Water is More Than Just a Drink.
Dehydration can cause stomach problems joint and back pain and contribute to weight problems.
Humans can only tolerate a 12% loss of water. That takes about five days (less for children). This should be all I need to say about water, except that most of us do not know when we are dehydrated.
Coffee, tea, lemonade, juice, beer, wine, although tasty are not the same as drinking water, because they have a dehydrating effect. If we choose drinks other that water, we reduce the natural thirst but still become dehydrated without being aware of this.
Test: Pinch the skin on the back of your hand. Watch how quickly it returns to normal. If the skin returns slowly, you are dehydrated.
Symptoms that can occur if you are dehydrated:
morning sickness
Why? Because the mucous membrane that lines and protects the stomach needs to be well- hydrated. This stops the stomach acid from penetrating into the delicate membrane and virtually digesting itself, causing inflammation and even ulceration. Water is vital to the proper peristaltic movement of the bowel and to the efficient opening and closing of valves (Houston, pyloric, oesophagus) throughout the system. If these valves stick matter can move between the segments of the intestine. High levels of acid can flow into the small intestine causing ulceration or into the oesophagus causing heartburn. Toxins can flow back from the large intestine to the small intestine.
Joint pain
back and neck pain
Why? Because the cartilage surfaces of the bones in the joints should contain fluids. This acts to lubricate the surface so that the bones can glide smoothly during movement of the joint. It is normal for some exposed cells to die and peel away and then new ones take their place. If the cartilage is dehydrated the cell damage is increased and becomes more prolific than new cells can be replenished. This causes inflammation, the body's warning sign of trouble. The body does have a backup system for this cell loss. Remodelling hormones take over to repair the joint. Unfortunately, the repair is often rough and not symmetrical causing further inflammation and arthritis.
Sciatica: most of the weight of the human body is supported by the lumbar spine, particularly the discs or cushions between the vertebra. Water in conjunction with movement helps to keep the discs plump, maintaining a healthy distance between the vertebra and the spinal nerves that originate from them. Impingement of the sciatic nerve by the unhealthy discs causes pain in the buttock and down the leg.
Weight problems
Why? Because the brain has an insatiable need for energy. The need for this energy is conveyed to us by two sensations, thirst and hunger. When we feel the need to eat should we be having a glass of water? Try drinking water every two or three hours, it you are a small person use a small glass, if you are a larger person use a larger glass. If you have been very hot or exercising have an extra glassful.
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