Saturday, May 4, 2013

Acupuncture and Alternative Therapies For Digestive Disorders

It is estimated that approximately 62 million Americans experience digestive problems on an ongoing basis. This is due to the harmful repercussions of the standard American diet on our population coupled with the high level of stress that the average American experiences. Digestive problems can range from minor annoyances, such as gas and bloating, to life-threatening illnesses, such as crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, unremitting diarrhea, and various cancers that target digestive organs. Whatever the case, it is always worth being proactive about our digestive health. The information contained in this article on acupuncture and natural therapies should definitely get you going in the right direction, not only with your digestion but also with your health in general. Let's take a look at a few common disorders and what can be done about them.

1. Constipation: The standard American diet can easily lead to chronic constipation. This diet is low in fiber and antioxidants and high in difficult to digest additives and refined ingredients. Many, many people are constipated and they don't even know it. They may have regular bowel movements, but they are still not flushing their systems thoroughly, which creates intestinal toxicity. Intestinal cleansing is often a top priority in healing numerous chronic health problems. There are several natural herbal remedies and nutritional supplements that can relieve constipation and heal the underlying imbalances.

Chinese herbal formulas such as ma zi ren wan and run chang wan are gentle laxatives that are not habit forming.

Aloe vera juice reduces inflammation and promotes peristalsis (smooth muscle contraction in the bowel).

  • Triphala is an Ayurvedic herbal complex that gently eases constipation and removes stagnant waste from the intestines.

  • Psyllium husk is a high fiber product that alleviates constipation.

  • Flax meal and seed are excellent high fiber sources for constipation. Senna leaf is useful for severe constipation.

2. Diarrhea: Chronic diarrhea can be dangerous for your health. It is still one of the leading causes of death in the world. Diarrhea is related to spleen weakness or intestinal inflammation. It is always a top treatment priority to heal this condition. Stress and anxiety can trigger regular bouts of diarrhea, as can processed and refined foods. Here are a few basic remedies for diarrhea:

Chinese herbal formulas such as bu zhong yi qi tang (ginseng and astragalus), si jun qi tang (4 Gentlemen), liu jun zi tang (6 Gentlemen), and jin gui shen qi tang (rehmannia 8) are helpful for alleviating diarrhea due to deficiency. Tong xie yao feng, Isatis Cooling, and jia wei xiao yao wan are helpful for diarrhea due to heat and inflammation.

Western herbs such as slippery elm, chamomile, peppermint, and ginger harmonize and soothe the stomach to stop diarrhea.

Probiotics such as acidophilus are useful as long-term adjuncts in treating diarrhea.

3. Bloating and gas: These symptoms tend to arise from eating too much or too fast, excessive stress, refined foods, coffee and alcohol, and sugar. Aside from slowing down and eating less of these foods, here are a few herbal suggestions:

  • Chai hu shu gan wan -- the quintessential Chinese formula for the combination of stress and gas.
  • Xiao yao wan -- Excellent for digestive problems that arise during menses and excessive stress.
  • Liu jun zi tang -- Strengthens the spleen and takes phlegm out of the gut, which is often related to gas and bloating.
  • Acidophilus and bifidus -- Bloating and gas can be related to candida overgrowth, which is a pathological yeast that causes an array of physical and emotional imbalances.
  • 4. Irritable bowel Syndrome: IBS is a very common problem that affects millions of Americans. Doctors will often diagnose IBS when the patient's symptoms don't seem to match up with anything else, so they call it irritable bowel. This disorder is characterized by bowels fluctuating from constipation to diarrhea with intermittent abdominal pain or distention. People with IBS tend to be sensitive to a variety of foods including high fiber foods, refined sugar, wheat, and gluten products. Symptoms can continue indefinitely and can be resistant to conventional treatments. I have treated several patients with IBS, usually with very positive results. Acupuncture theory asserts that IBS typically involves a disharmony between the liver and the spleen. The liver becomes hyperactive due to stress, anger, and frustration, which causes it to weaken the spleen, causing loose bowels and fatigue. Treatment involves relaxing the liver and strengthening the spleen.

    Herbal formulas such as Irritease by K'An Herbals and Isatis Cooling by Health Concerns have proven helpful. In general, I recommend committing to weekly acupuncture and herbal treatment for 4-8 visits, depending upon the severity and duration of your symptoms.

  • Acidophilus and bifidus cand be helpful, as many people with IBS also have candida
  • Chamomile and peppermint have a soothing effect on the gut and can reduce irritation
  • Most digestive disorders respond very well to consistent acupuncture and herbal treatment. Making dietary changes that restore and detoxify the gut also enhances treatment progress. Digestion is one of the main reference points for gauging one's overall health. If there are weaknesses or imbalances here, it is likely that one's overall health is compromised. Maintaining healthy digestion is an essential component in our quest for optimal health.

    I should mention that for those of you suffering from crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, or colon cancer, it is definitely best to seek out professional alternative and allopathic medical treatment. These diseases are simply too involved to offer blanket solutions in this article. There are many powerful natural remedies for these diseases, but their application is specific to your unique needs.

    Four Explosive Diarrhea Causes People Should Know About

    Suffering through diarrhea after eating something the stomach doesn't agree with is an all too common experience for some folks. But everyone, from all walks of life, is susceptible to developing the condition. Diarrhea is essentially described as having more than three loose, watery stools per day. It is the number one cause of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plus, it has been listed as the precursor to over 1.5 million deaths for kids under five, and 1.1 million deaths for those 5 and above. Explosive diarrhea is an exacerbation of this condition wherein loose stools are forcefully expelled from the body acutely and may be accompanied by rectal bleeding. So far, there are four known explosive diarrhea causes, and they will be further discussed in the following sections.

    a. Malabsorption. This refers to the body's lack of capacity to absorb and metabolize certain nutrients from the food that had been consumed. Lactose-intolerance is a popular example of this, and a person's inability to use up certain sugars can lead to foul-smelling explosive diarrhea. Malabsorption problems can be brought by a number of genetic abnormalities or physical deformities, and it can be quite serious, since it can lead to malnutrition. If such is the case, those affected must consult a physician, so that they can get regular medical treatment and follow a prescribed diet.

    b. Medication. Sometimes, the drugs you take in can change your metabolism and bowel habits, giving way to diarrhea after eating or even at random occasions. After taking antibiotics, for example, you might experience successive bouts of diarrhea, since it is one of the reliable ways the body can get rid of the bacteria. Cancer medication has also been known to have a similar adverse effect. When this happens, it is essential that you inform your physician, so that adequate after care is applied. After all, as mentioned earlier, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may ensue.

    c. Infection. In line with the previous premise, explosive diarrhea can also occur before the intervention of medication. Certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria - like Salmonella, E. Coli, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Giardia lamblia and Campulobacter - can irritate the bowel, which in turn, causes irregularities in defecation. This is likely one of the most common triggers, since they are typically contracted by drinking and eating contaminated rations, but, they are also the simplest to resolve. Physicians usually just recommend a medication regimen composed of antibiotic, antiparasitic and antiviral drugs to combat the source.

    d. Bowel Disease. As the last of the known explosive diarrhea causes, one can directly assume that this is the most difficult to reverse. Ailments like colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome typically stay with you for a long time. But with patient symptom management, you don't have to fear the condition getting the best of you.

    Diarrhea is not only an uncomfortable and embarrassing disorder. It is also quite deadly. So, if you are unfortunate enough to be experiencing it, it will be best that you get medical treatment right away, before the symptom develops to more aggressive forms.

    Faster, Quicker Stronger: Intravenous Nutrient Therapy for Optimal Health

    As a Naturopathic Doctor, I am privileged with education and experience using a multitude of treatment options for my patients, including various natural medicines as well as conventional medicines. However, the exact therapy or "tool" used to treat patients is not as important as what the goal of treatment is.... That is, to treat the underlying cause of disease. In the many treatment modalities I utilize, one particular therapy I find exceptionally helpful in treating both chronic and acute conditions, using natural vitamins, minerals, botanicals, antioxidants, homeopathics, and other nutrients. The therapy I am referring to is called Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, or IVNT. There are times when various factors inhibit the body's usual ability to heal itself, such as exceptional stress, nutritional deficiencies, certain medical conditions, etc, where the immune system is unable to function at its best level. In certain situations, IVNT provides the missing link in achieving optimal health benefits from natural medicine. Before continuing to explain why IVNT is so beneficial, first we need to discuss why oral supplementation and healthy diet alone may sometimes need a boost to achieve results.

    Nutrient Depletion Despite Super-Supplementation

    Very often, I encounter patients who have modified their diets, are taking high quality and appropriate supplements and nutrients, yet still are not experiencing expected improvements. Sometimes they are already on these programs when they show up to my office, yet sometimes they are established patients that have not achieved desired result from treatments. Is the answer that they are taking the WRONG supplements and nutrients? Maybe. Is it possible that they are taking low quality, minimally absorbable supplements? Perhaps. Is it possible that there is something else causing their symptoms? Possibly. However, perhaps they are taking the right type of supplements and treatment plan, the diagnosis is correct, but something else going on....

    The Problem of Absorption

    In order to have a therapeutic effect, nutrients need to be adequately absorbed and delivered to the cell. Even with the very best, highest quality, most expensive supplements there are issues that prevent adequate absorption nutrients derived through oral supplementation and foods. For some people, these issues can be corrected over time with natural medicine, yet for others, malabsorption may be a long-term condition.

    Many factors are needed to elicit optimal absorption and delivery of nutrients, including:

    • Optimal gastrointestinal health: when nutrients are taken orally, the gastrointestinal track needs to break down foods and supplements to release the core nutrients, and transport those nutrients to the blood for delivery to the cells requiring them. This requires many steps and is dependent on numerous variables to be intact, including optimal enzyme activity, proper acid production, healthy gut flora, healthy gastrointestinal lining free of inflammation and irritation, absence of "bad" bacteria, healthy parastaltic tone (pumping action of the GI tract), as others.

    • Healthy liver function: after the nutrients are transported to the blood, they are then delivered to the liver for filtering and detoxification before having opportunity to reach other cells in the body. This is referred to as "first pass metabolism." A compromised liver can make certain nutrients inactive, ineffective, or bound for excretion before given the opportunity to have their effect in the body.

    • Healthy cell membranes: cell membranes contain energy requiring pumps to maintain proper levels of essential nutrients inside the cells. Often nutrients need to be in higher concentration inside the cells compared to outside the cell. In any mixture of substance, there is a natural predisposition for solutes (aka nutrients, minerals, etc) to flow from levels of high concentration to lower concentration, which is called the "concentration gradient." This is analogous to an overcrowded train. People in the overcrowded train will tend to move to an empty train if one is available, so there is more space to breath. However, it would take a little force to squeeze in additional people into an over packed train, requiring some shoving and pushing to make room. Similarly, in order to keep higher levels of nutrients inside the cell where they can do repair and healing, the cell membrane needs to be healthy, and have enough energy (ATP) to fuel the pumps to transport the nutrients from outside the cell (the empty train) to the inside of the cell (crowded train) against the "concentration gradient." This is called "active transport".

    Most People Have Suboptimal Absorption

    Nutrient, vitamin and mineral absorption from both foods and supplements are suboptimal in most people. Many essential minerals have as little as 1% absorption, and most only have 10-25% absorbed and available to the cells in healthy adults. This is often related to suboptimal functioning of the systems involved in absorption due to various causes.[i] [ii]

    • Most people have some degree of gastrointestinal compromise, even when that is not their major complaint. As a naturopathic doctor, I always look to gastrointestinal health as an initial cause of disease. So many diseases and symptoms have direct correlation with gastrointestinal compromise because this leads to malabsorption of nutrients necessary to maintain health! If the body is starving for nutrition, it starts to decay and breakdown. There are numerous factors in modern society contributing to such widespread gastrointestinal dysfunction, which cannot always be avoided. Poor diet, inflammatory foods, processed foods, transfatty acids, environmental toxins (heavy metals, PCB's, pesticides, dioxins, smog), chronic medication use, synthetic hormones, bacteria, viruses, Candida, fungus, chronic stress, and so on all engender decreased gastrointestinal health. With sub-par gastrointestinal function, is it a surprise that most people are unable to absorb nutrients requiring optimal gastrointestinal function?

    • We as a society tend to ascribe to the thinking of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." As a naturopath, I hope to change this thinking to "If it ain't broke, lets keep it that way!" Not as catchy. However, until this paradigm shift fully occurs, people tend to seek healthcare when they are already sick or starting to have symptoms. By that time there is already diminished function down to the cell itself, with decreased energy production causing compromised membrane function. To recall, membrane pumps require energy to bring in essential nutrients and transport out toxins. This becomes a Catch 22 situation: nutrient depletion and toxins lead to cellular dysfunction, decreased energy production and "disease"; this leads to impaired membrane pumps required to maintain optimal intracellular nutrient levels and export of toxins (the cellular trash); often the nutrients may be present in small concentration surrounding the cell; if the cell could take those nutrients inside the cell, they would help promote healing and repair; however, the cell may be too sick or energy depleted to fuel the pumps required to bring those nutrients in! This is why many people taking wonderful supplements and eating a whole food diet may not experience the improvements they expect. Their cells are not healthy enough to get healthy!!!!

    Some Medicinal Effects of Nutrients Only Achieved At High Levels

    Though nutrients may have numerous effects in the body, some of these effects are only attained after reaching very high levels. For example, vitamin C has been demonstrated to have an antiviral effect at high serum concentrations of 10-15 mg/dL.[iii] These levels are not achievable via oral route even in a healthy individual. The highest plasma concentration achieved through oral administration of vitamin C is 9.2 mg/dL. [iv] This means that no matter how much vitamin C someone ingests, they will be unable to raise their blood levels beyond a certain point. To put that in perspective, a standard, preventative dose of 2.5 grams/day of vitamin C will only raise the serum concentration to about 1.2-1.5 mg/dl. Even if we could achieve higher and higher serum concentrations from super dosing of vitamin C, such high oral dosing often causes disagreeable gastrointestinal side effects such as diarrhea and nausea. A similar effect is found with magnesium supplementation, where oral supplementation has a peak serum concentration beyond which even super-dosing with oral magnesium cannot surpass.

    Playing The Game of Nutritional "Catch-Up"

    Another factor hindering fast and significant improvement from healthy diet and supplementation is that by the time healthy regimens are implemented, the body may be so depleted that it needs a long time to "catch up". In addition, many people are basing adequate supplementation levels on the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) guidelines, which are levels intended to avoid deficiency induced diseases, but have little to do with levels promoting optimal health. Therefore, most individuals are nutrient deficit, which requires even higher amounts and longer periods of time to "catch up". This effect is further compounded when considering the multiple factors that hinder absorption discussed above (gastrointestinal health, cellular absorption capacity, etc). Often nutrients are used therapeutically in levels over and above what are necessary for baseline function (homeostasis), so it follows that before one can achieve such benefit, they must first raise their levels to baseline. The body needs to be out of debt before it can make a nutritional profit!

    Overcoming The Obstacles Using Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: A Safe, Effective, and Natural Method To Achieve Optimal Health

    With so many obstacles to achieving therapeutic benefit from vitamins, minerals and nutrients, does that mean we should just throw in the towel and have a Big Mac? Absolutely not. Most of the obstacles presented can be addressed and remedied using natural medicine over time. A very effective therapy to help circumvent these obstacles is called Intravenous Nutrient Therapy, or IVNT.

    While oral supplementation and diet requires adequate gastrointestinal absorption and "first pass metabolism" through the liver, IVNT delivers nutrients directly to the circulation and to the cells where the nutrients are needed. In addition, whereas oral absorption may be 1-25%, IVNT provides 100% of nutrients delivered to be available to cells for repair and health. This circumvents the problem of malabsorption, gastrointestinal disease, and liver dysfunction to allow the nutrients to have immediate and direct action promoting improved health and function.

    IVNT provides a "kick start" by making nutrients more readily available and easier to transport inside the cells. By providing higher nutrient concentration in the blood than can be achieved with oral therapy, cells are no longer reliant on energy dependent mechanisms to transport nutrients inside. Nutrients can enter cells via "passive transport" requiring less energy than "active transport". Using the train analogy, IVNT supersaturates the surrounding blood, so that the inside of the cell is more like the empty train, and the surrounding blood is like the overcrowded train. The nutrients require less work to travel from high concentration (packed train, or bloodstream) to lower concentration (empty train, or inside the cell). Furthermore, nutrients delivered via IVNT can provide high enough concentrations to elicit pharmacological (drug-like) effect on cells which can only be achieved at such high levels. For example, Vitamin C can have a virus killing effect but only at very high plasma concentrations. Thus, IVNT allows for natural substances to have drug-like effect without the side effects and dangers of using synthetic and toxic drugs!

    IVNT can be used as a crutch to fast track nutrient delivery which allows the body to become healthy enough to better utilize nutrients, drugs, or other therapies. As discussed, there is a therapeutic Catch 22 in cellular health, where the cells need to be healthy enough to have enough energy to bring in the nutrients required for repair, but a sick cell may not be able to do so even if those nutrients are around. IVNT provides a method of increasing nutrient absorption so that the body can become healthy enough to heal itself. For some, it is a therapy used temporarily to accelerate the healing process. For others, IVNT should be utilized long term to overcome their health challenges. ?簪

    Conditions Treated with IVNT[v] [vi] [vii]

    IVNT is a safe and effective therapy using natural substances in high quantities which enables accelerated healing for optimal health. Most any condition can benefit from high dose nutrient therapy, from general health optimization, acute cold symptoms, to caner, migraines, and viral infections. The many conditions which benefit from IVNT include:

    • Cancer

    • Chronic fatigue syndrome

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Depression

    • Parkinson's Disease

    • Migraine Headaches

    • Macular degeneration, Cataracts and certain Retinopathies

    • Autoimmune conditions

      • Rheumatoid Arthritis

      • Lupus

      • Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

    • Lyme Disease and other chronic infections

    • Hepatitis

    • Herpes Virus

    • Environmental Toxicity

    • Malabsorption problems (i.e. gastritis, ulcers, IBS, Crohn's, colitis, diverticulits)

    • Asthma

    • Flu symptoms

    • Peripheral Artery Disease

    • Macular Degeneration

    • Heavy metal toxicity

    • Post traumatic/post operative wound healing

    • Heart disease

    • Diabetes

    • Parkinson's disease

    • Alzheimer's disease

    • Dementia

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • HIV

    Therapeutic Effect of IVNT

    Benefits seen by patients vary and depend on the severity of the illness and individual response to treatment. The desired goals expected include:

    • Stimulates and increases immune system function

    • Encourages cellular repair and regeneration

    • Accelerates the process of recovery

    • Provides preventative immune support

    • Inhibits disease progression

    • Enhances treatment efficacy

    • Bolsters cancer-fighting capacity

    • Increases energy

    • Improves circulation

    • Increases cellular detoxification

    • Enhances sense of wellbeing

    • Decreases symptoms related to chronic or acute illness

    • Alleviates nutritional deficiencies

    • Hydrates the body

    • Increases body's ability to heal

    Natural Substances Used in IVNT

    繚 Amino Acids

    繚 Glutathione

    繚 Vitamin C

    繚 Phosphatidylcholine

    繚 Chelating agents

    繚 Sodium Bicarbonate

    繚 Minerals

    繚 Multi-vitamins

    繚 Antioxidants

    繚 Herbal and homeopathic medicines

    繚 Meyer's Cocktail (including)

    • B complex

    • Vitamin C

    • Magnesium

    • Dexpenthanol (Vitamin B5)

    • Calcium

    • B12

    • B6

    Complications/side effects and safety

    Intravenous delivery of nutrients, when administered by a trained and qualified doctor, is extremely safe and efficacious. Some potential short term side effects include a warm sensation due to some of the minerals, hypotension (lowered blood pressure), and changes in blood sugar. There are some rare but potential side effects that occur with any time of IV administration, such as phlebitis (inflammation of the vein), allergic reaction (rare), or minor discomfort. Overall, IVNT is a very safe therapy. It is essential to let the doctor know if you are taking any medications or have any additional health complaints that were not discussed during the office visit to rule out any possible contraindications to treatment.


    Intravenous infusions of certain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, homeopathics, botanicals and other nutrients can often be the missing link in achieving optimal health. It can be used as a short term accelerator towards therapeutic goals, or longer term to provide more efficient delivery of needed substances for maximal effect. It is one treatment amongst many within the realm of natural medicine, and when used appropriately, can provide astonishing results!

    [i] Turnland JR. Bioavailability of dietary minerals to humans: the stable isotope approach. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 1991;30(4);387-396

    [ii] [28] Schumann K, et al. Bioavailability of oral vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals in perspective. Arzneimittelforshcung

    [iii] Harakeh S, Jariwalla RJ, Pauling L. Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication by ascorbate in chronically and acutely infected cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1990;87:7245-7249

    [iv] Blanchard J, Tozer TN, Rowland M. Pharmacokinetic perspectives on megadoses of ascorbic acid. Am J Clin Nutr 1997;66:1165-1171

    [v] Gaby A (2002). "Intravenous nutrient therapy: the "Myers' cocktail"". Altern Med Rev

    [vi] Shrader W (2004). "Short and long term treatment of asthma with intravenous nutrients". Nutr J 3: 6.

    [vii] Massey, Patrick B. (May/June 2007). "Reduction of fibromyalgia symptoms through intravenous nutrient therapy: Results of a pilot clinical trial". Alternative Therapies 13 (3): 32-34.

    Aloe Vera Magic - You Can Now See Ulcerative Colitis Disappearing

    Are you a victim of ulcerative colitis? Have you experimented with sulfasalazine, corticosteroids, immuno-suppressive drugs and even considered partial removal of your colon to treat your ulcerative colitis? The permanent solution is here. Aloe Vera. It is an all natural, non-toxic medicine with no negative side effects. It can rid you of the abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, fever, dehydration, arthritis, constipation, liver inflammation or skin sores; whatever your ulcer symptoms are. Aloe vera has the ability to heal internal diseases thereby reinforcing the health of your digestive system.

    For the quick recovery from first degree burns aloe gel is the best external cure. It is also used to shrink warts and reduce pain caused due to shingles. Psoriasis, another skin disease can be treated with the use of aloe gel. Bleeding gums, denture somatitis and other dental problems can all be solved using Aloe Vera. Cleansing your bowels and clearing constipation are internal diseases that aloe-vera can cure. Its antioxidant properties are also much famed. In European alternate medicine aloe is used to cure heart burns and ulcers. It has also been speculated that it can be used in the treatment of diabetes. Patients who suffer from Irritable bowel disease (IBD) benefit significantly from use of aloe vera. Bowel residue accumulated in the colon is tackled by aloe when it is used regularly. Aloe-vera is also used to heal internal lesions and ulcers.

    The soothing, anti-inflammatory capability of aloe is used to treat colitis, peptic ulcers and other irritations of the digestive tract. Another function of aloe vera is its acidity removal. Its anti-inflammatory fatty acids such as alkalize digestive juices keep acidity well under control.

    Colorectal Cancer Part 3: Must You Die if You Do Not Undergo Chemotherapy After Surgery?

    Two people came to mind when I am writing this article on colorectal cancer. Let me relate their stories.

    Story 1:

    Mat (not real name) is a 45-year old professional who was diagnosed with Duke's C rectum cancer. Eight of 16 lymph nodes were involved. He had an operation and subsequently underwent chemotherapy with 5-FU + leucovorin. The first chemo-treatment made his life miserable due to severe side effects. He decided to opt out of chemotherapy and came to us for help. He was started on herbs and felt real good after that.

    Mat has a good friend who is a medical doctor. When his doctor-friend came to know that he had abandoned chemotherapy, he became agitated and came to see Mat and pleaded with him to continue with his chemo-treatment. According to this doctor-friend, what Mat did was wrong and he would not want to see his dearest friend die for nothing. He must go through the "proven path" of treatment. After all, to a medical doctor, herbal therapy is not definitive or scientifically proven.

    Taken by his friend's sincere concern for him, Mat relented and resumed his chemotherapy. The second treatment caused just as severe side effects as before. He felt like dying. Then, he came to a realization and asked himself: "What am I doing to myself? I suffered so much undergoing a treatment which I was not sure would even help me. Why, oh why am I "killing" myself? Am I doing this to please my doctor-friend or am I doing this for myself?" Mat was awakened to this fact and decided that he would please himself over all others. He decided to stop further chemotherapy.

    The decision Mat made weighed heavily on me. When he came to me, I made it explicitly clear that the decision to undergo chemotherapy or not must be entirely his own decision. I cannot make that decision for him. So, he probably had made his decision based on his own guts feeling and we have to respect that. It has been some years now and Mat is still doing alright. One might want to ask: "Would Mat survive the six or eight cycles of chemotherapy, given the fact that even the first two cycles already caused severe reactions?"

    It is a standard practice or golden rule so to say, that after surgery, patients are asked to undergo chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Sometime, when the doctor does not think chemotherapy is indicated, the patients themselves do not feel safe.

    Story 2:

    It was on 29 July 2001, 9.30 p.m. I was on the phone talking to a lady from England. Her Malaysian-born sister had colon cancer sometime in March 1999. She underwent an operation. The doctor in UK said that since the cancer was at its early stage (Duke's 2), there was no need for her to do any chemotherapy. Not satisfied, she came to Singapore to see another oncologist. Since she was still young (46 years old) the oncologist recommended chemotherapy. This would be "safer" for her - preventive or insurance against possible problems later. So she underwent six cycles of chemotherapy in Singapore.

    March 2000 -- a scan showed a 3 cm mass in her liver. She again came to Singapore. Further investigations by doctors in Singapore showed that there was also a 1 cm mass in the lung. The doctors recommended surgery for the liver and /or the lung. However, when the doctors opened up the abdomen, they saw numerous nodules in the peritoneum. The removal of the liver-lung was abandoned. The abdomen was closed back. She underwent another eight cycles of chemotherapy.
    After the fourth chemotherapy the tumours decreased in size but subsequent chemotherapy did not show any further improvements. In short, chemotherapy did not achieve its intended purpose. She felt hopeless and decided to quit and returned to England.

    She started on Gerson Therapy in Liverpool for five months. During that period the tumours had grown to twice their sizes. She then opted to participate in a clinical trial at one of London's top hospitals. She was again subjected to another eight cycles of chemotherapy.

    29 July 2001 -- The purpose of the sister calling was to seek my help since there seems to be no other avenues left for her. Sometimes she was in pain, and she required sleeping pill.

    This is the perception the world of today has with regards to cancer treatment. Chemotherapy is the answer and it must be done, otherwise you die from not doing it. With due respect, Mat's doctor-friend believed that chemotherapy is the only key to Mat's survival. Other ways are suspect and unreliable for lack of proof. So, Mat must go for chemotherapy or he will die. The truth is, Mat is still alive! But the lady from London, she was "emotionally a wreck " and died not long after her sister talked to me.

    Friday, May 3, 2013

    Arthritis Causes - Factors Causing Joint Pain and Inflammation

    Arthritis is a disorder causing joint inflammation. Joint inflammation includes inflammation of joint lining or synovium, surrounding tissues, eroding of bones and cartilages. Arthritis is a very common ailment, and chronic in nature. Once attacked by arthritis, it is not possible to eradicate the disorder completely, but remission of the disorder is possible through medications, changing of lifestyle and habits, simple home remedies involving natural herbal massage oil and herbal supplements.

    Pain is the most torturing symptom of arthritis. Pain is often accompanied by swelling, joint stiffness, tenderness, redness of skin around joint, crepitus or crunching sound while moving affected joints, deformity, anemia, constipation, colitis, limited range of motion, fatigue. Many symptoms occur together making the disease debilitating, and the patient almost crippled. Life activities and mobility becomes quite difficult. Ankles, wrists, neck, back, shoulder, knee and hip are the joints commonly invaded by arthritis. Arthritis can inflict people of all ages. Osteoarthritis is noticeable in elderly people while rheumatoid arthritis is common among youths. Of the many forms of arthritis, the above two forms are the most widespread.

    Causes of Arthritis

    1. Age is one factor causing arthritis. With advancing age, the bone protecting cartilages become weak and brittle. The fluid content in the cartilages rise, the protein make up starts breaking up, leaving crevasses on the cartilages, the cartilages start flaking, and in no time are lost exposing the bones to friction. The result is arthritis.

    2. Obesity also causes arthritis. The extra load on joints due to weight gain causes the wearing out of cartilages and rubbing of one bone against the other.

    3. High impact sports and activities like wrestling, boxing, gymnastic, ballet dancing etc cause much wear and tear of cartilages, and often lead to arthritis in future.

    4. Certain occupations trigger arthritis. Occupations like cotton processing, carpentry, shipyard work, the work of a construction worker etc involve frequent kneeling and squatting. Such occupations easily wear out joints, thereby leading to arthritis.

    5. Arthritis is an inherited disorder, and seems to run in the family. In other words, heredity or genes is an arthritis causing factor.

    6. Tobacco smoking and stress also may initiate or aggravate arthritic conditions.

    7. Infection by viruses or bacteria may also lead to arthritis. For instance, the bacterium that causes gonorrhea or Lyme disease or the bacterium causing diarrhea is also responsible for causing arthritis.

    8. High levels of urate or uric acid in blood lead to an arthritis called gout. Alcohol intakes, high blood pressure, fasting, over eating, taking diuretic medications are risk factors in case of this form of arthritis.

    9. Previous history of traumatic joint injury or bone fracture may in future cause arthritis.

    10. Also past history of septic joint may later cause arthritis.

    11. Immune system abnormalities also cause arthritis.

    12. Preponderance of calcium pyrophosphate in the body also causes arthritis.

    Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D&V) - Some Common Causative Agents and Their Management (Part 3)

    Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea (Clostridium difficile Infection):

    A history of any antibiotic therapy in the 6weeks prior to the onset of diarrhoea can be related to the finding of Clostridium difficile or its toxins in the stool.

    This is a potent cause of diarrhoea and can produce life threatening pseudomembranous colitis.

    This diagnosis is common in the elderly and treated often with metronidazole (Flagyl) for 10days.

    Vancomycin may be used where the organism is unresponsive to metronidazole.


    Aetiology & Epidemiology:

    Cholera is caused by Vibrio cholera, a bacterium. Serotype 01 causes acute watery diarrhoea plus vomiting.

    Following its origin in the Gangs valley, devastating epidemics have occurred, especially during large religious festivals.

    Pandemics have spread worldwide.

    The 7th pandemic due to the El Tor biotype began in 1961 and spread via the Middle East to become endemic in Africa.

    In 1990 it surfaced in Peru and spread throughout South and Central America.

    Since August 2000, there has been a massive outbreak in South Africa.

    The El Tor biotype is more resistant than the classical vibrio and can cause prolonged carriage in about 5% of infections.

    A new classical toxigenic strain, serotype 0139, established itself in Bangladesh in 1992 and started a new pandemic.

    Mode of Infection/Transmission:

    The infection spreads via the stools and vomitus of symptomatic individuals or through the much larger number of subclinical cases (asymptomatic carriers).

    Transmission is through infected drinking water, foods contaminated by flies or through the hands of carriers.

    The vibrio microorganism survives for up to 2weeks in fresh water and 8weeks in salt water.

    Signs and Symptoms (Clinical Features):

    Severe diarrhoea starts all of a sudden without abdominal pain or colic and is soon followed by torrential vomiting.

    After evacuation of normal gut faecal contents typical "rice water" stools follow, consisting of clear fluid with flecks of mucous.

    Classical cholera produces enormous loss of body fluids and electrolytes leading to intense dehydration with muscular cramps. Shock and oliguria develop but mental alertness remains.

    Death from acute circulatory failure may occur rapidly unless fluids and electrolytes are replaced quickly. This is why the disease is more dangerous in children.

    Improvement however is rapid with proper treatment.

    It is to be noted however, that majority of infections cause mild illness, with slight diarrhoea and vomiting.

    Occasionally, a very intense illness "cholera sicca" occurs, with massive loss of fluids into dilated bowel, killing the patient before typical gastrointestinal symptoms appear.


    Clinical diagnosis is easy during an epidemic.

    At other times, diagnosis is confirmed bacteriologically from rectal or stool swab cultures.

    *Cholera is a notifiable disease under international health regulations.


    Quick, early restoration of the circulation by replacement of water and electrolytes is very important and is the key to survival.

    Early intervention improves the prognosis.

    Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is effective and safe where vomiting has been controlled by initial intravenous fluid therapy.

    The addition of resistant starch to ORS reduces faecal fluid loss and shortens the duration of diarrhoea in adolescents and adults.

    Total fluid requirements may exceed 50litres over a period of 2-5days. Ringer lactate is the best fluid for intravenous replacement.

    Careful attention to fluid balance is especially important in children and they are prone to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) during the illness.

    3-5days treatment with Tetracycline, or Doxycycline or Ciprofloxacin in adults and children helps to reduce the duration of excretion of vibrio and the total volume of fluids needed for replacement.

    *Children should not be given Tetracycline because of discolouration of their dentition.


    • Strict personal hygiene

    • Clean drinking water (pipe borne or boiled)

    • Proper food hygiene to deny flies access.

    • Parental and oral vaccines provide limited protection (6months at most)

    • In epidemics, mass single dose vaccination and treatment with Tetracycline are valuable.

    • Public education, control of water sources and population movement are very important.

    • Disinfection of discharges and soiled clothing.

    Meticulous hand washing by medical personnel reduces danger of spread.

    Arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar - An Ancient Couple

    The use of Apple Cider Vinegar to improve a wide range of health concerns is certainly not new.

    You know, Oxymel has been a mainstay of home remedies and simple healing for centuries.

    Oxymel is simply the mixture of equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar with raw honey. It is used twice a day, diluting one tablespoon in one glass of water and taken first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep.

    There are slight variations in the recipe, as some people add crushed seeds of fennel and other species, as well as crushed garlic. In the same way, some people heat the mixture to make the syrup while others just mix all together and let it rest for a day before using it.

    As I know, Oxymel has been used in my family for many generations, and was always related to arthritis like pains and other joint pain conditions.

    But there are many reports that claim Apple Cider Vinegar to be helpful in other conditions as acne, dandruff, dyspepsia, for detoxing after a period of self neglect, dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body, hay fever, neutralize harmful bacteria that may be found in foods, digestive upsets, a powerful detoxifying and purifying agent, candida, high cholesterol, colds, constipation, muscle cramps, colitis, diabetes, diarrhea, depression, dizziness, weight loss... and the list may go for EVER and EVER.

    If this all is true I don't really know, but all I can say is that arthritis and Apple Cider Vinegar is a win-win combination. Use the Apple Cider Vinegar to lessen the arthritic pain and receive the extra benefits as a bonus!

    Symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. Inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness, swelling, redness, and warmth. All these symptoms can be lessen or suppressed with the intake of Oxymel twice a day. At least that is what I believe.

    But as I mentioned believe, I must make a consideration here. Maybe believe is an important part of the healing capability of any remedy. I have seen many members of my family to take the Oxymel with the plain believe that this mere action will help their painful condition, and it certainly did. Some time ago, I recommended this home remedy to a friend who was extremely skeptical; and although he toke the Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day for more than three weeks, he noticed no improvement at all with his arthritic pain.

    This is not a cure for arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar must not be discontinued or you will feel your arthritis symptoms again. You must take it daily in order to see ongoing relief, and always consult your doctor for a medical treatment of the disease.

    Besides drinking Oxymel, soaking arthritic joints in hot Apple Cider Vinegar (1 part of Apple Cider Vinegar to 6 parts of hot water) can bring you extra relief.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is safe, as far as you don't have yeast allergy, in which case you can't, by ANY mean, use this home remedy. Besides this, some people have concerns of the side effects of the vinegar on dentin sensitivity and erosion of the enamel, so they advise to add baking soda in order to make the preparation slightly alkaline. I do not add it because although I am very confident with the Apple Cider Vinegar, I have many doubts of the side effects of the baking soda itself. What I do is have a gently mouthwash right after taking the oxymel. But you may avoid these problems taking the supplement tablets available in the market.

    My family has a history of long living members, and as in many other families, there are many age related diseases like arthritis, and Apple Cider Vinegar was always used to lessen the pain.

    Always follow the medical advice, but if your doctor is only treating the symptoms of a disease, you have the right to ask for a natural alternative to hazardous pain-killers!

    Antibiotic for Treatment of IBS

    Based on theory that there might be overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel (SBO) in patients with IBS antibiotics have been tried as a treatment. Antibiotics have helped some suffering with IBS, especially, those with complaints of diarrhea, excess bloating and gas, and abdominal pain.

    Without well-designed scientific studies showing clear cut effectiveness, the use of antibiotics has been somewhat empiric and the questions have continued to be which antibiotic, for how long and how often? Furthermore, the role of SBO has been over stated in past, with an estimate of only 5-10% of IBS patients having confirmed bacterial overgrowth. However, more recently the role of post-infectious IBS and altered gut flora in IBS as well as the availability of non-absorbed antibiotics like Rifaximin and high quality probiotics such as VSL#3 has led to increased interest in antibiotic and probiotic therapy.

    Two recent multicenter randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, TARGET 1 and TARGET 2, involving over a thousand patients who were given either Rifaximin or placebo have shown favorable though not "earth shattering" results. The dose of Rifaximin was 550 mg 2-3 times a day versus placebo, for two weeks followed by another 10 weeks of follow-up. Constipated IBS patients were excluded. Bloating and a global assessment of IBS symptoms by a standardized scale were the primary endpoints whereas abdominal pain and stool frequency were secondary endpoints.

    Abdominal pain, bloating and stool symptoms were all better following treatment with Rifaximin. When data from both studies were combined it was noted that 41% of those receiving Rifaximin versus 32% in placebo group (30% placebo response rate typical in most treatment studies). Though this achieved statistical significance, it isn't a great response rate, significantly less than 50% noting response. There was a statistically significant improvement noted over the three month study period.

    Limitations to the study from my stand are that markers for leaky gut and IBD serology were not checked nor were stains for mast cells done on these patients. Patients did not receive probiotics either.

    One major advantage of Rifaximin is that is not absorbed from the GI tract so there are no systemic side effects. It also tends to quickly if it works and has been documented to last up to three months. The disadvantage is that it is expensive, often not covered by insurance and doesn't work in more than half of those trying it. Addition of a probiotic may help though there are limited studies to support this as a formal recommendation. A theoretical disadvantage is possible selecting out more resistant bacteria in the gut.

    It is a regimen that may be worth a try if your insurance covers the antibiotic. I would recommend that Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease), and microscopic colitides (lymphocytic colitis, collagenous colitis and mastocytic enterocolitis) be excluded by blood tests and endoscopies with biopsies.

    The Uses Of Acupuncture

    Acupuncture has a history of over 2500 years and comes from China. It has now become very popular throughout Europe and Asia too.

    Today people are moving more away from western medicine and moving more towards acupuncture, mainly when western medicine has no answer to their medical ailment or they do not like the other options given them, be it surgery or drugs or even when they have been told that nothing else can be done. They turn to acupuncture for pain relief, for chronic illness, for acute injuries, for various side effects brought on by other medications, for incurable conditions, during cancer treatments etc.

    The major use of acupuncture today is in the relief of pain. For example severe tension headaches, migraine, acute backaches, shoulder and neck aches, leg pains, trapped nerves, muscle related injuries, after surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, after sports injuries, menstrual pains, tennis elbow, tooth aches, abdominal pains, arthritic pains, rheumatic pains, sciatica and frozen shoulder.

    Other than for pain relief acupuncture can be used for many other ailments as well. These include:

    Menopausal symptoms and problems, hot flushes, endometriosis, infertility, premenstrual tension.

    Bladder or bowel problems such as irritable bowel and irritable bladder syndrome and incontinence. Difficulty in urination or painful urination, urinary infections and cystitis.

    Digestive disorders, which include nausea, indigestion, heartburn and diarrhea.

    Respiratory problems, which include asthma, bronchitis, colds and coughs which persist, sinus problems, catarrh and tonsillitis.

    Allergies and skin problems such as rhinitis, hay fever, prickly heat, rashes and ulcers, eczema, some types of dermatitis and psoriasis.

    Conditions which include the eyes and mouth such as simple cataract, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, retinitis and toothache, pharyngitis, dry mouth condition known as xerostomia and post extraction pain.

    Heart problems such as poor circulation, stroke recovery, hypertension.

    It also helps in conditions like hiccough, gastritis, gastric ulcers, colitis, constipation, lack of energy and chronic fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood swings, post traumatic shock, dizziness, in post operative treatment, in complaints that cannot be diagnosed, Achilles tendonitis and golfer's elbow.

    It can also help in addictions mainly to stop smoking.

    In short, acupuncture can be used for almost anything and everything - it can control pain, it helps in addictions and addiction withdrawal symptoms, it helps in enhancement of health, it can help in recoveries after injuries like sports injuries, it can prevent diseases, strengthen the body and it can also be used and show results when all other types of medicines have failed.

    Sometimes the acupuncture treatment, which is inserting needles into the body, is done in conjunction with other complimentary techniques such as herbs, massaging, cupping, moxibusion also known as warming, electro-stimulation and with laser devices.

    Generally, most people react very well to acupuncture with a sense of well-being and being relaxed and also being able to sleep well and overall increase in energy levels and better digestion. Because acupuncture is a treatment using natural techniques, people rarely suffer from any side effects. It can also be recommended for people of all ages, that is from children to even the elderly.

    Basic Coping Methods for Common Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

    Incontinence underwear can help you manage your problems with ulcerative colitis. What is ulcerative colitis and how do you know if you are suffering from it or not? There are many symptoms to this problem and you need to speak with your doctor to be sure that you do have it. Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis but the main indicator is dealing with rectal irritation.

    Many people find that one of the big causes of ulcerative colitis comes from the way in which you handle the emotional stress in your life. Emotional stress will take its toll on your body and it can often lead to many of the painful symptoms. It can flare up without any type of reason, which can baffle doctors. This often causes you to be in a lot of pain or to have fecal incontinence. When this happens you need the protection of quality adult diapers or incontinence underwear that will capture the fecal matter and prevent you from being embarrassed.

    An infection of the bladder or of the bowels can end up causing you to struggle with incontinence and the pain of ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea often causes many infections to occur and this can lead to a flare up with your disease. It also makes it painful to pass gas or to pass the fecal matter. This is why you need to have adult diapers or other incontinence products that will give you the protection you need.

    You will need to take medications if you have ulcerative colitis. This will help the inflammation in the large intestine and will prevent the ulcers from forming in the colon. If you have chronic abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and diarrhea you likely have ulcerative colitis and you need to seek out medical treatment immediately. It is vital to be tested as you could have Crohn's disease and you will need to have additional treatments. You can learn about treatment options as well and figure out common triggers that doctors believe lead to flare ups with ulcerative colitis.

    Changing your diet is one of the best things that you can do in order help manage ulcerative colitis. You need to avoid certain foods that are believed to trigger problems. These foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and fried foods. The dietary needs for individuals with ulcerative colitis is hard for you to manage and adapt to but the longer you are on the diet, the easier it will be for you to adjust to it. Reduce your intake of dairy products as they too lead to problems with the digestive track. Increasing your intake of folic acid is a great way to manage your condition.

    Depending upon the severity of your condition you may need to go in for surgery. This is a great option as it may help you get back to normal. A part of your rectum and colon will be removed and it helps to allow for normal bowel movements again. For individuals that have been dealing with rectal leakage because of ulcerative colitis, this can be a blessing as you may no longer need to wear adult diapers.

    Maintaining a healthy body is also important to help you with ulcerative colitis problems. You need to work hard on exercising the body to help relax the bowels and give you control over them again. Having a relaxing workout session helps to decrease stress and many believe that it causes them to gain control again so they do not need adult diapers or other incontinence products.

    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    What Is The Link Between Fleet Drivers And Gastrointestinal Disorders?

    Compared to employees from other occupational groups, professional drivers are at a greater risk of suffering from a wide range of illness due to their job's nature and unfavourable working environment. In fact, higher mortality and morbidity rates associated with these conditions have been recorded in professional drivers.

    Professional drivers are more likely to experience high levels of occupational risks than employees in other working groups. In fact, they are more at risk of suffering from blood vessel and heart disease, musculoskeletal problems as well as digestive disorders.

    Long term driving which normally elicits unhealthy lifestyles which trigger the development of many serious health conditions including cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cancer and even gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

    Gastrointestinal Disorders and Their Nature

    Gastrointestinal disorders, commonly known as digestive diseases, are a group of diseases which affect the digestive system composed of the mouth, esophagus, gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, liver and the pancreas. These organs are responsible for the digestion of food.

    The most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders include inflammation in the lining of small and large intestines, rectal bleeding, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, cramping and abdominal pain. Other symptoms include persistent fever (low-grade), unexplained weight loss, bloody stool, tarry, black and foul-smelling stool, bloated-feeling every after meal, vomiting blood, reduced heart rate and inability to have bowel movement.

    The most common forms of GI disorders include Crohn's disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, secretory diarrhea, gastro-oesophageal reflux and gastric ulcers. According to studies, people diagnosed with any gastrointestinal disorder are at higher risk of suffering from anorexia due to the condition's unpleasant symptoms which causes them to eat less.

    What Are the Most Common Causes of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

    Functional disorders are a group of health conditions wherein the bowel seems to look normal but they don't actually function properly. The most common causes of these disorders include inadequate physical activity, frequent travelling, a low-fibre diet, stress, excessive intake of dairy products and resisting the urge to have a bowel movement.

    They can also be caused by excessive use of laxative, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement due to painful haemorrhoid, intake of iron pills, antidepressants, narcotic s and antacids which contain aluminium or calcium.

    Gastrointestinal Disorders in Professional Drivers

    Professional driving is a type of work that demands optimum vigilance and is associated with long irregular hours of sustaining a sitting or reclining position. Professional drivers are actually prone to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders such as peptic ulcer and other digestive problems.

    The irregular driving schedules and strenuous working conditions are considered as the major causes behind the gastrointestinal complaints of many drivers. Other causes include poor eating habits and irregular meal hours. Some scientists believe that prolonged sitting posture negatively affect breathing and digestion process.

    Also, occupational stress can bring adverse impacts to gastrointestinal health of patients. In fact, there are gastrointestinal disorders which do not have any apparent physical cause but are strongly linked to stress. High levels of stress can actually slow down the digestion rate, which in the long run, can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Stress is mostly derived from constant time pressure, traffic congestion, social isolation, irregular work schedule and even insufficient amount of sleep or rest.

    Professional drivers are less likely to eat their meals in appropriate hours but are more likely to eat unhealthy snacks while driving. According to research, eating while under a stressful situation may cause indigestion especially when the digestive system is not in a relaxed state.

    What Professional Drivers Can Do To Prevent the Occurrence of Gastrointestinal Disorders

    Professional driving is a stressful job that requires high psychological demands but gives people less control in making decisions. In the long run, this can result to high level of stress which can trigger the development of gastrointestinal disorders.

    Adequate Intake of Healthy Foods

    Intake of healthy snacks and meals are high recommended to professional drivers. It is one of the most effective ways in keeping the body nourished enough to deal with stress while driving. Drivers should take less of fatty foods. Meanwhile, their diet should be composed of high amounts of fibre, whole grains, fruits and vegetables for better digestion.

    Stress Avoidance

    Stress is one of the most important factors which you need to deal with to prevent the development of gastrointestinal disorders. Refrain from eating while under a stressful situation as it can trigger indigestion.

    What to Do When You Are Experiencing Abdominal Pain

    If you happen to be having abdominal pain, there is a high probability you will want to go to the medical professional to get yourself checked out. Pain in the abdominal area could be a sign of a variety of diseases, ranging from the harmless (overeating) to the cancerous (stomach cancer). The important thing in determining how you get the pain is to take note of its frequency, its area, its severity, and all other details you may notice about it.

    Clinically speaking, the abdomen area is defined as the vicinity from the bottom part of the ribs to the pelvic bone. This includes your liver, stomach, bowels, bladder, gall, as well as some other internal organs. Due to the wide array of very important internal organs associated with the abdominal area, it is critical to pay attention to the exact area of your abdominal problems.

    Your kidneys and lungs are not in the abdominal area. And for women, be aware that the ovaries are not really considered to be portion of the abdominal area either. Yet all of those organs may cause pain that feels like it's in the abdomen, and that kind of pain is something worth noting too.

    Probably the most typical causes of pain in the abdominal area are inflammatory illnesses such as diverticulitis, colitis, and appendicitis. Each of these diseases distends or stretches the afflicted organ. Other factors that cause abdominal pain, for example gallstones, create a blockage, which in turn triggers painful signs and symptoms. Furthermore, other conditions such as ischemic colitis result in a reduction in circulation to a particular organ, which in turn leads to pain.

    Nevertheless, swelling, inflammation and blood loss may not be the sole factors that cause abdominal pain. IBS, which stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is often a chronic source of abdominal pain for lots of people; nonetheless it's one with no clear cause or method of remedy. Some physicians have postulated that muscle jerks are in fact the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, although some have indicated nerve hyper-sensitivity could be to blame. In either case, no conclusive evidence has been discovered one way or the other, yet the health care industry do believe that IBS is a serious, significant problem that affects countless Americans each year.

    Among the many approaches to determine what causes the abdominal pain is to identify what eliminates the pain. With regard to something like constipation, or, obviously, IBS, you will discover short-term alleviation by having a bowel movement. On the other hand, if you have a blockage of the small intestine, vomiting may bring short-term relief. This is the type of details that your medical professional can use to triangulate and eventually identify the reason for your abdominal problem.

    Finding the Contributing Factors of Leaky Gut Syndrome

    Leaky gut syndrome is an adverse health condition which arises when the cells of the mucosal walls of the small intestine gets damaged and the intestinal wall becomes "permeable" in the sense that the intercellular spaces become large and allow semi-digested food globules and waste to pass through into the main blood stream, thus triggering a host of immunity deficiency diseases and disturbing symptoms. It would be quite helpful to learn what triggers this condition.

    Leaky gut syndrome is not something that occurs instantaneously. The condition evolves gradually, and given that its characteristic symptoms are similar to other digestive maladies, it can proceed undetected until extremely harsh manifestations finally occur. Common causes of this condition include the long term use of NSAID medication, or anti inflammatory drugs, and the use of antibiotics. Instances of leaky gut are on the rise in the US. Another factor that may contribute to this condition is the occasional use of heartburn relieving products, as they can be responsible for creating a cell wall that is more flimsy and penetrable.

    Patients with a history of diseases like colitis and pancreatitis are seen to have enhanced intestinal permeability, which can, over the course of time develop into chronic leaky gut syndrome. Medications used to treat patients having HIV/Aids are also seen to increase the chances of a leaky gut. Gastro-intestinal diseases are known culprits which aggravate the development of symptoms associated with the disease. Individuals who are suffering from some type of liver disease or allergies to certain foods are also at increased risk of developing leaky gut syndrome.

    Basically, it is important to ensure the overall health of your gut, which includes proper purifying, to prevent this condition from taking hold. It is the job of anti-oxidants to keep a check on free radicals, because when they are allowed to overrun the system, the result can be devastating to the cell wall of the intestines, along with other organs of the body. When leaky gut exists, molds, parasites, yeasts, and bacteria have a direct avenue into the body's system where they can cause additional problems by dumping more toxins in the system, and causing additional detriment to the intestinal wall.

    Proper nutritional support is crucial to remaining resistant to the syndrome. Diets that are high in refines sugars, white flour and processed foods can weaken the immune system. Additionally, a weakened liver cannot fully filter these toxins out of the blood stream. Wellness gurus have hypothesized that diets high in junk food may be responsible for the significant increase in leaky gut cases seen today. Those types of diets are severely lacking in Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, L-glutamine, amino acid and Zinc, and that deficiency can lead to serious symptoms.

    Apart from this, the lifestyle of individuals also has a major role to play in this. A life filled with much stress and anxiety, especially when the individual is having difficulty managing their stress, can be a major factor that leads to this syndrome. The production of free radicals rises with increased stress, along with decreases in blood circulation that organs and cells need in order to function properly. That alone has the ability to harm the intestinal wall and cause the cellular structure to degenerate.

    Though these factors play a distinct role in the onset of leaky gut, the resulting symptoms can spread beyond the gut to cause broader health issues for the patient.

    The Human Bowel - Seed, Feed, and Occasionally Weed Your Way Back to Health

    What does your bowel have to do with arthritis, chronic disease, immune disorders, and other maladies? In my view, the most remarkable phenomenon in the entire field of human biology is this: A vast number of clinical problems that are seemingly unrelated to the bowel spontaneously resolve when the focus of clinical management turns to managing the bowel back to health!

    In my experience I have found problems of extreme fatigue, mood swings, arthralgia (pain and stiffness in joints with or without joint swelling) resolve when the bowel issues are addressed? How often do we successfully prevent chronic headache; anxiety; palpitations; incapacitating PMS; recurrent attacks of vaginitis; asthma and skin lesions by correcting the abnormalities in the internal environment of the bowel?

    Physicians who have learned to respect the bowel - as the ancients did - and care for their patients with a sharp focus on bowel issues will readily validate my personal (and fairly extensive) clinical experience.

    The Bowel and the Immune System
    Our immune defenses exist as plants in the soil of the bowel contents. The ancients seemed to have known this intuitively. I remember that the hakim (folk-doctor) in my village always prescribed laxatives for a headache. He prescribed remedies that seemed to work on the bowel for problems of the skin, joints, liver and other organs. Of course, I, then a medical school student, found it very amusing. It never occurred to me then why these folk-doctors would prescribe year after year remedies that couldn't work.

    More important, from my present perspective, I never wondered why people accepted those remedies year after year if they afforded no relief. I was into the science of medicine then. I wasn't into finding out what worked and what didn't. Nor did I ever doubt the science of my professors who doled out prescriptions for drugs by the dozens for sheer symptom suppression. That was then. And that was poor Pakistan. Now I question the science of an average American family practitioner when he prescribes drugs for chronic bowel symptoms. How scientific is his use of antacids for symptoms of burning or pain in the pit of the stomach? How scientific is his use of antispasmodic drugs for abdominal cramps?

    How scientific is his use of antidiarrheal drugs for diarrhea? How scientific is his use of steroids for inflammatory bowel disorders? Steroids suppress the immune system. How scientific is it to further suppress the immune system for problems caused by an errant immune system in the first place? How scientific is the use of anti-inflammatory agents, anxiolytic drugs, antidepressants, antispastic agents, antihistamines, and, of course, broad-spectrum antibiotics for treating various types of bowel disorders that we - by our own admission - do not understand the causes of?

    The Universe of the Bowel
    For many years I have studied a host of clinical syndromes in which the symptom- complexes can be related to events occurring in the bowel. As a hospital pathologist, I have had the opportunity to examine more than 11,000 bowel biopsies.

    Every time I peered at a bit of bowel through a microscope and saw inflammation - colitis in common jargon - I wondered where and how it might have started. We pathologists know quite a bit about how a damaged bowel looks, but we know little, if anything, about the initial energetic-molecular events that set the stage for tissue damage. What is the cause of ulcerative colitis? Pathologists will tell you it is not known. What is the cause of Crohn's colitis? The answer: unknown. What is the cause of irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colitis? Unknown. What is the cause of microscopic colitis and collagenous colitis? The answer is the same.

    Why is it that we do not know the cause of any of these types of colitis? The reason is we search for answers in the damaged structure after the fact rather than in the events preceding the damage. None of these "diseases" can be understood except with ecologic thinking - a Bowel Ecosystem - Bowel Ecology.

    LAPs and TAPs are my abbreviations for lactic acid-producing and toxic agents- producing microbes in the bowel. LAPs preserve the normal bowel ecosystem, TAPs disrupt it.

    LAPs confer many important host defenses upon the bowel. TAPs are equally versatile in their functions and produce a very large number of noxious substances in the bowel. Not unexpectedly, LAPs-TAPs dynamics are profoundly influenced by food choices.

    Bacteria are living beings capable of executing an enormous number of biochemical reactions. Farmers used bacteria and fungi to turn compost into fertilizer long before biologists understood the metabolism of these single-celled bodies. A partial list of such reactions brought about by the normal bowel flora includes production of ammonia, conversion of amino acids into amines and phenols, inactivation of digestive enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin and other enzymes located on the surface of cells lining the gut, deconjugation of hormones such as estrogen and bile acids, denaturation of bile steroids, breakdown of food flavonoids, hydrogenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in food, utilization of certain amino acids such as B12, conversion of some compounds into carcinogens, and many other enzymatic reactions.


    First and foremost, LAPs keep TAPs out. It appears that this essential role is played through different mechanisms that include simple physical crowding out of the potential pathogens as well as production of antimicrobial substances. L. acidophilus produces acidophilin, acidolin and bacterlocin; L. plantartium produces lactolin; L. bulgaricus produces bulgarican; and L. brevis secretes lactobacillin.

    Second, they produce many life span molecules. Notable among them are members of the vitamin B complex, especially folic acid and biotin and vitamin K. Lactobacillic acid is an important fatty acid that is produced by some lactic-acid producers and is then converted into essential fatty acids. Another notable molecule in this context is tryptophan - this is likely to be one of the mechanisms by which yogurt has been reported to be beneficial in cases of chronic anxiety and other conditions.

    Third, they play a pivotal role in digestion. Lactose intolerance is a very common clinical problem. It is often not fully appreciated that a major portion of lactose ingested in dairy products is actually broken down to simpler sugar by lactase enzymes produced by lactic acid producers. Lactic acid and lactase producers also play important roles in protein digestion. This is one of the primary reasons protein intolerance is so common among individuals with altered states of bowel ecology.

    Fourth, LAPs actively break down some toxins produced during metabolism such as ammonia, free phenols and polypeptides.

    Fifth, LAPs normalize bowel transit time and are effective in controlling infant and adult diarrhea.

    Sixth, the antiviral and antifungal roles played by LAPs, having long been empirically suspected by nutritionists and holistic physicians, have recently been documented with research studies.

    Seventh, the cholesterol-lowering effects of fermented milk have been attributed, among other mechanisms, to orotic acid, which facilitates fat metabolism in the liver.

    Disruptions of bowel ecology can be arrested and reversed only with a gardener's sense of tending to the soil, nurturing the plants, and respect for the sunshine. That, of course, is the theme of this chapter. The sun-related factors - chronic anger, hostility, conflict, and a sense of being a victim - both slow down the bowel transit time and significantly reduce perfusion in different parts of the alimentary tract. Those anatomically-mediated responses, of course, form the core of the so-called stress response

    The Seed-Feed-and-Occasionally-Weed Approach to Restoration of Bowel Ecology
    Seeding is the repopulation of the gut with microflora that have been destroyed by indiscriminate use of antibiotics or crowded out by the unrestrained proliferation of yeast and bacterial organisms such as the Proteus and Pseudomonas species.

    The "guardian angel bacteria" for bowel ecology belong to the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species. Some other species also play protective roles. In health, these organisms provide the necessary counterbalance to the growth of yeast and pathogenic bacterial organisms. Beyond this, these organisms produce several molecules that play critical roles in our molecular defense systems.

    Feeding is the use of some growth factors that the normal bowel flora require to flourish. These include biotin, pantetheine, Vitamin B12 and others. We clinicians have used Vitamin B12 for decades with good clinical results. One of the principal mechanisms by which vitamin B12 exerts its myriad beneficial effects is by serving as a "growth hormone" for health-preserving bowel flora

    Occasional weeding is the use of several natural substances that are known to suppress the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and yeasts. During initial treatment, I frequently use oral nystatin or fluoconazole (Diflucan) for short periods of two to three weeks, partly for diagnostic and partly for therapeutic reasons (how a person with one of the ABE states responds to these agents is useful in assessing the degree of damage to bowel ecology). Extensive clinical experience has convinced me that long-term clinical results are far superior when the use of drugs is kept to a minimum.

    Simple-minded efforts to "get rid of the yeast" with nystatin and "yeast- free diets" usually yield poor long-term results. Cold hands are associated with "cold bowel." Cold hands and cold bowel are the result of oxidatively-damaged thyroid enzymes (underactive thyroid gland), oxidatively-damaged autonomic nerve cells and fibers (dysautonomia) or an oxidatively-overdriven adrenalin gland. None of these problems can be effectively managed with yeast-free diets and Nystatin. Of course, there are other essential issues of nutrition, environment, food and mold allergy, and fitness. In the management of battered bowel ecosystems, it is essential to consider the biologic individuality of the patient. It is necessary to adopt an integrated, long-term approach that addresses all relevant issues of bowel flora and parasites, bowel transit time, bowel ischemic patterns, IgE-mediated disorders related to candida and other yeast antigens, malabsorptive dysfunctions, and secondary systemic consequences.

    Physicians who are not familiar with natural therapies for managing chronic bowel and gastric disorders are in for a pleasant surprise. A very large number of effective natural agents are available to them. Extensive clinical experience has convinced me that for nonlife-threatening, chronic disorders, natural therapies are far superior to the huge array of drugs that are foisted upon us.

    Following are important consideration in integrative management of chronic gastric and bowel disorders:

    First, all patients should be offered standard drug therapies for acute disorders when any question exists about impending clinical crises or risk of serious complications.

    Second, all patients managed with natural agents should be prepared for slow and sustained recovery over weeks and months. It is my practice not to wean my patients off drugs prescribed by other physicians. Rather, my clinical strategy is to go for gentle restoration of bowel and gastric ecologies. The patients sense clinical improvement within several days or some weeks. It is at this time that they ask me if they should begin to reduce the dose of drugs they are taking, and I am only too happy to provide guidance on how to do so gradually.

    Third, all patients are required to attend a full-day workshop in which I give detailed information about the devastating impact of internal and external environments on our biology. In addition, nutrition and exercise classes are given by the nursing staff at the institute.

    Fourth, all patients must be managed with an overarching philosophy of holistic molecular relatedness in human biology. I repeat this essential point several times at the risk of offending the reader because it is the very essence of the new medicine that the problems of the 21st century call for.

    Fifth, and this is of critical importance for the general reader, a self-help approach to health requires guidance from a knowledgeable professional. Safety first. This is the first principle of molecular medicine as it must be for all other types of medicine.

    Aloe Vera and Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

    Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is a plant originally found in Africa. It has thick cactus-like green long leaves which contain a gel and also a yellow residue known as latex. It is this gel that contains all the medicinal values of Aloe. All the medicinal features of it are found in Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP). Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules consisting of separate mannose and glucose sugar molecules linked together.

    With its incredible medicinal properties Aloe vera is used in the treatment of grave diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) all ailments caused due to the inflammation of the digestive tract between intestine and rectum. Aloe is considered to be a natural remedy for these conditions because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Let us now take a look at how exactly aloe vera heals these conditions.

    Every cell, tissue and organ of your body is benefited by AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide) molecules in Aloe-Vera. Primarily and most importantly, this medicine functions as a highly potent anti-inflammatory drug. It directly tackling the inflammation in the digestive tract, aloe vera successfully helps in removing diarrhea and constipation. Similarly, using its property as an intercellular antioxidant Aloe-Vera detoxifies your body rather naturally by repairing and rebuilding the protective mucosa membrane along the bowel walls and fixing damaged tissue from mouth to rectum.

    Moreover it helps your body in digestion, better absorption of digested food and even better assimilation of absorbed food into your body. Also it helps restore and balance the optimum functioning of your immune system. Complete with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic properties, Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides provide a wide range of benefits to your body while helping maintain good health without any serious side effects.

    Herbal Medicines For Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease covers a number of bowel disorders. It can describe colitis, which affects the colon, or regional enteritis (known as Crohn's disease), which affects the small intestine.


    The cause of colitis, an inflammation of the large intestine, is not properly understood, although a lack of fiber in the diet is thought to be partly to blame. Symptoms of this illness include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and sometimes blood or mucus in the motions.


    Diet and Nutrition Follow a wholefood diet with plenty of brown rice, fruit (stewed apples especially), and vegetables. As colitis can sometimes be caused by allergies to certain common foods - milk products and cereals such as wheat or oats, for example - cut them out of your diet for at least two weeks to see if there is any improvement. Eat plenty of garlic or, if you do not like it, take garlic capsules.

    Consult a qualified practitioner/therapist for:

    Herbal Medicine Slippery elm to reduce inflammation is often prescribed. Homeopathy Podophyllum 6c and Arsenicum alb. 6c are particularly helpful. Acupressure and Acupuncture Both of these can be effective.

    Crohn's Disease

    Crohn's disease is caused by recurrent inflammation of the small intestine. The digestive system can also become damaged, reducing its ability to absorb nutrients from food. Symptoms of the disease include pain, fever, diarrhea, and weight loss.


    Relaxation Techniques Yoga, meditation, and biofeedback can reduce stress, which often plays a major role in this disease.

    Aromatherapy Essential oil of lavender is particularly beneficial. Massage This, together with regular exercise, is very beneficial. Herbal Medicine Slippery elm is recommended, alternated with astringent teas such as agrimony.

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    Do You Have an Autoimmune Disease?

    How can i manage my life now that I have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease?. Although there is no cure, you can treat your symptoms and learn to manage your disease, so you can still enjoy life. It is important, though, to see a doctor who specializes in these types of diseases.

    Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the body's immune system reacts against itself and produces antibodies to attack its own healthy cells and tissue. Autoimmune disorders can be directed mainly at one part of the body, such as the thyroid gland or the pancreas, or they can spread widely throughout the body, as in the case of diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.


    Symptoms vary depending on which autoimmune disease you have, the most common that is shared among the autoimmune disorders are joint pain and fatigue.

    RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) joint pain, joint deformities, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss.

    MS(multiple sclerosis) numbness and tingling in the extremeties, difficulty with balance and coordination, problems with walking or speaking, tremors, and even paralysis.

    Lupus - joint pain, swelling, skin rashes, fatigue, sensitivity to sun, purple fingers or toes from cold or stress, and swelling in the legs or around the eyes.

    Type1 Diabetes elevated blood sugar, fatigue, increased thirst and urination, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, and weight loss

    Graves Disease(overactive thyroid) insomnia, irritability, unexplained weight loss, weakness, bulging eyes,shaky hands, brittle hair.

    Hashimotos Thyroiditis (under-active) tiredness, cold sensitivity, weight gain, weakness, tough skin, constipation, and depression

    Ulcerative Colitis - diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, rectal bleeding, skin lesions, and joint pain.

    Who is at risk?

    Autoimmune diseases tend to run in families, with women more likely than men to develop an autoimmune disorder.


    There is no cure however with treatment you can still lead a full life. Treatments depend on which autoimmune disorders you have but range from antiinflamatories, insulin, and synthetic thyroid pills.

    How do I know if I have an autoimmune disease?

    If you suspect you may have an autoimmune disorder the doctor will likely start out conducting a physical exam and taking your personal and family medical history. Test may be run to rule out other conditions.

    There is no definitive diagnostic test for autoimmune disorders for the most part. Blood tests, x-rays, ct scans, or MRI's may help in determining some of the autoimmune disorders.

    Should I see a doctor and when?

    If you experience any of the symptoms of an autoimmune disorders it is wise to see the doctor as soon as possible. Putting it off only runs the risk of having symptoms worsen or do permanent damage to your body.