Sunday, June 30, 2013

Are You Breaking Down? Signs and Symptoms of Nervous Breakdown

Having a mental breakdown is a mental illness triggered by depression or anxiety and is faced by people worldwide. It is also termed as a mental breakdown. There are a lot of factors contributing to such a dilemma but social isolation is the major cause and is quite irreparable.

A person might feel one or more of the symptoms listed below simultaneously or in an exaggerated form depending from one infidel to the next, from one's mental stability and past history of mental disorders.

Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown

1. Physical. A brain that is experiencing excessive stress like, feeling of lethargy, constant pains and aches is showing signs of a nervous breakdown. Skin feels scratchy and inflamed, lowered body resistance and repeated sensations of vomiting. Major gastric problems come about like stomach cramps, gastrointestinal ulcers, colitis and diarrhea over extended periods of time are indicative of a nervous breakdown.

2. Hostile behavior. An individual exhibiting signs of a nervous breakdown displays antisocial behavior like gambling, vandalism and alcoholism. Some might even use drugs as an escape to lessen the pressure, though not a rule.

3. Amnesia. Cases of short term memory loss like forgetting appointments and schedules, showing signs of confusion on the past order of events that describes amnesia, if left untreated leads to frustration, an added pressure to the brain, which results to rage and powerful displays of outbursts.

4. Delirium. People show signs of delusions and visualize hallucination by tasting, seeing, feeling and hearing things that are not there. They make have extreme cases of nightmares and are obsessed with terrors. Panic attacks, sleepwalking and morbid thoughts like harming or destroying other people, even committing suicide. Being very vain to the point of adoring oneself also is a person suffering from a nervous breakdown.

A person suffering from a nervous breakdown has a totally different personality from what he used to be. This absolute disruption of personality from a fixed normal and functional routine switches to a chaotic and disruptive lifestyle. They cry and feel sad the whole time; they have low energy levels that are why they feel desolate. They suffer from insomnia so they can't think

Straight and they have lost the will to find pleasure in mundane jobs. They feel insignificant and are very sad people.

Having a nervous breakdown is not a disease; they just need to be comforted a lot.

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