Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Defend Yourself Against Early Colitis Symptoms

It is a virtual certainty when someone is diagnosed with colitis that at some point of time in the future, once a period of remission has been enjoyed after the initial attack, a flare up will occur. By being aware of what can be contributing and exacerbating factors, the sufferer does have the opportunity to reduce the chance and severity of the dreaded colitis symptoms building into a full relapse.

The most important action that a sufferer can take right at the point when they experience the first appearance of colitis symptoms is to ensure they benefit from prompt advice and treatment. This means that contact with the doctor is made immediately as they will want to undertake an examination, ask questions and prescribe the appropriate medication. In addition to this, as the sufferer will have their own experience of taking medication, they should have a readily available stock of it to take immediately upon the appearance of the symptoms. This is important as it will ensure that very precious time is not lost during the inevitable wait to see the doctor when the inflammation will have an opportunity to strengthen without medication fighting it.

Furthermore, it is essential that these medications are taken as directed by the doctor. Being guilty of forgetting to take the additional medication in the first week of symptoms can result in a flare up for definite when there could have been a chance to avoid major strength symptoms. It does not mean that over a period of a few days where the symptoms do not appear to be gaining hold or may even seem to recede, the taking of the prescribed medication should be halted. The full course should be taken as colitis has a habit of luring the sufferer into a false sense of security. Plus it has to be remembered that it is not advisable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen due to the fact that they have been associated with flare-ups of colitis.

There is now the immediate necessity of reducing the daily activities of work and leisure as colitis just loves the sufferer to carry on with their lives. Though it may not be realised, everyday life activities carry stress and strains and this will feed through to exacerbating the symptoms. It is in the interest of the sufferer that total rest, both mental and physical, is taken to try and ensure that the small amount of symptoms appearing at the beginning do not strengthen to become a full blown relapse. This will involve getting rest including much more sleep and ensuring others take care of the daily requirements.

There is also a requirement to alter the diet from the normal one enjoyed to a much narrower specific kind that won't enflame the symptoms. This includes eliminating non soluble fibrous foods such as wheat bran, skins of vegetables and fruits, broccoli, cabbage, beans plus also a reduction in dairy products. It should be recognised that the amount of food consumed requires to be drastically reduced with the pattern of eating restricted to very small snacks but only when the hunger pangs emerge. This will have the effect of taking the pressure off the bowel both in quantity and also foods that can exacerbate the inflammation.

It is never an easy time when, often out of nowhere, colitis symptoms make an appearance. By recognising the fact that this has happened, the sufferer should immediately start their own colitis management program to ensure that they are giving themselves that best opportunity to reduce the chances that a full blown relapse will actually happen.

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