitis. However, medications for ulcerative colitis can help prevent flare ups and keep down inflammation. Plus, they can reduce or delay the need for surgery.

Your doctor will evaluate a number of factors in deciding on the appropriate ulcerative colitis medication for you. Among these factors are

* how much discomfort your symptoms are causing
* complications that could arise
* any side effects you may have to face
* other ulcerative colitis medications that have worked - or not worked - previously

Although many similarities exist from one case to another, ulcerative colitis affects different individuals in different ways. So it's possible your physician may have to try a number of therapies before finding one that will be best for you.

Apnea Sleep, Snoring, Fibromyalgia - Is There A Relationship?

Based upon the Free Radical Therapy approach there is a connection.

The Free Radical Therapy utilizes the approach that the body is designed to WIN.

Therefore within the chemistries it explores the six subclinical defects, which are:

1. pH Imbalance

2. Anaerobic Tendency

3. Free Calcium Excess

4. Chronic Inflammation

5. Connective Tissue Breakdown

6. Oxidative Stress

Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory process in the muscles. Therefore based upon the Free Radical Therapy, this would be the 4th step in the process of degeneration.

Most people who develop apnea sleep problems start off with snoring.

Apnea sleep remedies, and snoring treatments need to be based upon your biochemistry.

A lot of the 'biochemical issues', related to apnea sleep remedies, and snoring treatments, apply to fibromyalgia treatments.

The overall, general biochemical patterns are one or more of the following:

. Muscle damage particular with apnea sleep symptoms, and fibromyalgia

. Snoring robs the body on a daily basis from oxygen.

. pH imbalance, which is an imbalance in the acid/alkaline

. Problems with the carbohydrate metabolism

. Broad spectrum hormonal imbalances

. Problems with the utilization of proteins in the body

. Erectile dysfunction

. Inflammatory processes

. Connective tissue breakdown

. Cancer

. Diabetic Conditions

. Cardiovascular problems

. High Blood Pressure

. Strokes

. Fibromyalgia syndrome

The testing is done with blood and urine. The testing is based upon the "Free Radical Therapy" principles.

It is important to understand when your amino acids pool is depleted, you CANNOT detoxify or repair your tissue.

The other issue to pay attention to is the overgrowth of microbes in your faeces. Microbal overgrowth in the faeces is one of the indicators, that your mucosal lining in your digestive system has been damaged.

When you realize that about 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive system, it is not surprising that you subject yourself to higher risk factors of auto immune disorders.

When your body has a challenge with utilizing the proteins sufficiently, it becomes subject to a whole range of inflammatory processes.

Some of the examples of chronic inflammation are:

. Periodontitis

. Heart Disease

. Colitis

. Headaches

. Skin eruptions

. Cancer/ Chronic degenerative disease/ autoimmune disorders

The connective tissue, which is the glue that holds it all together, will start to break down.

Some examples of connective tissue breakdown are;

. Receeding gums,

. Varicose veins,

. Loose teeth

. Bleeding gums

. Weak back

. Hiatal hernia

. Cancer/ Chronic degenerative disease

Every person who has a snoring problem and apnea sleep disorder and fibromyalgia has a problem with pH Imbalance (Acidemia/Alkalemia).

Some symptoms of pH imbalance are:

. Infection

. Fatigue

. Repeat caries formation

. Plaque

. Depression

. Cancer/ Chronic Degenerative disease.

Anaerobic Metabolism is another consequence and some symptoms are:

. Infection

. Fatigue

. Tissue degeneration

. Glucose Intolerance

. Cancer/ Chronic degenerative disease

Free Calcium Excess is another consequence and some of the symptoms connected with it are:

. Calculus

. Joint pain/ Arthritis

. High Blood Pressure

. Heart Valve disease

. Cancer

Last but not least the Oxidative stress becomes an issue and some of the symptoms are:

. Loss of taste

. Cheilosis (a non inflammatory condition of the lips characterized by chapping and fissuring)

. Haemolytic Anaemia

. Very dry skin/loss of hair

. Moodiness, loss of memory, irritability

. Constipation

. Cancer/ Chronic degenerative disease

More information can be found in the resources

Crohn's Disease Diet - Is Eating Wheat an Issue for Crohn's Disease?

If you include wheat as part of your Crohn's disease diet it can be an issue, this is especially true when you have an allergy to gluten or wheat. Many people around the world do have trouble with digesting wheat and other grains that have high levels of gluten.

A reason people can have issues with gluten and other high gluten grains is that they are not part of our ideal diet your body is designed to digest. There are many people without Crohn's that can eat gluten or wheat with no obvious issues, but it can rob them of their true energy and vitality as their body works to make sure all the gluten/grains are removed before any damage is caused to the body.

Having a diet that is high in glutinous grains can be an issue when you have Crohn's, especially if you have a bad allergy to gluten. When you have Crohn's Disease there can be a problem with digesting gluten containing grains. Having a blood test to see if you have a gluten allergy can tell you if wheat is an issue for you. ?

I used to eat wheat and other high gluten products for a long time as part of my Crohn's Disease diet before I knew they were a problem for me and that I had an allergy to them, using Prednisone for many years didn't help either. Prednisone can be a large factor when food allergies are concerned especially when taken over a long period of time.

Foods that you eat a lot of or consume them often can be a candidate for food allergies when long term Prednisone is involved. I did find out eventually it would be good for me to remove wheat and gluten from my diet as it was a factor that was stopping me regaining my health. I was reacting to wheat and some other grains which were making my Crohn's Disease symptoms worse.

Is Wheat and High Gluten Grains Part of the Natural Human Diet?

Modern humans or Homo sapiens have been roaming about for around 100,000 years and our digestive systems are the same today as they were back then. Grains were not part of our ancestor's diet because grains require processing so they can be eaten and our early ancestors didn't have the technology to do that.

The new types of grains are not good for digestion because they have been cross breed to make the gluten levels higher, so bread makers can make bread that is more soft and fluffy than bread that was made with the older breeds of grain.

Old varieties of grain with lower gluten levels are far easier to digest than the new cross breed grains that have much higher gluten levels. This is one possible reason for more cases of gluten and grain intolerance in recent times, as the grains that are being used today contain so much more gluten than in the past.

If you have Crohn's Disease eliminating grains from your diet can be beneficial, but there is still choice if you want to have grains in your diet even if you are sensitive to gluten. If you have a very bad allergy to gluten then these grains may be no good for you, seek the appropriate health professional who helps you with diet before adding them to avoid adverse reactions.

Some options may include in your Crohn's Disease diet are grains like rice, millet, quinoa, oats, and barley to name a few. These grains still can have some gluten in them so be smart and check with your health professional or doctor to see if they will be good for you. Having a blood test to see if you are sensitive to gluten, wheat and other grains is a good way to eliminate which ones will be an issue for you.

Colitis Symptoms - Eating Like an Ascetic Monk

Colitis is somewhat of a broad term encompassing a number of digestive ailments and causes. Some of these are more severe and debilitating than others, some can even require surgery. The one thing in common between all of them is that the colon is inflamed and agitated to the point that it sends you into misery.

Mitigation of the problem often involves taking drugs and eating anything that... well, seems bland. You're not eating all that bland food because you're seeking the glory of god, you just want a little peace. You have probably also noticed that the food you are eating doesn't really matter in the scope of reducing your colitis symptoms. It may help a bit, but ultimately the colitis symptoms are still there.

Food Combining - Shelve the Monk Cookbooks

There is a method of food combining that involves having an alkaline balanced body. If you mix foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes and acid digestive enzymes, you will run into problems. Normally this would be fine, but if you have colitis symptoms it is something you want to avoid.

You can break foods down into 3 groups:

  • Type A - which can break down easily in your stomach.

  • Type B - which need alkaline digestive enzymes.

  • Type C - those are the foods that require the big guns in your stomach to it break down, namely hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Mixing type A and B foods are fine to do, as well as type A and C. If you mix B and C together, you will have problems.

Eating any food you want can be done, you just need to know the method in order to do an end run around your colitis symptoms. In fact doing this can conceivably still your colitis and give you more energy.

How To Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms

Most people are not aware that they are having leaky gut syndrome symptoms since this condition is not commonly known under conventional medicine. However, it is important to know about it, according to naturopathic doctors. It can be the root cause of many of your chronic symptoms such as pain, digestive disorders, frequent infections, and skin disorders. Naturopathic doctors often say that conventional drug methods of treatments only treating the symptoms without discovering the underlying condition.

Leaky gut syndrome simply refers to a "leaky gut". It is the increased permeability of the intestinal lining which has become damaged. What has caused the lining to become inflamed and damaged is possibly due to an overuse of antibiotics, dietary problems, toxins, or infection. The result of an increased permeability means that the lining does not absorb nutrients selectively, but material can leak through the wall. Hence, materials such as toxins, undigested food, waste, or other matter to pass through the intestinal lining. This can cause inflammation and will ultimately affect the functionality of the digestive tract.

Leaky gut syndrome symptoms can include the following signs:

- Gas

- Indigestion

- Poor immune system

- Diarrhea

- Constipation

- Abdominal pain

- Chronic pain in joints and/or muscles

- Foggy thinking, anxiety, mood issues, and/or memory problems

- Fatigue

- Respiratory problems such as asthma or wheezing

- Skin disorders

Leaky gut syndrome symptoms are common, no doubt, but fortunately, there is a way to test for increased permeability of your intestinal lining. There are two chemicals that are both soluble in water and unused by the body. Mannitol is easily absorbed by a healthy intestinal lining. Lactulose is a large molecule and can only be slightly absorbed by healthy intestines. The test is done by drinking a solution containing both and collecting urine for six hours. The amount of each chemical in the urine is used to determine the amount absorbed by the person's body. The function of the intestines is determined by how much of each substance was absorbed. A healthy test shows high levels of mannitol and low levels of lactulose. If high levels of both molecules are found, it indicates a leaky gut condition. If low levels of both molecules are found in the urine, it is a sign of a general malabsorption of all nutrients.

While it would be hard to repair a gut that is already leaky, ways to help improve digestive health is important:

- Removing any infections and parasites

Many sources agree that leaky gut syndrome is caused by candida yeast infections. There are several natural treatments available to control candida including acidophilus, fresh garlic cloves, and dietary changes.

- Adopting a healthy diet

You should take a high fiber diet, in addition to eliminating foods that are high in starch and sugar. It is also important to limit fungal foods such as mushrooms and cheese. Also avoid foods with yeast such as bread, alcohol, soy sauce, and vinegar.

- Consuming helpful nutritional supplements to improve digestion

There are many supplements that aid in digestive health. For example, essential oils like fish oil and flax seed oil may help a great deal and may be taken safely over time.

- Using probiotics

Every healthy digestive system contains 'helpful' bacteria that are necessary to the digestive process. It is important that you maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your body; that is to keep the 'unfriendly' bacteria from getting out of balance with the good bacteria. Probiotics are supplements that can provide necessary support for the proper balance of bacteria in your system.

You will find that as your digestive health improves, the many leaky gut syndrome symptoms that you have been experiencing for years gradually reducing. Hence, it is important that you do not just live with your leaky gut syndrome symptoms. You should find ways to heal the source of the problem, so that you can improve on the quality of your health.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that can affect anyone. The symptoms typically show up before the age of 30. Ulcerative colitis treatment may include prescription medications, vitamin supplementation, herbal remedies, special diets and even massage and chiropractic therapy. Ulcerative colitis is difficult to live with and for this reason counseling may be included in a complete treatment plan.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis include abdominal pain and cramping, diarrhea and blood in the stools. Symptoms may be mild, moderate or severe. In severe cases of ulcerative colitis, when diarrhea is frequent, symptoms may include fever, loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness. It is important to seek ulcerative colitis treatment before symptoms become severe. If ulcerative colitis is not treated, surgery may be necessary.

The specific cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown. It seems to "run" in families and it is suspected that the immune system of people with ulcerative colitis may be reacting to normal intestinal bacteria, causing inflammation. Pain and bleeding occurs because of inflammation and ulceration of the intestine. Ulcers are basically sores that form on the intestinal walls and inflammation means swelling. Medical ulcerative colitis treatment typically involves prescription drugs to reduce inflammation and promote healing of the ulceration. This type of ulcerative colitis treatment may or may not prevent symptoms from recurring.

Ulcerative colitis has a tendency to be a chronic disease, meaning that symptoms often recur over time. Since the immune system is believed to play a role in the disease, drugs that suppress the immune system are sometimes prescribed for severe cases of ulcerative colitis. Treatment is designed to postpone the necessity for surgery.

A complete ulcerative colitis treatment plan may include vitamin supplementation, particularly D and B12. Iron supplements are sometimes recommended due to the loss of blood that may lead to anemia. It is known that a deficiency of Vitamin D in the diet often causes diarrhea and B12 is important to help the body effectively absorb iron and other necessary nutrients.

Also recommended for ulcerative colitis treatment is an extract from the aloe plant. The aloe plant is known to promote healing of wounds and is also an anti-inflammatory, meaning it reduces swelling. Other herbal remedies which promote healing and reduce swelling may also be helpful for ulcerative colitis treatment.

Dietary advice for ulcerative colitis treatment includes avoiding foods that may lead to cramping, such as milk and milk products if the patient is or may be lactose intolerant. At this time there is no specific diet that is recommended by all healthcare professionals for those who suffer from ulcerative colitis, but yogurt and yeast products are sometimes recommended. They contain small organisms called probiotics which may help the intestines maintain a natural balance between the helpful and harmful bacteria.

Chiropractic and massage therapies may be effective alternative or supplemental ulcerative colitis treatment. One may think that only pain in the back or neck can be helped by chiropractic therapy, but misalignment of the vertebra can affect other parts of the body, without causing pain in the back. Chiropractors have a tendency to take more of a holistic approach to treatment than medical doctors. The belief is that mind, body and spirit are all connected and that it is necessary to treat the "whole" self rather than a single "part".

Those who suffer from ulcerative colitis, seek alternative therapies for many reasons. Standard medications may cause unwanted side effects. Chronic disease often causes emotional strain. But, with all of the ulcerative colitis treatment that is available today, most people with mild to moderate symptoms lead normal daily lives.

Infectious Diarrhea

Clinical Presentation: Every year throughout the world more than 5 million people-most of them kids younger than 1 year-die of acute infectious looseness of the bowels. Although death is really a uncommon outcome of infectious diarrhea within the United States, morbidity is substantial.

It is estimated that you will find more than 200 million episodes each year, resulting in 1.8 million hospitalizations at a price of $6 billion per year. The morbidity and mortality attributable to diarrhea are largely due to loss of intravascular volume and electrolytes, with resultant cardiovascular failure. For example, adults with cholera can excrete a lot more than 1 L of fluid per hour.

Contrast this with the typical volume of fluid lost daily within the stools (150 mL), and it is clear why massive fluid losses connected with infectious diarrhea can lead to dehydration, cardiovascular collapse, and death. Gastrointestinal (GI) tract infections can present with primarily upper tract symptoms (nausea, vomiting, crampy epigastric pain), small intestine symptoms (profuse watery diarrhea), or large intestine signs or symptoms (tenesmus, fecal urgency, bloody looseness of the bowels).

Sources of infection consist of person-to-person transmission (fecal-oral spread of Shigella), water-borne transmission (Cryptosporidium), food-borne transmission (Salmonella or S aureus foods poisoning), and overgrowth following antibiotic administration (Clostridium difficile).

Etiology: A wide range of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa can infect the GI tract. However, in the majority of instances, symptoms are self-limited, and diagnostic evaluation isn't performed. Individuals presenting to medical attention are biased toward the subset with more severe signs or symptoms (eg, high fevers or hypotension), immunocompromise (eg, HIV or neutropenia), or prolonged duration (eg, chronic diarrhea defined as lasting 14 days). An exception is large outbreaks of food-borne sickness, in which epidemiologic investigations may detect individuals with milder variants of illness.

Pathogenesis: A comprehensive approach to GI tract infections starts using the classic host-agent-environment interaction model. A quantity of host elements influence GI tract infections. Individuals at extremes of age and with comorbid conditions (eg, HIV infection) are at higher risk for symptomatic infection.

Medications that alter the GI microenvironment or destroy typical bacterial flora (eg, antacids or antibiotics) also predispose individuals to infection. Microbial agents responsible for GI sickness could be categorized according to kind of organism (bacterial, viral, protozoal), propensity to attach to various anatomic sites (stomach, little bowel, colon), and pathogenesis (enterotoxigenic, cytotoxigenic, enteroinvasive).

Environmental elements can be divided into three broad categories based on mode of transmission: (1) water borne, (2) foods borne, and (three) individual to person. GI tract infections can involve the stomach, leading to nausea and vomiting, or affect the small and large bowel, with looseness of the bowels as the predominant symptom.

The term "gastroenteritis" classically denotes infection of the stomach and proximal little bowel. Organisms causing this disorder consist of Bacillus cereus, S aureus, and a quantity of viruses (rotavirus, norovirus). B cereus and S aureus produce a preformed neurotoxin that, even in the absence of viable bacteria, is capable of causing disease, and these toxins represent major leads to of foods poisoning.

Although the exact mechanisms are poorly understood, it's thought that neurotoxins act locally, through stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system having a resultant improve in peristaltic activity, and centrally, through activation of emetic centers within the brain. The spectrum of diarrheal infections is typified by the diverse clinical manifestations and mechanisms via which E coli can trigger diarrhea.

Colonization from the human GI tract by E coli is universal, usually occurring within hours following birth. Nevertheless, when the host organism is exposed to pathogenic strains of E coli not normally present in the bowel flora, localized GI illness or even systemic sickness may occur.

You will find five major classes of diarrheogenic E coli: enterotoxigenic (ETEC), enteropathogenic (EPEC), enterohemorrhagic (EHEC), enteroaggregative (EAEC), and enteroinvasive (EIEC). Functions typical to all pathogenic E coli are evasion of host defenses, colonization of intestinal mucosa, and multiplication with host cell injury.

This organism, like all GI pathogens, should survive transit via the acidic gastric environment and be able to persist within the GI tract despite the mechanical force of peristalsis and competition for scarce nutrients from existing bacterial flora. Adherence can be nonspecific (at any part from the intestinal tract) or, a lot more commonly, particular, with attachment occurring at well-defined anatomic areas.

Once colonization and multiplication happen, the stage is set for host injury. Infectious diarrhea is clinically differentiated into secretory, inflammatory, and hemorrhagic kinds, with different pathophysiologic mechanisms accounting for these diverse presentations. Secretory (watery) diarrhea is caused by a quantity of bacteria (eg, Vibrio cholerae, ETEC, EAggEC), viruses (rotavirus, norovirus), and protozoa (Giardia, Cryptosporidium).

These organisms attach superficially to enterocytes in the lumen of the small bowel. Stool examination is notable for the absence of fecal leukocytes, even though in uncommon instances there's occult blood in the stools. Some of these pathogens elaborate enterotoxins, proteins that improve intestinal cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production, primary to net fluid secretion. The classic example is cholera.

The bacterium V cholerae creates cholera toxin, which leads to prolonged activation of epithelial adenylyl cyclase within the small bowel, primary to secretion of massive amounts of fluid and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen. Clinically, the patient presents with copious diarrhea ("rice-water stools"), progressing to dehydration and vascular collapse without having vigorous volume resuscitation.

ETEC, a common trigger of acute diarrheal sickness in young kids and the most typical trigger of looseness of the bowels in travelers returning to the United States from developing countries, creates two enterotoxins. The heat-labile toxin (LT) activates adenylyl cyclase in a manner analogous to cholera toxin, whereas the heat-stable toxin (ST) activates guanylyl cyclase activity.

Inflammatory diarrhea is really a result of bacterial invasion of the mucosal lumen, with resultant cell death. Patients with this syndrome are usually febrile, with complaints of crampy lower abdominal discomfort as nicely as diarrhea, which might contain visible mucous. The term dysentery is utilized when there are substantial numbers of fecal leukocytes and gross blood.

Pathogens connected with inflammatory looseness of the bowels consist of EIEC, Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Entamoeba histolytica. Shigella, the prototypical trigger of bacillary dysentery, invades the enterocyte through formation of an endoplasmic vacuole, which is lysed intracellularly. Bacteria then proliferate within the cytoplasm and invade adjacent epithelial cells.

Production of a cytotoxin, the Shiga toxin, leads to local cell destruction and death. EIEC resembles Shigella both clinically and with respect towards the mechanism of invasion of the enterocyte wall; however, the specific cytotoxin associated with EIEC has not yet been identified. Hemorrhagic diarrhea, a variant of inflammatory diarrhea, is primarily triggered by EHEC.

Infection with E coli O157:H7 has been connected with a quantity of deaths from the hemolytic-uremic syndrome, with a number of well-publicized outbreaks related to contaminated foods. EHEC leads to a broad spectrum of clinical disease, with manifestations including (1) asymptomatic infection, (2) watery (nonbloody) looseness of the bowels, (three) hemorrhagic colitis (bloody, noninflammatory diarrhea), and (4) hemolytic-uremic syndrome (an acute illness, primarily of children, characterized by anemia and renal failure). EHEC doesn't invade enterocytes; nevertheless, it does create two Shiga-like toxins (Stx1 and Stx2) that closely resemble the Shiga toxin in structure and function. After binding of EHEC towards the cell surface receptor, the A subunit of the Shiga toxin catalyzes the destructive cleavage of ribosomal RNA and halts protein synthesis, leading to cell death.

Clinical Manifestations: Clinical manifestations of GI infections vary depending on the on website of involvement For instance, in staphylococcal foods poisoning, symptoms develop several hours after ingestion of foods contaminated with neurotoxin-producing S aureus. The symptoms of staphylococcal food poisoning are profuse vomiting, nausea, and abdominal cramps.

Diarrhea is variably present with agents leading to gastroenteritis. Profuse watery (noninflammatory, nonbloody) diarrhea is connected with bacteria that have infected the small intestine and elaborated an enterotoxin (eg, Clostridium perfringens, V cholerae). In contrast, colitis-like symptoms (lower abdominal pain, tenesmus, fecal urgency) and an inflammatory or bloody diarrhea occur with bacteria that more generally infect the large intestine.

The incubation period is usually longer (> 3 days) for bacteria that localize towards the large intestine, and colonic mucosal invasion can occur, causing fever, bacteremia, and systemic symptoms.

Treatment For Diverticulitis - Naturally And Effectively

The natural treatment for diverticulitis varies in which discipline of health care you choose. But none are invasive or carry the often serious side effects found with that offered by mainstream medicine.

First let's look at what diverticulitis is. The dictionary explanation of a diverticulum is a blind tube leading from a cavity. In medical terms, this can be translated as the colon or the lower intestine. Diverticulitis is the inflammation of the colon, which causes pain and discomfort.

Whenever you have a disturbance in the digestive tract, the first thing to consider is the diet. The typical western diet is so poor in so many ways, it is one of the leading causes of all digestive disturbances. Your body was simply not designed to digest and utilise the processed foods, the denatured foods, the high animal protein, the preservatives, the colours and flavours, the pesticides. The list is endless.

Sadly, medical doctors are not trained to recognise this simple fact. Instead they are trained to match a drug to every condition. While this can give temporary relief to some, it is not addressing the cause, so the problem, or the health of the sufferer, will inevitably worsen.

Natural therapists, in particular homeopaths, are trained to look at the cause of every problem. However, it would be pointless to treat any condition with a medicine if the cause is in the diet.

Whether or not you are open to the idea of making changes in your diet probably depends on how much you want to rid yourself, permanently, of the pain you may be suffering. There will always be some people who are happy to close their eyes to the reality of what is happening, as long as a pill gives them temporary relief.

But a change in diet to healthy food has the potential to do more than resolve a single health concern. It can also eliminate all your other health issues, boost your energy, de-tox your struggling system and improve your circulation.

There are times where the health of a person is too low to allow them to recover from a health condition, even when the cause is removed, such as a poor diet. There are also people who may have inherited this condition, so a change of diet, although may improve the condition, may not fully cure it.

The treatment for diverticulitis using homeopathy offers help in these situations. Every person will have their own personal experience of the condition. In some the pain may be the biggest symptom. For others, the bloating or the nausea and vomiting may be the main concern. For others, the diarrhoea may be the most pressing concern.

In addition to the varying symptoms someone may have, there will also be variations within each symptom. The character of the pain will vary in each person. One person may have a burning pain, while someone else may have an aching pain.

Personal aggravations and ameliorations of the condition will also vary. For one person, they may get temporary relief from bending double. For someone else the relief may come from applying a heat pack.

Everyone is different. Everyone expresses life stresses differently. Therefore everyone should be treated differently, according to their story. This is exactly what homeopathic treatment does. It treats you, who has a problem, rather than the problem, as if it was separate from you.

You created the problem, albeit unknowingly. Now you have the capacity to fully resolve it. The homeopathic treatment for diverticulitis has the potential to improve more than your digestive problem, as it works at a deep and curative level.

To find out more about homeopathy and a healthy diet, click on the link below.

A Parasite Cleanse to Rid Your System of Parasites

Tapeworm, hookworm, roundworm and threadworm are the four most common types of parasites. The intestines provide a cozy place for them to grow. This is why it is the perfect breeding ground for parasites.

Our poor dietary habits are most often the cause of parasites. Also known as SAD, the standard American diet is consumed by most Americans and consists of too many processed junk foods. These foods that are high in saturated fats, chemicals and refined sugars also have a low nutritional value.

This makes us perfect targets for so many chronic, degenerative diseases and ailments. Parasites can live and grow in this environment. It is important to perform a parasite cleanse if you feel that you are burdened with parasites.

When we are dealing with parasites, our systems cannot perform optimally. This can be a sign of a serious problem. The function of our colons is to process waste and rid our bodies of waste products. Food is not digested properly when our systems are not functioning optimally. Toxins can build on the walls of our colons and cause problems. To aid our systems in regaining proper function, it is important to consider a parasite cleanse. At the completion of a cleanse, parasites will be expelled in the waste that is produced.

Some of the symptoms you may experience that could signal that you have parasites are indigestion, colitis, constipation, abdominal pain and sometimes ulcers. Other symptoms that you may experience might be joint or muscle pain or environmental allergies.

A natural cleanse is the best option to consider when you are looking at various products. Read the labels! Always be certain you can identify all of the ingredients that comprise a parasite cleanse. There are many choices available in health food stores. As always, it is so important for our systems to consume foods that have a high nutrient value. Our systems will cleanse naturally over time with the help of consuming natural, organic foods.

Problems can develop and worsen when we consume too many processed that are high in fats and preservatives. One superfood to consider consuming when dealing with parasites, or to prevent getting them in the first place are pomegranates. They are packed with vitamins and important antioxidants. Eating foods like pomegranates and other highly nutritious foods help our bodies to function properly.

Pomegranate juice can aid in the destruction of tapeworms in our systems. Cloves, wormwood and walnut hulls are some of the other natural substances that are good at ridding our bodies of parasites. Look for products that contain these herbs. They work synergistically and naturally eliminate parasites. If you choose a packaged product to colon cleanse parasites which can be purchased from a health food store, you will be helping to prevent future problems with parasites if you change your lifestyle moving forward.

One of the benefits of consuming highly nutritious foods and using herbal remedies is that you will not only be ridding your system of parasites, but you will also be helping your colon to retain good health.

Hemorrhoids Cure: Treatment for Beginners

Hemorrhoids are soft tissues that act as supporting vestments for a stool during defecation. They can get swollen when irritated and cause major discomfort in the anal area. If you've never had Hemorrhoids yet, but think you have it now, here are some things you need to consider before trying to jump into conclusions.

Some people have hemorrhoids on a regular basis, they always suffer the same pain, discomfort, itchiness and bleeding over and over. Hemorrhoids can appear and disappear all by itself, but come think of it, why do hemorrhoids swell at the first place? Researchers around the world found a direct relation between the amount of a person's fiber and fluid intake, exercise, strenuous activities and hemorrhoids; though, the exact pathophysiology for hemorrhoids is still unknown.

If it's your first time to experience hemorrhoids like symptoms, don't fret, do further research about the ailment instead. If you are uncertain of what really is happening to your behind, I would recommend finding a physician's attention. Hemorrhoids is not the worst case scenario of diseases, but if you mistake another ano-rectal disease, like colon cancer or colitis with hemorrhoids, that's a different, more gruesome story.

Fighting hemorrhoids is just as easy as fighting and hopefully defeating common colds; that is, if you know what to do, of course. In this write up, as you can see in the title, I'm going to teach you how to get rid of hemorrhoids for good; especially to those who are new in this kind of game.

Eat Your Way out of it

Hemorrhoids are found at the finish line of your Gastro Intestinal Tract, most likely, something along the way, might have happened, which got worst at the finish line. In a real life race tract, a busted tire or engine trouble; it could also be a sabotage which was planted before the race has started.

I like the sound of "sabotage" better; it's a little more of a Sherlock Holmes case to me. Going back to hemorrhoids, this sabotage could be something with the food you eat; you could be sabotaging yourself in to getting hemorrhoids. If you are one of those who have been having hemorrhoids often, you may want to think now. What do you eat?

Hemorrhoids are caused by many factors; one of those is strenuous defecation. How do we get rid of this? Here are a few doable home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Fiber - Eating at least 20 grams of fibrous diet would help your GI tract digest food a lot better, get rid of toxins and make softer but stable stools. Rich in fiber foods are brown rice, whole wheat (you can also try whole wheat breads and cereals), leafy vegetables and fruits.

Water - proper hydration hastens gastrointestinal activities, the more water your body has, the softer your stool is. Your intestinal walls are also going to get healthier because of they get properly hydrated and moisturized, which means lesser possibilities of frictional damage.

Do the Muscle

Having at least 30 minutes of work out a day keeps your body active and muscular coordination better. There are two types of muscles in the body, the skeletal muscles, which are the usual muscles we see on TV, and the smooth muscles, which are a bit more disgusting than the skeletal muscles and only activate when your body is at rest. Making your skeletal muscle's tone healthy also affects the healthiness of the smooth muscles when you rest.

That was most likely like a "one-two step" treatment to hemorrhoids, it does not take a genius to understand what it means, and all we just need to do is eat, workout and just a few strands of self-discipline. If a beginner can do it, you surely can.

Pylorostenosis, Gastroesophageal Reflux and Malabsorption - Major Digestive Disorders

Pylorostenosis is a disease of infants of the first month of life due to narrowing of the pyloric canal's aperture because of muscular hypertrophy of the pylorus.

Clinical manifestation
• Latent period
• Regurgitations up to abundant vomit without bile,
• Dehydration
• Malnutrition
• Stomach peristalsis in a form of sand-glass
• Constipation

Gastroesophageal reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER, chalasia cardiochalasia) denotes relaxation or incompetence of the lower esophagus. In newborns, this is considered a normal phenomenon because of immature neuromuscular control of the gastroesophageal sphincter. However, in a small percentage of infants reflux continues, producing symptoms that warrant investigation. The exact cause is not known, although it is thought to result from delayed maturation of lower esophageal neuromuscular function or impaired local hormonal control mechanisms.

Clinical manifestations
• Vomiting
• Weight loss
• Respiratory problems
• Bleeding

Vomiting is the most frequent symptom and in infants is quite forceful. It is frequently so severe that there is a loss of calories sufficient to cause weight loss and failure to thrive.

Reflux of stomach contents to the pharynx predisposes to aspiration and the development of respiratory symptoms, especially pneumonia, Repeated irritation of the esophageal lining with gastric acid can lead to esophagitis and consequently bleeding. Blood loss in turn causes anemia and it is seen as hematemesis or melena (blood in stools). Heartburn is also a frequent symptom in older children who can describe it but may go unrecognized in infants.

Malabsorption syndromes
The term "malabsorption syndrome" is applied to a long list of disorders associated with some degree of impaired digestion and/or absorption. Most are classified according to the locations of the supposed anatomic and biochemical defect.

Digestive defects mainly include those conditions in which the enzymes necessary for digestion are diminished or absent, such as cystic fibrosis, in which pancreatic enzymes are absent biliary or liver disease, in which bile production is affected, or lactose deficiency, in which there is congenital or secondary lactose intolerance.

Absorptive defects include those conditions in which the intestinal mucosal transport system is impaired. It may be because of secondary to inflammatory disease of the bowel, that results in impaired absorption because bowel motility is accelerated, such as ulcerative colitis.

Obstructive disorders, such as Hirschsprung's disease, can also cause secondary malabsorption from enterocolitis, chronic inflammation of the distended small and large bowel, megacolon or large colon. In addition, there is failure of the internal rectal asphincter to relax, which adds to the clinical manifestations because it prevents evacuation of solids, liquids and gas.

Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations vary according to the age.

In the newborn the chief signs and symptoms are failure to pass meconium within 24 to 48 hours after birth, reluctance to ingest fluids, bile-stained vomitus, abdominal distention.

If the disorder is allowed to progress, other signs of intestinal obstruction, sich as respiratory distress and shock, develop. During infancy, the child does not thrive and has constipation, abdominal distention, episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. The occurrence of explosive, watery diarrhea, fever, and severe prostration is ominous because it ofter signifies the presence of enterocolitis, which greatly increases the risk of fatality. Enterocolitis may also be present without diarrhea and is first evidenced with unexplained fever and poor feeding.

During childhood, the symptoms include, constipation, passage of ribbon like, foul-smelling stools, abdominal distention, visible peristalsis. Fecal masses are easily palpable. The child is usually poorly nourished, anemic, and hypoproteinemic from malabsorption of nutrients.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms and Pregnancy

Ulcerative colitis symptoms and signs can generally differ, depending on how severe and where the inflammation occurs. Consequently, categorization of ulcerative colitis symptoms depends on its site. The course of ulcerative colitis varies, with episodes of acute ulcerative colitis frequently periodic with intervals of remission. Ultimately, the gravity of the disease typically remains the same.

If a you suffer from ulcerative colitis symptoms and are pregnant or thinking about starting a family you and your partner will naturally worry about the effects of the ulcerative colitis symptoms on the pregnancy, and about the consequence the of pregnancy on your disease. After the birth it is likely that worries will be raised about the effects of the ulcerative colitis medications on breast milk. The good news is that most of women with ulcerative colitis symptoms have normal fertility and can anticipate a normal pregnancy, delivery and growth of a healthy baby.

You can increase the chances of having a healthy baby by eating a varied and balanced diet for ulcerative colitis which is enhanced with supplements of vitamins and minerals. If you have active disease, on steroid medication or are underweight, then it is essential to increase nutrition and seeking advice from a dietician who can advice you about ulcerative colitis symptoms and diet. A good way to remain healthy throughout your pregnancy is regularly exercise.

A folic acid supplement should be taken before conception and for the first twelve weeks of your pregnancy. This is normal practice for any pregnant woman and helps to lessen the risk of spina bifida in the baby. It is however more important for people with crohn's disease because folic acid is more difficult to absorb when this disease is present. If you are taking ulcerative colitis medications such as sulphasalazine, you will require additional folic acid because this also interferes with the absorption rate of folic acid. Daily supplements of 2000-5000 micrograms are recommended for pregnant women with ulcerative colitis symptoms rather than the typical 400 micrograms daily.

The most important message for sufferers of ulcerative colitis symptoms and pregnancy is that the baby can be expected to be healthy if your ulcerative colitis health is good and kept under control. Ulcerative colitis drugs and medications should therefore be taken as advised before and during your pregnancy.

Parents who have been given an ulcerative colitis diagnosis are to some extent more likely to have a child who contracts ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease. However, even with genetic tendency, other added factors are required to trigger the disease. Research has suggested that parental smoking during pregnancy is another factor linked to the development of ulcerative colitis symptoms in children

If your ulcerative colitis symptoms are in remission at the start of your pregnancy, the likelihood of delivering a perfectly healthy baby are similar to those of a woman without ulcerative colitis signs and symptoms. If you have flare-ups during pregnancy or the disease is active at the beginning the risks to the baby are doubled and it is more likely to be premature or have a low birth weight. This is still a small risk and the baby is likely to be healthy. However, severe flare-ups are very dangerous and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Another concern you will probably have will be the side effects of ulcerative colitis drugs. Usually however the threat to the baby is related to the action of the disease rather than the ulcerative colitis medications.