Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis - Effective Alternatives to Prescription Drugs

Anyone who has suffered from a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis that does not consistently respond to conventional treatments knows how much of an inconvenience and hassle it can be. There is the urgency where you suddenly know you have to go to the bathroom right away and one is not available, can you hold it... hopefully. There is the embarrassment of being at someone else's house knowing that their bathroom is going to be uninhabitable for awhile after you leave. There is the fatigue, lack of ability to concentrate, and weakened immune system that happens from anemia caused by blood loss and malnutrition caused by bleeding ulcers and diarrhea.

After almost 10 years of enduring this disease with almost constant flares of inflammation, the only drug treatments which have been able to bring it under control were Prednisone, a steroidal anti-inflammatory and Cipro a powerful anti-biotic used to treat Traveler's diarrhea among other conditions.

The question I wondered then was this. Why is it that an anti-biotic could help me? Does that imply that bacteria plays a role in the cycle that causes inflammation?

Over time I discovered books, like the Specific Carbohydrate Diet which offered a solution to the problem and explained the theory of how undigested food is at the start of a cycle that leads to inflammation. Unfortunately this diet is highly restrictive and was very hard to stick to in my experience. I had the experience where I was literally wasting away from not getting enough calories even as symptoms started to improve.

Over time I have managed to combine several concepts to help myself become healthier and able to get off of Prednisone. Here are some non-pharmaceutical drug solutions which have proven to help significantly, more than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Asacol.

One theory about what causes digestive track inflammation is that it is caused by an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria from food that was not properly digested because people lack the necessary digestive enzymes. Undigested food begins to putrefy or rot within the digestive track and this provides food for pathogenic bacteria. With this theory or undigested food in mind and the need to counteract malabsorption, there are some actions that I have taken to successfully improve my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms to almost complete remission.

1) Eat an almost elemental gluten-free diet, basically meat, rice and products made almost exclusively from rice, fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I have also experimented with avoiding anything with dairy and corn but now have added them back in to my diet.

I found a discussion forum run by Peter Thomson in the UK, where I found many stories from people who had remarkable improvements in UC by removing gluten and sometimes other foods from their diet. This is interesting because mainstream western medicine has yet to acknowledge a link between gluten intolerance and UC, however there is a well established link between Celiac disease, malabsorbtion and inflammation in the small intestine caused by gluten intolerance and Crohn's Disease, inflammation of the small intestine.

2) Eliminate alcohol and caffeine, at least until you have gotten symptoms mostly under control. Alcohol and caffeine are irritants for your colon and the rest of your digestive track. However both are free of gluten, so if gluten intolerance is playing a role in UC then you might be able to reintroduce them sparingly when you are not in the middle of a flare.

3) Juicing fruits and vegetables for nutrition. This is key because in the midst of a flare of Ulcerative Colitis you can help get the vitamins you need without the fiber in fruits and vegetables. Fiber in the midst of the symptoms of a flare is not your friend. By juicing you also make it easier for the body to absorb a higher proportion of vitamins and nutrients, because it does not have to attempt to extract them from the plant fibers.

4) Digestive enzyme supplements (products I have used include Wholefoods Wholezyme). One theory is that food intolerance is caused by a lack of certain digestive enzymes. By aiding proper digestion you reduce or eliminate undigested food in the digestive track which can breed pathogenic bacteria.

5) Water-soluble fiber supplements, (Benefiber). This can help with symptoms, both diarrhea and constipation as well as by protecting the intestinal walls. The fiber also provides space for "good" bacteria to grow and help protect the intestinal walls and aid in more complete food digestion.

6) Pro-biotic supplements including VSL#3, a pharmaceutical grade combination of 8 different strains of Lactic acid bacteria which is shipped to you in an ice chest. VSL #3 was recommended by my GI Dr., Dr. Robyn Chutkan in Chevy Chase, MD and is the only probiotic supplement with scientific research documenting its effectiveness.

There are other pro-biotic supplements out there that are less expensive however all of the ones I found also had significantly less bacteria per serving, and oftentimes were not refrigerated to ensure the highest possible amount of active (live) cultures. When comparing products, look at the bacteria count per serving and make sure that the product is kept refrigerated to make sure the highest percentage of bacteria are active. Generally if the product has a higher bacteria count and whether it is kept refrigerated, it will be more expensive.

The theory for why is works: some "good" bacteria help digest foods like dairy products, other bacteria kill or prevent "bad" bacteria from growing, and other pro-biotic bacteria just take up space and "crowd out" any "bad" bacteria.

7) Enteric-Coated Peppermint oil capsules. I use Pepogest which I got at Wholefoods. Peppermint oil helps relieve gas, cramps and urgency. The capsules are more convenient and more powerful than tea and the label on the bottle says peppermint oil is better tolerated and more effective when protected from stomach acid. Plus it has the added advantage of contributing to fresh breath.

So there are a couple things that I have done which have been helpful to me. Hopefully there will be more advances made in understanding how Ulcerative Colitis happens and better ways to treat it with fewer harmful side effects.

Are Acid Reflux and Diarrhea Related?

A significant number of people who have acid reflux disease also claim to suffer from frequent IBS or irritable bowel symptoms. But is this coincidence or connection. The answer is there does appear to be a connection. There is at least one affiliation between acid reflux and diarrhea, and there could be more. In this article, we will briefly explore the implication of these connections.

The Connection

The first of the two connections is a natural one. This could possibly mean that both acid reflux and diarrhea are symptoms of a larger root problem. In this case, the problem is digestion. Medical sources note that acid reflux disease can occur when the intestinal and lower-stomach muscles involuntarily relax. This, also, can lead to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.

The other link between acid reflux and diarrhea is not naturally occurring, but rather drug related. Several current studies show that drugs taken to alleviate acid reflux are actually helping to cause diarrhea. There are two basic categories for acid reflux medical treatment - protein pump inhibitors (PPI's) and H-2 blockers. Some common brand name versions of these drugs you may recognize are Prilosec & Nexium for PPI's, and Zantac and Pepcid for H-2 blockers. Diarrhea has been found to be a side effect of taking both of these drug categories.

Continue reading to find out why these medications can cause diarrhea and what the treatment options are. You can also sign up for the free acid reflux newsletter at the bottom of the page for natural methods of treating acid reflux that won't cause diarrhea.

The Cause

H-2 blockers and protein pump inhibitors both have been shown to facilitate the excessive growth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile (C-diff). Excessive amounts of C-diff growing rampant in the large intestine, or colon, are responsible for causing diarrhea. And to make matters worse, antibiotics taken for separate problems (or related) can kill the "good" bacteria that are needed to ward of C-diff in the large intestine.

Colitis, a painful form of cramping intestinal inflammation, can result from too much C-diff. Compounding matters, these infections can spread very easily in populated places such as hospitals and dorms.

The Reason

Basically, taking drugs to combat acid reflux actually weakens the body's defenses. The stomach acid in a person's body is not just for digesting food, but also acts as a barrier to prevent unwanted bugs from entering our bodies. The drugs used to suppress stomach acid can actually weaken this form of defense, allowing access to certain bacteria (like C-diff) that would otherwise not be admitted.

This is also a reason that doctors often recommend more natural methods of fighting acid reflux before resorting to medicine. Some of these methods include losing weight (if applicable), eating smaller meals more frequently, eating less fatty foods, eating less spicy foods, limiting alcohol and smoking, and elevating the head when sleeping. These can often go a long way in controlling acid reflux if followed carefully.

Acid reflux and diarrhea are related, probably in more ways than one. If you haven't exhausted these possibilities already, you may want to try utilizing some of the lifestyle and diet related treatments listed above. If you're stuck using the medicinal treatments, then just remember to be aware of infections that can result from a weakened line of defense. And, maintain frequent contact with your physician as a result.

Brain And Neurological Problems Affect Almost Half Of Celiacs Even With A Gluten Free Diet

There is reasonable evidence of neurological problems in Celiac disease (CD) even those well treated on a gluten-free diet should undergo periodic neurological screening. Peripheral neuropathy is found in almost half of people with CD. Previously, neurological complications in Celiac disease were reported to be as high as 36% or more than a third. Some unexplained neurological problems are present but not recognized by the patient or their doctor in many patients and some have several problems. Unfortunately, since brain imaging is not routinely done or recommended in those who are newly diagnosed we don't really know how high these numbers may be really be. More staggering is the fact that we are still learning about people who fail to meet diagnostic criteria for Celiac disease but are being found to have gluten related neurological problems that respond to a gluten-free diet.

There are many neurological problems that in undiagnosed and untreated Celiac disease but include neuropathy, balance problems (ataxia), seizures, MS-like symptoms, headaches, memory impairment, depression and anxiety, inattention (ADD/ADHD), schizophrenia, dementia, muscle weakness, childhood developmental delay, autism (Asperger's). The sad truth is that many patients have delays in diagnosis that result in delayed treatment and poor response even while adopting a strict gluten free diet. The average delay of diagnosis in adults is between eleven and thirteen years. Dr. Hadjivassiliou, a neurologist in England who is considered the world's expert in gluten related neurological problems has communicated to me by e-mail and written that responses to a gluten-free diet may take five years and if the neurological condition has been longstanding complete recovery is not likely.

The symptoms of neuropathy are paresthesia (numbness) or dysthesia (burning, tingling, heaviness, "pins and needles" sensation"). Many of my patients also describe hypersensitivity of their skin such that they do not like air blowing on them or their children or spouses against their skin. Some admit to "bug crawling" sensation on their skin, something called vermiculation in medical terms but rarely asked about or given much thought by most doctors. Odd muscle movements under the skin that some call a "bag of worms" medically known as fasiculations are also very common but dismissed by many doctors. My wife, a physician with Celiac disease, actually had these occur while undergoing an EMG (electromyleograph, recording of muscle activity by placing needle electrode into the muscle) exam by an older neurologist. Despite observing these occurring visually and the monitor showing "static like noise" the neurologist dismissed them as "normal".

Many patients with Celiac disease also have what the radiologists and neurologists call "UBO's" on MRI exams of the brain. These unidentified bright objects (think UFO) are white spots that show up on images of the brain. When found in certain locations of the brain they are highly suggestive of multiple sclerosis (multiple scarring spots in the brain). However, though many people with CD have MS like symptoms and these symptoms often respond to a gluten free diet when started early enough, the UBO's seen on MRI of the brain are typically not in the classic areas of MS. Instead it is common to find them in areas of the brain associated with migraines or balance difficulty (ataxia).

Some are seen in children associated with strange seizure problems even without obvious intestinal symptoms. A classic specific syndrome is very well recognized associated with epilepsy in both children and adults who have calcifications in their brain that can be detected by CT scan or MRI. Epilepsy is well documented but the studies are confusing enough that there is not a good consensus regarding the risk and recommended screening of all children with epilepsy.

Personally and professionally I have observed all of the neurological complications of Celiac disease and most of them I have also noted in patients in whom I have not been able to confirm CD but who have what I believe are objective signs and/or genetic risk for gluten sensitivity. I have patients with MS-like symptoms, chronic unexplained neuropathy, headaches, attention difficulties, autistic behaviors and developmental delays who have responded to gluten-free diet but if they had listened to doctors who maintained such a "restrictive, expensive, hard to follow" diet should only be "imposed" on those with a established diagnosis of Celiac disease.

If you have neurological problems get testing for Celiac disease before starting a gluten-free diet. If you test negative for CD, make sure they test you for the complete HLA DQ genetics that includes the high-risk white blood cell patterns DQ2 and DQ8 for Celiac disease AND get blood tests that include IgG and IgA gliadin antibodies. If your blood tests, including gliadin IgA and IgG antibodies, are negative or normal then consider stool testing for gliadin antibodies in the stool ($99,

The evidence continues to accumulate, though often ignored or missed, that gluten is toxic to some people's brains, even if they do not have CD. If you do have Celiac disease it is likely you already have neurological problems and may be at risk despite being on a gluten-free diet. Borrowing from the old advertisement against drug abuse "this is your brain on drugs" maybe we should be getting the word out "this is your brain on gluten". Despite your test results, consider a trial of gluten-free diet after you have your testing done if you have unexplained or unresponsive neurological problems. You owe to your brain. Like my seven-year-old son said to one of our friends, "maybe you should lay off the gluten".

Crohn's Disease Pregnancy: Can I Still Have Children When I Have Crohn's Disease?

Being male or female the good news is that you can have children safely when you have Crohn's Disease. Fertility rates for women with Crohn's Disease are around the same as woman that are in normal health. If you have a flare up, being a woman your fertility could be lower than normal.

Some medications can affect your fertility which can make having children harder. Medications like sulfasalazine (Azulfadine), can cause temporary infertility in about 60% of men. When you stop using this medication for around two months fertility should be back to normal again.

If you want to have children and you are on medication, talk to your doctor first so you take the correct steps, to ensure the best chance of you or your partner getting pregnant. Working with your doctor in this area is best to be sure you are doing what you need to ensure your safety and that of your baby.

Risks for miscarriage, still births and congenital abnormality are the same as everyone else in the population, no increased risk has been found due to Crohn's Disease. Keep in mind that normal couples can have issues getting pregnant, about 1 in 7 couples have issues with fertility. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it may not be because you or your partner has Crohn's Disease.

The best time to try and get pregnant is when you are in remission as your body is stronger. When you have a flare up, if you are not eating properly and are quite thin, this can affect fertility. Having a baby is not as easy when your body is in this state. Falling pregnant when you have bad inflammation or a flare up could make for a more problematic time for you throughout your pregnancy.

You can go through pregnancy and get on just fine, be sure to take the right steps with your doctor or other health care professional to ensure the process will be a smooth one.

If you do have fears about Crohn's Disease pregnancy, go to your local CD and Ulcerative Colitis support group. They will be able to give you information about pregnancy. Ask them if they could put you in contact with some women who have already been through the pregnancy process. This could help to settle any fears and put your mind at ease about the whole pregnancy process.

Chron's Disease

Crohn's disease is often confused with other inflammatory bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, thus making it difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction throughout the entire thickness of the colon and bowel wall. This inflammation can penetrate deeply into the affected organ, causing pain and diarrhea.

Symptoms associated with Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding (which may lead to anemia), weight loss, malabsorption syndrome and nutritional deficiencies. The onset of Crohn's disease is typically between the ages of fourteen and thirty. Cases of this disorder tend to be 2-4 times more common in Caucasian whites than non-Caucasian, and 4 times more common in Jews than non-Jews.

Crohn's disease is typically experienced as flair-up, with attacks occurring every few months to every few years. Over time, if the disease is active, bowel function can gradually deteriorate, with the risk of cancer increasing by 20 fold.

Scientists believe that chronic imbalances in the intestinal flora set off a chain of events that, in the end, damages the intestinal mucosa. This theory is strongly supported by the parallel in the number of cases of Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disorders and use of antibiotics over the last 50 years. In turn, it has also been found that the incidence of Crohn's disease is higher in cultures consuming a "western diet", while it is virtually non-existent in cultures consuming a more primitive diet. Studies also reveal that patients with Crohn's disease were found to be individuals who habitually ate, prior to the onset of symptoms, more refined sugar, less raw fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber when compared to their healthy counterparts.

While the exact causes of Crohn's disease is still unclear, there is much that can be done to lessen symptoms and even put this disorder into remission. The goal for treatment of this disorder is to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies and relieve symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.

Recommendations for Wellness

1) An elimination diet, such as Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet have been shown to reduce the symptoms experienced within 3 - 12 weeks.

2) Avoid sugar, both white sugars, and the sugars contained in white flower, white rice etc.

3) Keep a food/flair-up journal. Identify foods you are eating, or your emotional state just before and during a "flair-up". In time, you may find a pattern forming

4) To reduce intestinal inflammation and begin the healing process, try products such as UltraInflamx - by Metagenics, Robert's formula - by Phytophamric, or aloe vera juice.

5) Flax seed or fish oils (Omega 3 Oils) have been known to greatly reduce the inflammatory process. If you find you have a hard time digesting them, try freezing the gel caps before taking them.

6) Extra vitamins and minerals are important at this time, especially if you are not absorbing nutrients correctly. Incorporate a liquid meal replacement (one that is loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein, and low on sugar!) into your diet as well as taking a high quality vitamin and minerals supplement. Try to find one that is in a gel casing or capsule.

7) Find a good mineral supplement such as Alfalfa, barley greens, liquid chlorophyll or colloidal minerals. Many of these come in a powdered form that you can mix with water or juice.

8) Because of blood loss due to rectal bleeding, and the anemia associated with it, incorporation of additional iron is important. Look to find an herbal iron alternative, especially one that comes in liquid form for better/easier assimilation. If you decide to look to a single herb, Yellow Dock would be my choice. (Consult with your health care provider before introducing additional iron into your diet.)

9) Starting a program of re-inoculating the intestinal tract with Friendly Bacteria, namely lactoacidopholis can enhance recovery and restore bowel function to normal.

© Copyright 2001 Body, Mind & SoulHealer, All Rights Reserved.

Crohn's Disease Treatment Options Disappointing to Some

According to studies and surveys performed by the National Institutes of Health, many patients are unhappy with conventional Crohns disease treatment and more than half seek alternatives. Crohns disease symptoms are difficult to live with and affect the quality of a person's life, so it is understandable that those who suffer from the condition would seek alternatives, when traditional therapies are ineffective or cause unwanted side effects.

Crohns disease treatment depends primarily on the severity of symptoms. Crohns disease symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. The primary Crohns disease symptoms may lead to complications including abscesses, ulceration of the deepest layers of the lining of the digestive tract or abnormal openings, called fistulas, in the intestine. There may be intestinal bleeding and that combined with recurrent diarrhea are Crohns disease symptoms that may lead to vitamin deficiencies, malnourishment and anemia.

Initially Crohns disease treatment may include an anti-diarrhea medication such as Imodium A-D, an over the counter product that is designed to stop diarrhea and reduce abdominal pain. When Crohns disease symptoms are moderate to mild, aminosalicylates or corticosteroids may be prescribed. If neither of these is effective or if stopping corticosteroids causes symptoms to return then Crohns disease treatment may include prescription medications that suppress the immune system.

The theory behind Crohns disease treatment plans to suppress the immune system stems from the fact that inflammation is present. Crohns and ulcerative colitis are known as inflammatory bowel diseases and the belief is that the immune system overreacts to bacteria that normally lives in the bowel and attacks it in the way that it would normally attack invading bacteria or infection. It is believed that Crohns disease symptoms may be caused by this dysfunction of the immune system, since inflammation is present, but not infection.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, are not normally included in Crohns disease treatment, because they have been linked in clinical studies to flare-ups and worsening of Crohns disease symptoms. Thus corticosteroids are the most common choice of Crohns disease treatment to control inflammation. Corticosteroids are not safe for long term Crohns disease treatment or for the treatment of any disease, because they have serious side effects including high blood pressure, osteoporosis and increased risk of infection. When used for extended periods of time, some people become steroid dependent, even though they become ineffective after long term use and Crohns disease symptoms return.

When a Crohns disease treatment plan includes medications to suppress the immune system and control inflammation in that way, there is a greater risk of infection. Obviously if the immune system is suppressed, it cannot fight infection effectively. In addition, there is a greater risk of cancer, because the immune system normally attacks and destroys abnormal cells that if left unchecked may eventually become cancer cells.

Aminosalicylates relieve Crohns disease symptoms in some cases, but cannot be used by certain people and may reduce white blood cell counts; once again, lowering a person's resistance to other infections and diseases by impairing the immune system. Prescription medications for Crohns disease treatment are obviously lacking, both in effectiveness and safety. Scientists continue to research new drugs for Crohns disease treatment.

When Crohns disease symptoms are severe, surgery may be recommended to remove the affected portions of the bowel. This choice for Crohns disease treatment is extreme and is understandably avoided by most patients. However, those who have had surgery no longer suffer from Crohns disease symptoms. There are numerous support groups both for people who are considering surgery for Crohns disease treatment and for those who have had surgery, since certain adjustments and lifestyle changes may be necessary at least initially. Most people who have had surgery for Crohns disease treatment report that they are able to lead normal lives and that the relief of Crohns disease symptoms has improved their quality of life.

A recent study (August, 2006) found that 52% of the time, Crohns disease treatment was inappropriate. This was a group of gastroenterologists, surgeons and general practitioners evaluating the prescribed Crohns disease treatment plans of their colleagues. For those who suffer from Crohns disease symptoms, this may be discouraging news. Many people choose self-treatment with aloe, slippery elm or other botanicals. While the effectiveness of these natural products has not been proven, there is evidence of traditional use as digestive aids, which suggests that they may be effective for Crohns disease treatment and the relief of Crohns disease symptoms.

Aloe, in particular, has been scientifically proven to be a natural anti-inflammatory. Many researchers, doctors and scientists believe that natural anti-inflammatories may be gentler to the body, safer overall and more effective, because they target several inflammatory responses; synthetic anti-inflammatories may target only one molecule. Natural anti-inflammatories do not hamper the immune system, as do prescription anti-inflammatories for Crohns disease treatment.

Relieving inflammation can relieve Crohns disease symptoms. While decisions about Crohns disease treatment are a personal choice, those who suffer from the disease should advise their doctor about natural products they are using, particularly when using prescription medications at the same time. Botanicals and herbals have been known to interact with prescription medications typically used in Crohns disease treatment. For more information about natural products that may be useful for the relief of Crohns disease symptoms, visit

Friday, May 10, 2013

How to Cope With Tiredness and Fatigue

If you often lack the energy and motivation to accomplish your daytime activities, you need to discover how to cope with tiredness and fatigue. It is important to know how to deal with this kind of problem because lack of energy and feeling tired all the time could be a very dangerous and disabling condition.

Common symptoms of fatigue are poor concentration, drowsiness, lack of energy and motivation to accomplish daily tasks, depression and daytime sleepiness.  These symptoms can be very dangerous and can interfere with your school, work and daily activities. You need alertness and concentration in almost everything like driving, accomplishing tasks at work and school. It is necessary to find a way to get rid of these debilitating and dangerous symptoms.

Here are some tips on how to cope with tiredness and fatigue:

Consult your doctor. It is best to consult your doctor. Your symptoms could be a sign of other health issues. It is better to rule out possible causes other than chronic fatigue.  Your doctor may recommend medications and other coping techniques after proper diagnosis and testing.

Good sleeping routine.  Getting enough rest and sleep is important to be functional and alert on the following day.  Have a regular sleeping pattern, go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. If you find it hard to fall asleep, rituals like reading, listening to soft calming music and a warm bath will help you to get sleepy. It is important to have at least 8 hours of sleep everyday to cope with tiredness and fatigue.

Good eating and drinking habit. Get the nutrients you need from your diet and avoid too much junk foods. Modify your diet and start eating a nutritious well balanced diet. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and cut down on saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Drinking 8 glasses of water is also recommended.  Nutrients deficiency, artificial ingredients of junk foods and dehydration can cause fatigue and tiredness.

Things to Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the commonest functional disorder of the gut. It affects up to 15% of the adult population at anyone time; however IBS is intermittent and it is likely that many more people experience it at some time in their lives. Affecting women about twice as often as men, IBS occurs at all ages, but most sufferers identified in population surveys have not consulted a doctor about it.

Presentation and diagnosis
The cluster of symptoms of IBS arise from a dysfunctional intestine no single symptom is unique to it and the entire cluster can occur in colitis, but differentiation from organic disease is usually easy. Abdominal pain may be mild and infrequent or severe enough to cause sweating and faintness and can occur in several places - anywhere between the nipples and the groins (front or back). Its features - relief on defecation (occasionally worsening) and a change in bowel habit at times when pain is experienced - often indicate that it originates in the colon. Usually stools become looser and/or more frequent but the reverse can occur, and the two bowel patterns may alternate.

Questions should concern the form or appearance of the stools as well as frequency of defecation, to avoid misdiagnosing constipation and diarrhea. Some patients have true constipation and/or diarrhea, perhaps alternating. The key questions are whether the stool is lumpy (pellety), implying slow intestinal transit, or liquid/runny, implying fast transit. A change to looser and more frequent stools may be missed if previous bowel habit is not inquired about because sometimes the change is welcomed as a spontaneous relief of constipation.

Some IBS patients have pseudo-constipation where the stools are normal in form but, after evacuation, the patient feels as if stool is still inside the rectum and continues to strain; this symptom is sometimes called rectal dissatisfaction. There may also be unproductive calls to stool or a constant awareness of the rectum, and the patient thinks he or she is constipated. Many patients have pseudo-diarrhea; their stools are not liquid but the calls to stool are frequent and urgent. In both pseudo constipation and pseudo-diarrhea, less common in men than in women, the symptoms result from an irritable rectum.

Abdominal bloating or distension (often varying within minutes) is very common, worsening as the day goes on and making the sufferer loosen or change their clothing. Some patients report passage of mucus with the stool.

The most consistent physiological abnormality is one of visceral sensation. All parts of the gut are abnormally sensitive to distension, which may translate into increased motor activity. Undue awareness of normal gut events may be due to upregulation of sensory receptors in the bowel wall, to augmented transmission of ascending sensory signals to the cerebral cortex, or to hypervigilance for visceral sensations.

Colon Infection Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The term "colon infection" can be used in various ways to include a number of different colon disorders and conditions.

When used by doctors, however, it usually refers to a disorder caused by the Clostridium difficile bacteria - more commonly known as C. difficile or simply C diff.

Most C. diff colon infections are experienced by older adults who are in a hospital or living in a nursing home or other long term care facility. The reason they get these infections is the fact that they're taking antibiotics to cope with some other health problem.

The problem occurs because antibiotics not only kill bacteria that cause sickness - they also kill bacteria in our intestines which help us digest our food properly. Without enough of this beneficial bacteria, C. diff takes over and grows rapidly. Once C. diff gets established, it causes an infection by producing a toxic substance that attacks the lining of the cells and intestines. The resulting inflammation causes abdominal pain and discomfort.

If your colon infection is fairly mild, it will probably go away when you stop taking the antibiotic. However, in cases in which the colon infection is more severe, an entirely different type of antibiotic may be needed to kill C. diff.

There are several kinds of antibiotics that seem to produce more colon infections from Clostridium difficile than others. These include fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, penicillin and clindamycin.

C difficile bacteria is common in nature. It can be found in abundance in dirt and water, and also on plants. This bacteria, which is also found in the feces of humans and animals, tends to spread quickly in places where sanitation is poor. It floats easily in the air and can settle on surfaces where it can be transmitted to hands.

Avoiding C. diff bacteria can be done the same way you protect yourself from germs of all kinds: keep surfaces at home clean and wash your hands a lot. C diff produces spores that spread readily and can live on surfaces for months. Touching a surface where these germs have landed, and then touching your lips or mouth, could give them entrance to your digestive tract. This could start a chain of events that ends with a colon infection.

The fact that you have C. diff germs in your digestive tract doesn't always mean your going to get sick. But individuals who have C.. diff can certainly spread them to other people who will then develop a colon infection in turn.

In the last few decades, an increasing number of colon infections caused by C. difficile have been reported. A new form of Clostridium difficile bacterium has mutated which is even more aggressive. This type resists medications that were effective before, resulting in several serious outbreaks in the last ten years or so.

Symptoms of a colon infection can take a long time to appear after C. diff germs get into your system. It can be months. When colon infection symptoms do appear, they may include those detailed below.

* Mild abdomen pain and tenderness, or stomach cramps.
* Very watery bowel movements and diarrhea that lasts at least two days.
* A type of severe colon inflammation known as colitis.
* The most disconcerting symptom may be raw tissue, blood, and pus that you'll notice in bowel movements..
* Fever and nausea.
* Loss of appetite followed by loss of weight..
* Signs of dehydration

It's time to call a doctor if you have these symptoms for 2-3 days or more.

Once it's been established that your colon infection has been caused by Clostridium difficile, your doctor will probably tell you to discontinue the antibiotic you've been taking. Even though your colon infection symptoms will probably improve, there are other treatment steps that may still be required.

The good news is this. There are other antibiotics you can take that will kill Clostridium difficile without destroying the helpful bacteria in your system. The most frequently prescribed among these are known as metronidazole and vancomycin. Side effects like nausea are possible with both, and they may also leave a bitter taste. It's especially important not to drink alcoholic beverages when taking metronidazole.

There are a number of probiotics which be beneficial in restoring your intestinal tract Saccharomyces boulardii, a variety of yeast, has been effective for some patients when combined with medications.

Surgery is not usually performed, but may be done in severe cases.

Not all the treatments for a colon infection recommended above will work every time. When a colon infection returns, it's usually because the Clostridium difficile bacteria was not completely removed in the initial treatment. It can also come back because the individual has been exposed to a different strain.

Slippery Elm - Your Pet's Best Holistic Friend

Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva) is an exception to the fears and cautions surrounding the use of herbs in animals. It is very safe and non-toxic. The part of the tree used is the inner bark, which is soft and stringy. Simplest to use is the powdered form, which can be purchased in bulk, or pre-packed in capsules, at most health food stores. It is readily available over the Internet from herb suppliers.

Herbalists attribute many wonderful healing properties to Slippery Elm: demulcent (soothing, mucilage-forming), emollient (soothing and protective for skin), nutritive (providing specific food nutrients), tonic (promoting healthy function of one or more body systems), and astringent (constricting, binding or drying effect). It can be used both internally and externally. Slippery Elm is one of the herbs used in the original formulation of "Essiac," an herbal brew widely promoted as a cancer-fighter.

In the gastro-intestinal tract, Slippery Elm acts directly. It can be thought of as a sort of natural  "Pepto-Bismol." (Pepto-Bismol itself should not be used because it contains salicylate, a.k.a. aspirin). Its mucilage content coats, soothes, and lubricates the mucus membranes lining the digestive tract. Slippery Elm is an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel problems. It is high in fiber, and so helps normalize intestinal action; it can be used to relieve both diarrhea and constipation. It may also help alleviate nausea and vomiting in pets suffering from non-GI illnesses, such as kidney disease. A syrup made from Slippery Elm Bark can be used to help heal mouth ulcers from all causes (see recipe below).

Slippery Elm is said to relieve inflammation of virtually any mucus membrane, and has been used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the lungs (bronchitis, asthma), kidneys, bladder (cystitis, FLUTD symptoms), throat (tonsillitis), and joints (arthritis).

Slippery Elm contains many nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene,  calcium, and several trace minerals) that can be beneficial for recuperating pets, and it may stay down when other foods are not tolerated. It is known as a "survival" food; George Washington and his troops survived for days during the bitter winter at Valley Forge eating nothing but gruel made from Slippery Elm bark. However, Slippery Elm may interfere with the absorption of certain minerals and pharmaceuticals, so is best given separately from any concurrent drug therapy.

In the case of cystitis (bladder inflammation), Slippery Elm is thought to soothe the bladder lining. However, it is somewhat high in magnesium, so may be contraindicated in dogs who have an active infection with an elevated urinary pH, where struvite crystal formation may be a risk. (In cats, urinary tract infections are very rarely bacterial.) Slippery Elm bark contains natural pentosans, a class of complex sugars that contains the same compound found in the drug "Elmiron®,"the major pain-relieving treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC) in women. Pentosan has been used by the pharmaceutical industry as an anti-coagulant and anti-inflammatory for more than 40 years. (Anti-coagulant effects are not seen with normal oral administration.) Since bladder disease in cats is very similar to that in women, slippery elm may be especially beneficial for our feline friends. Small, frequent dosages of pentosan has been shown in humans to be more effective than single large doses.

Externally, a soothing paste of Slippery Elm powder (mix the powder with a little cold water) can be used as a poultice for hot spots, insect burns, rashes, scratches, ulcerated areas, or other shallow wounds. Native Americans used Slippery Elm bark to stop bleeding. It forms a natural "bandage" that can be left in place for several hours, if you can convince your dog to leave it alone! Moisten with water to remove it.

To give internally, mix about 1/4 teaspoon of Slippery Elm bark powder with cold water for every 10 pounds of body weight. For very small dogs, it is fine to use the same 1/4 teaspoon dose. The bulk powder may be very fluffy, so pack it down as much as possible to measure it. Alternatively, use 1/2 capsule (per 10 pounds), opened and the contents mixed with water. Slippery Elm powder will absorb many times its own weight in water, so be sure to add enough to make a moderately thick gruel. This gruel can be given before meals by syringe or eyedropper, or added to baby food, canned food, or a homemade diet. It has a slightly sweet taste and is usually well-tolerated by cats and dogs when mixed with food. Give a dose 5 minutes before meals for sore throat, and before or with meals for digestive tract problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, until symptoms resolve.

Slippery Elm bark is inexpensive and easy to use; it would be a great addition to your holistic medicine chest!

Ten Tips - Holiday Stress and IBS

The last two months of the year are filled with holidays: Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa. And what do they all have in common? Family, festivities, food and, hopefully, fun. Of course, with all the planning and shopping and wrapping and traveling and partying and...umm...eating, people sometimes do experience a wee bit of stress.

Now, for IBS sufferers, the stress is more than "a bit". The additional stress and demands of the holidays often aggravate the unpleasant and unpredictable symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (a.k.a. IBS, colitis or spastic colon). The delicious goodies, big family dinners and changes in daily routines don't help the situation either. Sometimes the challenge of managing this painful and chronic condition during the holidays is so stressful that it discourages IBS sufferers from participating in the festivities and family gatherings. It can be an isolating and frustrating time.

It is estimated that 2 out of every 10 people (about 50 million) in the U.S. suffer from IBS. Many people have the condition but remain undiagnosed and untreated. Those who are unfamiliar with IBS may not appreciate the seriousness of the condition. An IBS attack can result in a variety of symptoms that include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, hemorrhoids and alternating diarrhea and constipation. These are not things you want to bring to the holiday party! They are painful, embarrassing and terribly inconvenient, even debilitating at times.

So, what can people with IBS, a chronic and unpredictable illness, do to deal with their condition and not miss out on all the holiday cheer? While there is no "cure" for IBS, there are ways to boost your ability to prevent or decrease the severity of an attack. The following ten tips are suggested for managing IBS during the holidays.

1. Talk to your doctor. If you are already under a doctor's care for IBS and taking medications, ask your doctor if there are additional steps that you can take during the holiday season to treat your symptoms. If you have not been diagnosed by a physician but you are experiencing the symptoms listed above, then maybe it is time to seek help.

2. Know your body. IBS is different from many other illnesses in that it occurs uniquely in each person. Everyone has their own combination of symptoms and "triggers", and what works to alleviate symptoms for one person may not work for the next. Self-study is the key to managing this condition. Research is helpful - there are many books and websites on the subject. There is also one good workbook that leads people step-by-step through this process of self-analysis. It is the "Yes, You CAN Manage IBS" workbook by Cindy Baker, a licensed professional counselor. She shares her story and offers her workbook online at This workbook is highly recommended in discovering what is necessary to manage your own IBS symptoms.

3. Plan and prepare. The stress of the holidays can be reduced through planning ahead. A schedule of activities can help to minimize the mental and physical stress of last-minute tasks and unfinished details. It can also ensure that important elements like sleep, exercise and using medications and supplements are not ignored. Don't procrastinate - do as much as you can as early as you can to limit the hustle and bustle. Preparation and organization can take the hectic out of the holidays.

4. Address the stress. This is such an important element for IBS sufferers. Stress has a significant impact on this condition and is a common trigger for attacks. All the other tips listed here relate to this one, because managing your stress is also managing your IBS. There is no one answer that works for everyone. Find what works for you by knowing your body, attending to your needs and using all the tools at your disposal. Rest, relaxation and a controlled diet are all important elements, but there are a few more things that you could try to reduce stress. They include: walking, meditation, yoga, massage, controlled breathing techniques, positive affirmations and counseling. They are most effective if done on a consistent basis. Find what works for you.

5. Lean on the routine. Change, no matter how small, is often difficult. People with IBS seem to be impacted more than most by change. Maintaining a routine related to personal needs, work and social life can be essential in managing any medical condition, IBS included. Do what you can by planning ahead for additional demands (see tip 3) and by explaining to friends and family the importance of your routine. This is particularly relevant in regards to traveling, which can be challenging for IBS sufferers. Travel may be unavoidable during the holidays. If it is, give yourself extra time and consideration.

6. Express yourself. Many people have a hard time talking about their condition; IBS symptoms can be embarrassing to discuss. But, it is better to express to loved ones the seriousness of the condition and ask for their indulgence and consideration than to withdraw from them or make too many compromises and encourage a severe attack. You don't have to hide or suffer in silence. Explain your needs and limitations. Usually, people will understand - especially people that love you and want you to be well.

7. Be a player - not the whole team. It is easy to take on too much during this time. Put aside your pride, if necessary, and let others know that you need their help. People may surprise you with their willingness to pitch in and do what is required. They may not take the initiative on their own, but they will take on tasks when they are asked and directed. If people are unwilling to help, then don't compromise your health by insisting on completing everything yourself. Remember, you are more important than any gift or trip to the post office or holiday party. Rather than hurt yourself by overdoing it, just say "no", take it slow and let go.

8. Be comfortable, rather than cosmetic. Being physically comfortable by wearing loose-fitting clothing, claiming the best spot on the sofa, and avoiding irritants in the environment (smoke, odors, noises, etc.) is as important as getting enough rest and eating right in managing your IBS. A tight waistband on a bloated belly or enduring odors that make you nauseous is not going to help you. It may sound silly, but it makes a difference. Be comfortable, even if it's not fashionable. That's the only way to really enjoy yourself.

9. Keep laughing. Along with the sweet potatoes and glittery packages and musical snow globes, don't forget to bring your sense of humor to the party. It is supposed to be fun, celebrating the holidays. So, have fun! Everything doesn't have to be perfect - you don't have to be perfect - in order to enjoy yourself. I know: IBS is no joke. But you can keep laughing anyway. Laughter truly IS the best medicine. Take a healthy dose every day.

10. Love yourself. During the holidays, after the holidays, everyday, love yourself. No matter what you can do or can't do, no matter what your condition or situation or limitations; love yourself. Then, let that love spill over to the rest of us. Love is amazing. The more you give away, the more you have. You can never exhaust your supply. You may hate your IBS, understandable, but love yourself. It will give you the strength and courage to face anything...even the mall.

Battling Chronic Pelvic Pain Disorders With Acupuncture

Frequently, the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic disorders is conducted in error because of difficulty to diagnose the actual condition responsible for the pain. In these cases, the patient is denied an effective rational treatment aimed at the underlying disease.

Sometimes, undiagnosed proctitis is the cause of the pelvic pain. Term proctitis generally means inflammation of the lining of the rectum, called the rectal mucosa. Proctitis can be short term (acute) or long term (chronic) and may have many causes. It may occur as a side effect of certain medical treatments like a course of antibiotics. Inflammation of the rectal mucosa may be related to ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids, yeast infections, herpes, conditions that cause inflammation in the colon or small intestine. Other causes include rectal injury, bacterial infection, allergies, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

Some of the symptoms often correlate with chronic pelvic pain disorders, specifically anal and/or rectal pain, itching, left-sided abdominal pain, bloating, gas, indigestion, heaviness and discomfort after meals, constipation. It is easily explained because urinary bladder, prostate, rectum and colon share sympathetic, sacral parasympathetic nervous system and mucosal epithelium permeability.

In many cases that I have been involved in, occurrence of these symptoms is connected with particular occupation of the patient. My office is located in Northwest suburbs of Chicago, major transportation hub and I have seen significant above average numbers among Chicago area truck drivers, limo and taxi drivers that pursue my services. Based on these cases that is available in my practice, I've come to a subjective but logical conclusion that one of the possible overlooked causes of this problem is rectal traumatic injury caused by extended hours of prolonged seating in the same positions in addition to constant vibration and frequent bumps of the pot holes. These small but frequent and repeated traumas can cause neurological abnormalities and inflammation and/or irritation which lead to pelvic floor dysfunction and may be one of the underlying causes of these conditions: chronic abacterial prostatitis, prostatodynia, painful bladder syndrome, interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. All of the above have similar, overlapping urinary symptoms of the following: frequency, urgency, and pain.

All these pelvic conditions are considered to be non-manageable and incurable by conventional medicine. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical treatment and surgical procedures have proven to be insufficient and costly. In United States alone 10 to 15 million men and women suffer from these debilitating conditions. Luckily, there is hope to those people that are diagnosed with Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and IC and Chronic Prostatitis. It is acupuncture, which have been around for thousand of years delivering great results without side effects and has been proven as effective treatment for chronic inflammation.

Specific acupuncture protocol will deliver great results. The use of multi-level approach and focus on addressing underlying cause of the problems, not just the symptoms, guarantees success.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What Is Ischemic Colitis?

Ischemic colitis is a colon condition that occurs when a section of the colon is not getting the blood supply it needs. As a result, it grows larger than it should and becomes inflamed. It is called ischemic colitis because the word ischemia is a medical term that's used when there's a blockage in a blood vessel. The word ischemia is also used to describe coronary arteries when blood flow around the heart is obstructed by plaque. This, of course, is the main reason for a heart attack.

Ischemic colitis generally occurs on the left side of the colon, but blockages may occur anywhere. Happily, it is often mild and goes away in a few days, whether it is treated or not. Chronic cases are possible, however. Sometimes the condition becomes so severe that permanent damage to the colon can result.

Ischemic colitis happens for several reasons. Colon cancer is the most serious of these. Atherosclerosis is another. Atherosclerosis is a build up of fatty deposits on blood vessel walls. Blood therefore has less room to flow to organs and tissues, which can lead to cell death and tissue destruction. Atherosclerosis is often the cause of chronic ischemic colitis. Blood clots account for some cases too.

Ischemic colitis can take place in conjunction with several other disorders, including hernia and diabetes. Certain medications can also trigger the condition, but this is rare. When it does happen, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), estrogen replacement medications, and migraine relievers are generally the cause. Anti-psychotic medications and blood pressure medications are other possibilities.

Abdominal surgery sometimes results in temporary ischemic colitis, as do infections involving certain kinds of bacteria.

The most frequent - and obvious - symptom is abdominal pain that can appear either gradually or suddenly. Pain in the upper abdomen after a meal could be a symptom of gallbladder problems, but it could also be ischemic colitis. Abdominal discomfort is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and a slight fever. Some symptoms are downright unpleasant and can certainly be disconcerting or even frightening. These symptoms include diarrhea and a frequent, powerful urge to move your bowels. Blood often appears in the stool, and individuals with this disorder may even pass blood without stools.

As mentioned above, pain and discomfort usually occur on the left side of the colon. If you start feeling discomfort on the right side, it could mean there's a blockage in blood flow to the intestines. Such blockages can be serious and should not be taken lightly due to the possibility of tissue death. This can cause a medical emergency that requires surgery, making it important to get to a doctor right away.

Gluten Free Diet Should Be Considered For Everyone With Neurological And Psychiatric Symptoms

Brain dysfunction may be the only or the main sign of gluten related disease. Dr. Mario Hadjivassiliou recently reported at the International Celiac Symposium that his neurology clinic has followed over 300 patients with gluten sensitivity presenting with various symptoms. In his clinic the most common gluten related neurological disorder is ataxia, a condition of impaired balance, present in almost half. However peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, headaches, and seizures are also neurological manifestations of gluten related brain disorders.

Gluten ataxia, the most common cause of previously unexplained ataxia, is associated with gut disease in only about a third. Usually there is an absence of the specific antibodies in the blood diagnostic for celiac disease but elevated gliadin antibodies. Brain tissue examined after brain biopsies or an autopsy has been found to contain deposits of gliadin and/or tissue transglutaminase in the absence of antibodies in the blood.

About 60% of patients with gluten ataxia have shrinkage of the cerebellum portion of their brain. They also may have irreversible loss of brain Purkinje cells. MRI scans of the brain often reveal bright white spots in this area rather than the area where this occurs in multiple sclerosis, a condition that may be mimicked by gluten injury.

Gluten causes 34% of all unexplained sporadic axonal neuropathies. Gluten sensitive enteropathy is 10 times more common in these people. I recently treated a woman who had years of a known diagnosis of such a neuropathy though she had never been tested for celiac disease. She came to me after I diagnosed her daughter's celiac disease. Though she does not meet strict criteria for celiac disease she has the major gene for celiac and has elevated gliadin antibodies in her stool and blood. Increased intraepithelial lymphocytes were seen on duodenal biopsy but not sufficient to confirm celiac disease. Yet she is improved on a gluten free diet. Dr. Hadjivassiliou has confirmed to me personally by e-mail that these neuropathies will get worse with continued gluten ingestion but most improve with gluten free diet though it may take several years to do so. Long standing symptoms may never completely reverse.

This makes it very important not to delay considering gluten as a cause of neurological symptoms nor delay diagnostic testing or institution of a gluten free diet. In my opinion a gluten free diet trial should be offered or considered for all neurological and psychiatric symptoms. However, I encourage anyone considering such a diet to first undergo adequate testing for celiac disease first because once a gluten free diet is initiated the tests may be falsely negative within 2-3 weeks of the diet. Even if the tests are negative for celiac disease before restricting gluten then a trial of gluten free diet is suggested. Regarding gluten and the brain Dr. Hadjivassiliou was quoted as saying "there is a historical misconception that gluten sensitivity is solely a disease of the recognize the neurological impact, you have to appreciate it is a systemic disorder." This is my personal and professional experience as a gastroenterologist who is Food Allergies Specialist - the Food Doc and celiac disease expert who is regularly corresponding with people from all over the world as the Food Doc.

Natural Cures For Diarrhea, Types, Causes and Home Remedies

Diarrhea is a condition in which a person experiences a frequent watery stool against the normal stool or you can say that a person undergoes a loose stool frequently. Diarrhea itself is a disease under different condition or it is being related with the various digestive problems and it is one of their symptoms.

When it lasts for 2-3 days, then it is not considered to be in a serious condition but if it lasts for more than 2 weeks and also it is painful then in that case you must consult to a physician.

Symptoms of Diarrhea: Few main symptoms of diarrhea are fever, sometimes stool with blood, nausea, loose or watery stools and sometimes diarrhea is also associated with abdominal pain.

Types of diarrhea: Basically there are two types of diarrhea.

1. Acute diarrhea: This type of diarrhea doesn't require any intensive medication. It lasts for less than 3-4 weeks and it is cured normally.

2. Chronic diarrhea: Usually this type of diarrhea is caused due to some infection and it continues for more than month and even it can continue up to a year. Few main causes of chronic diarrhea are bowel cancer, alcohol consumption for long time, poor digestion of food etc.

Causes of Diarrhea

1. Due to the after affect of some medicines

2. Use of laxatives like magnesium, cascara etc. and the other chemicals in day to day life

3. Excess intake of alcohol

4. Bacterial and viral infection

5. Reaction against the intake of some food

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Diarrhea

1. Water is very essential for our body so make a habit to drink plenty of water and fluids. You can go for drink like carrot juice as this drink improves the consistency of stool. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

2. Prefer to eat the preparation made of rice and light food without oil and spices.

3. For mild diarrhea you can also take blackberry tea.

4. Increase the intake of yoghurt but totally avoid milk as well as dairy product.

5. You can take ginger capsules to reduce this problem and even the ginger tea can stop the cramps and pain.

6. For many digestive ailments charcoal is excellent.

7. Increase the intake of soluble fiber which is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

8. Take a glass of water and squeeze two lemons in it and add half tea spoon of baking powder and drink it as soon as it foams.

The Truth About Culturelle Probiotics

My Story

I bought Culturelle some years ago at the recommendation of a friend, who was giving this to her autistic son to treat his leaky gut syndrome. Costing approximately SGD40 for a 30 day supply, this product did not come cheap. But I decided to give it a try anyway, hoping that it would ease the digestive troubles I was experiencing at that time. To cut the long story short, I did find relief from my indigestion three days after taking Culturelle , but did not understand or appreciate why or what makes it so effective then.

Recently I became highly interested in the topic of probiotics and started doing research on Culturelle for some time. My relentless pursuit in the jungle of information that is the internet finally revealed some fascinating facts about this product.

What Places Culturelle Apart From Other Probiotics Supplement?

Culturelle is a probiotics supplement that contains the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (strain ATCC 53103), a bacterium that occurs naturally in the human digestive tract. This bacteria strain was discovered in 1985 by two Boston based scientists, Professors Sherwood Gorbach and Barry Goldin, who were looking for a strain that could satisfy the following stringent criteria:- 

1) The bacteria should be of human origin; 2) It must be capable of attaching to human intestinal lining 3) It must be capable of colonizing the gut to prevent competition from invading pathogens; 4) It can withstand stomach and bile acid in order to survive the journey from the stomach to the intestines; and 5) The strain should have health-promoting benefits in the human body 6) It needs to be safe for human consumption. LGG satisfies all of these criteria and is the best-studied and most extensively documented probiotic lactic-acid bacteria strain in the world. At present, Lactobacillus GG has the most extensive safety assessment record of any other probiotic strain. Few other strains in the Lactobacillus rhamnosus species have received this kind of scientific attention.

Pretty amazing, I would say. But I wasn't satisfied yet. Not until I see some real scientific data behind these claims. Below is what I uncovered....

LGG proves effective for acute and traveler's diarrhea

 o LGG is an effective form of treatment for diarrhea caused by the clostridium difficile bacteria. (a) This type of bacteria is also responsible for more serious intestinal disorders like colitis. In one study of 32 patients carried out in 1996 in Boston and Baltimore the LGG treatment success rate is a significant 94%.

o LGG also significantly reduced the duration of diarrhea in another study particularly in rotavirus-caused diarrhea.(b) Professor Gary Huffnagle, renowned author of "The Probiotics Revolution" also cited a study carried out at European medical centers on 287 children (ages 1 month to 3 years) that "the duration of the diarrhea was reduced by an impressive 13 hours.."(refer to page 128 of "The Probiotics Revolution")

 o The incidence of traveler's diarrhea is lower in people who consumes Lactobacillus GG .(c)

 LGG moderates milk-sensitivity

o LGG prevents inflammation in individuals sensitive to cow's milk.

o In a double-blind, crossover study, it was found that LGG eliminated inflammatory response in the milk-sensitive subjects to a significant degree. In non-sensitive subjects, LGG stimulated their immune system.(d)   LGG decreases the incidence of atopic eczema

o Lactobacillus GG has been clinically shown to prevent occurrence of atopic eczema in children.

o In a 6 months trial of 159 infants who are at risk of developing atopic eczema, it was found that infants administered LGG were only half as likely to develop the skin disorder compared to the placebo group during the first 2 years of life.(e)   o The protective effect of LGG continued to for at least 4 years.(f)

Other Proven Therapeutic Effects of Lactobacillus GG

o Reduce H.pylori antibiotics side effects. LGG significantly reduced sided effects such as bloating, diarrhea and metallic taste in the mouth while on triple therapy, the standard treatment for H. pyloric infections.(g)

o Anti-Tumor Effects.Lactobacillus GG was observed to slow down the development of colon tumors in rats on a high-fat diet.(h)

o Prevents relapse in ulcerative colitis patients.(i)

What Else Do I Like About This Product? A check at Culturelle's website shows that they guarantee 10 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of Lactobacillus GG at the time of use-the scientifically researched amount proven for beneficial clinical response. Most manufacturers only list the number of viable bacteria cells at the time of manufacture.

Another point worth mentioning here is that each capsule in Culturelle "is individually double-foil protected and nitrogen flushed to assure maximum potency and stability, as well as to act as an effective barrier against light, moisture, heat, and air."This makes it very convenient for travelling as well as people who have limited space in their refrigerator.

Culturelle is proven safe for infants and children and pregnant women. It has no known adverse interactions with medications.

What To Watch Out For....

Milk-sensitive people be aware

Although the scientific data I presented above claims that LGG is safe for milk-sensitive individuals, I personally feel there may still be potential for allergies since Culturelle contains trace level of casein and whey which are milk protein. A search on some review sites shows that a very small minority of users experience digestive disturbances and colon irritation when taking Culturelle. Well, I suppose nothing works perfectly well for everyone, since every human being has a unique makeup in their biochemistry.

You might to consider other brands like UAS Lab's Probioplus and Natren's Healthy Trinity which are good non-dairy options.

No one type of bacteria strain works for everything

Due to the huge amount of attention place on the LGG strain by the scientific community, it is easy to neglect the potential benefits other strains of bacteria may have on the human body. In the words of Professor Gary B. Huffnagle, a highly respected immunologist and microbiologist, "all members of a bacteria species share many microbiological and biochemical traits, and others might be just as beneficial as - or even superior to-the GG strain....Until all the information is in, variety is your best bet."

My Verdict

Overall, Culturelle is a good all-rounder at an affordable price, so I would give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 star rating. Despite its flaws, I would still purchase this once in a while to create a diverse probiotics colony in my gut. It would very likely be my first choice should I ever need to fight a bad bout of gastrointestinal infection.

Interesting Facts About Peptic Ulcers

The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear.There are two kinds of peptic ulcers: one is gastric and the other one is duodenal ulcer.The diameter of peptic ulcers is between 1-2cm,which seems with a mouth ulcers.

One to ten people at some point in their lives are affected by the duodenal ulcers, especially younger men.Stomach ulcers are more common. The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic.One of acute ulcers may heal without any long term consequences. On the other hand chronic ulcers are deeper and they causes symptoms leaving a scar even they heal.The stomach contains acid which helps to protect the body from infection.The stomach and duodenum has its lining covered in mucus which protects it from acid.When the stomach produces excess acid an ulcer may appear.

There are some factors which leads to the apearance of the peptic ulcer like: infection with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori; certain medicines like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac;smoking and alcohol.In many cases the majority of people have abdominal pain, below the chest bone,but there are also people without symptoms.In the case of gastric ulcer a sharp pain may occur soon after eating, and the pain caused by the duodenal ulcer is relieved by eating or by drinking milk. Other unpleasant symptoms of the peptic ulcer are belching, general discomfort in the stomach,loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, loss of weight.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. One of these methods can be realized by breath or by blood test to observe the presence of H. pylori. Another method is the one with a given substance to swallow called barium, which appears white on X-rays.The X-rays may show the presence of an ulcer.The gastroscopy is another method which uses a tube called endoscop with a fibre-optic cable; the last one being passed through the mouth and into the stomach.

If any person accuse such kind of pains should immediately consult a doctor.

Acid Reflux - Self Help Treatment

According to a research conducted in the United States, it has been proved that over sixty million american people suffer from stomach acid reflux symptoms and heartburn. Some of these symptoms include a burning sensation, pain in the stomach, behind the breast bone, bloating, nausea, gas and shortness of breath.

These symptoms occur as soon as the hydrochloric acid used to digest food backs up and began to irritate the esophagus lining.

In case, you suffer from a hiatus hernia, you may get to experience frequent heartburn. There are many other causes of heartburn and these include frequent consumption of fried foods, fatty foods or acidic foods such as citrus fruits and tomatoes.

There are many herbal remedies one can try to prevent symptoms of acid reflux. One of the most common remedy is chamomile tea. It relieves esophageal irritation. All you require to do is to pour a cup of boiling water over two to three teaspoons of fresh or dried flowers and then allow it to steep for fifteen or twenty minutes. You can easily drink three cups on a daily basis. Fennel tea is also known to be very effective remedy for acid reflux.

Another remedy is to have raw potato juice mixed with equal portions of fresh water thrice daily. Some people also get good relief via mixing a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar inside a glass of pure water. This concoction is supposed to be consumed with meal. Here, one needs to stay away from having any other beverage or alcohol.

Here are some other tips for self help treatment for acid reflux:

a) Tip 1 - Eat smaller meals

If you eat large meals, it tends to remain in the stomach for many hours and this in turn, increases the chances for gastro esophageal reflux. Hence, if you have gastro esophageal reflux, try to distribute your food intake over four to five smaller meals on a daily basis.

b) Tip 2 - Relax while eating
Stress tends to enhance the acid production inside the stomach. Hence, it is important to make meals a soothing experience. Try to sit down and relish your food via eating slowly. Make sure that you chew your food completely. If possible play soothing music.

c) Tip 3 - Relax between meals

You may try many of the relaxation therapies such as meditation, massage, deep breathing, yoga or tai chi in order to prevent as well as relieving heartburn.

d) Tip 4 - Sit upright after meals

Make sure that you maintain postures that tend to minimize the risk for reflux for at least three hours after the meal. Try not to bend over or lift heavy objects.

e) Tip 5 - Nothing within three hours of going to bed

Avoid eating bed time snacks completely.

f) Tip 6 - Loosen up
Do not tie tight belts or waist bands that tend to put excess pressure on your stomach.

g) Tip 7 - Abstain from smoking

It is very important because Nicotine tends to stimulate stomach acid and disturbs LES functions.

h) Tip 8 - Lose weight

Excess weight puts pressure on the stomach and can even push acid on your stomach.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Does My Dog Have Worms? The Tell-Tale Signs of Intestinal Worms

Intestinal Worms

If you are reading this article, perhaps you are wondering if your dog has worms. In this article, I'll outline the tell-tale signs of four kinds of intestinal worms. Intestinal worms can include: Whipworm, Hookworm, Roundworm and Tapeworm.

How can I tell if my dog has Whipworm?
Dogs can be infected by Whipworm by eating infected poop or dirt (as Whipworm eggs can live in both). Whipworms are hard to detect; however they can cause recurring diarrhea (which may be bloody), weight loss, anemia and colitis (inflammation of the large intestine). The best way to determine whether your do is infected is to examine your dog's poop - eggs may appear irregularly so frequent examination is required.

How can I tell if my dog has Roundworm?
Roundworms can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs and puppies. Dogs may also look unhealthy and have a pot belly appearance. They may also pass whole roundworms in their poop. You may be able to see these worms in your dog's poop; they are approximately two to four inches (five to twelve and a half centimetres) long, spaghetti-like and white. Roundworm is not generally life threatening, however, they can cause discomfort.

How can I tell if my dog has Hookworm?
Hookworms can cause itchy feet, a rash on the dog's feet, coughing and wheezing, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and bloody or black poop. In advanced cases, hookworms can cause anemia and death. Puppies are particularly vulnerable and can die if infected. Hookworms are difficult to detect, therefore consult your veterinarian for regular testing.

How can I tell if my dog has Tapeworm?
Symptoms of Tapeworm can include abdominal discomfort, nervousness, itching around the anus, vomiting and weight loss. The itching may result in your dog 'scooting' its bum along the ground. Segments of tapeworm can be found in your dog's poop. The segments are small, wide and flat and look like grains of uncooked rice or sesame seeds.

The Treatment of Worms
If your dog is infected or has not being given a worming preventative, consult your vet. Treatment is very important, and any treatment of worms in dogs should be repeated over time to effectively kill all live and dormant larvae and eggs. Treatment usually involves de-wormer medication. Even if you find a de-wormer that does not require a prescription, you should still use it under your vet's supervision. This is because doses can vary depending on your dog's size and the severity of the infection. Your vet will be able to tell you what dosage is right for your dog.

What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You About Seasonal Allergies

It's spring; it is green; it is rebirth - AND our phone is ringing off the hook. People are looking for relief from their coughing, itchy eyes, bronchial spasms, runny noses. They think they have a cold and then realize that they don't feel sick. They have clear mucus, not green. They have allergies and their bodies are inflamed.

People are looking for immediate relief - and who wouldn't? Well, it's time for you, your friends and the people you love to know the score - to understand how to help yourselves. It's empowering, it saves money in the long run, and it works! Read on.

What most doctors don't tell you about seasonal and environmental allergies is...

THEY CAN BE ELIMINATED -- without over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Wouldn't it be great to go through the fall and spring without sinus, throat or lung congestion? Better yet, wouldn't it be great to put aside inhalers and steroid meds because you don't need them? It is within your potential and I'll describe what to do.

Allergy Facts

Surprisingly, most allergic conditions, rhinitis, asthma, sinusitis are of relatively recent origin, probably due to the increasing burden of toxins in our food and our environment.

More facts:

  • Common allergy symptoms are coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, ears, nose throat, runny nose, difficulty breathing, bronchial spasms, eczema, dermatitis, rashes.

  • Allergies can make people feel uncomfortable and can cause pain.

  • Allergies are responsible for more visits to the doctor's office than any single disease in this country.

  • There has been 100% increase in allergic rhinitis in developed countries. Some experts label it an epidemic - sneezing, nasal itching, runny nose and congestion.

  • Studies have shown that most people with asthma also have seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis.(i)

Children and Allergies

The prevalence of allergies among children in today's world is astonishing:

  • "Allergic disease" is the 3rd most common chronic disease among children under 18 years old.(ii)

  • In 2002, 14% - 9 million children had asthma, a 25% increase over the prior year. (iii)

  • Another 9 million children have respiratory allergies or hay fever.(iv)

  • Allergic rhinitis affects up to 40% of children.(v)

  • On any given day, 10,000 American children miss school because of allergic rhinitis, for an annual total of 2 million lost school days.(vi)

Environmental allergens are the ones most commonly associated with asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis and seasonal allergies:

  • animal dander, feathers

  • automotive exhaust

  • cosmetics

  • drugs

  • dust

  • grasses

  • household chemicals

  • industrial chemicals

  • insects and insect venoms

  • mold

  • paint fumes

  • perfumes

  • pollen

  • trees

When these allergens are ingested, inhaled or contracted on the skin, the symptoms that follow can affect many different organs and body tissues:

General: chronic fatigue, joint pain, muscle aches, arthritis

Head: headaches, drowsiness, hyperactivity, panic attacks, depression, learning disabilities, dyslexia

Nose: runny nose, sneezing, post nasal drip, recurrent sinusitis, impaired sense of smell

Ears: ear infections, otitis media, swollen glands, impaired hearing, dizziness, tinnitus

Skin: hives, rashes, eczema, dermatitis, pallor, psoriasis, itching, scaling

Eyes: redness, itching, swelling, tearing, blurred vision

Respiratory: asthma, wheezing, tightness in the chest, cough, recurrent bronchitis

Digestive tract: stomach ache, bloating, irritable bowel, constipation or diarrhea, colitis

Genital-Urinary tract: urinary tract symptoms, vulvadynia, chronic vaginitis, prostatitis


Natural treatments for allergies can accomplish what no allergy meds can - and without side effects. They can support the immune system and lungs, help relax the bronchials, clear the sinuses and rid your allergies.

Most medical doctors will tell you that you "just have to live with your allergy symptoms. There is no cure." But, guess what? There is.

They say that the origins of allergies are unknown. This is just an excuse for not having great success with their medical treatments. There is always a source of origin. The logic prevails.

Logical Solutions

1) Eliminatethe offenders when you can - dust, mold, chemicals in your household. These cause a toxic overload on your respiratory and immune systems.
2) Eliminateoffenders in your food - artificial additives, artificial sweeteners, pesticides. They can cause bronchial spasm and histamine reactions of the eyes, ears, nose, throat and skin.
3) Usenatural anti-inflammatory and natural anti-histamine nutritional supplements.
4) Support sinus and lung drainage, lymphatic function, and immune strengthening.

Extra Advice for People with Hay Fever

People with allergies to grass pollens (hay fever) and foods such as bananas, avocados, kiwi, and chestnuts have cross-reactions to latex, because the proteins of these pollens and foods are very similar to those present in latex gloves. This is one of many instances where seasonal and food allergies can overlap.

Remember that your body is intelligent and your allergy symptoms are its way of telling you to pay attention. Know that it is within your power to be free of allergy and asthma symptoms, and - breathe a sigh of relief.


i)Bousquet J, Van Cauwenberge P, Khaltaev N; Aria Workshop Group; World Health Organization. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001;108(5 suppl):S147-S334.

ii)"Chronic Conditions; A Challenge for the 21st Century". National Academy on an Aging Society, 2000.

iii) Summary of Health Statistics of US Children: National Health Interview Survey, 2002,

iv) IBID

v) CDC. Fast Stats A-Z, Vital and Health Statistics, Series 10, no. 13. 1999. Web:

vi) Foresi A. A comparison of the clinical efficacy and safety of intranasal fluticasone propionate and antihistamines in the treatment of rhinitis. Allergy. 2000;55:12-14.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products suggested, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please check with your health care practitioner for your best health options.

Kidney Stones - Its Natural Remedies and Ayurvedic Treatment

Kidney stones or renal calculi are solid concretion or crystal aggregations formed in the kidneys from dissolved urinary minerals. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Renal colic can be associated with nausea and vomiting. Kidney stones may contain various chemicals. There are several types of kidney stone based on the type of crystals of which they consists. The majority are calcium oxalate stones, followed by calcium phosphate stones. More rarely, struvite stones are produce by urea-splitting bacteria in people with urinary tract infections, and people with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce uric acid stones or cystine stones.

Urolithiasis is the medical term used to describe stones occurring in the urinary tract. Men are three times more likely than women to have kidney stones form within the urinary tract.

Causes and Risk factor:

There is no consensus as to why kidney stones form.

Heredity: Some people are more susceptible to forming kidney stones, and heredity may play a role. The majority of kidney stones are made of calcium and high levels of calcium in the urine is a risk factor. The predisposition to high levels of calcium in the urine may be passed on from generation to generation. Some rare hereditary diseases also predispose some people to form kidney stones.

Geographical location: Increasing global temperatures will lead to greater future prevalence of kidney stones. The hot climate and poor fluid intake may cause people to be relatively dehydrated, with their urine becoming more concentrated and allowing chemicals to come in closer contact to form the nidus, or becoming, of a stones.

Medications: People taking diuretics and those who consume excess calcium-containing antacids can increase the amount of calcium in their urine and potentially increase the risk of forming stones. Taking excess amounts of vitamins A and D are also associated with higher levels of calcium in the urine. Other commonly prescribed medications associated with stone formation include dilantin and antibiotics.

Several factors increase the risk for developing kidney stones, including inadequate fluid intake and dehydration, reduced urinary volume, certain chemical levels in the urine that are too high or too low, and several medical conditions such as reflux, medullary sponge kidney, renal tubular acidosis and urinary tract infections. Anything that blocks or reduces the flow of urine also increases the risk.

Chemical risk factors include high levels of the following in the urine: calcium, cystine, oxalate, uric acid and sodium. A low level of citrate is also a risk factor for stones.

The following medical conditions are also risk factors for kidney stone disease: Arthritis, Colitis, Gout, High blood pressure, Hyperparathyroidism, Medullary sponge kidney, Renal tubular acidosis, Urinary tract infections, Intestinal disorder that causes chronic diarrhea, dehydration, and low citrate, and urinary tract infections.


Many kidney stones do not move and are too small to cause any symptoms. However, if a kidney stone causes a blockage, or moves into the ureter, one may have severe pain or ache on one or both sides of the back, get sudden spasms of excruciating pain - usually starts in the back below ribs, before radiating around abdomen, and sometimes to the groin or genital, have bloody or cloudy urine, feel sick or vomit, feel a frequent urge to urinate, or burning sensation during urination, and get fever and chills.

The pain of kidney stones - referred to as 'renal colic' - can be very severe. It begins as soon as the stones becomes stuck in the ureter and tends to come in waves. It is not usually associated with the size of the kidney stone - sometimes small stones can cause more pain than very large ones.

Sometimes, symptoms such as difficulty urinating, urinary urgency, penile pain, or testicular pain may occur due to kidney stones.

Home remedies:

Small stones can be dissolved and passed out through urine by administration of certain home remedies coupled with some Ayurvedic remedies. The followings are the home remedies for kidney stones,

  1. Water: Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day.

  2. Citric Acid: This natural acid has been known to dissolve hard materials, including kidney stones. A great citric acid fruit to choose is a lemon. Lemon juice can be mixed with water, honey, or sugar.

  3. Citrates: Citrates will reduce the amount of uric acid and eliminate the build-up of calcium salts which cause the formation of kidney stones. A good tip for getting enough citrates is to drink fruit and vegetable juice such as carrot, grape and orange juice.

  4. Boil 2 figs with water, and drink this every morning for a month.

  5. Make one cup of juice made with radish leaves and drink twice a day.

  6. Drink one glass of fresh tomato juice with a hint of salt and pepper for flavor every morning.

  7. Basil (tulsi) leaves: Take 4-5 basil leaves, extract its juice and mix in a tablespoon of honey. Take this mixture every morning for 4-6 months.

  8. Coconut water is a good home remedy for burning urination and scanty urine. Regular intake also flushes out small particles or dissolves stones through urination,

  9. Barley water can also be used for this purpose,

  10. Water melon is nutritive as well as a safe diuretic to be used in this condition.

  11. Onion decoction: Make the decoction by adding water to some bulbs of onion. Sugar should be added to it and taken.

  12. The decoction prepared with Kulathi Dal is very useful.

  13. Soda water is also very useful if taken thrice daily after meals.

Other natural measures that may help prevent kidney stones include:

  1. Avoid foods and beverages that contain high fructose corn syrup.

  2. Reduce daily salt intake.

  3. Avoid calcium-containing antacids.

  4. Limit intake of beef, pork, and poultry to less than 4 to 6 ounces a day.

  5. Eat moderate amount of dairy products.

  6. Limit the amount of pasta you eat,

  7. Avoid high-oxalate foods, such as dark green vegetables, nuts and chocolate.

Ayurvedic medicine:

  1. Rencare Capsule: This medicine helps urine flow, and cools the membranes of the urinary tract. It also helps stop bleeding within the urinary tract, and helps break up and remove stones. Also, it helps relax the bladder, relieve irritation, and improve urinary flow.

Herbs included in this capsule are Gokshuru, Pashaan Bheda, Dhania Leaves, Cornsilk and Usher.

  1. Patherina tablet is the specific ayurvedic remedy for stones. 1 tablet twice a day along with a glass of water ensures good relief.

  2. Cystone tablet (Himalaya Drugs): 1 to 2 tablets twice daily for 6 to 8 weeks.

  3. Calcury tablet (Charak): 1 to 2 tablets twice or thrice daily for 6 to 8 weeks.

  4. Ber Patthar Bhasma is the drug of choice.

  5. Chander Prabha vati is also very useful in burning micturition. 1 tablet twice daily.


  1. Hot water bath and hot fomentation over the back give relief.

  2. Yoga: certain asanas, which stimulate kidneys can be practice. These are Pavana Mukta Asana, Uttana Padasana.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treatment - Plain And Simple

Hemorrhoids is not an easily defined condition through the observation of symptoms alone. Two people with hemorrhoids can seem to be suffering with entirely different conditions.

It's important to know that even minor symptoms, such as a little soreness, should be followed up instantly because of the potential to escalate from minor discomfort to severe pain. For instance, bleeding can occur suddenly and without warning.

The problem is, many sufferers will wait until they are displaying serious symptoms such as blood loss until they take action.

This piece will explore the symptom that is 'bleeding hemorrhoids'.

"It doesn't matter what the scenario, blood loss is a serious event. Piles is undoubtedly no different."

Bleeding can be started by both internal and external piles so what is the root of this, needless to say awkward, symptom?

Underneath here I have made a list of each area of hemorrhoids leading up to to blood loss:

1. Hemorrhoids propagate to life generally as a result of your lifestyle - your food choices, your daily activities and your general health. All of these factors culminate in the strain that is placed on your varicose veins - examples could be recently giving birth, your diet, your weight and whether you suffer from bowel problems (constipation, IBS).

2. All of these aspects create the stress required for your varicose veins to swell up enough, and transition into hemorrhoids -- at this time you may have either internal or external hemorrhoids.

3. With unrelenting pressure the vein expands so much that after forming into a hemorrhoid it can't do anything but effectively 'explode,' thereby starting to bleed and become sore.

Blood loss represents a later stage of hemorrhoids, and usually there are a host of other symptoms before that point such as itching and soreness. But what if you are someone who found you had piles AFTER bleeding had started?

If this closely resembles your experience, relax, it's quite common. Early development of hemorrhoids can be misidentified as other less important irritations. Most people wouldn't think it necessary to 'waste' their physician's time with an itchy bottom. 9 times out of 10, you'll find that hemorrhoids 'lurk in the background' before letting you know they are there - more often than not with a jolt of pain.

Moreover, perhaps you was aware you had a growing crisis but just pushed the thoughts aside. Trust me, more of us procrastinate than take action immediately, you're going to be fine.

100% Natural Remedies For Piles That Are Continuing to bleed

Comfrey - This well-received plant has organic healing properties and builds new cells fast.

Mango Seed (Dehydrated) - Not only is this great for you but it tastes delicious with honey. 1/2 gram is the ideal amount to have at once.

Apple Cider Vinegar - This is a simple but great little add-on to the food you eat throughout your day.

Padding A Vinegar Dipped Cotton Ball - By applying vinegar to the soreness, you help to lessen then discomfort.

Aloe Vera - I've been using this for years, it's great for inflamed areas.

Witch Hazel - This is another anti-inflammatory that assists to relieve irritation and pressure.

Dry Figs - Soaking dry figs in water over night and eaten on an empty stomach in the morning is a good home remedy.

Sitz Baths (Herbal) - Sitz baths are probably the most popular home remedy for hemorrhoids. Why? Because that what doctors recommend you do! Not only are they good for hemorrhoids, but they are great for handling the pain.

Kegel Exercises - Throughout life, muscles around your pelvis becomes tired and less adept at bodily functions. Kegel exercises are encouraged among older women as they aid continence. These exercises, however, are great for both women and men when it comes to strengthening the body against hemorrhoids.

Last little suggestion here; are you sure there is enough fiber in your diet right now? If you're not sure, eat 5 pieces of fruit a day - pears, apples, bananas and dried fruit are good for fiber.

Other Approaches

Surgical Treatment -

As with any bodily problems, surgery should only be an option if all other options have been explored. Surgery is a broad topic, and thus, beyond the reach of this piece.

Creams/Ointments -

Creams and ointments are a very popular choice for people suffering with bleeding piles. I won't detail this subject either because it is so huge. It's best if I encourage you to find an article specifically about creams and ointments - Google's the best place to start.

Bleeding Detailed...

Chronic Constipation -

Constipation is a large reason for people coming down with hemorrhoids. Over time the results can be compared with pregnancy, which I outline in just a moment. It basically means you have been straining too much.

Giving Birth -

So like I shared with you, strain is the culprit of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is a prime example of when we are put under a natural examination of our true stamina. Often times, we simply don't have the strength to stay in control.

Exercise (Lack There of) -

I would hazard a guess that this is the main reason why people suffer with hemorrhoids - A lack of exercise leads on to so many issues health related. Just so you know, this isn't related to that day you boycotted the 10 mile jog you promised to do with your best friend... I would argue that unless you make daily exercise a part of your daily routine, it's benefits will be wasted on you. Enjoy it! Some people find that they get plenty of exercise within the work they do, and others have to find hobbies and a gym membership. No mattter what you opt for, just make sure it's good for both your mind AND your body - enjoy running to the gym, don't haul yourself to the gym in the car!

Poor Circulation -

This is absolutely an issue you want to resolve, both because there are medicines that can resolve it quite easily, and there are many negatives to poor circulation. Your reactions to stimuli slow down, you suffer with pains in the extremities of your body, and gradually your muscles waste away - not good.

Needless to say, poor circulation can also lead to piles. Arrange a consultation with your doctor and he/she will give you the appropriate medicine.

Further Actions:

* Water is truly the elixir of life - drink it, then drink it some more

* Wear Loose clothes

* Ensure you are up and walking at least once an hour; certainly when you are using the toilet. Rectal veins have to work over-time when you are seated on the toilet. 'Working overtime' means higher potential of hemorrhoids.

Scenarios That Attract Rectal Bleeding:

Problems/ Explanation

Varicose veins - Swollen varicose veins become piles for the reasons already outlined in this article.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease -

-- Diverticulitis, this is when pockets are formed in the intestines.

-- Colitis, pain and bleeding result from ulcers formed due to the wearing away of the rectal/colon wall.

Celiac Disease -

Celiac/ coeliac disease finds the small intestines incapacitated and unable to extract nutrients from food.

Fistulas -

A fistula is an uncommon relationship between two cell-walled vessels or organs that don't normally connect. The best solution to these is to change your diet but see your physician first is there are any problems.

Fissures -

These are deep furrows within the mucous membrane of the innermost intestinal wall.

Polyps -

These are potentially cancerous growths within the body.

Prolapses -

In common language they are known as external hemorrhoids. The varicose vein becomes placed under so much pressure it's retraction is lost and it dips to a point where you can physically see it in the flesh.

Going into detail about these topics is out of this articles purpose but it's definitely advisable to do some further research into these.

If you are on concerned with piles, however, focus your energies on varicose veins and prolapses alone.

I will finish this article with the most important point. Get your doctors advice before trying anything - find out what the TRUE problem is first.