Saturday, July 13, 2013

Probiotics to the Rescue - How to Relieve Excessive Flatulence and Other Digestive Problems

 Digestive diseases and disorders, such as: IBS, IBD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, among many others are becoming an epidemic in our country. Probiotics can alleviate and even cure most of the following problems: excessive flatulence, IBS, IBD, and gastritis.

Recent scientific researches point the connection between digestive disorders and an improper balance of beneficial bacteria in our gastrointestinal (GI)tract. There are good bacteria (beneficial to our health) and bad bacteria (harmful to our health when outnumbers good bacteria) living in the human guts, creating intestinal microflora. Intestinal microflora secretes enzymes and digests food. The beneficial bacteria have multiple functions in our health such as:

creating vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, K and Biotin

making essential fatty acids that feed the gut lining

helping digest food  

producing lactase to digest milk

detoxifying dangerous substances

helping remove hormone excess

crowding out harmful bacteria and fungi producing bacteriocins and anti-fungals to fight harmful bacteria

helping to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels

increasing the number of immune cells

helping cells reproduce normally

reducing inflammatory response

stimulating cell repair mechanisms.  

When bad bacteria start to overgrow the good bacteria, we get all kind of digestive disorders described  above. Probiotics are the good bacteria, and they support the normal activity of the intestinal microflora.

There are different species and strains of bacteria. Depending on the species and strains of bacteria, they work in different parts of the human gastrointestinal tract and have different effects. Some strains of probiotics help to maintain the normal health of the intestinal lining in the small intestine which supports a healthy absorption of nutrients. Other strains reside in the large intestine where they help maintain normal elimination.

The digestive system is a complex system that can be disrupted by disease, bad diet, and emotional stress. Common digestive problems such as heartburn or GERD, IBD, and IBS cause millions of Americans to suffer daily. Digestive problems often result in symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pains, and stomach cramps. These problems pose a limit to the quality of life for people who suffer from these problems. Some digestive diseases produce symptoms that are not related to digestion, for example: anxiety or depression, fatigue, headache, unpleasant taste in the mouth, backache, sleeping problems (insomnia), sexual problems, such as pain during sex or reduced sexual desire, heart palpitations (feeling like the heart skips a beat or is fluttering), urinary symptoms (frequent or urgent need to urinate, trouble starting the urine stream, trouble emptying the bladder). Symptoms often occur after a meal, during stressful times, or during menstruation. Many of these symptoms can disappear if you find the right probiotic supplement.

There are many probiotic supplements on the market today, but as you've guessed, not all of them are equal. In order for probiotics to be effective they need to have requirements, such as:

Contain more than one strain

Contain prebiotics

Be able to survive stomach acid

Remain potency at the time of consumption  

Some brands fulfill some of these requirements, but if you want to see the results you need the probiotic product that has it all. That being said, the information above is not a substitute for consulting with a medical professional. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatment . If you would like to learn more about probiotics and their effect on your health, you can get your free report "Probiotics for Better Health" at

The Truth Behind Natural Treatment For Crohn's Disease

I have mentioned before that, in my desire to find treatment for Crohn's, I have previously turned to Western medicine, but high dose steroids were the only thing that had any sort of effect. When I would hear about natural ways to help Crohn's, I would immediately disallow the idea and state that it would not help me the slightest bit, and therefore I would not consider them as a possibility.

Besides, if Western medicine was not working very well, no matter how many drugs that my medical practitioner used on me in order to attempt to help my Crohn's and send it into remission, how would I get any better results from just reducing stress, changing my diet and may be some supplements?

To be honest, I did not think anything would work.

Looking back on it, the drugs I was taking would have left me with worse side effects than anything I experienced with the Crohn's, so that was a bad decision. As a result, I did start looking for natural methods in order to give myself the help I needed, due to the fact that Western medicine was starting to yield smaller and smaller dividends for me, and I wanted something that would not leave me with those side effects.

For the next few years, I looked in to natural treatments, not really gaining a whole lot of ground; keep in mind that this was not due to the lack of effectiveness of the therapies, I simply had to find the right way to help myself. In order to get my health to the place I wanted it to be, I had to spend a lot of time and do a lot of searching.

Since my doctor could do little to provide me assistance besides give me drugs that would put me at higher risk for osteoporosis, mess up my blood sugar, and thin my bones, I decided to seek other, more natural and effective answers for natural treatment for Crohn's, just to see if that would help me more. As I continued my quest to find the natural answer, I would get disheartened when I thought I had all the pieces put together only to find myself wrong.

I had to go through this a lot, but since the drugs were starting to give me a few problems, I pressed on, hoping to find some combination of natural methods that would work for me. Eventually, I started going for a natural diet of uncooked, unprocessed foods, and that seemed to start helping me immensely, giving me the results I was looking for. As I kept on this regimen, I could remain in remission without having to stay on medication.

Following this diet even returned me to a state of well-being that I hadn't experienced since before my time with Crohn's Disease. Despite my successes with this diet, I wanted to find more ways to help Crohn's naturally, perhaps out of obsession or a further need to feel better; either way, I found out a lot more about how to help this disease naturally, and I learned a lot.

Ever since I found success with natural treatment for Crohn's Disease, I started looking for other people who had found something that worked naturally, in order to learn all the possible methods that may work. What's more, I was able to gain a bit of information on the reasons why the therapies I was trying before did not work, allowing me to tell people what to avoid.

Perhaps you are in a similar situation, stumbling from method to method praying for something that works; I have the experience and the knowledge to help you find that perfect regimen. Those of you who want to begin your natural treatment for Crohn's should do your best to start the right regimen as soon as possible, to avoid all of that expensive and disheartening looking around for the best treatment.

If your Crohn's Disease is particularly affecting you, it is necessary to learn how to get into remission quickly, so you are not diminishing your quality of life any longer than necessary. It was not a joyride when I did it, and you should not have to experience that! With natural treatment for Crohn's, you will have a far easier time of it if you learn the most effective regimens right away, thus saving you time, money and discomfort; otherwise,you will be stumbling in the dark like I did for years on end.

Ensure You Know About Steroids For Colitis Symptoms

When being treated for colitis symptoms it is the norm to be prescribed steroids. These are powerful drugs used for the reduction of inflammation that is present in the large colon during the period of a flare up plus they also have the effect of suppressing the body's immune system. Whilst they are an effective treatment, the patient requires being aware of their effects on the body.

The use of steroids will be prescribed where the patient is suffering from moderate-to-severe colitis symptoms. It is important to realise and accept that there are no benefits to be had by the continual use of them as a form of maintaining periods of remission and thus the sufferer of colitis must be weaned off their use as soon as practically possible. They are either applied by way of an enema which has the benefit of ensuring the steroid, in this instance such as foam, gets to work on the inflammation immediately and has less influence on the rest of the body, or taken by mouth in the form of tablets several times per day.

To start with, the prescribed amount will be high so that the steroids strength can be built up rapidly in order to start the process of reducing the ulceration found on the colon walls and tempering the inflammation. Once this can be achieved, the symptoms will then start to subside. Once this has been achieved, the prescribed dosage will then be gradually reduced until the symptoms, such as bloodied stools and diarrhea have appeared to stop. Once this point is reached, the sufferer should not presume that all is well again and the use of the steroids can be ceased. The course of the medication requires to be finished and this can take up to two months after the symptoms have calmed down in order to be safely weaned off the medication and to ensure that the inflammation has been effectively reduced.

It is common knowledge that with the use of steroids, there is a risk of encountering side effects. This risk has to be balanced against the effective role that they play in bringing a colitis attack under control and achieving good health again. The short term side effects that will undoubtedly happen include gaining of weight, nausea, sleep loss, mood swings including perhaps coming over as irrational. Some longer term effects which do happen when suffering from a colitis attack include "mooning" of the face, appearance of acne, sweating, and distinctive change in personality. There are also conditions such as increased blood pressure and osteoporosis that should be looked out for if the prescribed medication is used for long periods then repeated as such over a period of years.

It is without doubt that the use of steroids for the effective reduction of colitis symptoms does bring benefits to the sufferer yet there does require being an awareness of the consequences of taking such medication. What drawbacks that can happen are, though, a small price to pay in order to bring welcome relief when faced with all that a colitis attack can throw at those that have been diagnosed with the disease.

Natural Mercury Detox

Natural mercury detoxification from your body's cells is one of the most controversial areas of alternative medicine. Mercury is linked with everything from autism, Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue to autoimmune disease such as Multiple Sclerosis, liver disease symptoms, gastrointestinal stress to even various types of dermatitis. A full spectrum, indeed.

The use of pharmacological agents such as DMSA, DMPS is harsh and old, ripping out the good and bad metals. I want to make something very plain here... the natural, healthy detox is THE way to go. In order to effectively and permanently accomplish a natural detoxification of mercury or any other 'non-self' substance (xenobiotics), one needs to follow the biochemical pathways of the human body and while doing this, repair what was sub-functional.

Again, as in any issue, the truth has to lie within the normal realm of biochemical and physiological function of the body. To assume that a particular herb or supplement will bind or chelate out mercury just because it does in the environment, (chlorella, for example) has absolutely no scientific or biochemical merit. On the internet, there are literally hundreds, if not more, formulations supposedly for mercury removal and yet none possess the actual ability to bind mercury as a disulphide can. (Having the chemical structure which includes two sulphur molecules... the structure needed to latch on and remove mercury).

Sources of Mercury:

Most mercury exposure for humans is from larger fish, preservatives in vaccines (thimerosal), industry (coal-fired manufacturing, dental amalgams and chlor-alkali plants which use mercury in the process of making plastics, pesticides, PVC pipes, etc.)

Methylmercury is the form mainly from fish. It is found mostly in the red blood cells, but the good news is that form is usually excreted fairly quickly... providing your mercury detox pathways are in order..more on that later.

Mercury vapor from dental amalgams and inorganic mercury (Inorganic mercury compounds are formed when mercury (symbol Hg) combines with elements other than carbon, such as chlorine, sulfur, or oxygen... the mercury from vaccines is this type.

Elemental mercury is a form of inorganic mercury.) is NOT eliminated well from your body and is the main form found in the brain. Methylmercury is ultimately converted to inorganic mercury if not excreted.

Clinical Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning:

Mercury does it's damage primarily by binding inside the cells to sulphur containing molecules (sulfhydryl groups) in critical enzymes (microsomes and mitochrondia for example) and enzyme building sites, literally causing havoc in one's basic body chemistry.

Central nervous system symptoms include irritability, over-sensitivity to stimulation, shyness, depression, anxiety, memory impairment, and inability to concentrate. It also manifests as other neurological disorders with Parkinson-like symptoms, tremors, inability to walk straight or balanced, numbness and tingling and the list goes on.

We also see chronic fatigue type of symptoms, headaches, joint pain, impaired hearing and sight. There are renal failure cases and many gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and colitis.

Skin rashes, gingivitis, stomatitis and excessive salivation also make the list.

In a review paper from the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, February 2004, one may be surprised at some of the findings of European investigators into this health issue, mainly because it's not being made widely known here in North America.

1) Mercury vapour is constantly being emitted from the filling, is absorbed and accumulates in your organs.

2) People with amalgams have 3-5X the mercury in urine, much higher blood levels of mercury (although this is cleared quickly..but then goes to your tissues) and 2-12X the mercury in their overall body tissues than people without amalgams.

3) It's not blood or urine mercury levels that we count on to determine mercury as a causal factor in's tissue levels.

4) The half-life (time it takes half of it to disappear) of mercury in blood is short, about 3 days. It quickly goes into other tissues... it's not that it's eliminated. Urine mercury only indicate the inorganic mercury levels in the kidney itself and has a very weak correlation to the overall mercury load in your body.

5) When mercury exposure stops, a half life for your body to get rid of it on it's own can range from 1-18 years, depending on your body's ability to handle heavy metal detox.

Natural Mercury Detox Process:

Phase I - The toxin is made more water-soluble and more biochemically reactive. This is accomplished by a group of enzymes (about 150 of them) collectively called "cytochrome P450's. In fact, at this stage the toxin is "opened" up by these enzymes so it will bind or conjugate with an acceptable substrate (an 'add-on' made probably from carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and often sulphur..maybe nitrogen) in Phase II, forming a complex the liver will recognize as foreign and excrete via the bowels. There are a lot of free radicals produced in this process and we must have enough antioxidant present to offset it or else other negative implications to health will result.

Phase II - Conjugation

In phase II, the now very reactive toxin is bound to another molecule, in the case of mercury-glutathione- to form an excretable complex. There are a total of six compounds that toxins can bind to at this point, but glutathione is of most importance in this discussion on mercury. Dr Deb's Book on Glutathione

Actual protocols to follow are available at the website in the resource box below.

The Health Benefits of Reishi For the Respiratory System

The Reishi mushroom is hailed as the king of all mushrooms, as it has many benefits on the overall health of the body. One area, where the Reishi mushroom is effective in, is the respiratory system. It has proven itself to be effective in helping with the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and allergies.


Asthma is a very common disease that affects the airways. It can make it difficult to breathe and cause a tightness in the chest. It can also cause coughing and wheezing. Conventional medicine does not have a cure for this condition, but Reishi is said to help ease the symptoms. According to studies the mushroom is effective against the inflammation that builds up in the airways that bring about the symptoms of asthma.

Other inflammatory conditions that can be helped with Reishi include rheumatoid arthritis and HIV.


Bronchitis is another inflammatory disease that affects the airways. The symptoms are similar to that of the common cold, which include a cough. During chronic bronchitis, the cough brings up mucus and can last for months. Once again, Reishi's powerful anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the inflammation, allowing the individual to find relief from the symptoms.


Allergies are very common in the Western countries. They are often aggravated by substances that the body feels threatened by. These include pollen, dust, pet dander, chemicals and smoke. Food allergies are also common, which can cause digestive issues. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction are sinus pressure, sneezing and a stuffy nose, skin rashes and watery eyes.

An allergic reaction is simply an overreaction of the immune system. When the system is weakened by other toxins, then something as little as dust can cause the defense system to overreact, simply because it feels threatened. As a result, the immune system produces extra mucus to help eliminate the foreign substances from the body.

Reishi is effective in eliminating toxins from the body, which in turn strengthens the system so that it no longer has to feel threatened. As a result, the inflammation and other symptoms begin to disappear.

Other health conditions that are helped by a strong immune system include cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 1, graves disease and ulcerative colitis.

Reishi mushroom is available in a supplement form, as well as in a dried form. Due to its powerful medicinal ingredients, pregnant women, and those who are allergic to other mushrooms are advised not to take it, unless prescribed by a physician.

Ulcerative Colitis - Does Stress Matter?

No matter what anyone else says I find that stress does have an impact on my Colitis, I don't know why but that doesn't matter. All I need to know is that by staying calm and relaxed I can stay well. Feeling refreshed and alert. Now that's not to say that I have to be in a permanent state of chilled out bliss! Although that would be nice. I am realistic and realize that life can throw things my way which will get me worked up, so I take a practical approach to staying relaxed.

What I aim to do to beat stress in my life is to have a period of half an hour a day which I set aside for myself to do something which will if you like unwind any stress I may have accumulated.

There are several things I do -

- Going for a Walk - I find having a walk in the countryside near my home for half an hour or maybe longer if I feel like it is a fabulous way to unwind. It also has the benefit of being gentle exercise which is promoting movement in my abdomen, and this can also help to remove any abdominal cramps.

- Chi Kung - There is a wonderful form of Chi Kung exercise which is great for the digestive system. It is called Zhan Zhuang or in English this is best translated as standing exercise. This is a great exercise to do and very easy to learn, it has many health benefits and is a great way to de-stress at the end of the day. I personally stand for 20 minutes every day and find that the benefits are many.

- Bin-aural Beats - This is a type of relaxing music which can put you into a state of deep meditation without any effort on your part! Its a really quick and easy way to do some stress busting. I've got a CD which I put on an mp3 player and whenever I need to I can use this to get in the most amazingly relaxed state for about 20 minutes, then I just wake up feeling refreshed and alert.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Diagnosing an Inflammatory Bowel Disease in its Early Stages

People that suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis cannot describe what it feels like to suffer everyday from it. They can only say that it is like having a stomach flu that never goes away. The pain of is occurs randomly or is triggered by eating the wrong food or even stress. There is no wonder why discovering and treating it early is so important.

These two digestive conditions are incurable chronic diseases that affect your intestinal tract and are often grouped together as inflammatory bowel diseases since they share similar symptoms. They both cause abdominal pain and frequent diarrhea as well as swelling and sores along the tissue that lines your intestines. Crohn's disease attacks the digestive tract, from the mouth to the rectum; while ulcerative colitis usually normally is found only the outermost layer of the colon.

Here are a few ways you can learn how to diagnose inflammatory bowel disease and begin treatment immediately.

  • A sigmoidoscopy test lets your doctor correctly diagnose ulcerative colitis through examining the rectum and left colon from taking detailed pictures. This procedure is done with inserting an endoscope, a tube with a camera on end, into your rectum. If you have any questions about your colon's health, expect to have one this performed.

  • A colonoscopy is used by your doctor uses an endoscope to look at the rectum and entire large bowel while the patient is under sedation. They are routinely used to diagnose bowel issues such as Crohn's disease or IBS. Ask your doctor to perform one on you. This way they can have a complete picture of your rectum and in turn your colon's health. There are even times when tissue samples are taken for further examination. as well.

  • After you doctor is finished with your colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, he will get a copy of the pictures he took with the endoscope and use them to make a diagnosis. For example, with Crohn's disease, a doctor must find random patches of deep ulcers or looks for an even amount of inflammation in the colon that bleeds with contact to identify ulcerative colitis.

  • If your doctor took a tissue sample, then they should look at it under a microscope for inflammatory cells called granulomas. This procedure helps better diagnose Crohn's disease and other health conditions.

  • Another procedure your doctor may recommend you to undergo is a magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It is a variation of magnetic resonance imaging, also called an MRI, to help determine which of the two diseases you are suffering from. This helps to properly diagnose Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

  • Finally as a final precaution, ask your doctor to examine your small intestine for Crohn's disease with an upper barium X-ray. In this procedure, you have to drink a barium shake in order for the X-ray pictures taken and the images to properly show any potential issues.

Colitis Symptoms - What is it and How to Treat?

People are frequently got confused of colitis symptoms and Crohns Disease signs and symptoms as they are somewhat similar. Though both colitis symptoms as well as Crohns Disease affect the digestive system, in fact they are apparently different in different ways. This will be explained in this article to aid you tell the difference of both conditions.

What Is Colitis?

Colitis basically is a condition that is characterized by inflammation of the large intestines or colon. When this part of the body is inflamed, it can cause ulcers that bleed and produce a mucus or pus sometimes.

As regards the causes of this condition, there are a lot of theories arise. There are also many research have been done without definite answer, however. This condition frequently shows up in the form of flare ups.

Prescription drugs and dietary changes are two of the most common treatments for this condition. This would include removing the affected part of the colon. This is usually used only as a final resort.

Once it becomes apparent that the condition is present, you have to seek treatment immediately. Diarrhea causes the body to lose fluids faster than normal. Dehydration and malnutrition can result from this.

When coping with colitis symptoms, the way it affects a person's daily life is another factor that is needed to be considered. This can also be a so embarrassing condition to deal with by reason of the part of the body that is affected. When treating colitis, it's important to cope with the psychological affects and the physical.

Time and again, coping with colitis symptoms can lead to changes of major lifestyle and even can affect the quality of a person's life hugely. Herein, the support groups are more common as a way of coping with this.

Answer all questions of yours in regard to colitis symptoms

Risks of Colon Cancer in Women and Men

Cancer occurs when something goes wrong with this system, causing uncontrolled cell division and growth. Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system. Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Rectal cancer is cancer of the last 6 inches of the colon. Together, they're often referred to as colorectal cancers.

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer killer overall and third most common cause of cancer-related death in the United States in both males and females. Who is at risk for colorectal cancer. Men tend to get colorectal cancer at an earlier age than women, but women live longer so they catch up with men and thus the total number of cases in men and women is equal. Women diagnosed with uterine or ovarian cancer before age 50 are at increased risk of colorectal cancer. Woman with a personal history of breast cancer have only a very slight increase in risk of colorectal cancer. The average age to develop colorectal cancer is 70 years, and 93% of cases occur in persons 50 years of age or older. You have a higher risk for colon cancer if you have:

Cancer elsewhere in the body.

Colorectal polypsCrohn's disease

Family history of colon cancer

Personal history of breast cancer

Ulcerative colitis.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer vary depending on the location of the cancer within the colon or rectum, though there may be no symptoms at all. The most common presenting symptom of colorectal cancer is rectal bleeding. Cancers arising from the left side of the colon generally cause bleeding, or in their late stages may cause constipation, abdominal pain, and obstructive symptoms. On the other hand, right-sided colon lesions may produce vague abdominal aching, but are unlikely to present with obstruction or altered bowel habit. Other symptoms such as weakness, weight loss, or anemia resulting from chronic blood loss may accompany cancer of the right side of the colon.

The first step to avoiding this ailment is prevention with regular tests at the doctor, but there are other ways of getting around this disease in between checkups. Nevertheless, it appears that increasing the fiber content in the Western diet would be useful in the primary prevention of colorectal cancer. It is recommended that physical activity messages promoting at least 30-45 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity on most days of the week be included in primary prevention interventions for cancer. The population prevalence for meeting proposed physical activity criteria for colon cancer prevention is low and much lower than that related to the more generic public health recommendations.

Our bodies need lots of calcium and not only for building strong bones. Colon cancer prevention is one of the most exciting uses for calcium. However, instead of using calcium supplements, this study relied on low-fat dairy products to supply 1,200mg calcium per day. Investigators found this amount of calcium decreased the incidence of changes in the cells lining the colon, which is often seen in the initial stages of colon cancer. A significant protective factor is adequate dietary calcium intake during the period of maximum growth (ages 9-25 y), so that proper peak bone mass is achieved by age 20-30 y and maintained until mid-life, with only slow bone loss in the following years. As already noted, dietary surveys indicate a significant gap between the recommended calcium intake and the actual intake in the United States in the critical years of adolescence and young adulthood and later in life.

Eliminate the Fear of Colitis Symptoms

It is only natural when diagnosed with colitis or during a period of severe symptoms that the sufferer worries about their health and what the future will hold for them. It is usual for most sufferers to enjoy longer periods of health in comparison to the time endured at the mercy of colitis symptoms. Yet this fact does not prevent real concern and worry over their present and future health.

There requires acknowledgment and appreciation that the severity of colitis symptoms varies greatly between sufferers. Approximately ten percent of those diagnosed have to endure what are virtually ever present symptoms which do vary in their intensity. Thinking that the symptoms will never disappear when first diagnosed is in the vast majority of cases untrue. For most sufferers there will be periods that symptoms are present yet these will be outnumbered by the amount of time spent enjoying full health.

There is a misplaced fear that everyone knows when someone is suffering symptoms and they will be viewed as different. Again this is not the case. When a relapse is occurring, the person should in fact withdraw from daily life, both their work and social life, in order to give themselves every chance to gain health again as soon as possible. If the daily routine is continued without any regard to the symptoms, this will undoubtedly have the effect of delaying the recovery and can even worsen the degree of suffering.

When diagnosed with colitis and periodically thereafter, there will be a requirement for a hospital consultant to monitor the extent of the ulceration of the large colon and this will require forms of x-ray to be undertaken. It is important to understand that the severity of what is witnessed with such tests will not necessarily correspond to how severe the subjective symptoms are. If there is a lot of ulceration present though the person is currently enjoying good health, that does not suggest symptoms are about to appear. The test will show the extent of the affected area of the colon yet as the symptoms are in remission, good health should be enjoyed. The information gathered will be of use as and when the next relapse occurs and then appropriate medication can be used to concentrate on the known area and extent of the ulceration.

Unfortunately a few sufferers do experience perforation of the bowel where a split forms in the colon and toxic waste can then spread into the bloodstream and cause infection. This only happens in a very small number of cases and only when severe symptoms have occurred over a period of time and the sufferer has not responded to the treatments for such complications. Any fear caused through expecting this to happen is misplaced as it is a fallacy to believe for all colitis sufferers that it will only be a matter of time before surgery is required and the bowel has to be cut out. The actual chances of this occurring are very small indeed yet by worrying and being fearful of this may just ignite sleeping colitis symptoms.

Whilst the disease can be very challenging at times, the sufferer, in the vast majority of cases, should enjoy long periods of good health. Colitis symptoms will appear when relapses happen yet by following the instructions given by doctors and hospital consultants and by discovering the knowledge and experience of those fellow sufferers, a person should be able to adapt their life accordingly and ease many of the often misplaced fears that have built up over time.

Interesting Facts About Peptic Ulcers

The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear.There are two kinds of peptic ulcers: one is gastric and the other one is duodenal ulcer.The diameter of peptic ulcers is between 1-2cm,which seems with a mouth ulcers.

One to ten people at some point in their lives are affected by the duodenal ulcers, especially younger men.Stomach ulcers are more common. The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic.One of acute ulcers may heal without any long term consequences. On the other hand chronic ulcers are deeper and they causes symptoms leaving a scar even they heal.The stomach contains acid which helps to protect the body from infection.The stomach and duodenum has its lining covered in mucus which protects it from acid.When the stomach produces excess acid an ulcer may appear.

There are some factors which leads to the apearance of the peptic ulcer like: infection with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori; certain medicines like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac;smoking and alcohol.In many cases the majority of people have abdominal pain, below the chest bone,but there are also people without symptoms.In the case of gastric ulcer a sharp pain may occur soon after eating, and the pain caused by the duodenal ulcer is relieved by eating or by drinking milk. Other unpleasant symptoms of the peptic ulcer are belching, general discomfort in the stomach,loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, loss of weight.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. One of these methods can be realized by breath or by blood test to observe the presence of H. pylori. Another method is the one with a given substance to swallow called barium, which appears white on X-rays.The X-rays may show the presence of an ulcer.The gastroscopy is another method which uses a tube called endoscop with a fibre-optic cable; the last one being passed through the mouth and into the stomach.

If any person accuse such kind of pains should immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases Due To Arthropods - Various Types Of Myiasis Causing Parasites

In general, the infection is of two types. Ectoparasitic (Auchmeromyia leuteola) and Endoparasitic (Cutaneous and Tissues or cavities). Examples of the cutaneous type are the Dermatobia hominis and Corylobia antrhopophaga. Examples of the Tissues or cavities type are the Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia Oestrus, Chrysomia and Callitroga.

Deep Tissue Myiasis

Larvae of the flies belonging to the families Callitroga (Cochliomyia), Chrysomyia, Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia, Fannia and Oestrus invade tissues extensively when the eggs are laid on open wounds, damaged tissues or discharging surfaces, by the adult flies. The larvae of Wohlfartia can penetrate even unbroken skin. The lesions are commonly seen in the nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, middle ear and orbit. Cartilage and bone may also be destroyed by the screw shaped larvae which may extend intracranially leading to fatal meningitis. The lesions are very painful and the larvae may be discharged from these sites. Treatment is manual removal of larvae or extraction after spraying the area with chloroform. Repeated sessions may be necessary. Secondary infection has to be treated with broad spectrum antibiotics like ampicillin.

Ophthalmic Myiasis

Flies of the genus Chrysomyia and Oestrus may lay their eggs in the conjuctival sac. The larvae hatch out and produce lesions resembling acute conjunctivitis with severe irritation. Rarely corneal ulceration and loss of sight may occur. Removal of the maggot after anaesthetizing the eye and application of topical antibiotic drops will relieve the condition.

Intestinal Myiasis

The larvae or pupae of Musca, Fannia, Sarcophaga and Tubifera may be passed in stools or appear in vomitus. The eggs may be laid by the flies around the lips or anus while sleeping, especially if there are foul smelling discharges around these orifices. The larvae hatch out from a few hours to two days and are swallowed to reach the upper gastrointestinal tract or they may crawl up into the rectum and large intestine. They develop in the stomach or in the intestines. Sometimes, larvae may be swallowed along with infested food stuffs. The larvae cause symptoms of gastritis or colitis which may persist from weeks to months. If reinfection does not occur, the condition is self-limiting. Treatment consists of administration of purgatives and reassurance about the self-limiting nature of the illness.

Urinary Myiasis

Larvae of Muscae, Fannia or Sarcophaga may enter the bladder, when the eggs are laid around the external genitalia and produce symptoms of lower urinary tract infection with proteinuria, pyuria and hematuria. The larvae may pass in urine. Rarely urinary system may be involved by maggots eroding their way from the gastrointestinal tract.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gluten Free Diet Should Be Considered For Everyone With Neurological And Psychiatric Symptoms

Brain dysfunction may be the only or the main sign of gluten related disease. Dr. Mario Hadjivassiliou recently reported at the International Celiac Symposium that his neurology clinic has followed over 300 patients with gluten sensitivity presenting with various symptoms. In his clinic the most common gluten related neurological disorder is ataxia, a condition of impaired balance, present in almost half. However peripheral neuropathy, myopathy, headaches, and seizures are also neurological manifestations of gluten related brain disorders.

Gluten ataxia, the most common cause of previously unexplained ataxia, is associated with gut disease in only about a third. Usually there is an absence of the specific antibodies in the blood diagnostic for celiac disease but elevated gliadin antibodies. Brain tissue examined after brain biopsies or an autopsy has been found to contain deposits of gliadin and/or tissue transglutaminase in the absence of antibodies in the blood.

About 60% of patients with gluten ataxia have shrinkage of the cerebellum portion of their brain. They also may have irreversible loss of brain Purkinje cells. MRI scans of the brain often reveal bright white spots in this area rather than the area where this occurs in multiple sclerosis, a condition that may be mimicked by gluten injury.

Gluten causes 34% of all unexplained sporadic axonal neuropathies. Gluten sensitive enteropathy is 10 times more common in these people. I recently treated a woman who had years of a known diagnosis of such a neuropathy though she had never been tested for celiac disease. She came to me after I diagnosed her daughter's celiac disease. Though she does not meet strict criteria for celiac disease she has the major gene for celiac and has elevated gliadin antibodies in her stool and blood. Increased intraepithelial lymphocytes were seen on duodenal biopsy but not sufficient to confirm celiac disease. Yet she is improved on a gluten free diet. Dr. Hadjivassiliou has confirmed to me personally by e-mail that these neuropathies will get worse with continued gluten ingestion but most improve with gluten free diet though it may take several years to do so. Long standing symptoms may never completely reverse.

This makes it very important not to delay considering gluten as a cause of neurological symptoms nor delay diagnostic testing or institution of a gluten free diet. In my opinion a gluten free diet trial should be offered or considered for all neurological and psychiatric symptoms. However, I encourage anyone considering such a diet to first undergo adequate testing for celiac disease first because once a gluten free diet is initiated the tests may be falsely negative within 2-3 weeks of the diet. Even if the tests are negative for celiac disease before restricting gluten then a trial of gluten free diet is suggested. Regarding gluten and the brain Dr. Hadjivassiliou was quoted as saying "there is a historical misconception that gluten sensitivity is solely a disease of the recognize the neurological impact, you have to appreciate it is a systemic disorder." This is my personal and professional experience as a gastroenterologist who is Food Allergies Specialist - the Food Doc and celiac disease expert who is regularly corresponding with people from all over the world as the Food Doc.

Diarrhea Treatment Methods That Work

Diarrhea affects a lot of people everyday, whether we admit it or not. It is a serious bowel and stomach illness that almost everyone has experienced. Diarrhea refers to the frequent discharge of loose stools due to improper absorption, or lack thereof, of water from digested matter by the intestines. The stools vary in color and sometimes contain blood and undigested food particles. Luckily, it can be treated right away by different diarrhea treatment methods.

There are actually different causes for diarrhea but the most common is viral infection in the intestines. The infection causes the intestines to absorb less liquid which results to the food and liquid just passing through the intestines and then being released by the body faster at a much faster rate.

Some causes of diarrhea are food that was improperly prepared, as well as contaminated water, parasitic infections, and intestinal diseases. There actually is no cure for diarrhea since the underlying causes vary from person to person, which is why doctors focus on curing the effects of diarrhea, like dehydration.

Normally, diarrhea will go away by itself but a prolonged suffering from diarrhea must be treated immediately since it could result to the patient losing vital nutrients and minerals. The simplest home diarrhea treatment, therefore, is to drink lots of water to replace what you have lost as a result of the diarrhea. You can also try mixing in sugar and salt to your lemonade and then drinking it every few minutes. A number of people suffering from diarrhea have also found Gatorade is a good way to replace lost electrolytes due to dehydration.

Likewise, people suffering from diarrhea should also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and alcohol because they can worsen dehydration. Milk as well as greasy and dry food should also be avoided as it can prolong and worsen the condition; instead, eat yogurt rich in probiotic to ease the symptoms of diarrhea. The BRAT diet is also advisable. The letters of BRAT stand for banana, rice, apple, and dry toast, the major types of food that are considered an effective diarrhea treatment for both children and adults.

Diarrhea that has been going on for more than a day, especially if there is already blood present in the stool or if the stool appears to be black in color, requires a visit to your doctor. Your doctor would then, most likely, prescribe rehydration solutions as a diarrhea treatment to keep your body from getting dehydrated. Tests would be performed to check the cause of your diarrhea. This is done to ensure that your diarrhea is not a symptom of a larger health problem.

In the most severe dehydration cases brought about by diarrhea, the patient needs to be hooked up to an IV in order to replace lost body fluids. Also, children under three months must be rushed to the hospital right away to get diarrhea treatment. If not given early medical attention, there is a high probability that the baby would get dehydrated and die.

How to Overcome Ulcerative Colitis and Regain Your Life Again

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease affecting the large intestine. This illness is classified as an autoimmune disorder disrupting the digestive and immune systems of the body. The immune system becomes confused by attacking the microorganisms in the digestive tract that aid the digestion process causing severe inflammation that is mainly restricted to the colon itself. This inflammation begins in the mucous lining of the large intestines leaving ulcers that become infected over time. If left untreated, these ulcers can become abscessed and rupture requiring the need for emergency surgery of a colectomy.

One must understand the symptoms of ulcerative colitis to develop a better prognosis of the disease in question. The illness begins as inflammations lining the inside of the colon that develop into ulcers which can lead to explosive diarrhea and intestinal bleeding. Several stages of abdominal pain that may include mild to severe stomach cramps also accompany this disorder. Fatigue, fever and extreme weight loss are also complicated by a weakened immune system that has been compromised.

The length of the area involved will also dictate the treatment remedies available. Ulcerative colitis' severity depends mainly on the patients bowel movements which can range from four stools per day to ten and beyond. Some affected regions are limited to the rectum, while others extend to the ileum which may require surgery. Persons with ulcerative colitis usually have periods with no flare ups. Usually this depends heavily on the extent and location of the disease. This illness has been known to adversely affect the persons quality of life with the constant flare ups of diarrhea and abdominal pain leaving many to seek remedies for their disease.

Standard treatment options for ulcerative colitis vary depending on the severity and location of the illness at hand. The main objective is to induce remission without harm to the patient. Modern medicine uses many different drugs for this task that have altering side effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to reduce swelling inside the mucous lining while antibiotics control and relieve infections and keep them from spreading to other parts of the colon. Other drugs used in this treatment are known as immunosuppressives. They function by limiting the operation of the immune system, which in turn poses great health risk to the patient by exposing them to possible infections putting other organs and systems in danger. Anti-inflammatory drugs have mild to severe side effects such as headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and a lower white blood cell count.

If drugs are not successful in treating extreme cases then removal of the large intestine is generally considered a last resort. In view of all the standard treatment options proposed by hospitals and cancer centers alike, one must also consider the use of natural therapies, sometimes referred as alternative therapies. There are other alternative therapies that have been shown to produce major improvements in symptoms with no dangerous side effects. Some of these remedies are diets based on natural foods and simply require proper food combining of certain high fiber raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains cereals.

These diets also prohibit the intake of processed junk food that is loaded with chemical toxins that can upset the colons chemical balance. Along with the diet treatment, herbal plants and probiotic cultures are taken as well to provide correct balance in the intestinal flora to help rebuild the immune system and aid proper digestion.

To eliminate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, one must understand the full treatment options and take a proactive approach to finding alternative remedies that are safe and effective.

How to Deal With Colitis Symptoms During a Relapse

You will enter a period when the pain and discomfort remains the same, where your condition is not deteriorating any more but is not getting any better. This does not mean to say that the medication that you have been prescribed is not working and is not garnering strength to reduce the colitis symptoms that you are suffering from. Quite the opposite in fact.

It just takes time to bring the strength of this disease under control. This period is the toughest time. You are tired physically due to less sleep and the effects of this disease on your body, tired because of having to go to the toilet so often, tired because you are not eating normally and mentally tired ensuring you keep going.

This can be a period when you may start to lose your fight, lose your strong will to see an end to the relapse. It may also be the time when you just want a quick reminder that the outside world exists. Going outside will require effort, movement and strength. None of these your body has or needs right now. You think about eating something you shouldn't and in quantities that you know will have serious repercussions. Keep a firm grip against such temptations as they will only bring self induced pain and trouble. There will be plenty of time later on when you can enjoy such things and not put yourself at risk.

The problem of hunger is never far away. Whilst you are feeling very poor with the pain and the tiredness you may still have some form of appetite, maybe not on the scale as before, but oh for some food. Don't be surprised if you start to imagine a plate of your favourite food just waiting to be eaten as the pangs of hunger become ever stronger. Now you maybe are wondering "why don't you just have something to eat?" It is not that eating stops entirely, it is just the awkward matter of what goes in must come out. And in the process of the waste reaching the inflamed part of the bowel and then being passed out, pain and discomfort have to be endured. Therefore, the amount and what you eat changes during an attack.

It is vitally important not to give into temptation during this period. Whilst you do require taking on some nutrition during a colitis attack, too great a quantity or eating food that will only exacerbate the symptoms will if anything be a retrograde step and will only deliver yet more uncomfortable or extremely painful consequences. It is essential to understand what is a sensible eating plan during a colitis relapse and the how to achieve the required nutrients without the worst of the possible resultant symptoms.

Can Green Tea Help With Gastrointestinal Illnesses?

For the last several years, there has been an abundance of research on the effects of green tea and the many health benefits that it can offer. For centuries, Asians have used green tea for health, both to prevent disease and treat illnesses.

Tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. There are many different types of tea, but they all come from this plant. The differences occur from the differences in how the tea is processed. Green tea is not fermented during processing, but black tea does go through a fermentation process.

Tea leaves naturally contain anti-oxidants. Fermenting the tea leaves, converts the catechins to other compounds. These new compounds are not as healthy as the unaltered catechins in a tea leaf in its original state. For this reason, green tea has more healthy anti-oxidants and therefore more health benefits than black tea.

Anti-oxidants are critical to our health because they combat free radicals. Each day, as we convert food to energy, we create these free radicals in our body, which damage our cells and our DNA. Over time, these unchecked free radicals cause disease and aging.

For this reason, large doses of anti-oxidants, particularly those like the ones found in green tea, have been found to prevent many types of disease, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and potentially other diseases, as well. Fruits and vegetables are also great anti-oxidant sources.

But, recently there has been powerful news about the possible effects of green tea on gastrointestinal problems, like inflammatory bowel disease. One study reported by the UK Tea Council found that green tea's anti-oxidants spend a lot of time in the intestinal tract, and have an anti-inflammatory effect on this part of the body. For this reason, green tea seems to calm the inflammation that accompanies inflammatory bowel disease and other gastrointestinal problems.

This theory stands to reason, since green tea is known to have an anti-inflammatory effect all over the body. These powerful anti-inflammatory effects are also thought to be one of the reasons that green tea is effective at preventing and treating heart disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease refers to a group of disorders that cause the intestines to become inflamed (red and swollen). The inflammation often lasts a long time and comes back repeatedly. Over 600,000 Americans suffer from some sort of inflammatory bowel disease every year.

Inflammatory bowel diseases can cause cramping, pain, diarrhea, weight loss and bleeding in your intestines. Two of the most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease are Chron's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Crohn's disease causes ulcers along the small and large intestines. However, it can sometimes also cause inflammation around the rectum, too. Ulcerative colitis causes ulcers in the lower part of the large intestine, sometimes starting at the rectum.

We don't fully understand what causes inflammatory bowel diseases, though we do know that it runs in families. It may be caused by a germ or problem with your immune system. It is usually diagnosed through x-rays and other tests that look directly into your intestines to find evidence of damage.

Inflammatory bowel diseases are not life threatening, but they can be very painful and disruptive to your life. In most cases, they are treated with anti-inflammatory medications, and sometimes anti-biotics, if the particular problem seems to be caused by an infection. In extreme cases of ulcerative colitis, surgery is sometimes performed to remove part of the colon. Surgery doesn't seem to have any effect on Crohn's disease.

Because the typical treatment is designed to reduce the inflammation in the intestines, it stands to reason that green tea would hold much promise in treatment. It is likely that many inflammatory bowel disease patients could find some relief very quickly by incorporating green tea into their diets.

Because sufferers of inflammatory bowel diseases are often placed on diets that call for reduced amounts of fiber, they often don't eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fiber in fruits and vegetables can further irritate the bowels. This means that they may not be getting all the anti-oxidants they need, particularly since they may need more than the average person to reduce the inflammation in their systems. This makes green tea the perfect alternative; it provides powerful anti-oxidants with zero fiber.

If you suffer from any form of irritable bowel disease, it's a good idea to give green tea a try. It has no side effects and is well tolerated by most people, regardless of their health issues. While it does contain caffeine, it is usually well tolerated even by the caffeine sensitive, because its caffeine level is very low. Adding some green tea to your diet may be a simple way to get some relief from the painful symptoms of irritable bowel diseases.

Seasonal Allergy Symptoms and Treatment For Allergies

Unfortunately, allergies, both food and inhalant, are extremely common. Allergies alone affect billions of people and account for millions of office visits to healthcare practitioners world wide each and every year.

Some of the associations with developing allergies or food sensitivities are exposure in utero, if the mother consumes a lot of the same food during pregnancy, infant exposure to highly allergenic foods (wheat, corn, dairy), poor digestion resulting in increased absorption of macromolecules, decreased secretory IgA, decreased adrenal function, and increased exposure to various toxins and allergens increasing sensitivity.

As far as seasonal allergy symptoms or food allergy symptoms, common signs tend to be, but are not limited to:

  • Dark circles under the eyes

  • Sinus drainage, with accompanying permanent indent in the nose line from rubbing your nose (referred to as the salute sign)

  • Itchy, watering eyes

  • Bed wetting

  • Bruxism (grinding of your teeth)

  • Stomach aches

  • Chronic ear infections

  • Chronic tonsillitis

  • Eczema

  • Chronic dermatitis (itching)

  • Hives

  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation

  • Halitosis (bad breath)

  • Food cravings

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Hyperactivity

  • Irritability

  • Asthma

  • Fatigue

  • Migraines

  • Insomnia

  • Joint pain

  • Gallbladder pain

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Crohn's disease

  • Digestive problems

  • Hypertension

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Weight gain and edema

The pulse test is based on a simple, easily proven premise that your pulse rate is often accelerated by foods and other substances ingested, inhaled and exposed to because your system is allergically reacting to them. This test can help you identify and eliminate food and environmental allergens.

  1. count your pulse for one minute:

    • just before each meal

    • three times after each meal at half-hour intervals

    • just before going to bed

    • just after waking, before rising in the morning

    • all but the count upon waking are to be done seated.

  2. record all the items you eat at each meal or inhalant exposure to weeds, dust, pollen or dander

  3. continue the pulse records for three days

  4. make single-food tests or single inhalant allergy exposure for two or more whole days following this procedure:

    • take your before-rising pulse count each hour for 12-14 hours

    • eat a small portion of a different single food or expose yourself to a small portion of a single different inhalant.

    • Do not test any food or inhalant that you know to disagree with you.

A drastic increase in pulse rate is a good indicator that you have an allergy to a particular food or inhalant.

As far as treatment for allergies, whether they be food allergy symptoms or seasonal allergy symptoms, great success has been shown with the following guidelines:

  • Eliminate allergenic foods through a rotation diet. And eliminate inhalant allergies by avoiding exposure. Any introduction of these substances in a 2 week period negates the entire test period.

  • Improve and normalize bowel flora as there is an increased incidence of food allergies and inhalant allergies with parasites and candida.

  • Decrease bowel transit time with the use of probiotics. ( I do not recommend long-term use of laxatives, even natural, as these can lead to dependency.

  • Improve digestion with enzymes, HCL, no fluid with meals.

  • Invest in air filters in every environment you spend a lot of time.

  • Increase your intake of Vitamin E (not more than 800 IU/day), Selenium (not more than 200 mcg/day), Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Quercetin, Hesperidin bioflavanoids, EFA's, B6 (too high of doses over 200 mcg/day can lead to neuropathy), B12, Molybdenum and glutamine.

  • Support the adrenals, there are a few good combination supplements for this. (do not take black licorice for extended periods of time).

There is absolutely no need for you to live your life around your allergies and suffer needlessly. There are plenty of natural alternatives to combating both your seasonal allergy symptoms as well as your food allergy symptoms. Just be diligent, stick with the program and don't underestimate the power of natural remedies.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why Your Doctor Can't Cure IBS?

Many of my clients ask me the question, "Why can't my doctor cure IBS?" When referring to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), the client is referring to the other names by which IBS is known, including colitis, UC, leaky gut, Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) and others. In the medical community, there are many questions and much misinformation as to what these conditions are and what causes them. In turn, many patients are getting inaccurate information and are being misled, which causes frustration and fear in these patients. Because of this fear, several individuals seek out alternative medicine to cure IBS.

The inability to understand IBS and its cure are primarily due to the fact that the same "old paradigm" is being used to try and understand it. Older forms of medicine state that most diseases are caused by germs, but IBS is not. Therefore, there exists much misinformation and confusion about the issue, which exacerbates the IBS problem.

The most common method to cure IBS symptoms is to prescribe antibiotics, which is the polar opposite of what should be done, and I believe that this one action is the primary cause of IBS.

Another common treatment includes putting the patient on steroids, which does little but mask the patients' symptoms but doesn't cure any actual problems. Moreover, pumping in steroids can lead to various toxic side effects, which can prove to be fatal in some cases.

A third misdirected choice is to perform surgery to cure IBS. All this accomplishes is simply cutting out the patient's intestines. This treatment stems from a commonly held belief in the traditional medical community of, "if you can't fix the problem, simply cut it out."

Because the actual cause of IBS is the use of antibiotics, it becomes much clearer why your physician (the prescriber of the antibiotics) is unable to explain its cause or to cure it.

The most effective way to treat and cure your IBS is through a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in holistic gastroenterology. The only way to cure IBS is to fix the problem by completely rebuilding the GI tract tissues, and this is done by using organic substances from which the tissues are made, and not drugs or other medications that most traditional doctors use to cure diseases and illnesses.

Since the wrong diagnosis has been made and the wrong medicines have been used to try and cure the illness, your doctor is not going to have the ability to fix your GI problem. Instead, seek out an alternative solution to your problem, like a holistic gastroenterologist, who can outline the steps you need to take to cure IBS.

Facts on Nordic Naturals Omega 3 Supplements

A good source of healthy fatty acids is Nordic Naturals Omega 3. Omega 3 is one of the few fatty acids that is good for the body.Unknown to some people, fat is not the bad guy. There are some types of fats that prove to be useful and very essential to the body. Unsaturated fat, like those found in fish oil and olive oil, are healthy fat that can aid you in living healthy. Fish oil is particularly rich in omega 3 fatty acids. That is probably one of the reasons why fish is a staple food item for many people.

One of the many reasons why omega 3 is popular is because it is known to reduce the risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular disorders. Since it is the good kind of fat, it does not promote fat build-up within the walls of the blood vessels. It has also been found to decrease the chances of stroke. Omega 3 helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and helps regulate the blood pressure.

Another benefit of Omega 3 is that it promotes fat metabolism and prevents the breakdown of muscles. Studies show that those who combine exercise, proper diet and a dose of omega 3, burn more calories than people who don't get a dose of the fatty acid. This essential fatty acid is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it alleviates symptoms of asthma and ulcerative colitis.

But the benefits don't stop there. Nordic Naturals Omega 3 is also known to boost the calcium levels of the body, thus preventing the occurrence of bone and joint diseases. That is why people with arthritis are advised to add to their diet, food items which are packed with omega 3. There are still more benefits to taking supplements. Omega 3 lessens the risks of certain kinds of cancer and keeps the body functioning properly.

Other claimed benefits of omega 3 are that it promotes healthy skin and prevents acne and other skin diseases. It is known to help boost the memory and improve cognitive function. This fatty acid helps in the transmission of impulses between brain cells. In fact, doctors prescribe pregnant women to consume omega 3-rich foods to further the neurological development of the baby. By taking the necessary amount of omega 3 fatty acids, you could also reduce your risk for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Since omega 3 is a natural chemical to help the body reach its full working potential, there are no harmful side effects. Consuming tuna, salmon or flaxseeds can give you the daily dose of omega 3 that your body needs.

However, if eating fish or hundreds of seeds does not appeal to you, you could always turn to supplements. You should bear in mind the quality of the supplement and how much omega 3 it contains. But before you buy your supplements, it's always a good idea to have a little chat with your physician first. Nordic Naturals Omega 3 supplements may be healthy, and they should be taken as prescribed, and with the approval of your physician.

Feline Bloody Stool - How to Treat This at Home

The presence of blood in your cat's stool may send you in a panic. Why not? Feline bloody stool is not a joke. This can be a sign of a serious medical problem in your cat. In order to determine what could really have caused this problem in your cat, the best thing for you to do is to take your cat to the vet. Before you take your cat to the vet, though, it may be helpful to figure out other symptoms that may be noticeable aside from the presence of blood in the cat's stool. A little information about your cat will help the vet determine the real problem behind the cat's situation.

If your cat has been suffering from feline bloody diarrhea, try to see if you will notice any one or more of these other symptoms:
o Excessive drinking
o Exertion and pain during defecation
o Sudden weight loss
o Loss of appetite
o Lethargy

If your cat shows any of these signs aside from diarrhea, chances are that it may be suffering from a more severe problem. There are many factors that can lead a cat to excrete a bloody stool. Some of these factors are the presence of parasites, bacterial infection, colitis or bowel inflammation, food intolerance or allergy, ingestion of poisonous substance, and ingestion of certain drugs.

The vet will know how to treat the different symptoms associated with the blood in the cat's stool. He can also advice and prescribe medications that can best treat your pet. However, if for some reason you cannot go to the vet to have the animal diagnosed and treated, you may want to try treating the problem at home.

Since feline bloody stool and diarrhea may be caused by intolerance or allergy in the diet, you can try changing your pet's diet. Be sure to feed it with high quality food. It would be better if you feed the animal natural food that is high in fiber, rich in protein, and contains low levels of fat instead of giving it processed food. Processed cat food may contain preservatives, fillers, and additives that may not be good for your pet. Also, avoid giving your cat food scraps from your table.

If you suspect that the animal has parasites, you may give it a de-worming medication. However, be sure that the medication you will be giving is safe. Some medications can induce feline bloody diarrhea.

Another way to treat feline bloody stool and all the symptoms associated with it is to give the pet herbal remedies or homeopathic remedies. Many cat owners have used these remedies in treating several problems in feline's health. Herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies have properties that are as effective as antibiotics in treating the problem in cats, but they do not have the side effects that antibiotics may have. This makes herbal and homeopathic remedies a good alternative treatment for any problem in the pet's health.

However, be wary when choosing the right homeopathic formula for your feline friend. Not all natural alternatives are created equal. There are homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies which may not be able to give you the effect you expect. When buying homeopathic remedies, be sure that the product you are buying contains ingredients such as uva ursi, berberis vulgaris, cantharis, and staphysagris. These ingredients are helpful in addressing the problem in your cat.

The Use of Steriods to Fight Colitis Symptoms

When diagnosed with colitis, the sufferer has to accept that there will be periods when flare ups occur, these being sometimes mild other times perhaps severe, where the amount of and dosage medication has to be increased. Steroids are a medication that will be introduced during such times as they are acknowledged as the most effective method to counter inflamed colitis symptoms.

The role of steroids are for the reduction in inflammation that appears in the large colon during an attack and they are, in most cases, very effective. The treatment prescribed usually is for a high dosage to begin with in order that the medication can start to reduce the intensity and increasing strength of the inflammation. When the symptoms are brought under control, the continued use of steroids will be monitored, though this is not to suggest that they can quickly cease to be taken. The dosage is then slowly reduced when remission is gained though this can last several months before the dosage is finally stopped. Even if the sufferer is feeling well again, there can be a tendency to stop taking the medication and not finish the course but this is not recommended.

The sufferer should be aware that the human body does quickly become dependent upon the dosage of steroids that require to be administered daily. The result of this is that there must not be a sudden stoppage of taking steroids but a slow reduction of the dose as mentioned previously so that the body can adapt to this withdrawal. The vast majority of colitis sufferers will no longer require steroids once all the inflammation has reduced and they are back to remission health, though there are a small number who experience further symptoms as soon as the medication is stopped. This situation can be the result of the attack being more severe and thus a continual need to take steroids is required to ensure that the effects of the disease are contained and managed as best as possible.

It will come as no surprise that such a powerful drug can cause side effects even. These include weight gain, increased hormonal levels, irritability, mood swings, a mooning of the face, fluid retention and fatigue which will slowly reduce once the dosage is starts to reduce then stopped. In some situations, the medication requires to be taken for longer periods though this introduces the possibility of further side effects such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure and cataracts in the eyes.

The medication can either be given in tablet form or where an enema or suppository is used which can have the benefits of reduced side effects because the steroid is being administered directly onto the inflammation such as the areas of the rectum and end part of the colon if colitis is just restricted to these parts. Where the case is more severe and admission to hospital is required, greater strength steroids are administered through the use of injection directly into the vein.

When colitis symptoms do appear, it is essential that the medication used for periods of attack are bolstered in order to start fighting what can be a very debilitating disease. Whilst steroids do have side effects, their acknowledged ability to assist in the control then reduction in the inflammation is still the most effective use of medication for colitis sufferers and their use should not be rejected out of hand.

Crohn's Disease and Colitis Patients Should Avoid MSG and Stick to Raw Food

A healthy diet does not include monosodium glutamate (referred to as MSG). This fact holds true for everyone - especially Crohn's Disease and Colitis patients. The primary source of MSG is processed foods. The Western diet of fats, sugars, and processed foods is believed to be the culprit responsible for the prevalence of Crohn's Disease and Colitis in North American society.

Patients with these conditions do much better with a diet of fruits and vegetables. In fact, many people claim that they have found a way to manage (and even eliminate) their uncomfortable symptoms. Some patients say that taking part in a water fast followed by a regular raw food diet worked for them. Of course, nobody should start a fast or make drastic changes to their diet without checking with their medical proffessional.

Mostly, people do not have problems with a diet of fruit and vegetables. Yet the body has to go through a period of adjustment to its new "fuel." People with multiple conditions may experience temporary challenges with a raw food diet. It is always better for patients to check with their own medical proffessional.

In almost every case, fruits and vegetables will be the best choice. A diet saturated with MSG is never the right choice. In fact, Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon and author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills," names monosodium glutamate as "the taste that kills." That designation makes a powerful statement.

Yet Dr. Blaylock insists that MSG deserves that disturbing title. According to this physician, monosodium glutamate use can result in brain damage. In addition, this harmful substance can worsen diseases including Lou Gehrig's disease and Alzheimer's disease as well as other serious conditions. The doctor even believes that MSG can increase the level of a learning disability.

MSG is thought to cause headaches, eye damage, and even depression. Monosodium glutamate has been linked to short-term and long-term effects. A series of complications has been attributed to MSG. Indeed, there are reports that MSG has led to death under certain circumstances.

Obviously, this unhealthy substance will hinder rather than help anyone with Crohn's Disease and Colitis. These sufferers should be looking for the healthiest choice. Sticking to a raw food diet is the best way to avoid monosodium glutamate.

Sold originally decades ago in the US under the brand name 'Accent' (a meat tenderizer), today's MSG can be harder to spot in foods at the supermarket. Monosodium glutamate shows up in salad dressings, canned soups, frozen dinners, and a variety of other products. The scariest fact about MSG is that it has been found on occasion in baby foods and formulas.

Monosodium glutamate must be listed on labels. Yet 'free glutamic acid' (a MSG component) does not have to appear on a list of ingredients. By choosing a raw food diet, Crohn's Disease and Colitis sufferers can avoid this "MSG mess." Even when dining out, everyone must still be vigilant about their consumption of MSG. When you choose fresh food over processed products, it becomes much easier to avoid substances with no health benefits but plenty of harmful effects.

How to Avoid Two Dangers of Colitis Symptoms

There are many issues that have to be dealt with when suffering from colitis symptoms and most of these are fairly obvious. Others, though, are less well known yet their effects can certainly add to the overall challenge that is faced by everyone diagnosed with the disease. There are however easy solutions to ensure that they are two fewer problems that have to be dealt with.

Firstly, the sufferer must be aware of the loss of important minerals during a period when colitis symptoms are experienced. When the inevitable diarrhoea starts to flow it shall contain more mineral loss than you are probably aware of, including such as potassium and magnesium. One of the principle medications used to bring inflammation of the large colon under control, namely steroids, can result in calcium deficiency and, if taken for extended periods of time, loss of bone density.

There should also be an awareness of a potential iron deficiency attributable to the blood loss in the diarrhoea and stools. It should not be forgotten that the body's level of salt will require to be replenised therefore additional amounts should be added to food consumed. Don't ignore the importance of discussing these issues with the doctor and decide on a program of vitamin and mineral supplements in order to replace what is being lost.

The other danger that has to be addressed when suffering from colitis symptoms is that of ensuring an adequate intake of fluids. If insufficient fluids are being consumed, there is an increased risk of impaired kidney function, leading to a higher risk of kidney stones forming. As diarrhoea will be one of the main symptoms, it is so important to ensure the fluids that are lost are subsequently replenished. By drinking an adequate amount of fluids on a daily basis will ensure that fluid replacement is being achieved plus also the body toxins are being flushed out appropriately. If fluids are not being consumed in an adequate quantity, the colitis sufferer will risk feeling extra tired and weak, something that they can have some control over.

When the sufferer has to face a period of colitis symptoms, they will have a lot of challenges to face, including trying to get through each day with what can be very uncomfortable abdominal pain, tiredness and lack of energy plus diarrhoea that appears, at times, to be out of control. What is not needed at such a challenging time are additional ailments that can so very easily be avoided by simple actions, as long as the sufferer is aware of them. All the focus requires to be on getting though the period of symptoms by adopting effective colitis management. It requires being aware of such potential problems and how to effectively stop them from happening in order to achieve remission as soon as possible.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

9 Secrets Why Aloe Vera is Good For You

Aloe Vera is a popular plant that is used for many medicinal purposes. It is originally discovered in North Africa and grows in arid climate. There are many uses for this amazing plant and is used for thousands of years by the Egyptians. If you can, try to grow the plant in your backyard so that you have a fresh supply of it when you need it.

Here are the many uses of this brilliant plant:

1. It accelerates healing rate. If you get a cut or a blister, apply this on top of the wound and you will notice that it will heal quickly.

2. Eating Aloe Vera will increase your blood glucose level if you have diabetes. However, it is best to consult a physician first before you try this.

3. Decreases lipid levels in your body and helps prevents cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes.

4. Decreases inflammation and symptoms with people who are suffering from ulcerative colitis.

5. Treatment of some STD (sexually transmitted disease) like genital herpes.

6. As a skin and face moisturizer. If you have baby oil, apply a bit of the plant inside and this would help to moisturize the skin.

7. Give fast relief if you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn.

8. Many of the soaps and shampoo have the extract of the plant in them. You can usually smell of it when you it on your body.

9. Strengthens your immune system and helps fights infections.

Why Colitis Symptoms Can Return After a Relapse

Once the sufferer has endured the worst of a colitis relapse, their strength slowly returns and having no doubt been confined to indoors for a period of time, they will be anxious to get out and start living life to the full again. Unfortunately, if key points are not understood and adhered to, the colitis symptoms that were so painful and discomforting to endure, could well make a fast reappearance.

Having been stuck indoors for several weeks, the feeling of freedom can be amazing. Now that you have entered the phase where the discomfort has disappeared, it really can feel wonderful to be outside again and undertake the little things that you would normally take for granted. The sense of being able to undertake usual daily activities again without any discomfort, reintroduce your normal diet, every thing that you normally take for granted when well. But you must be on your guard.

It is essential to be very cautious about what you do and undertake until you know that the relapse had ended completely and that the inflammation of the colon had reduced entirely. It is not the case to assume that once the symptoms such as the passing of frequent diarrhea and blood have stopped that the sufferer can assume that the relapse has passed and life can begin as normal once again. The inflammation of the colon takes many weeks to be eliminated through the use of medication such as steroids and therefore whilst the symptoms may have reduced or disappeared, the safe haven of remission mode has not as yet been reached.

The effective action to take in the short term is the very cautious approach. Reintroduce daily activities back into your life very slowly in a restrained way so as not to put too much mental and physical pressure on your body. Yet some sufferers do not do this and before they have enjoyed the start of remission their health takes a downward turn. Through incorrect advice that they receive, their own actions, their lack of understanding of colitis and lack of appreciation of how strong this disease is in fighting back colitis makes an unwanted return.

The cause can be incorrectly returning to your work far too soon. And whilst the pressure to return to work will most likely exist, the sufferer must consider the impact it will have on their recovery and overall health. Through undertaking both physical and mental tasks far too soon, and it is so easy to do this, there is the increasing chance that the relapse will not be given the full opportunity to pass whereby colitis symptoms could re-emerge. There requires to be more rest taken than usual when in the early days of remission to give the body greater time to recover and ease back into the pattern of everyday life. Ignorance of this can be very costly.

It is imperative to realize that one of the most susceptible times for a colitis sufferer is the period just after a relapse has died down. There may not be the feeling of any discomfort any longer, in fact the sufferer might be feeling really quite well again, but that does not mean they are out of the immediate danger zone. By using the knowledge of other colitis sufferers they can find the answers to avoid unintentionally provoking what were dying colitis symptoms into a second life.

Is Chronic Epstein Barr Virus the Same As Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Epstein Barr virus infection is usually short lived, lastly only a few weeks in most people. However in some people it can become chronic, lasting for weeks, months or even years.

Symptoms of chronic Epstein Barr virus can include ongoing fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, dizziness, and in some people recurrent sore throats and swollen glands. When the relapsing fatigue lingers for more than 6 months, some doctors reclassify the condition as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS.

The true definition of CFS is "unexplained relapsing fatigue for six months or more which is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms: recurrent sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches or pains, headaches of a new pattern or intensity, unrefreshing sleep, poor concentration or short term memory and post-exercise tiredness that lasts more than a day".

Other conditions that can mimic the symptoms of CFS also need to be ruled out. These conditions include anemia, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, auto immune disease, hypothyroidism, chronic bacterial infections and gastrointestinal problems like Crohn's disease, colitis or celiac disease.

If your doctor has reclassified your chronic Epstein Barr virus as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, then you need to make sure your doctor is up to date with the latest information on this illness. Treatment for CFS is along the same lines as that for chronic Epstein Barr Virus. Focus should be on boosting immunity, repairing the adrenals, cleansing the liver, starting a gradual exercise program and managing stress. An understanding doctor who can offer emotional support is also essential. Understanding and love from family and friends can go a long way in helping you through chronic illness. If you do not have this type of help then you can access the many CFS and EBV forums available or even use the social networking sites like Facebook to connect with others with the same condition.

How You Can Help Candida With a Few Simple Changes

Some of the most common health complaints people suffer from when candida is prevalent are fatigue, allergies, thrush and cystitis, skin rashes, mood changes, low libido and bowel changes, to name a few.
Because candidiasis can affect various parts of the body - the most common being the mouth, ears, nose, gastrointestinal tract, and vagina - it can be characterized by many symptoms. These include constipation, diarrhea, colitis, abdominal pain, headaches, bad breath, rectal itching, impotence, memory loss, mood swings, prostatitis, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and persistent cough, congestion, acne, night sweats, severe itching, extreme fatigue, vaginitis, kidney and bladder infections, arthritis, depression, hyperactivity, adrenal problems. Symptoms often become more severe after the consumption of foods containing sugar, yeast and/or mold.

Candidiasis may affect both men and women, however, it is rarely transmitted sexually. It is most common in babies (an infected mother may pass the fungal infection to her newborn) and in persons with compromised immune systems. In babies, they will develop nappy rash that looks like a very bad burn.

Taking antibiotics, hormones, steroids and cortisone drugs are the main reason why most people suffer from a Candida overgrowth. This is because these drugs affect the balance between the "Good" and "Bad" bacteria found in the intestines and bowel. These medicines also weaken the immune system, cause nutritional deficiencies and alter the permeability of the gastro-intestinal lining giving rise to further infections.

Very often food allergies or environmental sensitivities are present in candidiasis sufferers.

The bowel and intestine are the first areas of imbalance when candida proliferates. In the bowel we have a large population of "Good Bacteria". When we are born, provided we are breast fed, the colostrum (which is the first part of breast milk) feeds this good bacteria and supplies a plentiful amount of it. This helps to keep the balance between "good and bad" in the intestines. If we have antibiotics, their action wipes out the harmful bacteria, however this action is non specific and also destroys the beneficial bacteria as well. Each time we have another course of antibiotics, this good bacteria is destroyed further and further. This lack of good bacteria leads to all kinds of health problems, such as constipation and diarrhea, headaches, skin rashes, mood changes, a lowered immunity and general ill health.

Therefore the primary treatment of candidiasis is to establish a healthy amount of 'friendly' bacteria in the bowel and intestines. The three reasons this is essential are:

a) The friendly bacteria control the pH of the bowel, this action helps to control opportunistic bacteria and fungus.

b) Probiotic cultures compete for food with yeast and other harmful bacteria.

c) Good bacteria also compete for space to attach themselves onto the bowel wall and intestinal lining, thus 'crowding out' harmful bacteria.

Candida has two quite separate identities in the body. One is when it is in its yeast form and the other is in its fungal form. In the yeast form it has no root, but in its fungal form it produces what are called Rhizoids. These are long structures, similar to roots. Once in this form, the roots can actually penetrate through the mucous lining of the tissue, in which they are growing. When this happens this substance then enters the blood stream. This form of infection is known as systemic candidiasis. Once the candida has broken through the intestinal barrier, undigested proteins from the food eaten, as well as toxic wastes from the candida infestation, may begin to circulate in the blood stream. Once in the bloodstream, candida can invade every organ system in the body, causing a type of blood poisoning called candida septicaemia. If these substances reach the brain, there is a chance for the production of, what have been termed as, "brain allergies". These can result in a wide variety of mood and personality problems, ranging from depression, irritability and mood swings, to conditions, which look to all the world, like the symptoms of schizophrenia.

When candida infects the vagina, it results in vaginitis characterized by a large amount of white, cheesy discharge and intense itching and burning. When the fungus infects the oral cavity, it is called thrush. Candida infection may also take the form of athlete's foot or jock itch.

Protocols in natural medicine seek to establish a balance between yeast and beneficial bacteria as well as controlling proliferation through anti-microbial and anti-fungal supplements.

The 2 main formulas we use for treating this condition are the herbal combinations Kolorex and Candaid. Kolorex contains contains herbs made from NZ native plants. These herbs contain properties that are very fast acting and effective against candida and other fungi.

Candaid contains a variety of herbs including caprylic acid. Caprylic acid is a potent anti-fungal agent and was first investigated for its anti fungal use in 1938-39, but it wasn't until the mid 80's that its use became widespread and accepted. At low doses it shows a fungistatic action by inhibiting the separation of buds from the parent candida cell. At higher doses it destroys the integrity of the cell wall causing the cells to leak and collapse. Caprylic acid binds to the candida cells and begins its action within 5 minutes of contact.

Other herbs or supplements that will break down candida yeast in the body, or support the body's ability to do so, are Garlic, Pau d'Arco, Olive leaf, the B Complex vitamins, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron.

Nutritional and Herbal support used against Candidiasis includes

Kolorex - A NZ native herbal formula with broad spectrum anti-fungal action.

CandAid - contains a blend of herbs & other ingredients known for their anti-fungal activity. Formulated to help restore a healthy balance in the intestines in conjunction with a sugar and yeast free diet.

Vitamin B Complex 100 - This is needed for growth, function and repair of all cells in body.

Advanced Antioxidant Formula - Helps support the weakened immune system and helps with liver support.

Formula 825 - A herbal formula specifically for its antimicrobial support.

Primadophilus Bifidus - Essential friendly bacteria, that is needed to repopulate the gastrointestinal tract.

Colostrum - Helps feed the friendly bacteria and heal the gastrointestinal tract. Restores the bowel to optimum functioning.

Some interesting points on Candidiasis

Eat vegetables, fish, brown rice, oat, bran, live yogurt. Try to keep the diet simple and as natural as possible.

Drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

Avoid sugar, yeast, aged and fancy cheese, chocolate, alcohol, ham, honey, pickles, nut butters, mushrooms, soy sauce, vinegar and foods containing MSG. These all encourage the growth of the yeast.

Avoid antibiotics, oral contraceptives and corticosteroids if possible until your condition improves. Oral contraceptives upset the balance of organisms in the body.

If you have had chronic and/or unusually persistent Candida infections, consult a health care provider.

Treating Digestive Disorders With Chiropractic Care

Americans spend billions of dollars on over-the-counter and prescription medication hoping to relieve digestive problems. Their symptoms can come in the form of constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and other common complaints of a digestive nature. Untreated, digestive disorders may affect one's quality of life, immune system, social well-being, and job productivity. On the other hand, the side-effects of steroid medications and other drugs used to treat digestive problems are very hard on the body.

While the symptoms of digestive disorders are bothersome, there are ways to address the underlying factors that contribute to the problem without the use of drugs. Research offers evidence that chiropractic care, for example, can be very effective in treating digestive conditions.

What Chiropractic Care Can Do for Your Digestive Disorder
The nervous system is responsible for controlling digestive function. It does so from several different parts of the body. The vagus nerve, for example, travels from the brain stem to the atlas bone, energizing the digestive organs and inciting the digestive process. The sympathetic nerves of the thoracic and lumbar region, and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers, are responsible for the pace of digestion.

Spinal misalignment in these spinal regions may affect the proper functioning of the bowel and the neurological process as a whole. Chiropractic doctors seek to isolate the exact location of spinal misalignments (also known as subluxations). The adjustment is performed in order to realign the impaired regions, and recover proper nerve supply to the affected organs.

Chiropractic care recognizes the body's natural ability to heal itself. As such, its approach to restoring ailments is based on addressing organ function, so that it can perform optimally without the aid of drugs.

Various studies have illustrated the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating patients with digestive conditions. One study showed how infants with infrequent bowel syndrome receiving chiropractic care experienced almost immediate improvement after sessions.

Another comprehensive study established a link between spinal misalignments and the occurrence of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease results in inflammation along the small intestine, affecting any part of the digestive tract. In addition to pain, this inflammation results in frequent emptying of the intestines and diarrhea.

The prevailing theory around the cause of Crohn's disease is that the immune system is acting in response to a virus or bacterium. Traditional treatment for Crohn's disease involves the use of corticosteroids to address the inflammation. However, the side-effects of corticosteroids can be serious, possibly prompting greater vulnerability to infection. Drugs that suppress the immune system are also used. Researchers of the study sought to look for treatment options that boosted the immune system (as opposed to suppressing it) in a way that did not rely on the use of drugs.

Another study revealed the link between spinal misalignments and a wide range of conditions including ulcerative colitis, asthma, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel disorder. It showed that correcting those displacements caused improvement (and sometimes complete remission) of symptoms of Crohn's disease. Research findings also point to another attendant benefit of chiropractic care. Not only is there improvement of digestive disorders following chiropractic care but also an overall improvement of patients' quality of life.

Contact a Chiropractor for a Thorough Assessment of Your Digestive Condition
Chiropractors adjust misalignments of the spine that interfere with nerve function. These problems can be painlessly corrected. Once the misalignment is treated, the troublesome symptoms will likely go away as well.

Chiropractic care can benefit those suffering from digestive disorders by restoring the digestive processes' natural rhythm. In addition to spinal manipulation, your chiropractor may also employ the use of nutritional counseling as part of his or her practice. Vitamin and mineral supplements, healing herbs, as well as other complementary approaches may also be suggested. In an effort to address the patient as a whole, chiropractic doctors seek for ways to encourage wellness in a holistic manner.

Learn About Soya Lecithin And Why It May Be Good For You

Soya lecithin is sometimes recommended as a nutritional supplement, because it is a source of Phosphatidyl choline. Let's call that PC. Here's why PC may be good for you.

PC is a major component of cellular membranes. It is a precursor of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. Neurotransmitters are compounds responsible for communication between brain cells and synapses. They also carry information from nerve endings in the body to the neurons in the brain.

The amount of PC present in cellular membranes may decrease with age. Increasing your intake may slow the aging process. This is the first health claim commonly associated with these supplements. But, the results from research studies have been conflicting concerning these claims.

It has been shown that people already suffering from age-related dementia do not benefit from soya lecithin supplements. Of course the difference in the results of the study could be due to how the lecithin is extracted from the soy.

Lecithin can be extracted from foods by mechanical or chemical means. The chemical method is faster and less expensive. So, most companies choose the chemical method.

The chemical used in the extraction process is hexane. Hexane is toxic to the central and peripheral nervous system, even in small amounts. So, if the supplement used in the studies was created through the use of hexane, it is understandable that benefits to the central nervous system would be ruled out by the toxicity of hexane.

Assuming you choose a supplement that is extracted mechanically, rather than through the use of solvents, you might be able to slow down the aging process in your body with this nutrient. Some studies have shown improved brain function and memory capacity. The nutrient also has some antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants are important dietary components, because they neutralize free radicals and repair damage that has already been done by the molecules. The antioxidant activity of soya lecithin is not strong however. For this reason, it is better to take a supplement that contains it as an ingredient, than to use it as a stand-alone supplement. Other antioxidants are more potent.

PC has also been shown to have a healing effect on the liver. In animal studies, the nutrient has been shown to reduce symptoms and disease activity in hepatitis. Benefits have also been seen in ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, due to the nutrient's natural anti-inflammatory activity.

So, soya lecithin is a good choice as an ingredient for a complete multi-nutritional supplement. But only if the chemical hexane is not used in the extraction process.